Gray (Taekook Omegaverse)

By LettyTK

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Idol superstar Jungkook found himself pregnant only a few weeks before the biggest world tour of his career.H... More



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By LettyTK

When Taehyung got home later that night he found the apartment pitch black.That was quite unusual.Jungkook doesn't like the darkness as far as he knows.

"Kookie.Baby I'm home"he called as he switched the lights on.He found the omega sitting on the couch.

"You scared me.Why are you sitting in the dark"

"We need to talk"Jungkook whispered as he walked towards the older male with unsteady steps.

"Why is your face pale.Are you ill?"Taehyung asked

"Do you care?"Jungkook without any emotion

"Of course I do"Taehyung held the omega's shoulder.

"Then why did you do it?"the omega screamed

"Do what?"

"You are going to play dumb with me?"Jungkook snickered

"Can you get to the point?"Taehyung asked

"The point is..."Jungkook suddenly slapped Taehyung across the cheek.

Taehyung chuckled and held his cheek.He didn't seem surprised"Do you want the other one"

Jungkook's anger was fueled even more.He slapped the right too.Just because Taehyung had challenged him.Yes that felt good.

"Now can I know what's the reason for this disrespect"Taehyung's voice was menacing.

"You are the one disrespectful between us"Jungkook screamed

"For the love of goodness what did I do?"Taehyung was losing his patience.Where was this going.

"You got me pregnant so I will have no choice but to marry you.Getting me pregnant was your trump card wasn't it.How could you stoop so low,Taehyung?"the omega screamed

"What?Are you really pregnant?"Taehyung asked in surprise.His worst nightmare had manifested.What now?

"Don't pretend you didn't know what you were doing when you released inside of me.You knew very well.You had a motive.From day one you knew I should never fall pregnant.Not even by mistake"

"I didn't plan this.It was a mistake.An accident.Baby I need you to calm down and listen to me.I didn't do this to spite on you"Taehyung said

"Listen Taehyung you thought you could make me helpless by getting me pregnant but you are wrong.I will never be helpless.You have failed"

"Jungkook I'm saying this again..."

"Guess what.I don't want you or your child in my life.I'm going to do everything possible to get rid of the two of you.I want to be free from you"Jungkook screamed

Taehyung swallowed dryly and pretended to be unaffected by the words.Jungkook was going to lose the child and there was nothing for him to do.They weren't married so there was no way for him to stop Jungkook.He didn't have the right.He didn't have the strength to beg him because he would appear to be selfish.

"Do what you please.I hope the descion you make will let you sleep peaceful at night"..

"Dont even try to make me feel guilty when you are the one who played me.You are mocking me aren't you?"Jungkook asked

Taehyung's gaze darkened.It became cold as he advance towards Jungkook.He was dangerously close but the omega refused to be intimidated.

"If you abort my child then you would have proved me right"Taehyung said


"The same thing I always say.You are a spoilt brat that thinks about only yourself"the alpha spat

"You were right all along.I am what you said I am.I know my self worth and won't be reduced to a housewife by you"Jungkook spat without a care in the world.

"Then good luck.I wish you a clear conscious after having the abortion.I wish that killing my child won't weigh on your conscience.I hope you won't lose your mind after the hurdle in your life is gone"..

"Stop"Jungkook screamed while covering his ears.

"I wish your career will make you happy.More than I ever could.I hope you will find someone who will love you for who you are even more than I ever could"

"Are you done cursing me?This is all you will ever amount to.Are you that desperate to have me in your life"Jungkook mocked the alpha with every word he uttered

"I fucking love you.I can ignore every other shit you throw at me but don't do this...Please"Taehyung pleaded

"I will ask you if your love is the same after I have aborted your child.Will you still feel the same"Jungkook asked without any emotion.

Taehyung blinked.Jungkook had hit a raw nerve.He really wanted to think that Jungkook not wanting the child was justified since it wasn't planned but would he still love him the same after getting rid of the symbol of their love

"I want you to think about it.Until we will meet again"Jungkook said

"Don't leave"Taehyung said,more like ordered

"I was hesitant about leaving you before but now I'm sure.I don't want you in my life.You have caused more harm than good to me"Jungkook said

"Go but make sure you never have to come back to me.If you do then I will give you just the treatment you deserve.I will slit your throat and feed your body to the wild animals."Taehyung threatened but his gaze was empty

"Your obsession with me is worrying me Taehyung"he snickered

"One more thing after you have aborted my child ,I will tell the media everything.And you know what I mean by everything.Our eight year old relationship ,your abortion.I will also provide the evidence of us being in a relationship.The sex tape I mentioned the other day really exists"

Jungkook slapped Taehyung for the third time without any emotion.Only if looks could kill.He was horrified and didn't know how else to react.

Taehyung laughed out loud like a meniac"I thought you were on your way.Why are you still here.Scared?"

"Non of that scares me.You can't use a sex tape to manipulate me"Jungkook said but felt his confidence diminishing

"How do you know I won't do it.I have nothing to lose but the world will know what a slut you are and just how desperate you are for my cock"the older smirked

"Taehyung shut the fuck up"Jungkook gritted out.He couldn't imagine such a thing happening to him.Not in this lifetime.

"Your fans adore you don't they.They think you are the most innocent being that have walked the face of the planet.How would they react when they find out that I have been fucking you good since you were eighteen.How long has that been?Eight years"Taehyung emitted a maniac laugh

"Taehyung...please don't do this to me"Jungkook was shuttered.He was terrified to even think about how people would treat him after his sex tape gets aired.His entire future will be ruined.His family will never be able to lift their heads in public again.How will he handle people talking at him,judging him and critizing him for the choices he made.Jungkook would be traumatized for sure.The media is cruel.

Taehyung smirked.He had managed to break Jungkook with empty threats.What could he do.This was a father's desperate attempt to save his unborn child.He needed to make Jungkook believe he would really hurt him that way.He tried to be convincing as he could probably be and the omega really bought it.

"You started this but I'm gonna end this.That's a promise.Go home for now.I will stay in touch."Taehyung said

Jungkook had strayed and rebelled against his boyfriend in the past but he never looked at him the way he did now or even talk to him in such a disrespectful manner.He used to get away with a lot of things but not this.A small innocent life was involved.

Taehyung watched as Jungkook walked away.He looked at him with sadness in the eyes and whispered"Goodbye Taehyung "

The older didn't respond.He was deep in thoughts.Jungkook was in no position to go anywhere alone but he had to let him.He couldn't let him know that he still cared so much about him.He cared way too much.

An hour after Jungkook's departure ,Taehyung realized that Jungkook had left his phone behind.If there wasn't a call then he would have  never known.Mrs Jeon had been calling but Taehyung couldn't bring himself to pick up the phone.

Jungkook's apartment was only a fifteen minute drive from his so he drove there.He had to give Jungkook his phone so he could talk to his mother.

Taehyung found the door of Jungkook's apartment locked.He just assumed that the omega was asleep.He was just going to give him the phone and leave as if he had never been there.

The older used the spare key he had to unlock the apartment.The lights were still on so Taehyung could see his way around the apartment.

His heart dropped when he found Jungkook laying lifeless on the cold floor of his apartment.There was a note on the kitchen counter and besides Jungkook there was a bottle of sleeping pills that was nearly empty.

"Jungkook"Taehyung screamed on top of his lungs.He was terrified and horrified.He fell onto his knees and examined Jungkook.His pulse was weak and he wasn't breathing at all.

"Hospital,baby I'm sorry.I didn't mean for this to happen"he cried uncontrollably as he rubbed the omega's palms.

Taehyung slapped himself so he could get a hold of himself.He was feeling weak and guilty that he forgot that the important thing was to get Jungkook to the hospital.

He drove to the hospital and used a private entrance so people won't know that Jungkook had been rushed to the hospital.The media would feast on that piece of information.

Without waiting for any protocols,Taehyung started the procedure of pumping Jungkook's stomach.There was no way of telling whether Jungkook would make it or not.He had just to wait.

He later called Jimin later and the omega advice him to inform Jungkook's family about the situation.

Instead of personally calling Jungkook's mother ,Taehyung asked the nurse who had been treating him to do that.

The Jeons arrived in no amount of time.They were all restless,especially Mrs Jeon.

"Taehyung, Jungkook was okay when we left him at your place.How did it get to this?"she asked desperately

"We fought"the alpha whispered

"About the baby?"Mrs Jeon asked


"Wait.What baby are you talking about?"Mr Jeon asked in bewilderment.

"It wasn't my place to tell you but our son is pregnant"Mrs Jeon said

"Did he attempt suicide because you had refused to take responsibility for the child?"Mr Jeon asked,the question was directed at Taehyung.

"It's actually the opposite.I want the child but he wanted an abortion.I threatened that I will ruin his career if he goes ahead with the abortion"

"Did you really mean those words?"Mr Jeon asked

"No sir.I only wanted to scare him so he could change his mind.I really didn't know that I went overboard.I'm sorry.I didn't want this to happen.I would have lost everything"

"I'm sorry that my son had to make that decision and hurt you"Mr Jeon said

"Why are you apologizing to me when I'm responsible for his situation"

"But you saved him didn't you.Nothing can ever be big than that.I don't know how I could ever thank you for this"Mr Kim said

"I regret talking to him the way I did.I shouldn't have fought with him"Taehyung was feeling somber.Guilt and regret was consuming him every passing second.

"What kind of man would you be if you just let him abort your child without a fight.You are a person with feelings"

"Is the baby okay?"Mrs Jeon asked.

"The baby made it.We will just have to wait till tomorrow morning"Taehyung said

"Taehyung you should go home.We will be here with him"Mrs Jeon said with a smile.

"No I'm the one responsible for him.I will stay.I'm his doctor"

"Okay.Just make yourself busy.You don't have to be watching him all the time"Mrs Jeon said


"Jungkook will be fine.Don't worry.I'm going to have a serious talk with him when he wakes up"Mr Jeon said

"Please don't say anything to him.I will let him have the abortion.It's his body after all.This child wasn't planned and it was a fault on my part.Having a child will ruin his dreams"Taehyung said

"My son doesn't know what matters in life.I'm afraid that he might realize it too late.Regrets are permanent"


Jungkook opened his eyes and immediately realized that he was in the hospital.He was kinda disappointed that he didn't die.

"You are in heaven"Taehyung spoke from the window.

"Why are you here?"he asked groggily

"I'm a doctor.And i also happen to be the person who found you unconscious.You can thank me later"

"I didn't ask you to save me"the omega glared at the alpha

"But I love my job that I even save those I hate"Taehyung pouted

"You have a weakness.Fix that"


"I don't want it"

"Do you want to die.Just jump from the last floor.No you can't do that.You want an easy death right ,baby?"Taehyung taunted the omega with a smile.

"What?Is that how you treat a person who attempted suicide?"Jungkook asked

"In some countries they get arrested for having attmpted suicide and failing to die"

"That's ridiculous"the omega remarked

"Tell me Jungkook.Did you really want to die or you just wanted attention?"Taehyung asked without any emotion.

"I wanted to die so I wouldn't have to put up with you but unfortunately you are the first person I see after failing to take my own life"

"Shame.You need to eat something.Your stomach is empty and you are still pregnant"Taehyung told the omega with a straight face.

"I'm still pregnant.You mean the baby survived that?"Jungkook asked in great surprise

"It's a miracle the both of you didn't die.How many did you take anyways?"Taehyung asked casually

"A lot"

"You should try harder next time"Taehyung snickered.Goodness knows that he never wanted want to put Jungkook in that position again.Never again would Jungkook try to commit suicide because of him.

"It would have been better if the baby died along with me"the omega said

"I think you need therapy.Can't you take a joke?"Taehyung asked

"A joke.How can you even joke about leaking my sex tape?"Jungkook half yelled

"I fucking lied.There is no tape to begin with"Taehyung said in one breath.He knew he had taken the threat too far back then.

"Really .You will soon change that statement when it is convenient for you"Jungkook snickered

"I won't mess with you ever again.Once you get out here you won't ever see me.Just try to get therapy"Taehyung said

"I don't need therapy.I just want an abortion.I never wanted this child.It was forced on me by a selfish man"the omega spoke recklessly

"Jungkook"Mrs Jeon exclamied furiously.Behind her stood her husband and Hanjoon.

"You are really ungrateful.The fact that you and your child are still alive isn't a sign to you.You still want to be selfish even after such a close shave"she fumed

"Mom "

"You will never change.I hope that karma gives you what's coming for you"Mrs Jeon said

"Mom I'm.."

"For now it would be better if you don't talk to me."the female said curtly

Jungkook opened his mouth so he could breath.Tears pricked his eyes and Taehyung stared at him blankly.

"Can I please have water Tae?"Jungkook asked as his voice cracked

"Taehyung dear can we please talk outside?"Mrs Jeon asked

Taehyung helped Jungkook have a glass of water and then left the omega with his father and brought.

"Dad I'm sorry.I really wasn't thinking straight.Don't be mad at me too"Jungkook wept

"I'm not mad at you.I just feel sorry for you"Mr Jeon said

"Why?"Jungkook asked

"Parenthood is the kinda of joy that no other joy in the world can compare.Material things vanish with time but parenthood is permanent.No matter how poor you will always have your children"

"Are you on Taehyung's side too?"

"I'm on your side.I don't want you to have to live in regret for the rest of your life.If you start regretting it you will never forgive yourself.Just please think it through"

"I will"the male omega whispered

"Taehyung loves you"Mr Jeon told him.

"And he deserves better.That's why I'm letting him go"Jungkook said

"What if he is only happy with you?"the alpha asked

"There is nothing I can do for him.I have to put myself first.You can call me selfish but that's what I want"the omega said

"You know Jungkook,there would be chaos right now if the media knew that you tried to commit suicide"

"Oh shit"

"But thanks to Taehyung no one knows.You are in the VVIP ward.Only Taehyung and his nurse knows you are here right now.You should thank him for the discretion"

"I will thank him if that makes you happy"the omega said

"Just you know.I'm on Taehyung's side.Dad is  too.He just doesn't want to be honest with you"Hanjoon said and his father smacked his back for being a bubbler mouth.

"You are on his side even though you know he is the reason why I tried to end my life?"Jungkook asked

"If you knew him well enough then you would have realized that he would never do that to you.He only instilled fear in you"Mr Jeon said

"I could have died because of that.Don't you realize that?"the omega yelled

"He didn't take the tablets and feed you did he?"Mr Jeon asked

"No"Jungkook shook his head.

"Then thats good"

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