Gray (Taekook Omegaverse)

By LettyTK

53.9K 2.3K 284

Idol superstar Jungkook found himself pregnant only a few weeks before the biggest world tour of his career.H... More



3.3K 177 14
By LettyTK

Jungkook had been in his apartment the whole day after coming back from his parents in the morning.He slept till ten in the morning.When he woke up he made himself some ramen.Afterwards he thought of cleaning his apartment and it took him almost all of the day.At six he ordered dinner for himself.

By the end of the day he had checked  his  phone numerous times but no one had got in touch with him.He didn't even get so much as a text.He kept glancing towards the door hoping someone would just walk in.Maybe it wasn't a dream that he and Taehyung were done for good.

Around seven his doorbell rang.His heart clenched by just thinking about Taehyung.The only person who came to his apartment so often was his boyfriend.He had already missed those eyes that made him weak to the knees.

Jungkook opened the door to be met with Hobi's dazzling smile.It was like a ray of sunshine in his life.

"Hey JK"


"Let's go party."the alpha yelled

"If you refuse I'm gonna get really upset.This moron woke me up all for you"a grumpy voice said behind Hoseok.

"Yoongi hyung.You are here too"

"Aren't you going to let us in"the grumpy alpha asked.

"Please forgive my manners.Come in"

"Jin hyung wanted to come too but his daughter was being so clingy.She is fighting with her nanny over everything"

"She is just the cutest"

"That could have been your niece.I must say you are quite alike"

"Really.Jin hyung should get a break.He should go on a vacation with his family.He hasn't done that for a while because of me"Jungkook said

"Every celebrity needs a babysitter"

"And he has been the best so far.I don't know what I would do without him.Let me get you something"

The two alphas spotted boxes piled up on the living room floor.

"Are you moving"

"No,it's Taehyung's stuff.I'm gonna send to him soon"

"Oh.You have already made up your mind"Hoseok said as he made himself comfortable on the couch.Yoongi followed suit.

"Hasn't he called you yet?"

"Why would he ?I don't expect him to.It would be hypocritical of me"

"Honestly he must loved you a lot to put up with you for eight years.That's true love.Pure and unconditional love"Yoongi said

"Funny my brother said the same thing.Am I really a difficult person?"

"If you put your mind to it then yes.You can be pain in the neck at times"Yoongi said

"I really didn't know about that.I will try to change it"

Yoongi clutched his chest"Your sincere words have touched my heart"

"How have you been doing lately?"

"I'm feeling much better after spending the night with my family.I didn't know i needed that trip"

"That's great"

"My dad and I made up"

"I bet you were elated"

"I was.One problem fixed.It was supposed to be an important day in my life.Making up with my dad was something I had prayed for so long.But I didn't feel complete because Taehyung is no longer with me"

"Was the sex good?"

"Hyung that's so random.I'm not going to answer that"

"Do you miss it though?"

"Goodness hyung what has gotten over you"Jungkook felt blood rushing to his cheeks.

"Kookie don't mind him.Just go and put on the tightest jeans in your closet.We are going out tonight"

"I don't.."

"Bitch I didn't leave my beauty sleep so you can tell me no.Imma drag you if  I must"Yoongi said

"I will go and change.Don't get mad at me hyung"

Jungkook was good to go after fifteen minutes.He really needed to go out and unwind.While he was still with Taehyung he never needed to go out to clubs.Being in doors with each other was enough for them.

When the trio got to the club Hoseok ordered beer for the three of them.However Jungkook turned down the beer and asked for a virgin cocktail instead.He was feeling low but he didn't want to spoil the fun for his friends.

No later Hoseok and Yoongi were tipsy and got on the dance floor.Jungkook  politely refused to join them.He started feeling empty and burst out into tears.His chest was hurting and he felt like he was bursting into flames.The pain was too much to handle.No matter how emotional he was he couldn't let people see him crying so he left from there as quickly as possible.He couldn't risk having a anxiety attack in public.People would take pictures first before they get him help.

.Being a celebrity he had to be careful about every little thing because every small mistake he would get you judged easily  and misunderstood.It wasn't easy having to look over your shoulders every time.The media and anti fans would make an issue out of the simplest thing and the smallest mistake.

In that state Jungkook ended up at the one place he felt at home.The person who lived at that place was his home.He just hoped that the person was home and alone

With shaky hands he pressed the doorbell thrice.The person inside would definitely know it was him.Ringing three times was his signal.

A minute later the door was opened.He just hoped he wouldn't get turned away.

"Tae I didn't know where else to go.I need you.Can I please stay with you tonight.Just tonight"

Taehyung wordlessly brought the omega into his arms and held him tightly.Jungkook started sobbing and muttering a series of apologies.

When Taehyung pulled away he wiped the omega's cheeks with his hands and then pecked his forehead.He didn't show any signs of resentment.It was just love.

"Come on"he took the omega's hand and led him inside the apartment.

"Sit down baby.I will get you something to drink"Taehyung said

"Tae just stay with me please.I don't need anything else.I just want you"

Taehyung sat down besides the omega.He held his hands and looked at me"Tell me what's wrong?"

"Everything.I think I messed up.I did right?"

"Why do you say that"

"Even though I chose music over marrying you I'm still not happy.I can't be happy without you .What do I do?"he wept hopelessly

"Calm down my love"

"I...You probably hate me don't you?Yes you should hate me"

"I have never said that"

"You can't be normal"Jungkook chuckled

"I'm sorry for guilty tripping you yesterday.I just got so desperate to have you all to myself.I didn't want to lose you but it ended up happening anyways"Taehyung said bitterly

"Taehyung you shouldn't apologize.I'm the one who is wrong.I'm selfish.I only thought about what "

"It has already happened so why are we still talking about it"

"I don't want to lose you even though I know you are going to marry someone else"the omega heard himself say.


"We can still see each other right.We can still make this work can't we?"the younger asked desperately

"As what?"

"An affair..."

"Do you think that would be fair for the person whom I will be cheating on.Tell me honestly"Taehyung stroked the omega's hair.

"But you love only me don't you?"

"I love you a lot.Too much in fact but I don't think I could hurt someone just so I can be with you behind closed doors"

"I'm sorry I even brought up the idea.I got greedy.I will go.I'm sorry for bothering you"

"Jungkook you said you would stay here for the night.What happened to that.Are you being a brat?"

"I'm afraid you might get angry and kick me out"Jungkook pouted.

"I won't.I'm no longer bitter.I have accepted that we can no longer be together but that doesn't mean I will turn you away when you need me.You still mean a lot to me"

"I lied about wanting to stay here just for tonight.I want to stay for a couple of days.I promise I won't make you uncomfortable or cross the line"

"You can stay my love.But you know I won't be there the whole day.Do you want to stay alone"

"I don't mind waiting for you.We will be together by the end of the day won't we?

"Wanna go to bed?"

"Can I get cuddles.Pretty please"

"I can't say no."

"Thank you"

Jungkook stood up and held Taehyung 's hand.They closed the distance between them and kissed without any hesitation.Their current relationship didn't have a name but that was the last thing they were worried about.They were so lost in the moment.

Taehyung held Jungkook's waist without breaking the kiss.His lips left the omega's and went to his jaw.Jungkook felt heat surge through his body like a current.

Jungkook's phone just had to ruin the moment.

"Tae my phone.Can I pick it up?"his eyes were twinkling apealing as he asked

"Sure baby.I will be waiting for you in the bedroom"Taehyung pecked the smaller's forehead before leaving.

"Thank you"he whispered before picking up the call.

"Hello mom"

"Hey baby.Are you asleep yet?"


"Don't starve yourself.You aren't dieting"

"I won't"

"You threw up in the morning.Are you feeling better yet?"

"I took a nap when I got home and now I'm better.Believe me"

"Don't overthink.Everything will be okay.Sleep well"

"Good night"

Jungkook locked the door and switched the lights before joining his ex in his bedroom.He heard Taehyung showering in the bathroom and he was tempted to go in for a second but he decided against it.He grabbed one of Taehyung's old t shirt and changed into it.He jumped into bed before the alpha could come out of the bathroom.

"I thought you would come and join me"Taehyung said

"I took a shower about three hours ago.Hoseok and Yoongi hyung came to take me out for drinks.They don't know I'm here though.I kinda feel bad for leaving them alone but I needed to get away"

"Text them and let them know.They might be worried"

"I will do that but don't you think they will find it weird that I'm at your place.I mean we broke up just the day before yesterday"

"They shouldn't try to make sense of the situation.It will drive them nuts"

"I will text them and switch off my phone.I don't want to get taunted"the younger pouted.

Jungkook grabbed his phone and texted Hoseok.He switched off his phone as soon as he was done.

Taehyung put on a pair of boxers as well as a pair of shorts.He slipped into bed and pulled Jungkook closer.

Jungkook laid his head on his ex's chest .He intertwined the fingers of their right hands.

"I miss this and I'm gonna miss it more when you get married"Jungkook said as his heart broke.

"Stop talking about marriage as if Im dying to marry someone who isn't you"

"I'm sorry."

"Go to sleep"

"Can I ask something before you put me to sleep"


"At what time are you leaving for work tomorrow?"

"Around seven.Why do you need to know"

"So I can wake up early and make breakfast for you before you leave"Jungkook said

"You don't have to do that.I will grab something at the cafe"

"Please allow me to do this.This is the last time"


"I will also pack lunch for you.You need to eat healthy so you can save lives.Your spouse better take good care of you or I will come to claim you back.I swear"Jungkook said

"I don't believe you would do that"

"I thought you knew me well enough to know just how crazy I am"

"I know you are crazy.No need to remind me"Taehyung laughed lightly

"I'm sleepy.Good night"


The following morning Taehyung was woken up by the aroma of Korean dishes.He had missed them.He really didn't have the time to make them himself.

Taehyung found himself in the kitchen where Jungkook was setting breakfast and packing lunch.

"You are up.Good morning"Jungkook leaned over the counter to kiss the alpha on the cheek.

"Morning.When did you get up?"the older asked

"At five.There were so many dishes i wanted to make and some of them take  a lot of time to prepare"

"You didn't have to wake up so early"

"Taehyung i will sleep after you leave for work.I have the whole day to myself"

"You better"

"Now that you are here have breakfast first.You can shower afterwards"

"You are eating too right?"

"I don't feel like it"

"Then I'm not eating"

"You never change Taehyung"

"I bet you emptied my fridge Jungkook"Taehyung said while his eyes scanned the amount of side dishes on the kitchen counter.

"You are right about that.Just leave your card when you go to work.I will go out shopping in the afternoon.I don't have any money on me"

"Don't bring the whole supermarket Jeon"

"Are you broke or something?"

"I used all my savings to build a house for us.I thought you and I will settle down and move there"

"House?You didn't tell me about it"Jungkook sounded shocked.

"It was meant to be a surprise"

"So are you going to sell it since I refused to marry you"

"I'm not going to sell it "

"So you are going to stay in it when you get married"

"Why not.I built it with my hard earned money"

"You can sell it to me then you can buy another one when you get married.It was meant for us.Not someone else"

"I will do as I please.I don't want your money.I know that you earn much more than I do Jungkook.We both know that"Taehyung said

"Why are you bringing that up?I'm sorry I brought up buying it.I just felt bad because you had made so much plans for our future and I ruined it"

"That's enough.I don't want to talk about it ever again.I hope we are clear"

Jungkook sulked and shoved a whole egg roll in his mouth.

"You will choke.Be careful"

"Why do you care?"Jungkook spoke while chewing.

"You are really childish"Taehyung chuckled while pouring water for Jungkook.He knew the omega would need it any second now.

A minute later Jungkook grabbed the water and gulped it in one go.

"Wait why don't you have pants on?"Taehyung asked

"I didn't think about it when I woke up.Plus it's kinda hot these days"

"I know you are hot"

"I wasn't talking about me.I was referring to the weather"Jungkook said

"But I know exactly what i was talking about"

"I didn't expect this from you.Grow up will you"

"What did I do?"Taehyung laughed.

Jungkook gaged and cupped his mouth.The next thing he was rushing to the bathroom with the urgent urge to throw up.He flipped the toilet lid and threw up everything he had eaten last night.

Taehyung didn't remain sitting after Jungkook ran up.He went after him and patted his back while he threw up.

When Jungkook felt better he got up and washed his mouth.

"How do you feel baby"


"You should lay down.I will carry you"

"I can walk "

"No you can't.You just threw up so you would be too weak to walk."

"Fine.I'm too tired to argue with you Dr Kim.Besides I do miss this "

Taehyung picked the omega off the ground and into his arms.

"How long has this been going on.Is this the first time?"Taehyung asked

"I threw up yesterday.That's when it started"

"Do you feel weak and tired too?"

"Yeah  but it's nothing serious "

"You should go to the hospital"

"Dating a doctor is really no fun.You aren't allowed to get sick at all"

"I won't take you if you don't want to"

Taehyung laid Jungkook on the bed and went to get water for him.

"You are going to be late for work.Go and shower.I'm not a baby"Jungkook said weakly

"I won't get murdered if I get late for work once.I have a good record so I will be pardoned"

"Why do you even need to be late.I can look after myself.I just need a very long nap"

"Then sleep"

"Don't forget to take your lunch when you leave.If you do that I will bring it to work for you"

"No ways.I don't want drama"

Taehyung got ready for work and kissed Jungkook before he left.They got a glimpse of how it would be like if they had gotten married.The omega was hurt thinking that this is the kind of life he turned down.

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