Loving A Marine

By arabella_tomlinson

74.7K 2.2K 76

Life for Bella Monty was perfect. She had it all. The grades, the friends, loving boyfriend and supportive fa... More

1. Bella
2. Enzo
3. Bella
4. Enzo
5. Bella
6. Enzo
7. Bella
8. Enzo
10. Enzo
11. Bella
12. Enzo
13. Bella
14. Enzo
15. Bella
16. Enzo
17. Bella
18. Enzo
19. Bella
20. Enzo
21. Bella
22. Enzo
23. Bella
Epilogue: Bella

9. Bella

2.6K 92 5
By arabella_tomlinson

July 20,2020 (22 weeks and 1 day pregnant)

I was officially 22 weeks along and it's also been five days since Enzo got deployed. I've been spending a lot of my free time with Bailey and little Declan when I'm not working on the nursery. Today was no exception. I walked down the sidewalk towards Bailey's home and knocked on the door and blinked as I could hear screaming from the other side. I furrowed my brows.

That sounded like Declan. He's most definitely having one of his tantrums and Bailey was home alone since her mother won't be home for another three hours.

The crying got louder as Bailey walked toward ether door and pulled it open. Her hair was a mess and she in the verge of having a mental break down as Declan wailed in her arms.

"Hey," She whispered as she bounced the three year old in her arms.

"Hi," and if it were magic, Declan's cries turned to little whimpers and hiccups upon hearing my voice. Bailey blinked as Declan reached for me making me give the little boy a smile as I took him from his aunt who sagged to the door once he was in my arms. I bit my lip as I watched her bury her head on her pulled up knees and shoulder begin to shake as she cried.

"Hey," I said as I walked into the house and closed the door behind me, I didn't know how to comfort my crying friend who was clearly stressed.

"I-I don't know what do," she cried as she liked up at me, "I do everything to calm him down. I check his diaper, give him his snacks, put him down for a nap, but he just won't stop crying."

"You're doing a good job, Bailey," I said and she looked at me as if I've grown a second head, "you're just not used to being alone with a baby."

"He stops crying the second he hears your voice." She said and I sighed looking down at Declan who had his head resting on my shoulder , his little face covered in snot and tears. I hit my cheek, "I don't know what I wood do without your help, Bella."

"How about this, I'll record a song for him and when he's having a fit you play it?" I suggested and she blinked her red tired eyes  as she wiped her face and stood up.

"You'd do that? Just for me?" She asked and I nodded.

"What kind of friend would I be if I let you suffer on your own?"

"A terrible one." She chuckled, "honestly you're such a lifesaver, Bella."


"And he's down." I said coming down the stairs after putting Declan down for his nap. She smiled and sighed rubbing her fingers through her still wet hair, "and you should take one too."

"I wish," she said with a tired smile, "I've still got to make lunch and dinner."

"Lunch is on me," I said making her look up from the tv the playing currently playing Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. I really can't say where in the movie it was because I've never seen it. The only reason why I know the name was because she had told me when I had asked what she was watching before I had taken Declan up to Enzo's room since that's where his crib was. It made sense since the little boy was very attached to his father.

"You don't have to, Bella, you've already done enough by coming to help me with Declan." She said shaking her head as she got to her feet after pausing the movie.

"Milo brought some lunch over before he headed to work, so it's no problem at all," I said just as the front door opened making us look over to see her mother, Melanie, walk in. She blinked when she saw me before a tired smile graced her lips.

"Hello Ms Camp—I mean Melanie," I said with a sheepish smile when she gave me a look as I began saying her last name.

"Hi Bella, have you been here all day?" She asked and I shook my head, "Thank you for coming by to help my daughter with Declan."

"It's no problem at all," I replied with a smile.

"Have you girls eaten yet? I'll get something started for you,"

"I ate already." I replied and she raised a brow, "Milo, my brother in law, was kind enough to bring some food over while Bailey was showering. I put it in the fridge."

"That's very sweet of him, make sure you thank him for us." Melanie said with a smile and I nodded.

"Of course," I stated and she nodded before excusing herself to go change out of her uniform, "I'm actually going to head out. I have a class in 20 don't want to be late for it."

"Shoot, I totally forgot I did too. With Declan being fussy all day, it totally escaped my mind." Bailey said with an exhausted sigh as she ran her fingers through her hair, "plus I gotta email Enzo and let him know how Declan is doing." I nodded and gave her small smile.

"I'll send you that song I was telling you about once I get a chance," I said as o grabbed my phone and keys form the coffee table before she led me out.

"Leaving already?" Melanie asked coming down the steps with Declan. I nodded.

"Yes, I have class in 20 and then some work." I answered as Declan yawned and rubbed at his eyes, "But I'll be back again tomorrow, to help Bailey."

"That won't be necessary," Melanie said making me frown but she gave me a reassuring smile, "I'll be home for the next three days so I'll be watching Declan." I nodded and the little boy frowned as he held his arms towards me and I smiled waking over and taking him from his grandmother.

"Now you behave okay? I'll be back in a few days." I said pressing a kiss to his temple before handing him back to Melanie, "If you need anything, please let me know."

"Thank you, Bella, you're very sweet." She said before carrying Declan away. The little boy must still be out of it since he didn't put much of a fight at being carried away.

"I'll see you later,Bailey," I said giving her a hug, "and remember, don't hesitate to call me if you need anything, okay?"

"I will, thank you."

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