When I Met You


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Loki meets you, a sweet girl named Gracie Andersen in New York while on the run and things don't go the way t... Еще

Chapter 1: First Contact
Chapter 2: The Other Half
Chapter 3: Cupcakes & Pins
Chapter 4: Movie Night
Chapter 5: Another Asgardian
Chapter 6: Double Date
Chapter 7: Just Hanging Out
Chapter 8: Walk Of Shame
Chapter 9: Birthday Problems
Chapter 10: I Forgot
Chapter 11: Sick Party Bro
Chapter 12: Old Friends Meet New
Chapter 13: Christmas Eve
Chapter 14: Christmas Problems
Chapter 15: New Years
Chapter 16: Changes
Chapter 17: Stupid Sexy Jerk
Chapter 18: Training Trials
Chapter 19: Sleepover
Chapter 20: Good Morning Avengers
Chapter 21: Best Day Ever!
Chapter 22: First Patrol
Chapter 23: Understudy
Chapter 24: Final Curtain
Chapter 25: Lost
Chapter 26: All Tied Up
Chapter 27: Madness
Chapter 28: Playing Along
Chapter 29: Snowstorm
Chapter 30: Reunited
Chapter 31: Discussions
Chapter 32: Old Forest
Chapter 33: Elves
Chapter 34: Thank You Gift
Chapter 35: Twin Moon Ball
Chapter 36: Vampire Saga - New York Has Fallen
Chapter 37: Vampire Saga - Home Base
Chapter 38: Vampire Saga - Unlikely Allies
Chapter 39: Vampire Saga - Blood Bag
Chapter 40: Vampire Saga - Vibranium
Chapter 41: Vampire Saga - Game Changer
Chapter 42: Vampire Saga - Crossing The Line
Chapter 43: Vampire Saga - Reinforcements
Chapter 44: Vampire Saga - New Challenge
Chapter 45: Vampire Saga - Last Stand
Chapter 46: When I See You Again
Chapter 47: Remember Me
Chapter 48: Old Enemies
Chapter 49: White Butterfly
Chapter 50: Daddy Dearest
Chapter 51: Loki Vs Wolverine
Chapter 52: To Save A Life
Chapter 53: Parker!!!
Chapter 54: Earth's Mightiest Heroes
Chapter 55: Nightmares
Chapter 57: Love Spell
Chapter 58: Fire Princess
Chapter 59: All Or Nothing
Chapter 60: I Do

Chapter 56: Meltdown

29 4 2

You flew through the front doors at tremendous speeds, causing them to crack and nearly bust off the hinges you were freaking out so bad. You continued to breath heavy, not being able to stop the tears streaming down your face, soon causing the walls to start cracking, nearly shaking the entire mansion. It felt like the world was coming down around you, with the Avengers showing with weapons at the ready, believing they were under attack. However, they came down only to find you losing your mind, crying and freaking out as small objects in the room already began to break. It was only a matter of time until you the rest of the foyer was destroyed as well, but they weren't 100% sure what to do but they knew they had to act fast.  

To no one's surprise, Hulk was the one to engage you first, however, he didn't attack you as they expected, the big green guy just hugged you. Hulk held you tight in his arms, doing his best to hold on and calm you down, petting your wings that were flapping like crazy. You probably could have started a wind storm with those things, but eventually, Hulk just held them down as he gently crushed you. He hoped to snap you out of whatever was wrong, telling you repeatedly that everything would be okay, he was here, and they'd figure it out together. Before anything else happened though, Tony Stark injected you with some kind of drug that knocked you unconscious within a matter of seconds. But knowing how fast your healing factor would burn through it, they would have to move fast to prepare something to contain you. 

You woke up within five minutes, with Stark commenting on how that would have kept any normal person asleep for close to a day. You start to mutter, asking Tony why he'd have such a thing but before you finished the thought or even speak you recalled what happened. You started freaking out for a second time, begging for them not to let him take you, as you began lighting up and crying again. You're already breathing heavily as you try to get up, finding that you were in fact handcuffed to the bed you were laying on, in several places in fact. Your upper arms, wrists, torso, and thighs were bolted down in some form or another and it overloaded your freak out to the point that you broke. You sent out a shockwave across the room in all directions but the second it left, your light went out, with you laying there still and quiet, trying not to cry as you started taking long, deep breaths. 

You remained still and silent for a long time, unsure of what to say or do as your brain was so jumbled up at the moment. You were at a loss for words, even as they asked you repeatedly to explain, you stayed quiet, wrapping your wings around yourself once they removed your restraints. You curled into yourself, as tears began to fall from your eyes again and soon you quietly called out for Pharaoh, with your wolf coming almost immediately. He expanded to his full size, nearly filling the entire room and you slowly got up and lay down against Pharaoh, soon feeling his long fluffy tail wrap around you. It was what you needed and soon you passed out from exhaustion, sleeping relatively peacefully while the Avengers cleaned up, wondering what the hell happened.  

They have no idea what to think, but after discussing it, they realized that you did seem a little jumpy the last little while. As they put it together, watching footage from the security cameras, they see that it all started after coming back from your trip with Hulk. The big green guy wondered if it was his fault, wondering what it could have been but he didn't say anything, just getting really angry about it. Hulk actually left to go smash something somewhere else as he needed some air, quickly heading a ways bit upstate to figure out everything he was feeling and to calm down. In the meantime, the Avengers came up with a plan on how to find out what happened without upsetting you, as it was clear that whatever happened affected you greatly.  

Before they came to you though, you went to them, coming down as you clung onto Pharaoh, saying that you were ready to talk about what happened. You sat down with them in the War Room, explaining everything, starting off by saying how you thought and felt like someone was watching you. "I thought I was going crazy and I wasn't sure if you'd believe me as whatever it was it wasn't picking up on any of the cameras or infrared, but it turns out someone was really there, it was Loki, this universe's Loki, he's apparently been watching all of us", you admit, taking a break to breathe, letting them process if necessary before continuing. "He tried to capture me, he wanted..." you paused again, feeling very nervous about even admitting such a thing, "he wanted me to be his pet". You felt so gross inside, with a shiver soon shooting up your spine, with what occurred playing back in your mind with you soon muttering about it. "He tricked me and got a collar around my neck that suppressed my powers, he went on to say those terrible things but I snapped and managed to break the collar, flying here as quick as possible, I was so scared", you started to cry again, with Pharaoh reminding you to take deep breaths so you do.  

You sunk down against Pharaoh, certain you had explained everything you needed to but Mr.Stark spoke up, "not to be rude or anything but I thought your brother hated us mortals Thor, what could he want with making Gracie his...pet?". You popped back up and looked over at them before briefly turning your gaze at Thor before turning away, realizing she was going to have to tell them. "Well, you see..." you began regaining their attention, "back in my universe, we have a Loki too but he's not a bad guy, well, at least not anymore, he's actually an Avenger and also there's a thing with Asgardians that they get a clue to find their soulmate and I'm kind of his I guess...". The others were quiet, processing your words and seeing as you were so nervous you continued, "and um so... your Loki was spying on all of us and apparently he read my mind because I said "Loki" in my sleep while he was doing said spying and knows all of this and decided that I would be his Midgardian pet, or I guess". You then let out an awkward laugh that lasted a little too long, with a tense silence to follow, as it was certainly a lot to handle as they knew how dangerous their God of Mischief was. 

 Hawkeye leaned back in his chair stretching, jokingly asking if there was anything else you needed to tell them before muttering that there couldn't be anything else to shock them. Seeing as you were still quiet tense and overwhelmed still you blurted out that the Mutant hero Wolverine was your father. You gave them a nervous smile really hoping someone would change the subject, but no luck as Tony pulled up footage of this universe's Wolverine. You looked at it with a bit of surprise, he was nearly an exact match for your own father, I mean the costume was different but personality-wise and looks they seemed to be the same. "That freaky" you mutter, as it was very strange to see, especially since you thought you had gotten used to meeting everyone's duplicate. 

Everyone then discussed the best way to keep you safe, with the meeting going on so long you left and came back with breakfast for everyone and they were still talking. They suggested you stay with Dr.Strange at the Sanctum, or perhaps they could talk to the Black Panther about having you stay in Wakanda for a while, and even getting Shield to let you stay at one of their safe houses. Now you staying in any of these places was one thing, a giant wolf going with you was another, no doubt a "wild" animal would no doubt complicate things. Pharaoh would have little trouble in Wakanda as there was plenty of space to run around but it was unlikely that they'd let you stay being an outsider. On the other hand, they would have little trouble getting Dr.Strange or Fury aboard if it was just you, but you weren't sure how they felt about animals, especially an animal with vast intelligence, super-strength and other abilities.   This continued on for several more minutes until Thor finally spoke up, saying you could come and stay in Asgard, with everyone noticing his hesitation. They inquired what was up, but the Thunderer took a moment to respond, soon stating that Asgard would have better security, seeing as it would have strong magic to break into or an all-out assault. "But I worry about how my father will take this news, his opinion of Midgardians isn't exactly great and seeing as Loki is after her, bringing her there could put the others in danger, it might take some time to convince him," Thor said, wracking his brain on the subject. The Thunderer gave his word to protect you and would give his life if necessary, his only concern was for the other Asgardians and his father, what would they do?

So it was decided, you would be going to Asgard for your own safety, with you packing up all of your stuff that same day, although you didn't go right away. You stopped by the Sanctum Sanctorium to inform this Dr.Strange that you'd be staying in Asgard for a while, so he could inform your Loki, Thor, and Dr.Strange when they came. You also wanted to wait until Hulk got back, as you wanted to say goodbye but he didn't come back in time, with you giving the Avengers strict instructions to say hi, goodbye, and give him a hug from you. They promised but they knew that the last part would be tricky as it would seem you were the only one who could hug Hulk and walk away still in one piece. 

So feeling a little down you said your final goodbye and headed off to Asgard, doing your very best to stick close to Thor and Pharaoh. You walked through the halls of the palace, remaining on your guard even here, while not being able to sense anything suspicious, you couldn't help it though. You eventually reach the room you'd be staying in, there were several maids already there getting it all ready for you and Pharaoh. You make sure to thank Thor again for what he was doing before taking a moment to thank the maids, as they made everything look so beautiful. After you got settled, Thor informed you that he was going off to explain the situation to his father, knowing it would take long but he promised to return as soon as he could. You told him not to worry about it, stating you'd be fine if he needed to do other things, soon saying that you would probably need time to readjust. The Thunderer understood, "well if that's the case I shall go explain everything to my father and be back this evening to pick you up and bring you to dinner", he spoke politely and princely as usual before properly excusing himself. 

You reminded Pharaoh to be on his best behaviour as you headed off with him and Thor to meet Odin for dinner, feeling very strange, recalling how you met your King of Asgard. You were pretty sure it would be a little less awkward but you still worried as meeting a king, or kind of high-rank individual was still rather intimidating. At least you were dressed for the occasion, as you created an Asgardian-style gown that accommodated your wings and altered body. You looked absolutely stunning in pink, you would have gone with green, Loki's official colour but seeing as this wasn't your Asgard it made sense to wear something else. You did your best to brush out your massive curly hair, putting it back in a low braided bun, with a few loose tendrils framing your face, you looked stunning. All eyes were on you and for a few moments you were overwhelmed, but you managed to calm down, at least on the outside. I mean your Antennae were kind of a dead giveaway, well, for anyone who understood what different positions meant.

Meeting this Odin went a little better than expected as after official introductions, saying you were welcome to stay he pretty much ignored you, it was awesome. You were left to your devices, with you pretty much just eating and drinking at a table with just Pharaoh, although Thor did come to check in on you several times throughout the evening. Balder the Brave, Lady Sif and the Warriors Three also stopped to say hello, a few of them even asking you to dance but you declined as you didn't really want to, but you made up nicer excuses than that. You actually left the banquet early and went for a walk through the castle gardens, feeling rather lonely as your Loki wasn't here with you. "Well, it's not all bad I guess... I do have my cute furry boy with him" you admit, before giving Pharaoh so well-deserved attention. Your precious white wolf always enjoyed all the love you would give him, but honestly, you were probably enjoying it more as you loved to give affection and you've been starved of it lately.  

Your lonely feeling got even worse as the days went on, you spent a lot of time with it being just Pharaoh and you, plus the occasional maid. The nightmares were persistent too, not just ones of this universe's Loki but also ones of Dr.Morbius, Dracula, and even Cody, it was getting harder and harder to get a good night's rest. Plus with Thor and the other Warriors of Asgard that you knew being busy most of the time, there was no one to hang out with even if you did leave your chambers. Not that company was the biggest thing on your list as you used to spend so much time by yourself, but seeing as you had lots of friends, across multiple universes, it felt kind of lonely now. You tried not to let it get you down though as you had other problems to deal with and you couldn't get distracted, you needed a better way to defend against the God of Mischief. 

The only time you really left your room was your daily fly around Asard with Pharaoh, although sometimes you'd have to go out twice to let your Wolf burn off some extra energy. It was fine, you liked flying around and it let you clear your head, as being up among the clouds was so relaxing, despite it being a little colder. You didn't do super well when it was extra cool, but you could manage alright, especially with the cold weather gear you made before moving to Asgard. It was similar to your X-Men uniform but a little thicker, it was well insulated and could even shift to blend in or stand out in an environment, making it quite versatile. You would put it on every time you would go flying and luckily it was easy to wash so you didn't get all stinky wearing it day after day.  

More days passed and the nightmares weren't getting any better but at least the God of Mischief wasn't spying on you anymore, or if he was, you couldn't tell. So at the very least, you found yourself less tense during the day and eventually started looking around the palace, having one of the maids so you around. It was very different from the Asgard you were used to but it was still very lovely, from the Arena to Gardens and even a grand library, everything was great. You found yourself spending more and more time in the library, as it was the only place you really felt comfortable, so spent so long with your Loki in places like this. As reading was one of his favourite things to do, you could almost pretend he was here with you, but at the same time, you felt kind of pathetic for missing him so much. Could you seriously not function on your own without your boyfriend? Of course, you could, at least technically but it was quite the empty existence, with you soon wondering how long it would be before you actually saw him again. 

You let out a sigh, thinking about it again, in fact it was so distracting you couldn't even focus on the book you were trying to read. You really couldn't stop thinking about him, you wanted nothing more than to cuddle your sweet Cariño, and the frustration you felt showed easily on your face. It was so bad and obvious that it got the attention someone else who was in the library, a tall beautiful blond woman in green, she felt familiar but you weren't sure why. She came right over to you, flashing a warm smile, inquiring what was upsetting you so, with you responding rather quickly if it was that obvious that something was bothering you. The woman laughed at this, well more so at your endearing, flustered expression, soon telling you it was as plain as the wings on your back. "Yes... well, I suppose they are quite large and cumbersome at times", you say rubbing the back of your neck as you let out an awkward little laugh before the woman asked you if you wished to discuss it with her. You weren't exactly sure about it, saying you much rather learn about her, "truly, such a beautiful, intelligent lady such as yourself must have much more interesting things to discuss than a little Midgardian like myself".

However, to your surprise, the woman seemed quite intrigued by Midgard, asking all about it, with you getting rather embarrassed. You found the other Realms much more interesting but did your best to explain, telling her the approximate population, about the different continents, how there were nearly 200 separate Nations, the different climates and environments. You went on about pop-culture, and how in the last century alone the Earth has changed so much, with two world wars, the fight for equal rights for woman and people of colour that unfortunately was still going on as well as all the different types of music. You went on about many more topics, leading you to discuss what you knew about early humans and prehistoric life, which eventually led to you talking about dinosaurs and other ancient creatures. The woman seemed rather vasinated by your knowledge and you admit to being better with books and facts than people, but you had gotten much better in recent days.  

You ended up chatting this lady up for a while, getting really excited about it as you got to discuss your passions, lighting up a little you were so happy. She ended up asking about your powers as she was a bit surprised as she was under the impression that most if not all Midgardians were realitively weak. You of course were more than willing to explain about Mutants, Mutates, Inhumans, and the Supernatural community as well as the other groups of humaniods found on Midgard. You went into great detail explaining the differences between them, among other things, eventually ending up with you talking about your actual powers and that you were from another universe. You explained how you got here, it was quite the experience, but it eventually occurred to you that you had been talking for quite sometime, so apologizing for eating up the conversation.  The lady didn't seem to mind, even inviting you for afternoon tea and cakes, which you were more than happy to agree to. However, the Lady admitted her slight fear of wolves, soon inquiring if it would be okay for it just to be the two of them. You hesitated for a second but if this lady really didn't like wolves I guess it wouldn't be the end of the world to be a part for a short while. You asked Pharaoh if he wanted to go for a little fly while you had tea and talked some more with this Asgardian Lady and although your Wolf was hesitant to leave at first, he eventually went on his way. The tea was delicious and so were the little cakes, it was quite enjoyable to spend time with someone so interesting, with you soon finding out that this woman knew magic. You were about to ask her what kind of magic was her specialty or which kind was her favourite to use, but you became really tired all of a sudden. The next thing you knew you grew incredibly dizzy and you tried to get up, finding that you couldn't, soon blacking out, leaving you at the mercy of whoever this lady really was.

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