Scorched Twilight

By _Arius

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Revenge is a long and arduous journey, and Y/n knows he isn't even halfway there. His search for the third of... More

File B129: Sathariel
Prologue: Midnight Chase
Chapter 1: Westward Crater
Chapter 2: The Ruler in Red
Chapter 3: My Only Child
Chapter 4: Proclivitic Plumes of Two
Chapter 5: Boot Camp, not a Highschool
Chapter 6: Lights, Camera, and Finals
Chapter 7: Skadi
Chapter 8: Mother and Son
Chapter 9: Purple Ring
Chapter 10: The Smell of Smoke
Chapter 11: Dysthe
Chapter 12: Black Lillies
Chapter 13: Brothers in Memory
Chapter 14: Act of War
Chapter 15: Basket Hilted
Chapter 16: Seraphiel, the Abandoned Son
Chapter 17: For the Sake of Privacy
Chapter 18: In Deed
Chapter 19: False and Fallen
Chapter 20: Babysitting
Chapter 21: Double the Plumes, Double the Perniciousness
Chapter 22: Sparks Fly, Smoke Follows
Chapter 23: Brethren
Chapter 24: Antlers, Rot, and Fury
Chapter 25: First Ascension
Chapter 27: Paradoxical Promise
Chapter 28: The Denouement of a Scheme
Chapter 29: Whistling Fire
Chapter 30: All You Ever Say
Chapter 31: Azeth Andrei Irune
Chapter 32: Alone Again
Chapter 33: Pink + White
Chapter 34: Line Without A Hook
Chapter 35: Novacane

Chapter 26: Delusional

187 15 3
By _Arius

Chernobog, Underground

Wendy: Where is Y/n?

Right when they were exiting the underground, she noticed his absence. The others shrugged, Amiya included, some were muttering that he must've been confident enough to go on his own, while some held suspicions about him.

Amiya: Is there a reason for you to seek him, Doctor?

Wendy: Yes, I do actually. I needed to ask him some questions.

Kal'tsit: Sathariel has decided to go on his own with two others. I allowed it considering their past experience of working in the same squad.

Wendy: I see... I need to ask him about these memories I'm seeing.

She needed to know, these memories of hers that resurfaced when she became one with that monster greatly confused her, not because of the validity of it, but the sheer lack of memories she obtained.

Of all her memories, Y/n and Amiya appeared in most of them, though the latter wouldn't share anything when asked about it. There was also a pink-haired Sarkaz that she couldn't recall the name of, but she felt a certain fondness whenever she pictured her face.

And finally, another odd occurrence was that the monster was gone, or as gone as it could be. She couldn't see it anymore in her mind, but she could still feel itself presence everywhere and nowhere at the same time.

Amiya: Doctor, are you really okay?

Amiya... There were multiple glimpses of a much younger version of her if she recalled correctly. One of them was the Cautus stabbing a sword into the unknown pink-haired Sarkaz.

Was the Sarkaz an ally? Or an enemy? Whatever it was, Wendy had a headache trying to discern these any further.

Wendy: I'm fine, really.

Amiya: Doctor, your safety and well-being is also a top priority. Without your tactics, we wouldn't be able to get pass through the mobile city's underground. So please, tell me, tell us if there's anything wrong.

Wendy: Amiya... Thanks. I guess it's because of how important and the level of impact this operation would have on the future of Terra, it's... it's a lot to process considering I've only been awake for over a week.

Amiya: I understand. You're overwhelmed, still processing the kind of position you are in. If you would like to, I can help you calm down a bit.

Wendy: With your Arts?

Amiya: Something similar. Come closer.

Wendy felt Amiya's small but strong fingers poke her temple, a tingly feeling sprouting from her like she was being tickled from the inside of her head. Instantly, she felt a relief that could only come from a hot bath or a full night of sleep, her expression looked refreshed.

Amiya: Is that better?

Wendy: Mm, much better. Thank you, Amiya.

Amiya: If you ever feel stressed over the course of this operation, come find me, okay?

Wendy: Yeah. Thanks again.

Amiya: No worries, Doctor.


"Quickly! Get in!"

The cellar door creaked shut as they rushed down the stairs into what looked like a recreation room turned into a storage area. A pile of boxes in various shapes were stacked and placed in random places, making it difficult to walk around.

Mostima carefully peeked out the dusty windows, the sound of crunching rocks and muffled breathing becoming the loudest thing they could hear as the shadows of moving figures shone on the wall across the windows.

Y/n: Are they gone?

Mostima: Think so, but it's best we lay low for a bit.

Y/n: Shit...

Phoenix: You two. Come here.

Phoenix came out from behind a box, beckoning something to come out from behind her. Out came three people, two men in their early twenties, one of them had their leg heavily bandaged, the last one was an infected child, black lesions growing from all over his neck to his cheek.

Phoenix: What do we do with them?

"Don't hurt us, please! We have a child with us!"

"Zaya, don't be scared!"

Mostima: Shhhhh! If you make another sound, they're guaranteed to hear us!

Hearing this, the three strangers stayed compliant. Everyone in the room was quiet and didn't move a muscle, as unnecessary as it was but it was a by-product of tense situation.

A few long minutes pass, Mostima peeked out the window once again and signaled to the others that it was okay. There was a collective breath of relief from everyone, before their brains went into alert as they can know deal with each other.

Phoenix: Now answer. Who are you?

"We should be the ones asking you that! You're the ones breaking into our space!"

Mostima: Woah there, buster! We didn't see a sign outside saying it was yours.

"Why you!"

"Just stop..."

Phoenix noticed the kid speak, but his quiet, raspy voice was nothing compared to the volume the others spoke in.

Phoenix: Enough! We're here to find a place to hide from the Ursus army. We'll be out of your fur after an hour.

"Wait. Ursus army? What did they look like?"

Y/n: Uh... Tall, covered from head to toe, I think they had some pipes connected to their masks?

"Nikolai... You don't think...?"

"Shit. Shit, shit shit. We're all so screwed..."

Fear. Pure, unfiltered fear was being displayed through their expression and behavior. It was the faces of someone having their worst subconscious fears come true.

Y/n: Hey, what are you two breaking down for...?

"No, no, no. You don't understand! There are monsters in Ursus' military, made from monsters to make an even more terrifying monster that's being used by the higher-ranking officials including the Tsar."

"Some say they are only a myth, created as a scare tactic to keep Ursus citizens in line. But some think otherwise of their existence, knowing that Ursus is too proud do their military to do so."

Y/n: Hold on, that sounds kind of familiar.

Their menacing and towering appearance, added with how the two men described them. It stirred some memories Y/n had of fighting a group with similar descriptions.

It was a battle that took place in the Tundra. After leaving Eno and Sasha at the hands of Reunion, he worked with them for a while, after sensing some traces of Pride's power in the infected group's leader.

They were attacked by a group of them, commencing a bitter struggle that would lead to Y/n almost losing his life if it weren't for a last minute save from someone in Reunion.

That was the past, but the terror was now here, in Chernobog.

Y/n: Oh no. This would've been doable if there was two or three, but if a whole squad or army is here...

Mostima noticed Y/n's panicked expression.

Mostima: Hey Sath, what's the wrong face?

Y/n: We might die here.

Mostima: Eh, why's that?

Y/n: The Ursus Army's Emperor's Blades are here. If there's as many of them as I think it is, Rhodes Island and Reunion is as good as dead.


3 Years Ago

???, Ursus

"Hold the line! Don't let them get to the civilians!"

"Shieldguards, with me!"

A gravelly voice that carried the weight someone who carried a thousand burdens, called out to his heavily-armored men in the battlefield. They and he himself raised their Shields and advanced forward, pushing the enemy back as those who they were protecting supported them from the back.

"Patriot! Keep moving, I'll deal with them!"

Patriot: Boy! Don't be foolish!

"I'm not joking around here too! If they are as dangerous as you say, then I'm probably the only one that stands a chance against one of them!"

Seeing the stern aura he exuded, the same one he had when he brought those boys to their care. The old Sarkaz knew he couldn't stop the young man.

Patriot: Then we will do whatever we can to support you, Sathariel.

Y/n: I'll need the help I can get, thanks.

Patriot silently nodded, rejoining his comrades at the front where the Emperor's Blades continued their unending onslaught of attacks.

Y/n: Hey. You there.

"Hu-Huh!? Me?"

It was a random infected woman, her child was clutching her pants while standing behind her, hiding from Y/n.

Y/n: Yes, you. Do you need that frying pan?

"Y-You mean this? Why?"

Y/n: I need a weapon of course.

"Oh, o-okay..."

The woman hesitantly gave the rusted iron pan to him, Y/n gripped it in his hands and swung in a few times.

Y/n: Good enough. Thanks miss.

Y/n took a deep breath, and found himself running towards the front lines, slipping in between the shieldguards' wall, and face to face with an Emperor's Blade.

He didn't waste even a fraction of a second to think, he acted instead. Ducking under the Blade's arm and rearing his hand back, landing a solid hit into the side of his face, the frozen tundra echoing with the metallic roar.

When he moved back, he could see the dent he made in the helmet. There was also something odd coming out as well, black smoke that behaved almost like a liquid, pouring down into the ground and turning the snow pitch black.

"How bothersome."

True to their name, he took out his own blade, coated heavily in black and red mist. A flurry of dark colors clashed shaped into a horizontal arc, Y/n parried with the frying pan and going for another hit to the head once again. Aware of this, the Blade covered his head with a gloved hand, expecting it to feel pain but in exchange save his helmet from taking anymore damage.


Pain exploded from his palm and the side of his head. The Blade was confused, what kind of frying pan was he using?

Y/n: It's not a frying pan dumbass. At least, not anymore.

As if sensing his confusion, Y/n pulled out his transformed weapon. A black rapier, with rust marks sorting the weapon everywhere.

"What kind of..."

Y/n: Sadly there isn't enough minerals in the snow to make a weapon, so I borrowed some. You like it? Not my best work, but you can have it after this!

He clashed swords with the Emperor's Blade, pulling out his gun and shooting his torso, ending the stand-still in an instant as he thrusted his blade into the hole of his helmet that was used for the Blade to see.

More of the aforementioned black fog poured out from the Blade's suit, staining the ground beneath them. Y/n didn't know if it was just him, but being in close proximity to the black mist made slow, weak, like the feeling of getting carsick where once you think it was gone, the sickness comes back again. It made Y/n move away from the fog.

Y/n: What the hell was that? And why is it so quiet all of a sudden?

What he hadn't realized was that the silence was caused by him. Everyone's eyes glued to his form as he stood before the dead Emperor's Blade. It was a feat only few could do, and it stunned the infected refugees to see such a sight.

It also unfortunately caught the eye of a less friendly crowd, the remaining Emperor's Blades, six of them to be exact, looked on in silence. The hums of their suit and the ominous glow of their helmets making Y/n sweat in the cold.

Y/n: Well, shit.

His frantic hands searched his bag for anything useful, a finger grazed against something round, Y/n immediately knew what it was and smiled as a rough plan started to etch into his mind.

Y/n: Patriot! Advance the moment I give the signal.

Patriot was too far away to fully hear Y/n's plan, but he heard him say signal, which gave him an idea what he was about to execute, the idea becoming much certain when he spotted multiple round objects in his hands.

Y/n pulled the pin of each of the grenade, twirling his whole body around and dropping the grenades everywhere. The Emperor's Blades that were targeting him was taking a few steps back when they saw what he threw, cautious of what he was planning next.

*Boom* *Boom*

The explosions were a bit muffled by the thick snow, but it was powerful enough to throw snow in the air that it obscured the vision of anyone caught in it. The Emperor's Blades all rushed to Y/n's earlier position and found him gone.

Patriot: Men! Advance!

They heard a roar of over twenty men, seeing one of them being brought down with a familiar spear alerted them, but the falling snow still covered a good area, making it difficult to predict where they could come from.

Another was taken down by the group of Shieldguards, their figures disappearing in the snow as more explosions rang out just as it was about to clear up.


The snow turned black, crumpling like charred paper and dropping to the ground, improving their vision. The Emperor's Blades swiftly avenged their two fallen comrades, four of them proving to be a force to be reckoned with as they cut down lines of Shieldguards.

Y/n was caught between two, barely moving away from a swipe and reflecting back blackish red projectiles conjured by the Emperor's Blade. Crimson crystals fell around him, spreading the black fog in a large area to the point Y/n was caught in it, he immediately felt the effects the moment he tried to move a step forward.

Y/n: What is this? I feel slow... and weak.

The force created from clashing his sword with the Emperor's Blades pushed him a few centimeters back. His attention wasn't fully on him, since the a second Emperor's Blade was preparing to strike him from behind.

Y/n used his gun to keep them at bay, but the Blade he was in a stand-still with was beginning to push him back quickly. He had no choice but to leave his back open if he wanted more of a chance of survival.

Unsurprisingly, the Blade behind him did just that, aiming a precise strike on his back. Y/n expected to feel some level of pain the next moment, but he didn't feel anything at all.

Patriot: Sathariel...!

He heard a deafening crash of metal followed by a deep hollowed grunt behind him. Y/n knew it was Patriot the moment he heard him.

Patriot: Sathariel. Is what you said about Talulah true?

Y/n: And what if I said it was?

Patriot: Then I will help you, under one condition.

He told Patriot about Talulah's identity, mainly because the old Wendigo is a valuable asset and a key figure in Reunion's ranks. So if he was to ever gain the favor of those in Reunion, having Patriot by his side would be a massive help.

Y/n: Name your price.

Patriot: A city.

Y/n: What?

Patriot: We want a nomadic city, a safe haven for us infected. Agree to this one condition then I will follow you.


A city? Was he mad? Y/n didn't even know a single thing on how to get one. The Wendigo was being unreasonable. But honestly, he was being unreasonable as well, a man who hasn't been with Reunion for a month claiming that their leader isn't who they think she is.

After some thought, he relented.

Y/n: I accept.

He pushed the Emperor's Blade back, wanting to catch a breath. But the latter didn't hesitate to zero in on Y/n. Y/n blinked his eyes and in that moment, Patriot was in front of him, his imposing frame and sturdy shield protecting him from taking a hit.

Patriot: Then it's settled. I will follow you, and so will the infected that believe that we should stand equal with the rest of the world.

Y/n nodded in agreemejt. They were about to clash with the Emperor's Blades when a flurry of red flame expanded and swallowed everything in its path, the snow melting at an increasing rate and separating Y/n from his opponent.

He looked to where the origin of the flames came from, and up on a snowy hill, her military outfit that looked like it was worn aristocrats reflected the light, making her looking almost like a God from how blinding it is to look at her.

Flames were conjured in her hand, lashing out like wild dogs and separating the other two Emperor's Blades that pushed the Shieldguards' lines back.

To the people Talulah was their hero, a shining beacon in the darkness of becoming infected. She convinced the likes of Patriot to join them, she fought countless battles for their rights and saved many infected out of duty. She was the leader and founder of Reunion, Talulah.

But Y/n saw something else entirely. A translucent red-haired figure standing behind her, his yellow eyes and targeting his. Y/n clicked his tongue at the slight smirk on her face, her irises and flames turning yellow and purple for a moment respectively as if taunting him.

Y/n: I'll make you beg for your life, Pride, even if I have to destroy my own body and soul.



Iberia's Golden Age Tuna, a classic brand of canned fish known throughout Terra as a home essential. It is one of the most recognizable products due to it being imported in every country known in Terra, from leading countries like Columbia and Victoria to even ending up in isolated nations like Sami or Kjerag.

Since it was popular, its taste was proof of it, being pre-cooked in vegetable oil and other spices, it had a distinct flavour of fish that wasn't found anywhere else. Additionally, its long shelf life made it a ready-to-eat meal that is a popular source of protein among soldiers across the nations, it also has a lot of versatility when being integrated to various dishes.

Y/n was opening a can right now, the satisfying, metal click that could be extended until he partially exposed a part of the protein-rich goodness inside.

He wiped down a plastic fork that came with the can, stabbing it into part of the fish and raising it up, watching as the glistening vegetable oil dripped off the moist morsel.

Y/n: Ahm.

Flavors exploded in his mouth, making Y/n shudder for a second before he stopped himself, aware that there were other people in the room. He looked around and saw the kid who was with the two men.

The kid wasn't focused on him, but rather focused on the canned fish he had. His eyes was stuck to it like glue, mouth open as if expecting to be fed one.


"How pitiful. Trying to gain our sympathy instead of searching for his own food."

Y/n: Shut up...

"Excuse me?"

Y/n: He's a refugee, and he's just a kid.

"And what do you propose we do to the kid? Shoot them like you did to that mother and her son back in Lungmen?"

He clutched the can in anger, his hands shaking so much that some of the oil flowed out and got on to his hand.

Azeth: Y/n.


Azeth: Do what you want to do.


Y/n calmed down a bit after hearing those words. He made his way to the young infected boy, watching how his eyes went from need to confusion and then to fear. Watching Y/n's relatively normal but indifferent frame stop in front of him, his eyes looking down to meet his.


Y/n: Here.

He placed the can in front of him, noticing how the boy's eyes secretly lit up.

"Oh. T-Thank-"

Y/n: Don't. Just stop staring at me.

Looking away, Y/n went back to his spot, followed by one of the two men that was protecting the young boy.

Nikolai: I appreciate you giving it to him. It's Nikolai, by the way, I'm the reason why Zaya and Pavel still hasn't died.

The joke he made to lighten the mood did nothing, Y/n kept his frown the whole time they shook hands.

Y/n: Y/n. But I go by Sathariel now.

Nikolai: Mr. Sathariel then. Can I ask you a question?

Y/n: Shoot.

Nikolai: Are you with Reunion?


He could see the man's head drop low, hiding his expression from him. But from his voice, he could hear anger.

Nikolai: I hate Reunion. They infected us, but it was the same people that pointed us to this hiding place as well.

Y/n: Reunion is in a state of civil war.

Nikolai: What?

Y/n: You said Reunion gave you this hiding place, yes? Then it must be an ally. We're trying to remove the current leader from her position, before we send two giant superpowers into war.

Nikolai: Th-That's...

Y/n: A lot? Yeah. We need all the help we can get. You're a doctor, right? If you're willing, there might be injured soldiers of ours nearby, so please help them.

Nikolai thought for a moment. It was suspicious, extremely suspicious, like the Sankta was tricking him into treating his men. Helping them would possibly be a massive mistake, especially when he had Zaya and Pavel to take care of.

He looked to his side and saw his companions, the older man feeding the young boy, both sporting smiles that he hadn't seen much as of late.

Nikolai: Joining them would mean we would be protected, but what if he made that civil war thing all up? All three of us would be in massive trouble... But, maybe he's telling the truth...

He looked at Phoenix and Mostima, Phoenix was keenly keeping watch outside while glancing at Mostima every so often, the fallen Sankta casually on a cushion chair reading a faded old magazine from one of the boxes. Nikolai had unconsciously trusted them, mainly due to them not doing nor showing intention to bring any harm to them.

Nikolai: How can I differentiate who's with who?

Y/n: You're safest bet would be finding Patriot. He's a Sarkaz of the Wendigo subrace and looks like an absolute tank, you can recognize him immediately by his massive shield and spear. If not, then it's recommended that you find his Shieldguards instead. The second group would be the group I came here with, it's leader is a white-haired Liberi and a Pythia with a crossbow, they're weaker than Patriot so that's why I wanted you to treat them in the first place.

Nikolai: So I should find the Liberi boy?

Y/n: It's really up to you, I won't blame you if you want Patriot's protection, especially when you have two others with you.

Nikolai: Yeah... Thank you, once again.

Y/n: Yeah, yeah...

Y/n's eyes felt heavy, his mind wanting to stay awake but his eyes were starting to close. His head hit the crate, a better spot than nothing to rest his head on, before finding himself having the best sleep he's had since... forever.

Mostima watched Phoenix angrily stare at his sleeping form, as if wanting to jump on him at any moment. She called to her, grabbing the Liberi's attention from her object of hate.

Mostima: Are you going to stare at Sathariel like that for the rest of the operation?

Phoenix: Don't call him that, he's untrustworthy to me.

Mostima: Or you're just angry.

Phoenix: Of course I'm angry! He's a selfish asshole that is a disgrace to who Sathariel was! He doesn't ask for help even when he needs it, he's completely hopeless!

Mostima: And what do you think about now? This operation in general? Don't you think him choosing us in his team instead of going solo would be mean he needs our help?

Mostima was like Phoenix, she also didn't know much about Y/n, nor does she see herself finding out more than what she already knew. But she could tell Y/n wasn't a bad person, albeit a bit suspicious at times.

Mostima: Look, you can be cautious around him, that's fair. You don't trust him, but he trusts you. But know that he's done nothing to try to get rid of us when he has the capacity and assets to do so.

She knew the Liberi was a hard-headed woman at heart, but this was just ridiculous. Mostima's bubbling anger was just about to surface was Phoenix's expression changed drastically, before Mostima could see what had changed, the former had buried her face into her arms.

Mostima: H-Hey...

Mostima's instincts made her embrace Phoenix in a loose but close hug. She didn't know why she had suddenly began to silently cry, but it was her job as her closest friend to comfort and reassure her.

Phoenix: I'm not crying... I'm... frustrated.

Mostima: That's crying without the tears, Birdie.

Phoenix: Fuck you...

Mostima playfully laughed, she could feel the small smile the Liberi formed without seeing her face, the Fallen Sankta was her closest friend after all.

Phoenix: It pains me to see him hurt himself, especially when he's a spitting image of Sathariel. Just a constant reminder of how I couldn't save him. Y/n appearing in our lives was like a higher power giving me a second chance, a second chance to watch him suffer while I could do nothing but watch.

Mostima: Birdie, I can't say that I fully understand what you meant, but I'm also Sathariel's friend, so I'm gonna say this from my perspective. Sathariel is dead, there's no doubting, no questioning, no anything, he's dead. Seeing Y/n and Sathariel as the same person isn't gonna help any of us. They are both completely different people, so if you still want to help him, see to it that the problems you want to help with is Y/n's, not Sathariel's.

Y/n's dilemma wasn't synonymous with Sathariel's, and vice-versa. Mostima's message was as simple as that.

Mostima: We on the same page?


Mostima: Good, good.



This was a new memory he hadn't seen before.

No, let me rephrase that. It was a new memory, but he had seen it before. For some reason, two versions of the same memory was being brought to him, it was from his childhood, the days he spent at his... original family. Where his name wasn't Y/n, but Danielle. Y/n chose to see the original one first, before choosing to see what this new one was about.

Instead of being in the third person point of view like the original, Y/n was in the first person, finding himself in the body of a young Danielle.

Y/n: What kind of memory is this?

Danielle: Mom. Mom.

His little legs carried him to the presence of his mother, who was enjoying a conversation with his father as he read from his book. Danielle settled himself next to his mother as he leaned into her warmth.

"Yes, dear?"

Danielle: The teachers scolded me today.

"Hm? Why so?"

Danielle: They kept telling me I was lying, even though what I was saying was the truth.

By this time, his father caught interest, laying down his book and looking at his own child.

"And what was it about?"

Danielle: My scores in Arithmetics were low today, but Azeth's was a perfect score. So I knew-

"Wait. Danielle, how do you know your brother's name?"

Danielle: What do you mean?

His parents shared concerning looked to each other, which sparked more confusion within the young boy?

"Who told you that name, Danielle? This is important."

Danielle's face was naturally stoic, but inside there was fear. Like he had done something wrong to trigger the sad yet angry emotions his parents were expressing.

Danielle: What do you mean? My brother told me...

Their expressions changed to fear. It played out similar to one of those horror novels Danielle's dad would read on occasions.

"Is your brother here?"

Danielle: Yes.

"And where is he right now?"

He pointed to a chair right across them. Up until now there was no difference between the two memories, aside from minor things like his parents' expressions to the placement of objects in the scene. But now there was one glaring difference, the presence of the person Danielle was talking about.

The seat was empty.

"Th-That... Danielle, no one's there."

Danielle: But he's there, Azeth. He's waving at you right now.

His father looked back at the chair. Still, Azeth wasn't appearing.

"Danielle, are you okay?"

Danielle, are you okay?

Are you okay?

"Are you okay, Y/n?"

He had his eyes wide-open, the memory ending right there. Thoughts culminating in his head as he began to process what he had witnessed.

Y/n: Why is there two versions? Where's Azeth? It has to be fake, Azeth's been by me for such a long time, he has to be real... What is real anymore?

Y/n thought he had to be going insane. No one in their right mind would recall two different versions of the same memory.

Y/n: Wait, where's Azeth-?

Azeth: Right here.

Azeth was quite different from his usual appearance, what was a well-kept image was now a collection of messy hair similar to Y/n's and disheveled clothing. He was a far cry from what Y/n would picture him as.

Y/n: What's happening to me?

Azeth: Why are you asking me?

Y/n: Because it's about you. I just found another memory of mine that's a spitting image to another memory, but the difference was you weren't there.

Azeth: You mean...? A younger Azeth didn't exist?

Y/n nodded.

Azeth's lips pursed, his expression hardened as he had come to a realization. His eyes met Y/n's, carefully choosing the next words he was about to say.

Azeth: Y/n, sooner or later, you're going to find out about the truth beneath the truth. Please, do not dwell on it too much when the time comes.

Y/n: Oi. I don't get what you're saying at all. What do you mean truth beneath the truth? Am I missing something here?

Azeth: Just promise me, don't dwell on it too much.

Y/n: Why are you talking like something's gonna happen to you?

Azeth: Because it will happen. This may very be the last time we see each other face to face.


Penance makes me go oui oui, I am very downbad for her please hit me with your metal arm-


Anyway, Happy Halloween as I an publishing this. I think it's Halloween. Not really good at timezones.

Stultifera Navis is next, I am so ready for Spalter, especially the thigh highs, and the hips, and- fuck. No horny, I can't be horny, horny is bad for me. Okay, where was I? Oh yes, I FINALLY got to level 120 in Arknights, no idea why it took me almost three years to get here, but now I'm at max level and that's all that matters.

Oh yeah, Ambience Synesthesia was a few hours ago, didn't get to watch it since I forgot while I was playing Golf with friends(Don't judge me, at least it's not League.) that I missed the whole thing. It was fun though, fucking over my friends' balls by hitting them with mine. It was a waste of hits but so worth it hearing them lose their minds.

Yep, that's about all I have two say, good fucking night I'm going to search for Penance art before I sleep.

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