Blink and you'll miss it

By Tonkatsu__

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Hi. It me the author. I like RWBY, I also like reading fan fiction. Figured I'd try it out my self. I did thi... More

Chapter 1: Not so Little Red... Scythe...
Chapter 2: Making friends?
Chapter 4: Falling very very fast!
Chapter 5: Tis but a scratch!
Chapter 7: A new team
Chapter 8: One of the boys
Chapter 9: One of the boys pt2
Chapter 10: True strength
Filler: Surprise!
Chapter 11: Not something to be ashamed of
Chapter 12: I'm sorry.
Vol. 2 Chapter 1: FOOOOOD FIIIIIGHT!!
Vol. 2 Chapter 2: Just say it...
Vol. 2 Chapter 3: Plans in motion
Vol. 2 Chapter 4: The plan falls apart
Vol. 2 Chapter 5: Unrequitted
Message from me to you
Vol. 2 Chapter 6: A moment of rest
Vol. 2 Chapter 7: The night they remember
Vol. 2 Chapter 8: The coolest History teacher in... history...
Vol. 2 Chapter 9: Never a dull moment...
Vol. 2 Chapter 10: For Vale
Filler: Boys night
Vol 3 Chapter 1: Fight
Vol. 3 Chapter 2: Family
Vol. 3 Chapter 3: The question
Vol. 3 Chapter 4: Fairy tale.
Vol. 3 chapter 5: The night they want to forget
Vol. 4 Chapter 0: A rough patch.
Vol. 4 Chapter 1: Life goes on
Vol. 4 chapter 2: The long road
Vol. 4 Chapter 3: Rogue Encounter
Vol. 4 Chapter 4: Savior
Vol. 4 Chapter 5: For myself
Vol. 5 Chapter 1: Mistral
Vol. 5 Chapter 2: Huh?
Vol. 5 Chapter 3: But at what cost?
Vol. 5 Chapter 4: Almost whole again.
Vol. 5 Chapter 5: Early bird
Vol. 5 Chapter 6: First blood
Vol. 5 Chapter 7: Hate
Vol. 5 Chapter 8: For Haven
Vol. 5 Chapter 9: The hardest battle yet
Vol. 6 Chapter 1: Motherfuckin Grimm on this Motherfuckin Train!!
Vol. 6 Chapter 2: Long way
Vol. 6 chapter 3: Side quest begins
Vol. 6 Chapter 4: What are we doing
Vol. 6 Chapter 5: IS THAT THE GRIM REAPER?!
Vol. 6 Chapter 6: High tension
Vol. 6 Chapter 7: Reconciliation
Vol. 6 Chapter 8: Operation Yoink
Vol. 6 Chapter 9: Brothers
Vol. 7 Chapter 1: A warm welcome

Chaoter 6: Pieces in play

2.4K 44 18
By Tonkatsu__

Our group of 9 hero's sprint into an abandoned ruins taking cover behind the crumbling support pillars. They all have weapons drawn and ready. Across a wide gap is a bridge seems to be the only way back. On the other side of the bridge is their end goal. The cliff.
Unfortunately the giant Nevermore lands on an abandoned watch tower and screeches at them all. As if it's challenging them. Suddenly the Deathstalker from before bursts on the scene leaving the group no choice.

Jaune: "Awe man run!"

All of them leave cover running for the bridge.

Ren: "Nora! Distract it."

He says as he and (y/n) bolt from cover while Nora dodges and weaves around the Razor feathers fired at her by the Nevermore. She pulls a Grenade launcher off her back firing it at the Nevermore landing a shell on its beak knocking its head back and forcing it to retreat temporarily.


Ren ignores (y/n) as he and Blake move to block the pincers of the Deathstalker that was creeping up on an unsuspecting Nora.

Weiss grabs Nora activating a Glyph before leaping out of the range of the Deathstalker.

It raises its tail to stab the two interceptors.

(Y/n): "Ren duck!"

Doing so, (y/n) vaults over Ren using his shoulders as a spring board before flipping and drawing Fatebringer to parry the stringer.

Jaune, Pyrrha, Ruby, and Yang have all almost made it to the bridge. Pyrrha turns around to see Blake, Ren, and (y/n) running from the Deathstalker.

Pyrrha: "Go! Go!"

She draws Milo and Akouo firing off rounds from Milo's rifle form. Covering everyone else's retreat.

Weiss and Nora land running, Ren stops next to Pyrrha firing Stormflower at the Deathstalker. As Blake and (y/n) jump onto the bridge before breaking into a sprint. The Deathstalker catching up, (y/n) turns sword ready just in time to block a swing from both pincers. Sending him flying backwards. Landing on his back before sliding off the edge of the bridge. He reaches out trying to grab hold of the edge only to miss. However before he falls a black ribbon wraps around his wrist and he's pulled up by Blake.

Blake: "Thank me later!"

She says grinning at him. They both take off in a full speed sprint to the group.

Suddenly the Nevermore returns pissed off. It rams its head straight into the bridge separating the group and knocking Jaune to the ground.

Ruby, Weiss, Yang, Nora and Jaune on the farthest end.

Jaune gets back up and sees Ruby firing Crescent Rose at the Nevermore. He turns so see Blake, Pyrrha, Ren, and (y/n) trapped fighting the Deathstalker.

Blake uses Gambol and shroud as a Kusarigama (chain and scythe) to swing at the massive beast. Pyrrha and Ren fire dust rounds into it hoping it'll make it back off. Blake gets knocked back by a pincer, straight into (y/n) who was mid charge. Both (y/n) and Blake get pushed back so Ren dashes in.

Jaune: "Man we gotta get over there! They need help!"

Nora: "Let's do this!"

Jaune looks down at the gap.

Jaune: "Yah but uh... I can't make that jump.."

Nora giggles before knocking Jaune back. Extending Magnhild to it's hammer form before running and jumping high into the air ready to smash the hammer into the bridge.

Jaune: "NO WAIT!!"

She slams it into the bridge sending Jaune flying.

Jaune: (flying through the air) "NO NO NO!!!"

Nora then steps on the head of the hammer before firing another grenade at the floor behind her sending her flying with a

Nora: "WEEEEEE!"

Jaune tumbles onto the scene as Nora flys over everyone's heads slamming Magnhild into the Deathstalker with a yell of.

Nora: "NORA SMASH!!"

The Deathstalker reacts by raising its tail to stab Nora however she fires a grenade directly into the poor things dome!

The stinger misses but the shockwave sends her sliding back into Blake who falls off the destroyed Bridge. Only to be caught by her wrist by (y/n).

(Y/n) smirks at her

(Y/n): "Thank me later."

Blake smirks back.

(Y/n) pulls her up onto solid(ish) ground before looking to see the Nevermore being fired upon by the other 3 girls standing on the structure in the middle of the broken bridge.

(Y/n) nods to Blake who nods back. He grabs her forearm before spinning once and throwing her toward the bird with a yell.

When she nears it she uses her semblance to create a clone before kicking off it to redirect herself to the head of the bird. She slashes at it a few times before cloning again and kicking off to land a power strike on the beak, she flips then lands on her feet running down the back of the bird slashing at it's back as she runs.

(Y/n): Quietly to himself "God that's so hot..."

He turns his attention back to the fight with the Deathstalker.
Blake does a super hero landing on a broken wall on the structure near Ruby, Yang, and Weiss.

Blake: "It's tougher then it looks!"

Yang: "Then let's hit it with everything we got."

The girls all deploy their weapons before they all open fire on the incoming Nevermore. It comes crashing into the remains of the structure. Forcing the girls to use the falling rubble to return to stable footing.

Once they all get back up to the platform Yang runs up a pillar standing and punching while firing explosive shotgun shells at the circling bird.

Weiss: "None of this is working!"

Ruby's head turns to each girl before she turns back to Weiss.

Ruby: "I have a plan. Cover me!"
The Deathstalker starts to tear up what little footing the group have left, the remains of the bridge being to crumble under the pressure.

Jaune: "We gotta move!"

They all dash at the Deathstalker. It swings its right pincer at them but Pyrrha slides raising Akouo to redirect it. She spins slashing at its face. This leaves her right side open to an attack from the left pincer however Jaune comes in shield raised to block it. Seeing this Pyrrha jumps over Jaune to strike the pincer knocking it back. In a show of near perfect teamwork and trust in one another Jaune spins and strikes the other pincer leaving the face exposed.

(Y/n) takes the opportunity to jump and hit the beast with a fire slash to its face lighting the mask like face ablaze. The beast howls as he lands. Ren follows up by running past him and unleashing automatic fire from both of his Stormflower. He hits it's face a few times before being forced to dodge a strike from the tail that barely misses him. He grabs hold of  the yellow stinger as the Deathstalker raises his tail. Ren holds on firing a few bursts of automatic fire into the joint connecting the stinger to the tail. The Deathstalker screeches in pain. Nora turns Magnhild back into a grenade launcher letting off a few rounds. However it knocks back Pyrrha and Jaune and shields it's face with its pincers in time to block the explosions. Pyrrha throws her spear in between the pincers stabbing it into one of the Deathstalker's crimson eyes. It shakes violently as it roars. Subsequently throwing Ren into a wall.

Nora: "REN!"

He doesn't get up.

(Y/n) runs up to the three as back up.

Jaune notices the stinger is weak just barely hanging on.

Jaune: "Pyrrha!!"

Noticing what he's implying she winds back her arm

Pyrrha: "Done!"

She lets Akouo fly slicing the stinger clean off. Causing the stinger to fall and stick into the beast's head.

Jaune: "Nora Nail it!!"

Nora: "HEADS UP!"

She runs forward (y/n) spins around facing her. (Y/n) grabs her arms doing a half spin throwing her into the air as hard as he could. Once she hits max height she fires a grenade, propelling her self downward with even more force. Nora screams while she pounds the stinger through the Deathstalker's head. Which shatters the ground beneath it catapulting them all past the dying beast. Jaune landed flat on his back, Nora landed on her butt, Pyrrha did a Superhero landing, (y/n) landed on his feet... on top of Jaune, and Ren, having got back up after that last hit, jogged over falling on his face.

They all turned and stood watching the Nevermore circle their friends.

(Y/n): "Nora. I feel like I'm going to regret this but..."

He turned to the confused girl.

(Y/n): "how hard can you throw?"

(Y/n) summoned Yoru holding it out to Nora.

The girl grinned evilly and took the knife. She wound back and threw it as hard as she could across the valley.

It sailed all the way across landing at the feet of Ruby who jumped in surprise.

(Y/n) teleported to the knife making Ruby Yelp at the sudden appearance.

(Y/n): "How are you going to beat this thing?!"

Ruby: "Follow me!"

Small timeskip brought to you by chibi Ruby pointing frantically at a white board with the plan written on it with red string connecting it all like a conspiracy theory.

Yang fired off blast after blast at the bird but either missed or it just bounced right off. It got closer and closer. She reloaded then aimed a punch right at the head of the bird firing off an explosive round that angered the bird like monster causing it to turn and fly straight at her beak wide to eat Yang whole. She jumped holding the beasts beak open before firing round after round right into the mouth of the bird.

Yang: "I! HOPE! YOU'RE! HUNGRY!!!"

Back flipping out of the bird's maw onto the ground below the disoriented bird slammed straight into the cliff face. Looking up Yang saw the rest of the girls in position. Weiss dashed forward swapping with Yang as she ran back to the group.

Weiss froze the bird's tail to the ground using ice just as it tried to take off. Using a glyph to get back to her friends.

Blake threw gambol and shroud to Yang who caught it tying the ribbon between two pillars. Ruby fired Crescent rose to propel her self into the ribbon. While Weiss held her in place with a Black Glyph. Effectively creating a human slingshot.

Weiss: "Of course you would come up with this idea."

Ruby: "Think you can make the shot?"

Weiss: "hmph. Can I?"

Weiss asks rhetorically.

(Y/n): "God I really fuckin hope so."

They look at (y/n) who's crouching balanced on the ribbon next to Ruby.

Weiss: "Of course I can!"

Ruby racks a new round into Crescent rose's chamber.

Ruby: "Language."

She smirked at (y/n) who just sighed with a small smile.

They're both launched at the bird. Ruby fires a few rounds to gain speed leaving (y/n) behind. Just as it breaks free of the Ice, Ruby hooks the neck and runs up the cliff face with the help of Weiss's Glyphs, as well as the recoil of her firing behind her. As she nears the top of the Cliff, a Black Wakizashi embeds itself into the rock face. Teleporting to it, (y/n) uses it as a stepping stone, jumping at the Grimm, hand on Fatebringer ready to draw.

With a scream, and one last shot, she reaches the top of the Cliff. A white line appears along the neck of the bird as (y/n) flies past it. The Iaido and Scythe attacks strike simultaneously, beheading the Grimm from both sides. Ruby lands in a crouch amidst a shower of Rose petals, with her Scythe over her shoulders. While (y/n) simply sheaths his sword crouching next to her.

Jaune, Pyrrha, Nora, and Ren stand in shocked silence as they process what just happened.

Jaune: (quietly in awe) "Wow!"

Ruby looks out over the Cliff to see her friends staring at her with awed expressions.

(Y/n): "So much for 'normal knees'."

She turns to see (y/n) walking over to her with a large grin on his face. He ruffles her hair which she just giggles at before they turn back to look at their friends down below.
Time skip brought to you by chibi author bullshitting (y/n) into the scene... shut up I tried.
Opzpin: "Russel Thrush. Cardin Winchester. Dove Bronzewing. Sky Lark. The four of you retrieved the black bishop pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team CRDL(Cardinal), led by... Cardin Winchester!

The screens on stage display a picture of each member arranging them into the appropriate position in the team name.

The Auditorium erupts in applause.

Ozpin: "Jaune Arc. Lie Ren. Pyrrha Nikos. Nora Valkyrie. The four of you retrieved the white rook pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team JNPR (Juniper)."

While the audience claps while Nora jumps at Ren hugging him.

Ozpin: "Led by... Jaune Arc!"

Jaune: "Huh? Led by?"

Ozpin; "Congratulations, young man."

A smiling Pyrrha shoulder bumps their "fearless" leader making him fall over on stage in front of everyone. Gaining a round of laughter from the audience.

Ozpin: "Blake Belladonna. Ruby Rose. Weiss Schnee. Yang Xiao Long. The four of you retrieved the white knight pieces. From this day forward, you will work together as Team RWBY (Ruby). Led by... Ruby Rose!

Weiss looks at Ruby in surprise looking at an equally surprised Ruby. Yang rubs over and hugs her sister.

Yang: "I'm so proud of you!"

Ozpin: "And finally. (Y/n) Sato."

The students waited for the announcement of the rest of the team however only one man walked into stage.

Ozpin; "From what I understand you failed to find a partner as well as failed to retrieve an artifact while in the forest?"

(Y/n) just looks away whistling which gets a small giggle from The audience.

Ozpin: "You realize that this would normally mean instant failure correct?"

The audience is stunned silent.

(Y/n) looks down spotting team RWBY and Team JNPR looking on in worry. (Y/n) just gives them a close eyed smile before turning back to face Ozpin.

(Y/n): "Well Professor that may be true, however I don't believe you to be the type to publicly shame someone in front of the entire student body."

Ozpin silently chuckles to himself

Ozpin; "Indeed."

He turns to address the Audience.

Ozpin: "It is my belief that Mr. Sato has displayed more than enough skill to hold a spot at Beacon. As many of you have seen, he is more than capable of adapting to different group tactics on the fly."

The monitors on stage display Team JNPR and Team RWBY's fights with the Nevermore and Deathstalker.

The audience is whispering to themselves.

Ozpin: "Now I'm not saying we break the rules, that's not allowed. So why don't we just bend them. I'll be giving you a choice."

(Y/n): "I don't follow sir. A choice?"

Ozpin: "See there is no official Rule stating a team must have 4 members. That's just how things have been. It isn't necessarily against the rules to have a 1 man team or a 5 man team. So I'm offering you the choice to join an existing team, or become your own. Which is it?"

(Y/n) looks to JNPR and RWBY both teams, minus a scowling Weiss, smiling at him.

(Y/n): "Professor Ozpin? I believe I've made my choice."

Ozpin raises an eyebrow while holding the head of his cane.

(Y/n): "If the members would have me. I'd like to join Team RWBY!"

He says smiling. 

Ozpin: "Oh and why would that be?"

(Y/n): "Well sir Ms. Rose was the first person I met upon arriving to Vale, and ever since then there has yet to be a dull moment. I like to think that in this short time they've become my friends and I there's."

Ozpin: "And what of Team JNPR? Are you not friends with the members of this team?"

(Y/n): "No sir. Jaune is one of the boys and Pyrrha is one of the only friends I have from Mistral, Ren and Nora are good people too. However, if I join team JNPR I'll never get the opportunity to finally defeat the so called 'invincible girl' in combat."

This causes the audience to whisper He smiles to Pyrrha who smirks back at him with her hands on her hips.

Ozpin turns to team RWBY

Ozpin: "Well Miss Rose? What do you think?"

Ruby turns to her team who nod smiling. Weiss however just shrugs and looks away with her arms crossed.

Ruby: "We'd be glad too."

The audience roars with applause as (Y/n)'s photo is added to their roster.

Suddenly he runs and jumps off the stage toward a still turned Weiss.

(Y/n): "BESTIE!!!!!"

He tackles Weiss in a hug.


The audience laughs still applauding at the display.

Ozpin: "Looks like things are shaping up to be a 'very' interesting year."
A/n: How's everyone? Good? If not I hope you get better. Anyway this is already a really drawn out chapter so I think this will be it until next time! Cheers!

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