Gray (Taekook Omegaverse)

By LettyTK

53.6K 2.3K 284

Idol superstar Jungkook found himself pregnant only a few weeks before the biggest world tour of his career.H... More



2.9K 132 19
By LettyTK

Jungkook was getting tired of staying in the hospital.He had been there for two days and his doctor was refusing to get him discharged.His mother had come around but they hadn't talked about the baby.She was busy peeling apples for him.

The flowers in the room couldn't help Jungkook relax in anyway.He just wanted Taehyung even though he knew they would fight.

"Mom where did dad go to?"Jungkook asked ,he was searching for a way to reduce the tension in the room.


"And hyung"

"He is at work too.Where else would he be?"

"Have you seen Dr Kim anywhere?"Jungkook asked

"He has more patients Jungkook.He doesn't have to babysit you all day long.This is his work place"

"If he is going to ignore me then he mght as well just discharge me.I want to go home"

"You need rest"

"I can get rest at home too can't I?.I'm going to look for him.We need to talk.He can't hold me hostage here just to infuriate me"Jungkook said with his hand laying flat on his stomach.

"Don't let people see you.You wouldn't want that would you?"Mrs Jeon asked darkly.Fans and the media would obviously want to know the reason why he was in a hospital.

"I will be careful"

Jungkook hopped out of bed left the room.He rode the elevator to Taehyung's office which was just below the floor he was.At a distance he saw Taehyung getting friendly with a female doctor.Jungkook supposed it was one of the junior doctors considering he was wearing different scrubs from Taehyung.

Jungkook waited until she was gone and finally walked into Taehyung's office,without knocking.He sat before the alpha with a bitch resting face.

"Jungkook,why are you on your feet."

"I'm tired of laying down.I want to go home.Staying here won't do me any good"

"Fine.I will get you discharged."

"Just like that?"

"What did you want me to say.If I were to refuse then you would have gotten upset and threw a tantrum"

"Why are you avoiding me?"the omega asked

"Because I don't like you.It's that simple"the older stated.

"Yet you saved me from dying.That explains a lot"Jungkook snorted

"I wanted to be the one to end your miserable life"Taehyung said as though he wasn't joking.Jungkook now knew better than to take his every word to heart.

"Are you already seeing someone ?"Jungkook asked darkly

"What if I am?I don't get how that could be any of your business"

"You can't do that to me"Jungkook said even though he knew how ridiculous he sounded right now.He just didn't care.

"Why not.We broke up.I can see who ever I want to see.I can go out and bang whoever I want now.Thanks to you I'm a free man."

"I don't accept it.I'm carrying your child and you should respect me.Don't you forget that.You can't move on that quickly"

"Whoa.Aren't you a hypocrite.Are you talking about the same baby you are going to abort"

Jungkook fell short of words.Tears prickled his eyes.The truth hurts.He knew that more than anyone else.

"I thought as much.You can leave.I have plans"Taehyung said with his attention on his desktop.

"With her?"the omega's voice cracked

"Whom are you talking about?"

"Forget it.You said that we would never see each other again right.I wish you luck with everything"the smaller said

"Thank you"

Before Jungkook could leave the same doctor walked in.

"Dr Kim.You owe me lunch right.It's time.Let's go.I know a nice place.It's different from the one we went last time"


Jungkook only snickered and went out.His ex wouldnt have moved on from him already.Would he?Taehyung was dying to replace him.Just seeing her made Jungkook realize that it would be hard for him to see the alpha with someone else.

Jungkook heard his stomach growled and frowned.Here he hadn't eaten and Taehyung was taking some random girl to lunch.A part of Jungkook reminded him that he had chose this.His pain was of his own doing.

While walking absent mindedly Jungkook stepped onto a piece of shattered glass.Someone had accidentally dropped it on the floor.

"Ouch"he whimpered and held his foot.He should have watched where he was going but his mind was somewhere

"Are you crazy"an angry voice boomed behind him,startling him.


"Fuck do you want to die that much?"

"Why are you upset.Are you the one who got cut?"the omega yelled

"I don't have time for your attitude.Why didn't you have any footwear on?"

"That's what I wanted.How is that your business?"Jungkook screamed

Taehyung rolled his eyes and picked Jungkook off the ground .He took him to his office and tend to his foot.He gently removed the piece of glass that was stuck in the omega's foot.

"The cut is deep.Just be careful.Drink a lot of fluids"

"For a second I thought you were going to sew my feet"

"I know how much you hate needles"Taehyung smiled lightly

"Don't keep her waiting because of me.Go and have lunch with her"

"That's not your business.Don't you have enough problems in your life already"

"She is pretty"

"Jungkook she is just a friend.She is just like a sister to me.I can't believe you are already getting jealous because of her.She looks up to me as her mentor"

"I thought..."

"Just stop using your head altogetger.You can't think.We both know that"

"I'm sorry"

"Wanna have lunch?"the alpha offered

" were"

"Her boyfriend called.He will be picking her for lunch"


"I heard you haven't been eating in a while.Why is that.You want to starve my baby before you have the abortion"

"Someday you will realize that I made the right decision.I'm not cut out to be anyone's spouse or a parent"

Taehyung become oddly silent after saying that.He was deep in thoughts.Finally he nodded.

"You are always right Jungkook"

"Are we eating in my room?"

"On the roof.No one will see us.Let's order.I will feed you"

"You are still being nice to me because I'm carrying your child.Soon you won't even want to look at me"

"You are right about that.I will pretend that I don't know you at all"

"And you shouldn't feel bad about that"Jungkook's voice cracked at the end.He was saying things he didn't mean and Taehyung knew him well.

"Trust me I won't"


Jin ,Hoseok and Yoongi couldn't visit Jungkook at the hospital because it could attract unnecessary attention.They waited after he got discharged.His parents had taken him home to take care of him but they knew that he wanted to be with Taehyung more than anyone else.

After Jungkook left the hospital ,Taehyung cleared out the omega's stuff and took it to his apartment.There he came across the note that was supposed to be Jungkook's suicide note.Funny enough Taehyung's name wasn't written on it.He didn't mention that the older was the one who had pushed him to claim his life.

The same day Taehyung blocked Jungkook .That was when reality kicked in.Taehyung had officially abandoned him.He didn't think Taehyung meant it.He thought it was one of the things that he say just to upset Jungkook and then not do it in the end.

It had been a week and Jungkook was feeling miserable.He refused to eat most of the times claiming that he was dieting.He didn't even care about the child he was carrying.Why would he when he had gone ahead and booked an appointment at a private abortion clinic.Just tomorrow he would be free but he wasn't happy.He had never slept a wink after booking the appointment.He suddenly felt like he was commiting a sin and feared that he would be punished by never ever getting the chance to have children in the future.

"I don't think I want to do it"he let out

"Why have you changed your mind"

"I feel its wrong and I will live to regret it.This is murder mom.How can killing an unborn child be normalized.It shouldn't be legal"

"Someone finally grew a conscience"Hanjoon remarked.

"How about you get your life first"

"What about the career you have been so worried about"Mrs Jeon asked

"I don't know mom ..but I don't feel good about having this abortion"

"Are you afraid of what Taehyung would think of you"

"No I'm afraid of what I would think of myself"

"Take your time"

"I think maybe it's that time  I live for myself.I can't make the entire world happy.It sucks that I couldn't even go out with the man I loved.It always felt that I was committing a crime whenever I went to see him.I'm sick of thinking what other people would think about it.They all have their lives to live and they have the freedom they want.I want just a little bit of that freedom"

"Baby do you want to keep the baby.You do know what you will have to give up for that.You can't go on tour while you are pregnant.It won't be good for you or the baby"

"Mom I haven't made a decision yet.I'm reconsidering this abortion.I could be making a loss I could never replace"

"Oh my child"

"I don't deserve Taehyung mom.You know it and everyone does as well."

"You aren't a bad person"

"Do you know that he even built a house for us.I shattered all his dreams because of my selfishness.I chose to leave him and now I'm going to abort his baby.I'm afraid that I might really break him this time"

"Calm down"

"You deserve to be alone"Hanjoon said.

"Shut up"Mrs Jeon hissed at her oldest.

"Come on.Let's be honest.Where is your spoilt brat ever going to find a man like Taehyung.Not on this planet.Trust me"

"Hyung please stop being mean"Jungkook cried

"Its the truth.You will regret this"the older alpha said

"Hanjoon don't you think it's time you move out?You can't be staying here forever"

"I'm being kicked out"

"Yes.If Jungkook moved out then why shouldn't you?"

"I don't know if you are interested to know but pretty boy in downstairs"

"Taehyung is here"

"But definitely not to see you.Dad invited him "

"I want to see him.I have to"

Jungkook hopped out of bed and dashed out of the room.

"Im I the only one who thinks that they love each other a little bit too much"

"You are right.Between those two its not yet over until it's over"

"I just hope Jungkook will realize what will make him happy"

Meanwhile Jungkook jogged down the stairs leading to the living room where his father and his ex where.


"I invited Taehyung since I missed him.Did you miss him too dear?"

"Can I borrow him for a minute dad"

"Sure he is all yours"

"Can we talk in the garden please Taehyung?"

Taehyung said nothing and walked ahead with a straight face.Jungkook followed after him after thanking his father.

"What do you want Jungkook?"Taehyung's tone was indifferent

"I almost died.Aren't you going to ask me how I'm doing?"

"I can see that you are doing fine.So what's the point"

"Taehyung....did you have to block me.Are we enemies now.Do you resent me that much.You...never ..know when I might need you.As ...a friend"the omega swallowed

Taehyung laughed.Not because he found anything funny but he needed to just to offend the younger male.

"You?Need me?Are you trying to be funny Jungkook?Have you forgotten what you said that day.That you have no place for me or my child in your life.Have you now"

"Taehyung you know I didn't mean any of that.I was upset and scared.I was in shock.Can't you of all people try to understand that"

"What do you expect of me Jungkook.To pretend that I'm okay with you aborting my child when it's tearing me apart.It's killing me but you could never understand how that feels.You make me weak Jungkook as fuck"

"Taehyung ...just please hear me out"

"Oh I know what you are gonna say.You are gonna say you feel sorry for me and how you didn't have a choice but to do this?Jungkook you always have a choice and you chose to sacrifice our love and our baby"


"I know that it's all my fault.I'm the one who screwed up and got you pregnant.I don't care if you don't believe me or not ,that was a mistake.If I could I would have turn back time.Back when I would have just ignored you when you made advances at me back then"

"You don't mean it.Do you regret our love.Does it mean nothing to you now?"Jungkook asked

"I do because I wouldn't be in pain right now.I wouldn't be feeling nothing but hatred towards you.I regret ever knowing you"

Jungkook's eye became flat.He clenched his fists without realizing it.He was going to make Taehyung regret not giving him a chance to speak.He wanted to tell him that he was reconsidering the abortion but Taehyung just had to be such a mindless jerk.

"Are you done ranting yet.At first I was having doubts but you and your behavior has helped me come to a decision.I know what I need to do"

"What are you talking about?"

"You really don't need to know.Just know whatever will happen is all your fault"


"I don't get why you need to be so emotional about this.You are going to get married and your wife will give you a house full of children"

"But the child you are carrying is still my blood and my first child"Taehyung yelled

"I'm sorry for doing this to you but I don't have a choice"

"I let you do whatever you want can you do me a favor then"

"What favor Taehyung?"

"Don't ever let me see your face.Ever again.I might squeeze you to death"Taehyung felt like he could easily harm Jungkook and he didn't want that.He would rather keep his distance than be close enough to hurt him.

"I hope you will really do that when the time comes.I would gladly die by your hand when the time comes.One day I hope you will get over your resentment for me.You can't live like that"

"Don't lecture me Jeon"he hissed,it was getting harder to restrain himself from hurting the omega he loved.


As Jungkook walked away from Taehyung he realized one thing and that was that they were broken beyond repair.It was better they go their separate ways and heal from this.

Taehyung didn't return inside the house.Although he had respect for Mr Jeon he couldn't stand to see Jungkook.He needed to be far away from him so he could stay sane.

Jungkook crawled into his bed when he returned to his room.His mother was no longer there so he could cry all he want.His heart was aching terribly.He desperately wished that he could go numb for a few days.He loved Taehyung and nothing was ever going to change that.He would always love him even though he knew the older resented him for the decisions he made for himself.He just didn't realize that those decisions affected the person he loved the most.

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