Gray (Taekook Omegaverse)

By LettyTK

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Idol superstar Jungkook found himself pregnant only a few weeks before the biggest world tour of his career.H... More



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By LettyTK

Jungkook had always thought that the hardest thing to do as an idol was to keep a relationship from the public eye but for him it wasn't that hard at all.He had been secretly dating a surgeon for the majority of his career and never got caught by the media.Not even once.But with his agency it was a different story.His manager found out and told on him to the CEO.Jungkook wasn't intimidated.He knew he was in mind and if they were to fire him because he was dating then it would be their loss.Right then they made a deal.His relationship was to be kept a secret from the world.

Jungkook had met Taehyung when he was just 18.He had been suffering from appendix and the alpha had been the one to attend to him.He was also the one who operated on the omega.The two got to know each other when Jungkook was recovering in the hospital.

Jungkook fell in love first and kept flirting with the older shamelessly.Taehyung always brushed it off thinking the younger was just bored with being in the hospital.Maybe it was because he didn't have anything better to do with his time.Before Jungkook could leave the hospital he got Taehyung's number and they kept in touch.Jungkook never stopped being playful and flirty.He texted the doctor whenever he got the chance.Taehyung fell harder without even  realizing it and soon he was meeting the omega secretly.

Jungkook was hesitant when Taehyung officially asked him to be his boyfriend.He panicked and went into hiding for a month.His actions had backfired on him badly.He was thinking about how having a relationship would affect his career.Music was basically his first love and he would never choose anything above it.

Taehyung lost hope about being with the younger but Jungkook came back to him after two months and asked if the offer was still on the table.The idol made sure the surgeon understood that their relationship would only be behind closed doors.Jungkook didn't want to risk his career for anything,not even for love.But at the same time he was willing to give Taehyung a chance.

Apart from being a golden superstar Jungkook was one of the heir to a multi million business empire.Both his parents were rich so he grew up spoilt.He always got whatever wanted and did whatever he wanted.His older brother was the exact opposite.He was calm,intelligent and hard working.He never bragged about what he didn't work for hence he was their father's pride.Jungkook got critisized for choosing music over helping his brother run their family business.His father always compared him to his old brother but his mother was there to support and love him unconditionally.She also knew about his relationship with Taehyung but kept it a secret from her husband.

On the other hand Taehyung was from a middle class family.He was the second born in a family of two sons.His older brother Namjoon worked as a professor and settled down with Jungkook's manager,Seokjin.Taehyung's father was strict about tradition and stuff.He was orthodox and stuff.That's why he never wanted to move from Daegu.He always said a man should never forget his roots.

Taehyung had feared telling him about Jungkook as he had an opinion about celebrities.He regarded them as people with loose morals.You could say he was narrow minded.Getting him to like Jungkook was going to be a lot of work.On the positive side Taehyung's mother knew about Jungkook and was a big fan of his.She always remindes herself not to spill the beans to her husband no matter how excited she gets.

Jungkook was scrolling through his phone.He was checking his social media feeds.He had just had a comeback and had concluded his promotions today.Already he didn't know what he should do next.

"I'm bored"he said out loud getting the attention of his manager Seokjin,his choreographer Hoseok and his producer Yoongi.They had become good friends after working together over ten years.

"What do you want to do?"Jin asked

"I don't know.I just hate not being busy.I'm not used to lazing around and do nothing "He couldn't imagine being cooped up in his apartment for weeks on end.He didn't want to do that just to avoid crazy fans and the paparazzi.

"Do you want pizza?"

"I'm sick of it"the youngest made faces.

Hoseok found Jungkook rejecting pizza quite unusual because he knew the boy loved it more than anything.He could live on it for weeks.This was the first time in a decade that he had rejected pizza.Hoseok decided not to comment on it.

"By the way has pretty boy called?"Hoseok asked


"Your boyfriend obviously"

"You mean that  old dick who hasn't called me over a month.I mean what was I thinking when I fell in love with a guy who is ten years older than me?"

"He is surgeon and could be busy.Why can't you be the one to call first.Can't you do that for a change?"Seokjin asked

"I'm not going to do that.I'm sorry hyung."

"What's with that ego?"Hoseok asked

"He is a brat"Yoongi remarked

"I'm not desperate to have him in my life.If he can ignore me then I will do the same.You have no idea how badly he has been treating me for eleven months"

"You don't deserve a boyfriend"

"Can't I be upset.He was upset for eleven months and I didn't even complain"Jungkook pouted

"Are you getting tired of him?"

"It's the opposite actually.I think I committed a crime by refusing to marry him.I think he has been punishing me for it.He has been giving me nothing but hell lately"

Jungkook's phone lit up and everyone went quite .The omega grimaced at the caller ID.

"See.What did I tell you.I knew he would be the one to call first."the youngest said

"Yea we now know.Stop bragging and pick up the damn call.He might lose his patience."Hoseok said

"Hello Dr Kim"


"Since when did you start calling me that?"

"I have been for a year now"

"How can you be so obvious that you are still upset about what happened a year ago.You are so petty"

"I didn't call to argue with you"

"Then what?"

"Will you come to my place tonight?"

"So you only call me when you want sex?"

"I just want to talk.Why do you always bring that up.You are starting to annoy me ,seriously"

"I don't want to talk to you"

"Don't come.What would I expect from you anyways.You are just a spoilt brat that only cares about himself"

"You forgot to mention selfish.Have you got tired of using that word on me?"

"I'm hanging up Jungkook"


"Hyung he hung up on me.Everything was alright between us  right until that moment I told him I can't marry him."

"Did you really say no to him.Like without any apparent reason?"Hoseok asked

"No why would I refuse to marry him .I love that old guy.I only told him not now and he blew off.Called me selfish and walked out.Since then he has been a dick to me.I mean if he is so upset then why doesn't he break up with me.That will put an end to all the drama"

"Do you really want him to break up with you.Be honest"Jin said

"Of course not.I don't want to live in a world where he isn't mine.After the tour I will do whatever he wants me to do.I will marry him and give him five kids"

"For that to happen you have to fix things now"

"Why do you suggest I do?Should I go to his apartment?"Jungkook asked

"You should.Go to the supermarket and make dinner before he comes home"Jin said

"Does he look like the type of omega that can be kept at home?"Yoongi asked

"Hyung I will make a good house wife.I have been looking after myself well for years.I know how to cook,to clean and do laundry.I'm also good with gardening"

"Kookie don't you think that the reason why your boyfriend wants to get married now could be because of pressure from his parents.It could be serious.Just look at it.He isn't getting any younger"Jin said

"I never thought about it but I will ask him tonight.I want all the misunderstandings between us cleared once and for all.I don't like him treating me like I don't exist .We have come too far to give up now."Jungkook sighed

"You will be okay"

"I don't even know where I have put the spare keys to his apartment.I'm so messed up"

"Go home early and look for them.Fighting Jungkook-ssh"

"Stop being cheesy"

Jungkook actually took his manager's advice and made a heartly meal.He had taken a lot of time at the supermarket because he couldn't figure out what he was going to make for his boyfriend.

Once he was done with dinner and desert he went to take a shower so he could look presentable for his man.Most of his clothes were in the alpha's closet so he picked up something comfortable.He wasn't in the mood to dress to impress.Tonight he wasn't going to let Taehyung touch him no matter what.He was upset about the way he had talked to him.Over the past year Jungkook would pretend his boyfriend's words and behavior didn't have any effect on him but he was really hurting.

Yes Jungkook often used sex to manipulate his boyfriend but that stopped working a year ago.In the whole year he had gotten dick once and that was a month ago when he showed up at the older's place without an invitation.

Taehyung was rich and could afford all the finer things in life.He earned enough to spoil his idol boyfriend with expensive gifts.The man was famous for his looks amongst his patients and colleagues.On top of being a top surgeon he was also the brand ambassador of his hospital.Only for his looks.At thirty he was already a senior doctor and at thirty five he was already a head of an department.Offers from hospitals from other countries came left and right but he never took any of them.He didn't want to have a long distance with Jungkook.

Taehyung got home around eight in the evening.Jungkook got on his tip toes and welcomed him with a quick peck on the cheek.

"Hi"Taehyung responded and wrapped his arms around the omega's petite waist

"Is this the time you usually come back home or you are only early because you knew I would be here?"Jungkook asked

"I don't have anyone to come back to so I stay out late"

"Doing what?"the omega frowned

"Helping junior doctors because I have a lot free time on my hands"

"Or you mean fucking them"

"Watch your mouth Jeon"Taehyung hissed.He was clearly displeased with the omega's words.

"I'm sorry.It wasn't funny.I shouldn't have said that"

"I'm going to wash up"the alpha said

"I will heat up your dinner"

"You really didn't have to cook.You could have ordered something like you usually do"

"I just felt like it.You didn't eat out right.I would be mad at you if you don't eat my food"

"Do you have to make it obvious that you poisoned it"Taehyung joked

"I have nothing to gain my killing you"Jungkook said innocently

"Let's just say"

In twenty minutes they sat down to have dinner.Taehyung had only opened his mouth to compliment the omega's cooking.Afterwards there was silence.

Taehyung's apartment was huge so the silence ended up getting so loud and Jungkook couldn't take it.

"You said you wanted to talk then why are you quiet"

"I just want to enjoy your cooking in peace.It's been a while.Who knows when I will get to taste it next"Taehyung said softly

"Are you going to say something that might upset me?"the younger asked

"Regrettably yea"

Jungkook said nothing.He continued shoving food inside his mouth although he had lost his appetite.He got an uneasy feeling from the pit of his stomach.

He chose to remain mum until his boyfriend was done eating.He cleared out the table and served dessert.He was getting anxious to know what Taehyung had to say about their relationship.

Tonight he wasn't going to be kind enough to do the dishes for his boyfriend.He was going to handle them himself.He wasn't his maid nor his wife.What was he saying.He was more upset because he had to wait for Taehyung to talk.When he felt like it.

Jungkook went to the bathroom to calm himself first because he got a feeling that  whatever Taehyung was going to say would change a lot of things for him.

When he came back to the living room Taehyung was sitting on the couch watching a random movie and sipping on a cane of cold beer.So he was calm enough to have beer while the omega was going out of his head.

"Can we talk now.I want to go back home.I don't plan to spend the night with you.You don't deserve it"Jungkook said

"I got another offer"Taehyung started steadily

"Where to this time"


"Well good for you.What have you decided?"Jungkook pretended to be calm when he wasn't.

"I'm still considering it"

"Yea you really should"the idea of a long distance relationship scared him.

"Me taking the offer or turning it down won't affect you in any way"the alpha said


"Because  our relationship isn't going anywhere.You turned down my marriage proposal and that was the end"

"That again?"Jungkook asked as he felt himself getting angry

"Yes that again.What else?That's the only problem between us."Taehyung pointed out

"Why are you.."

"My parents want me to get married.Dad has been on my case for two years now.I'm under a lot of pressure.I wish you would understand that"

"Tae you can't be serious"Jungkook exclaimed

"You refused to marry me so I have no choice to marry the girl my father will choose for me.I can't marry someone else when I'm still with you"

Jungkook shook his head in tears.This couldn't be happening to him.How could Taehyung say those words so effortless.It was like he didn't care about the effect they would have on Jungkook.

"Let's end this"Taehyung whispered while looking right at Jungkook.

"Just like that.After all I have went through in the last eight years.You are just going to marry someone else"the omega exploded.

"You were given a choice"

"But you know why I can't marry you now.I thought you understand that.I only asked for time,Taehyung"Jungkook screamed on top of his lungs

"How much more time should I give you.You don't even know so tell me where this is going?"

"Taehyung this isn't fair"he wept

"Jungkook I have loved you ,respected all your decisions.I have done nothing but support you from the start but you can't make this one sacrifice for our love"

"You can't make me choose between you and my career.Taehyung I love you a lot but I love music too"Jungkook said tearfully

"You already made a decision a year ago"the alpha said tightly

"What did I do wrong.Why am I being punished.Is it for loving you?Was it a crime?"Jungkook cried

"Just accept it and move on"Taehyung uttered without any emotion.

"How could you be so heartless and insensitive.You are punishing me because I refused to marry you.You know my reason but you just refuse to acknowledge it"the omega yelled through his tears

"Before you choose to resent me just keep in mind that I'm doing this because I have no choice.My father wants me to get married and I want that too.That's why I came to you because I love you and I couldn't imagine my life with anyone who isn't you.I was hoping that you would say yes so we wouldn't have to witness this day.Now my hands are tied"

"So it's all my fault.I messed up right?"he swallowed


"So I get to be the dumb omega you used for eight years only to marry someone else?"Jungkook asked hopelessly

"I never used you.I fucking loved you"Taehyung yelled

Loved.That word.Why was it in the past tense.

"So you don't love me anymore because I refused to marry you.Is that how it works?"Jungkook asked lowly

"I never said that."

"You just did"Jungkook yelled

"You are out of your mind"Taehyung said,his tone maddeningly calm.

"You can choose to break up with me but if you marry someone else I will end my life and it will be all your fault.I won't stand and watch Taehyung.I can promise you that much"Jungkook said without any hint of emotion.

Taehyung said nothing but Jungkook's words surely terrified him to the core.

"You heard me didn't you?"

"You can't scare me.I don't want to be your boyfriend all my life.I want to be a husband ,a father.You can't give me that.You don't want to"Taehyung said firmly

"Do you really want me to quit music and settle down with you.Will that make you happy?"Jungkook asked emotionlessly

"Jungkook I never asked you to make a choice.Who said I would be in the way of your career if we ever get married.I will keep on supporting you just I have been"

"You are selfish.I somehow got away with dating but I'm not allowed to get married until my contract ends.I will lose everything.Please try to understand me"

"I have understood what I needed to.Go home"the older said dismissively


"I said go.Now"he bit out

Jungkook stood there while Taehyung glared at him.He was in shock.

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