By Unpolished_Jen

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Interview list.
Interviewing misguided_angel
Interviewing iAntelope
Interviewing Just_let_go
Interviewing xXxTyeXx
Interviewing: MissRandom
Interviewing MessageInABottle
Interviewing: Script-
Interviewing: xxRandomxThoughtsxx
Interviewing: NeverShoutAlex
Interviewing JESSaBELLIE
Interviewing: ninaricci05
Interviewing: Lion

Interviewing Safiaa56

379 14 16
By Unpolished_Jen

Interviewing Safiaa56                                                               Interviewed: April 14,2011

Personal message: I know this is taking up space, but I would like to thank Safi and her dirty jokes for doing this with me lol. That sounded wrong,haha so thank you Safi (:


Me: Ello there sexy xD lol someone said that to me

Her: Lol OK.Hello there yourself. Uhm, pimp.

Me: lol oh wow xD

Her: Yeah, I know. Epic imagination.

ME: anyways, changing the subject haha. How'd you find about wattpad?

Her: Wait, did the interview start?

ME: Do you want it to start?

Her: lol. Yes.

Q: Anyways, changing the subject haha. How'd you find about wattpad?

A: Yeah, so I saw a place that said free books.So I clicked on it because I dig free stuff (but I'm not cheap) And signed up immediately after reading Dinner With A Vampire. D:

Q: Pfft that's not possible. lol.Don't be lying were all cheap, shit just look at the economy today haha.

A: Hahahah, we are actually. Still, I charge people thousands. Just ask Ben.

Q: Mm.Was there something else that made you want to sign up?

A: Well, yeah.

Q: What was it?

A: It was cool seeing everyone write books and try to do their best.

Q: Did you write before signing up?

A: Even if they're not good at writing.No, definitely not.Maybe the odd short story that's two pages.I got bored with writing a lot..

Q: Then what made you write and why is it boring for you?

A: What made me write? Like, motivation?Well, I'm too cool for that.

Q: Lol yea like the breeze right xD

A: You see, hotness doesn't need to be motivated. Yep, exactly like that.

Q: Rofl. Thank you for proving my point. xD

A: Writing was boring because I didn't know where I was going with the story.But now I do, so it's all cool. Eh, you're welcome. 

Q: Did you ever try to have graphic organizers?

A: Like, what do you mean?

Q: You said that you didn't know where the story was going,so did you ever try it?

A: No, actually.But I've been doing fine..

Q: Lol good to hear.So when you signed up, how old were you?

A: Even though I strain my brain for the plot. I was... Well, it was nearly two year ago, and I'm nearly 15.Do the math. Heh, I was 11?

Q: 13? lol. i'm not good at math. xD

A: No... 13!Yeah, that's right. 

Q: Lol yes boo yah, I was right.

A: Genius...

Q: So you're 15 now and Oh thank you,haha. What took you so long?

A: Took me so long to do what?I know you want me to come to you, but you're halfway across the world babe

Q: To know that I'm a genius lol.oh my god no, haha. So moving on to the question, you're 15,now?

A: Yeah.Well in June anyway.But let's round it off.

Q: Lol, oh wow. So what is your sign?

A: Uh, Gemini I think?I saw it once in some magazine, and thought the reading thing was stupid.. Couldn't understand it.

Q: Mm. Cool, I"m an aquarius so we mix haha. oh. What didn't you understand?

A: The whole 'during this month, your friend will leave you, your parents will wither and die'.It didn't happen.Lol, stop hitting on me babe. I'm taken.

Q: Rofl. I don't need you, I have a picses in mind anyways, lol.

A: Ahh, when rejected, reject too right?

Q: I don't read horoscopes, I just read how I am and what I"m supposed to be.

A: Oh, OK. I read the horoscope thingy. Confused the heck out of me.

Q: Ooh okay. Pfft, you shouldn't read the magazines they suck. Well, anyways,in two months your birthday is coming what do you plan on getting?

A: Well, nothing.I was only big on b=days when I was younger. Now, I can't care less. But my sister will probably get me something, she always does. And my mother will give me a lecture on how I'm getting older and more responsible, so I gotta make important decisions like which shoes to wear.

Q:Oooh. I hate when that happens. haha. I hope that happens. Hope the economy doesn't bite her ass too lol. So what do you think about the news feed and the new changes?

A: Well, it's a bit freaky.I mean, good for stalking hot guys, But then, what if someone stalks you? (insert creepy music).Wattpad guys, duuuh.

Q: Lol.That happens everyday, haha and I got that. lol. I remembered Martin stalked a hot guy xD.

A: Heh, and Justin too. She looks at the hair, that's it.

Q: Haha these people are messed up, so what is the randomist thing, you've ever done?

A: Well, I've done LOADS of random things.Which one do you want? The funny, crazy, freaky?

Q: Lol. Let's start with freaky, is it dirty freaky though xD

A: Nah, no.  Well, this one time, I found a paper.And it said that my mum's friend were gonna come over. So I waited.And then they came. So, my mum always embarrasses me, so it was payback time. I told them that my mum goes running round the house naked and well.. they ran out the house screaming. Well, anyways my mum locked me up for impulsive lying. I think that was freaky. Cuz like, why naked out of all things?

Q: Lol oooohkay, continue.

A: Ok, crazy now?

Q: Lol sure xD

A: I was talking to my neighbors at midnight. Out of the window.So I had my legs out, and there's a small porch that I can jump onto if I want. So a car pulled up.And it was my mum, and I was supposed to be freaking asleep.So I jumped out the window, because it would take too long trying to get back in.And landed on the porch thing and curled up in a ball so my mum wouldn't see me. She did, and grabbed a stick from the hedge.(She thought I was a burglar).And hit my butt with it and I jumped up and yelled (it didn't hurt that much, but being dramatic is awesome).Well, she figured out it was me. She grounded me for life, and I tried to tell her that it was illegal and that I know the Child Line number.

Q; What did she do?!

A: Turns out it's not illegal, and in the end I only got grounded for four months. 

Q; Wofl!Smart haha. So what about the funny one?

A: Can't remember it.  It's those, heat-of-the-moment things.

Q: Oh wow okay, lol. So do you play or have any talents?

A; Any talents?


A: Well, I'm extremely hot. (That counts right?)

Q; Lol. No because I already took that from you. xD

A: Ah crap.Hmmm... I have hidden talents.I like playing football. (Not saying I'm talented, my big-headedness goes to a certain extent.)

Q: Do you watch football and if you do, do you watch the NFL?

A: Uh, and singing? I only watch Chelsea matches, the World Cup and the European Cup.Lol. I like Badminton. Lemme brag and say I'm good at that

Q: Ooooh haha. Wow, forgot you live in England. Pfft. me boosting about NFL.lol yes haha

A: You only get a face like mine once in a liftime. Lol, yep. England ...

Q: Lol is that good haha. jk. So do you have a life besides Wattpad?

A: Well, duh!People stare at me the whole day.Too bad I don't get paid.And I go school.. Which is torture.

Q: Lol. Sure.So what's your favorite thing about school for you?

A: Favourite thing? Pfft, don't have one.I go to a stupid private school.

Q: What! How is it? I go to Public, blah lol.

A: How's private school? Normal...Just like normal school. Maybe more crap and stricter. But I used to go to a public primary school and I loved it. Don't know why kids love school so much...

Q: Oooh. Never mind rather be here in public,  haha.Probably because you learn things everyday.

A; Yep, more drama too...

Q: Lol thats for sure.Is there a character that means alot to you?

A; Not really. I keep my characters detached from me in stories, because I just write for the heck of it.I used to write my problems in a form of a story though sometimes, and how I felt and I would get closure, and obviously the character was me so that meant a lot.It didn't help though.

Q: Oooh. So how'd you created Sophia Baxter from 'Since when was life a panic?'

A: Sophia Baxter is a character I think that's messed up.Just like everyone else.But it just shows how she deals with her problems(definitely not the right way)so I kinda created her from the opposite of me. Runs away from her problems, answers things with violence and stuff.

Q: You never tried to make her real and is there a ltitle bit of you in her?

A; Maybe there is.I mean, she's a bit crazy like me.And when she jumped out the window, it was what I did but mine was much safer. 

Q: And how did that change you from writing like that?

A: I didn't change much. The closure story was about me, so I had to write what I felt, but the fiction story is about someone else, so it was easier to write what she felt and things like that.

Q: Sounds reasonable. So you're entering the Watty Awards, how is that for you?

A: It's.. demanding.I have to finish it by a deadline (I hate deadlines). And it's gonna be tough competing against so many people.But I wanna enter so I can see where I get, not to win. 

Q: Iaha. I hate deadlines too, I hope you win (:

A: Thanks

Q: So what is your story about since when was life a panic?and talk about how you came up with it?

A: Ok.It's about a girl (Sophia Baxter) that gets kidnapped. And she wakes up in this school called Darter High.So, (you're not supposed to know this until you read it) but it's basically a spy school. And she has to go on a mission, to pass the grade, and other things like that.Her parents were murdered.Her auntie is a (insert mean word)

Q: Oooh. So is she getting revenge?

A: So yeah, she's gotta overcome life's test and Maybe or maybe not.

Q;I think she will.aha. Anyways, who are your favorite authors on here?

A: I have lots of favourite authors on here, but it would probably be Canse12, racingheart, xosa29, ShiningKnight, persiphone, ella_enchanted and Fallzswimmer. I warned you that I have loads.

Q: Outside Authors?

A: Definitely J.K. Rowling. That woman is the bomb. Not literally, but yeah. Hmm, Richelle Mead, Rick Riordan and loads of others that I just really can't remember right now.

Q: What is your biggest pet peeve?”

A: I have thousand of pet peeves. But I gotta say, I hate it when people snatch things off you. That one is the most annoying by far. And my little sister's voice just pisses me off too. Other than that, I'll be cool with you.

Q: Rofl.  What type of music do you listen to?

A: Well, I don't listen to music much anymore, but I loved Rock and Pop. And Country, but only when it's sung by Taylor Swift. She's awesome.

Q: What are your favorite tv shows?

A: VAMPIRE DIARIES ALL THE WAY BABY! I love Vampire Diaries! Maybe it has something to do with the fact that Ian Somerhalder is in it, but that is my favourite show. I could watch it all day everyday, but unfortunately we have parents to make sure those stuff don't happen. I like Pretty Little Liars, Desperate Housewives, Smallville and 90210, but I don't watch much TV. I only dedicate like, half an hour to the TV everyday. But the computer is a whole other story...

Q: I wonder what you do on the computer the whole day, cough porn cough. Lol jk. Anyways, what type of genre do you write?

A: I write Action and Adventure genres mostly, but I have two Historical Fictions, one that I co-write with a friend of mine. All my stories have a hint of humour, although some may have more than others. And don't judge the titles! I'm just terrible of thinking of titles... They say don't judge a book by it's cover. I say don't judge a book by it's crappy title. But, uh, I'm sure you asked me about genres, so I'll shut up about titles...

Q: Lol that happens. Haha what’s your least?

A: My least favourite genre would be... Actually, I don't have one. I give all stories a chance, and don't narrow it down to which category it's in. From teacher/student romances to Science Fiction, I read it all, as long as it has good grammar and spelling, and it's interesting.

Q: What are your goals out of this?

A: My goal out of Wattpad was initially nothing. I just wanted to read other people's stories. But now that I've started writing, I just want to see how far I go. I guess that means I don't have a goal? It would be nice to be on the What's Hot list regularly, but it's just not what I'm aiming for. I want to see how many people actually think my stories are good.

 Q: Thanks for doing this with me.lol I saw this on Oprah. She said, you should make your guest welcome, so did you feel welcome?

A::You did. It was fun and interesting.


Yay, haha anyways, here is your random question:

Q:Why was six afraid of seven? I know lame xD

 A:Because six was round (and chunky) but seven was taller and intimidating... ?

Q:No because seven eight nine.

A:Ooooh.Seven is greedy in that case.Even though it's my fav number.


 lol the end :D I hope you enjoyed. 

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