Gray (Taekook Omegaverse)

By LettyTK

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Idol superstar Jungkook found himself pregnant only a few weeks before the biggest world tour of his career.H... More



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By LettyTK

When morning came Mrs Jeon went to Jungkook's room and saw her son in a condition that made her motherly heart clench unbearably.Jungkook was staring out his window.His eyes were pink with emotion.They were swelled and had dark circles around them.His skin was pale,his lips chapped and his nose pink from crying.He didn't look like he had any sleep last night.

Mrs Jeon hadn't seen her son's condition yesterday because he had locked himself in.He refused to come to come down for dinner and they just let him be .They knew what he was going through.

"Mom I can't live without him.I don't know how to.I don't want to live without him.It hurts so that I can die"the omega cried his heart out.

"What's the point of those tears now.No one took him from you.It was you who let him go"his mother told him softly


"Jungkook if you go through with the abortion then forget about ever getting him back.He is done with you so live with the decision "

"Is it impossible to get him back?"his voice cracked as he asked

"At the moment you still have one shot"

"If I threaten to end my life he will come back for sure.He can never let me die.He will forget all about his anger .I know him"Jungkook said.He wasn't even aware of what he was saying and how exactly he sounded

"You shouldn't be confident about manipulating someone's  emotions.I didn't raise you like that"Mrs Jeon sounded disappointed with her son's words.

"I didn't mean that mom.You also believe that I'm capable of doing anything don't you?"

"It's not my place to have an opinion"she replied

"If I keep feeling sorry for myself then I will end up losing my mind for sure"he chuckled

"Get up.We have an appointment or have you changed your mind"

"No I haven't changed my mind .I'm going ahead with the abortion as planned"Jungkook said without any emotion.

"What happened.Did you fight with Taehyung yesterday?"Mrs Jeon asked

"We did.I don't think I will ever forget our very last fight"Jungkook said lowly

"I thought you were going to tell him that you were reconsidering"Mrs Jeon said

"He didn't give me a chance so what was I going to do.He was busy saying mean things to hurt my feelings when I had something important to discuss"

"That was quite unfortunate.I wish he had given you a chance"his mother sighed

"It's his loss.I was willing to compromise but he changed my mind"

"If you think that aborting that child won't affect you in anyway then you are sadly mistaken.It will affect you more than anyone because that child is inside you"

Jungkook knew deep down that his mother was right.This was going to hurt.Naturally omegas are child loving and deciding to have an abortion didn't mean that he didn't feel anything for his unborn child.He was being tormented from within.

His hand went down to pat his flat stomach.He felt strange emotions as he did.He felt sad,anxious and horrible.

"Mom I'm a monster"his hand clenched around the fabric of his shirt.

"No you are not.Right now you are just confused and scared.It's normal.Thats how unplanned pregnancies are"

"This shouldn't have happened.Taehyung and i were already in a bad phase when I turned down his marriage proposal.This pregnancy is the last thing I needed"the omega cried

"You didn't commit a crime by getting pregnant.You and Taehyung were in love for a very long time and this pregnancy is the proof of your love"

"But instead of nurturing it like I should I want to get rid of it.What does that make me"..

"You have other priorities and committemets to other people"

"What if Taehyung was right.What if this decision haunts me for life?"he asked frantically

"Baby there is still time to reconsider"Mrs Jeon patted his shoulder

"No I'm going.I have to do this"Jungkook said as he jabbed away a tear.

"It's really okay to feel weak sometimes but don't make this mistake of denying yourself motherhood ,you will regret it for sure"

"Everything is already ruined"the omega uttered slowly

Hours later Jungkook found himself in the waiting area in an abortion clinic.He had covered himself so no one would recognize him.Although his mother wasn't in support of his decision she accompanied him.

In no time a nurse came to him.

"It's time Mr Jeon"

"Jungkook please ask yourself if you really want to do this"Mrs Jeon was quick to say.

"I have made up my mind mom"the omega said firmly

"Please come this way so you can change.The doctor will be with you soon and she will start the procedure."the nurse said


Jungkook got changed into a hospital gown and get comfortable on the bed in the room he was ushered to.It had all sorts of equipment Jungkook had never seen before.He looked around just to ease his tension.

Soon a female doctor came to him and greeted him before putting on her gloves.

"Usually we start with an ultrasound and scan before we proceed .We need to make sure that the procedure is safe for the mother"the doctor told Jungkook with a smile


"Another reason is we want you to see your child and hear his heart .You can ask yourself if you really want to go ahead with the procedure afterwards"

"What do most people do?"Jungkook asked

"3 in 5 people change their minds.Maybe you might just be one of them"

"I might"he nodded

"Just because I help people have abortions doesn't mean I don't love children.It's actually the opposite.I have five of them"


"And you know something else they weren't planned but there can never be a dull moment with them.They all have a age difference of two years.My friends talked behind my back saying I give birth like a rat.I didn't feel offended though.If I am able to have children then why not have them.There are those who can't"

"Your friends are really mean"

"I almost got kicked out of med school when I got pregnant with my first child"

"Were you married then?"Jungkook asked

"No I wasn't.My boyfriend even pushed me to have an abortion but I didn't want to.I made things work.I studied from home until I had my baby.My boyfriend and I got married during my pregnancy"


"Kids are beautiful.Once you have one  you will keep wanting more because you can't get used to them.People have different opinions but I'm talking from experience.I love it when we go  out for family picknics ,we fill the entire van.Life with kids is just so beautiful.All the sleepless nights are really worth it"

"I see.Being a parent surely sounds like a lot of fun"Jungkook smiled sadly

"But not everyone wants to have that fun in their lives.Some see children as burdens.That is usually before they come into their life.When they arrive everything changes"

Jungkook could only nod his head.The doctor was really in love with her children.He wondered if he will ever have the chance to experience all the bliss that came with motherhood.

"I'm talking to much aren't I?I'm sorry about that.Let's start with the ultrasound shall we?"



Mrs Jeon had been anxious since Jungkook entered the room to have an abortion procedure.After more than an hour the door of the room opened and Jungkook came out.He had already changed back into his clothes.

Without a word she went to hug him.Her son needed all the support he could get at the moment.

"Mom is here baby.You are going to be okay.Don't think about anything"Mrs Jeon patted his back while she herself was in tears.


"Yes baby"

"Are you ready to be a grandma?"Jungkook asked with a soft and excited tone.

"What?"she pulled away from the hug so she could get a good look at her son."Baby what..."

"I didn't go through with it"

She cupped his face"Really baby.Are you keeping the baby"

"Yes I'm keeping the baby.Someone helped realize what really matters in life.She made me realize want I really want.I followed my heart not my mind"Jungkook said with glossy eyes

"That's great.I'm so proud of you for being this brave.Then you should tell Taehyung about this.He will be so thrilled"

"Mom first of all let me eat.I haven't eaten all I want for a while.I was just so stressed and now that I have come to a decision I can finally breath again"

"What about the tour then?"Mrs Jeon asked

"I can't go on a world tour when I'm pregnant.I might lose the baby and I don't want that"

"So what do you plan to do?"Mrs Jeon asked

"I will have the tour canceled and announce a hiatus.I have to do that as soon as possible.In fact tomorrow I'm going to have a meeting with the CEO"

"Are you sure about that.Is that what you really want?"Mrs Jeon asked

"Stop worrying about me.I have thought about it.I don't care what people will say about me.This is about my happiness.I can't live my life to please people.I tried to sacrife my child so  not disappoint so many people out there.I want to be a mother and I don't care about what I have to lose for that to happen.If they fire me or cancel me then that's good for me.I would be able to live my life in peace and become a normal person"Jungkook said in one breath

"But you said you loved music.What happened to that.It was your passion wasn't it?"

"Music is important but apparently not more than my child.I can risk anything so I can bring her into this world.This is the one decision I will never regret.Just trust me"he squeezed his mother's hands.

"What changed?"

"I heard her heart beat.It's beating strong even though I had overdosed on sleeping pills before.She wasn't harmed.Wasn't that a sign?"

"Your baby is strong.Are you convinced that it's a girl?"Mrs Jeon asked

"I want it to be a girl.Last night I only slept for an hour and in that short time I saw her.She was crying and begging me to save her"

"Who did she look like?"Mrs Jeon asked with a smile.

"Me.It was a baby female version of me.Totally a mini me"Jungkook's eyes twinkled.

"I'm so proud of you.I'm glad that you decided to follow your heart even though it was in the last minute"his mother said with a fond smile.

"Mom I don't want to be here any longer."

"Are you afraid that you might get tempted and changed your mind again"

"I would rather die but I won't do such a thing"Jungkook said with conviction

"What about your fans.How do you think they would take this"

"Mom,falling in love isn't a crime.Didn't you tell me this.I just got unexpected guest but I'm not going to turn her away.True fans will support me and the rest are free to leave.Anyways I might just quit music for good and become a fulltime mom"

"You ?And a fulltime mom.I can't imagine that happening"she laughed

"You will see.Mom I have earned enough to provide for my child and see her through university.I can do this all on my own.I'm capable enough of taking care of the both of us without anyone else's help"

"And don't you see Taehyung in the equation?"his mother asked

"Who is Taehyung by the way"Jungkook frowned

"The father of your child and the love of your life.The guy you have been with for eight years.Do you remember him?"

"He said he never wants to see me again.Why should I make a fool of myself"Jungkook pouted

"That was when you said you would abort his child.Things have changed now "

"Should I go and beg him to take me back?"Jungkook pouted

"You won't have to.Once you tell him that you are keeping the baby everything will fall into place"

"Mom it can't be that easy.Surely he would want the baby but he won't take me back"the omega said

"Taehyung loves you.Everyone knows that.Do you think his feelings will change for you in one day"

"I have hurt him far too much for him to take me back"

"Won't you ever try?"

"I'm willing to try but.."

"No buts...I will talk to him for you"Mrs Jeon said

"I wasn't going to try to call him anyways.He has blocked me"Jungkook twisted his lips.

"Blocked you?"

"Yeah mom.How much more shall I tell you.He is over and done with me"

"I will call him"

"Mom when we get home don't tell dad and hyung that I didn't have the abortion.I want to see how they would treat me if I really went through with it"

"Whatever you want baby.I'm really relieved right now.I couldn't tell you then but I really didn't want you to have the abortion"Mrs Jeon said

"You should have just be honest with your feelings about the issue"Jungkook said

"I didn't want to you to feel bad about it.Besides it's your life"

"Mom I said I'm hungry.I'm going to start eating like I'm pregnant.I want to have a healthy ,safe and happy pregnancy"

"I hear wedding bells"


"That's how I feel.You and Taehyung now have a good reason to get married.He was ready to marry you even before the baby came into the picture.Now you guys can be happy together.It's double joy.It will be so beautiful"

"Things just aren't the same.You have to understand that"

"What do you think Taehyung will do.His father is pushing him to get married.Do you think he would marry some stranger instead of someone he loves.On top of that you have a child together"Mrs Jeon said excitedly

"What if his father doesn't accept me"

"That's his problem.If he says that then your father and I will put our feet forward.His son got you pregnant and we just can't  ignore that.If he decides to become unreasonable then so we will"

"We shouldn't be talking about this.I'm starving"

"How could i forget that you are eating for two"Mrs Jeon chuckled and started the car.They went to the nearest restaurant from the hospital.Jungkook ate so much that he  was struggling to walk.For once he wasn't worried about gaining weight.No one would ever bug him about dieting ever again.He would eat what he wanted and when he wanted .

Jungkook had fun watching his brother treating him like a fragile piece of glass.He got unneccessary attention from both his brother and father.His acting was just too convincing.They were worried about him and he was having the time of his life.It was good to know that those two alphas cared for him although they rarely showed it.

If he got to know that he didn't have the abortion,he would kick Jungkook's ass.He would never let him get away with toying with his emotions.

Jungkook struggled to get some sleep that night because he was nervous about what he was going to do tomorrow.He was aware that his decision wasn't going to affect only him especially canceling the world tour.He just hoped that his fans wouldn't be too upset with him.Even if they were,he wasn't going to change his decision.He was his own person and had the right to live his life on his terms .

Another thing that was bothering Jungkook was the fact that his mother wasn't able to get in touch with Taehyung since they left the clinic.

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