Gray (Taekook Omegaverse)

By LettyTK

42K 1.8K 217

Idol superstar Jungkook found himself pregnant only a few weeks before the biggest world tour of his career.H... More



2.4K 130 22
By LettyTK

Taehyung was welcomed by the sound coming from the TV when he came back from work.He felt relieved when he found the omega curled on the couch.He wanted to live in this dream a little more.

"Honey"he patted the omega's had lightly and Jungkook stirred awake.He looked adorable in messed up hair and baggy sweats that weren't his.

"You are home"

"Am I late?"

"No.I have just been feeling sleepy and tired today.I got tired of watching tv"

"Did you have dinner?"the older asked

"No I  was waiting for you.I didn't want to eat without you"

"Let's eat now.I'm hungry"

"Help me up"

"I brought you flowers.Tulips.Your favorite"

"Really?Where are they?"

"I left them on the hall table"

"Thanks.I will put them in water before we go to bed"

Jungkook served dinner in the kitchen and they sat down to eat.

"I saw the notification.You really tried not to buy the whole supermarket"Taehyung started

"Fruits and vegetables don't cost that much but I can't say the same for meat.I can't eat a meal without meat"

"No wonder you are a werewolf"

"Did you eat lunch?"Jungkook asked

"I almost didn't eat it"


"Jimin ran away with it.I had to run after him so he could give it back"


"He ate three quarters of it.If he weren't my best friend then he wouldn't have got away with it"

"Why don't we set them up with my producer.He is also single too"

"Why do you think that's a good idea"

"I think they would make a really good couple.You told me your best friend has been searching for a while.You even met Yoongi hyung.What do you think about him?"Jungkook asked

"Jimin just wants one man who isn't after his ass but his heart.A person who would love him for who he is"

"Yoongi hyung is a cool guy.Although he doesn't admit it ,he is afraid of love.Maybe he will stop being grumpy if he finds someone to love."

"You expect them to get along?Jimin has a temper.He vents a lot and that's one of the reasons why he is still single"

"He might just be hyung's type.You never know how things end up.We will get lucky if we unite two people together"

"It's worth the shot"

"By the way Eunwoo and the guys invited me to a get together tomorrow night"

"And you are planning on going ?"

"Tae I haven't been that social in a while.I should go"

"You aren't going"Taehyung stated

"Hyung"the omega whined

"For as long as you are staying with me I can not let you go.And you know damn why you can't"

"This time there won't be many people like last time"

"I see you haven't learned your lesson.Your so called friends keep bad company.Have you forgotten how someone dragged you with the intention of rapping you.And today we still don't know who.If I hadn't gotten to you on time I don't know what would have become of you"


"Jungkook don't try to argue with me.You hang out with a group alphas all by yourself.Don't you think that's dangerous.And where were your so called friends when you got dragged and then carried to a room"Taehyung sounded furious

"I'm not going if that's what you want ,Taehyung"

"I don't mean to be controlling and demeaning.You know I care about you"Taehyung said

"I know.I will tell them no"


"Taehyung no matter how bad things get between us please promise me you will never leak my nudes"

"You are concerned about nudes.I have the sex tap as well.I can make a fortune with it"the alpha winked

"Wait a sex tape?I have never  agreed to such a thing"the omega exclaimed

"I'm joking.I would never film it without telling you"

"I will end my life"

"I said I was messing with you.Don't you trust me"

"I trust you"

After dinner Taehyung did the dishes because Jungkook wasn't feeling too well.They cuddled on the living room couch afterwards.Jungkook had picked a romcom for them.It had been a while since they watched a movie together.Jungkook wanted to make up for everything they missed before they go their separate ways for good.

"Your phone baby"Taehyung handed the omega his ringing cell.

"Thank you"

"Hello Jin hyung"

"Are you where Hoseok told me you are"

"Yeah I'm with Taehyung"

"I have no words for you right now"

"Relax.I'm not sleeping with him.I know better than to sleep with the enemy..It's like playing with fire"

"Do whatever makes you happy.I called to let you know that you have gotten an endorsement deal.You are officially the brand ambassador of head and shoulders"

"What's head and shoulders hyung"

"It's an international hair wash.The same brand you use on your hair moron"

"Oh I remember"

"Your schedule is no longer empty.In two weeks you are going to film commercials for the brand*

"Why me though"

"Don't you want money?Everyone is after you because of the impact you have in the kpop industry.You can promote a product without even knowing and the next minute it sells out.That's called power Jungkook"

"But I have more than enough money .I just want to spend time with Taehyung.For the last time"

"Should I turn down the offer?"

"No don't.I don't want to cause problems.I will meet you at the agency"

"I will stay in touch .Bye"

Jungkook hung up and glanced at the man besides him"What's with the poker face"

"I'm the enemy?"he sounded just as he felt:displeased

"I didn't mean that"Jungkook's hand purposely went on top of the alpha's lap.

"I'm going to bed"

"Are you leaving me?"


"Your ego is bigger than mount Everest my love"Jungkook said

"Do you want me to carry you?"

"Yes please"

"Is there something else you want"

"You mean something long,veiny and thick?"Jungkook purred

"I meant something to eat before you go to bed,dumbo"Taehyung rolled his eyes.


"Don't look disappointed.You just said that you don't sleep with the enemy"Taehyung said

"I just said that so hyung wouldn't think that I'm actually sleeping with you but I really want to have sex with you.I missed your touch"he uttered without any hint of shame.

"Sleeping with an ex is playing with fire.How will we ever get over each other?"Taehyung asked

"Maybe we don't really need to"Jungkook shrugged

"I'm tempted"

Jungkook spent the entire week with his ex.In that single week they made memories enough to last a lifetime.They treated each other as if they were still together.Taehyung brought flowers for Jungkook every night just to show him that he cares and he will always be there for him.

Taehyung was getting worried because Jungkook had been getting sick every morning for the past week.The truth be told he was getting scared.

Jungkook was laying in bed watching his ex get ready for work.He had gotten weak after throwing up so Taehyung had to tuck him in back into bed.

"I think you should come to the hospital with me.Let's get a blood test"Taehyung suggested

"No.I will get better.I hate hospitals"


"Tae no.Stop fighting with me please"

"Fine .Have it your way.Just eat something when you feel better alright"

"Come here Dr Kim.Let me fix your tie"

"It looks perfect to me"

"Just come to me Taehyung"

Taehyung sat on the edge of the bed next to Jungkook who pulled him by the collar and then kissed his lips.

"Now you are good to go.Have a great day"the younger smiled with his eyes.

Taehyung gave Jungkook heart eyes and fixed his tie"Bye baby"

Jimin found his way into Taehyung's office.He hadn't seen his friend around the hospital all morning and he was kinda getting worried.

"Yoh Taehyung.Did you come here to lock yourself up"

The said alpha was playing with a parker pen while he was staring into nothing.

"Taehyung I'm talking to you.You seem distracted"

"I think I messed up"

"What's wrong?"

"Jungkook might be pregnant.He is exhibiting all the signs and symptoms.It's been a week and he is feeling weak and sick every morning"

"What?That's great news.You are going to be a dad.I'm happy for you pal"

"For Jungkook it's not good news.He has a tour scheduled"

"What did you do Taehyung.As a doctor who would know better about the importance of using protection?.What's your excuse"

"I did pull out.."

"Maybe it was a little too late.Coz you know one sperm is all it takes.I can't believe it took you eight years to realize that your pull out game is weak"

"You can taunt me all you want but Jungkook isn't going to forgive me.He will hate me for this and might even want to abort the child.I don't expect him to keep it"

"You have no problem with him terminating the pregnancy?"the older asked

"It might hurt buts that's what I know is going to happen.He didn't plan for this.I ruined his life"

"But you didn't do it on purpose.These kind of things happen everyday.It was an honest mistake"

"I will have to deal with his family.His father looks like the type that would skin me alive for impregnating his child.On the other hand there is my all goody dad.He will persecute me for having a child out of wedlock.I'm screwed"

"I feel your pain dude"

"I'm not afraid of anything else other than Jungkook.I don't want him to resent me.If only I could turn back time I wouldn't have touched him that day.I got carried away.It was wrong of me"

"Taehyung don't start falling apart now.Did you force Jungkook"

"He did it to please me.I hadn't touched him in eleven months after he refused to marry me so he wanted to make it up to me"

"Eleven months?You are indeed a gentleman.Is this how all alphas are"

"I didn't mean to be so unreasonable but I thought ignoring him would change his mind.The thought of marrying someone else made me sick so I had to do all I could to make him agree"

"It's all in the past.Now you have to be strong and face what will happen when Jungkook gets to know that he is pregnant"

"Can you help me run away"

"Why don't you just cut the part that got you into trouble in the first place"

"How will i pee?"Taehyung pouted

"You are a surgeon.I'm sure you can figure that part out"


Jungkook was woken up from his nap by the door bell.For a second he had actually forgotten that he wasn't at his place.He wondered who would come to Taehyung's place when he is out working the whole day.

Jungkook saw the last person he expected to see"Mom"


"I'm rather shocked"

"Let me in"

"How did you even get the address"

"I have my ways.Anyways tell me what's Taehyung feeding you,for you to have gained so much weight.Last time I saw you,your cheeks weren't that chubby."

"He is giving me proteins and a lot of love"

"Proteins from which source?"Mrs Jeon winked

"Mom you are disgusting"

"Pretending you are innocent are you"

"Please sit.Can I get you something"

"Sit baby.We need to talk"

"About"Jungkook sat cross legged.

"Taehyung called me.He told me that you have been sick lately but you don't want to go to the hospital.A blood test won't do you any harm"

"Mom I'm scared.Do you think I'm ignorant.You think I don't know what's going on with me.I have noticed how much my body is  changing and I'm scared to find out"

Mrs Jeon's eyes widened in shock"You mean to say.."

"I might be pregnant.Yes"he nodded

Mrs Jeon was overjoyed at the prospect of having a grandchild but she didn't want to show it because Jungkook was tensed about the situation.

"I don't want to go to the hospital because I fear someone might leak my medical information from the database.Soon the world will know that I'm pregnant.I want to find out for myself"

"Do you have the test kit"

"No can you please go and get them for me?I can't buy one myself for obvious reasons"

"Sure baby"

Mrs Jeon ran to the nearby chemist and bought five different pregnancy test kits for her son's satisfaction.She came back after ten minutes and found Jungkook in tears.

"I don't want to be pregnant mom"

"Let's find out first then we can talk about everything.Go inside I will be right outside the door"

She handed him the paper bag.Here you go."Use all of them just to be sure.Follow the instructions to set up the kits"

Jungkook nodded as more tears escaped his eyelids.After five minutes he saw horror.All the tests were positive.There were sitting there staring at him,taunting him.He screamed in tears.Mrs Jeon's heart sunk.Her son was overwhelmed by the fears of being a parent.

"Kookie everything is going to be okay"

"Nothing will ever be okay.How could Taehyung do this to me.I trusted him with my life and he just ruined it.What about my career"

"Jungkook please sit"

"I don't know what to do"his entire body felt weak.

"Jungkook listen to me.I'm not going to lecture you about anything.I just want you to sit down and think about what really matters"

"My career is important"

"Being a mom or getting married will never get in your way"

Jungkook refused to listen.He was just too upset."I'm not going to forgive him"

"You want to be alone right.Go out for a walk and clear your head.We will come and talk"

Jungkook took his mother's advice while she called for backup.She wasn't going to handle her son alone or stop him from doing anything stupid.It was a good thing that Jin was at the agency which wasn't that far from Taehyung's place.

It was really surprising for Jin to receive a call from Jungkook's mother while she was at his brother in law's place.Basing on her voice there seemed to be some sort of emergency.

When Jin arrived he was briefed about the situation at hand.

"He didn't take the news well.If he doesn't calm down he will do something stupid"

"You mean an abortion"

"He might harm himself as well as the baby"

"As an average person having an unplanned pregnancy is scary enough.I don't know what he must be going through"Seokjin said

"But it's not like Taehyung has refused to take responsibility for Jungkook and the child.He is only thinking about his career at this point.Why can't he see that there is more to life than just his music.First he let Taehyung go and now he is going to hurt their child.Just what more will he do"Mrs Jeon stressed

"No matter what we both yes or think.The final decision rests with him"the younger said

Jungkook came back looking pale and lifeless.Jin hugged him without a word.

"This isn't the end of the world"the older tried to sooth the younger.He looked broken and hopeless as if someone had just died.

"Hyung I'm pregnant.I'm so scared.What if someone finds out about this.I will be done for.No one should ever know about this"

"I thought you were being careful.We talked about your reproductive healthy frequently didn't we.I thought I showed you the different contraceptive options we have"

"He told me he pulled out but now the truth is out.He fooled me and I'm so stupid for trusting him the way I did"


"Taehyung is a selfish ,greedy bastard.I won't forgive him.He will pay for this"

After an hour Jungkook asked the guests to leave so he could be alone and think.They gave him what he needed

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