Just Enough | J.W |

By To_MyStar

16.5K 759 248

Jungwon, the student body president, sets himself on a mission to befriend the new transfer student before th... More

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I Saw Enhypen

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543 14 9
By To_MyStar

After school was a breath of fresh air. The couple accompanied each other to the brunette's house while laughing about the words Jae yelled in the cafeteria earlier. Their plan actually worked in terms of dealing with Garam's threat. The two are so close to becoming like a real couple publicly. A heavy load had been taken off their shoulders and finally Jungwon felt like he could relax a little and enjoy time with his boyfriend without that anxious feeling.

"Wow, I never realized how toxic our grade is." Jungwon spoke up with a chuckle.

"I can't believe he said that so casually, what an obsessive idiot." Jay added, shaking his head. Their hands were intertwined and resting on the youngers lap as Jay drove the car with one hand. Music from the stereo blared softly as they reflected on today's events. Looking out the window, familiar neighborhoods and restaurants passed quickly.

"I'm picking you up tomorrow by the way." Jay added which caught Jungwon's attention. "What about Sunoo?"

The older simply shrugged while pulling into his boyfriends neighborhood, "Just text him, he has Ni-ki anyways." Jungwon nodded and used his free hand to pull out the phone from his pocket. "But don't be shocked if he says no, hyung."

The blonde scoffed and shook his head. Its Sunoo, why was there room for suprise? But regardless they pulled into the brunette's driveway. Both males releasing their hands to grab backpacks and head inside. It's definitely been quite an eventful day and luckily Jungwon's parents weren't home to question him on why they received an email from the principal. It's not like he was in trouble or anything, just a long explanation on what's been happening. And at this point he might as well tell them he's dating Jay. No use in hiding it, im sure they're suspicious of why the blonde is always in their house anyways.

"Lets go!" Jungwon smiled, taking the tallers hand and dragging him upstairs to his own room when their school bags lay unorganized on the living room floor. Sure, his sister may nag on him for it later, but that's future Jungwon's problems. The two are just really excited to have freedom in this relationship for once. Sure, it might be the everyday cuddling and putting a movie on like they always do but it's just that lingering thought that makes a change.

"I call what movie we watch!" Jungwon announced once they made it to the top of the stairs. Though, Jay already had something in mind outside the everyday cinema indulgence.

"I actually had a different idea, love." He waited for the both of them to be enclosed in the others room before continuing, "Get changed."

Jungwon shot him a confused look and did that cute head tilt. Jay expected this reaction so he just smiled a knowing smile and decreased the space between them by walking forward. Jungwon looked his boyfriend in the eye as he got closer expecting an explanation. What they didnt realize was how there became only an inch of space left in between their faces.

"Its a suprise," Jay whispered suddenly. Not leaving any time for Jungwon to think or do anything else, Jay connected their lips into a unexpected and delicate kiss. It was supposed to be like a peck but the brunette's lips tasted too sweet and Jay ended up making it last longer than intended. Jungwon wasn't complaining as he felt the blonde's fingers slide up his shirt and his own body relaxed at the warm touch.

As Jay's hands rested on the hips of his boyfriend, Jungwon brought his arms up to wrap around the older's neck and tilted his head for movement. Jay resisted a smirk and gave in to Jungwon's invitation. Their lips moved to some rhythm as their hands began to do as they please.

Jay's hands somehow end up going all the way up to the top of Jungwon's torso, exposing his entire upper body if anyone were to walk in since his uniform top became runched up. Jay taking a short mental note of how a hand moved to the back of his head, gripping his hair, and the kiss escalated very quickly. The older sighed and pulled away abruptly which did indeed startle Jungwon.

"Hyung?" The smaller male asked breathlessly. His eyes had that dazed look Jay can never resist and is surprised he had the willpower to act on what's right for the moment. "The place closes at a certain time, we can't waste much time."

The pout Jungwon displayed almost killed Jay inside. "That wasn't a waste of time per say..." Jay leaned forward and pecked the pout away. "I know baby but we have to go, cmon," Jay tapped the youngers side with his index finger indicating for him to turn around and change. Jungwon sighed and did as such, prying Jay's hands off of him and turning around to enter his small walk-in closet to find something to replace the school uniform on his frame.

The blonde copied this and went to his backpack and took out a spare change of clothes he made sure to bring. It was simple pair of black ripped jeans with a hoodie and jean jacket to go over top since the weather wasn't exactly friendly to being warm.

Jungwon exited his closet with baggy ripped jeans and an oarnge hoodie where the hood is fuzzy black. Its extremely comfortable and becomes a winter usual every since he got it for chirstmas two years ago. Jay immediately brought his had up to touch the material, "wow its super soft."

Jungwon smiled and removed the olders hand from his hood, interlacing it with his instead, giving a side smile, "I know."

Jay struggled with their interlaced hand but eventually got all his necessary belongings like wallet and keys. "So where are we going?" Jungwon asked after being dragged to the corner of the room as Jay picked up his stuff. "I told you, its a secret."

Jungwom scoffed, "Yeah there wasn't much telling, more kissing." Jay let out a small chuckle and shrugged, "Guess you'll have to find out then."

Jungwon rolled his eyes, "not fair," but slowly excepted his fate as they made their way to the car. The last suprise was the best day of his life so this one surely won't be bad.

The same car routine happened and they just drove as snow fell on the ground. Jungwon hummed softly to a song put on in the background. But when Jay began to park at the so-called mystery place, Jungwon smiled big at where they were.

Jungwon couldn't even wait for the car to stop before he attempted to get out. "Excited?" Jay scoffed seeing his boyfriend with his seat belt off and hand on the door handle impatiently waiting for the vehicle to be parked correctly.

Jay got his things and began to walk inside, seeing Jungwon had nearly spirited to the buildings door already.

"You're so slow," The brunette pouted as Jay approached him seconds later.

"Slow? You won't be saying that tonight." The blonde snickered to himself and opened the door leaving a confused Jungwon behind.

"What...? OH." Jungwon trailed behind the blonde making sure to smack his shoulder when he caught up which only made Jay laugh harder at his own joke.

Its an arcade. A relatively popular and spacious one at that, with various things to do. Jungwon had been here countless times, even a childhood favorite, although they've definitely upgraded the place since then. Jay on the other hand had only seen this place from a simple Google search and thought it'd be fun to try.

"Hyung I love this place! How'd you know?" Jungwon's eyes darted around at all the bright displays in excitement. Jay internally panicked, "wild guess?"

"Thank you." The younger spoke sincerely and linked their arms, resting his head on the blonde's shoulder to express a small form of gratitude. There was most definitely kids from their school here but the thought went over their heads. The two approached the counter and Jay purchased them both tokens to play games and a round of laser tag later if they felt up for it.

"Lets go~" Jungwon abandoned Jay and went to his favorite game on the far end of the arcade. He put in the required amount of tokens and began to move the little joy stick, getting competitive and trying his best to win points. Jay caught up with him and just watched as the younger male played the game with ease.

"Wow...you're good." Jay muttered in awe as the points ended up multiplying within seconds. "My highscore was once on this game for an entire year. Its my favorite." Jungwon said but his concentration was still heavy on the console. Jay adored how focused the latter got over a simple arcade game and how serious he took it.

After a couple minutes Jungwon finally died in the game yet received a crazy amount of tickets to exchange for prizes later. Jay wanted to be the one to get Jungwon a ton of prizes but it looks like it might be the other way around.

"I wanna play that one!" The blonde pointed to some piano game in the middle of the room and went to it, putting in tokens, and starting the game. But sadly he wasn't very good and ended up with less than half of the tickets Jungwon got from his attempt.

"I'm gonna win at laster tag though," Jay whispered to himself.

"What was that?" Jungwon asked as he turned his head to meet the eyes of the other. Jay intertwined their hands and smiled, "Nothing." He then dragged them over to the closest game and luckily it was one for pairs. And this time he got a higher score than the brunette. Though it wasn't a game for tickets; a zombie game with digital points.

The two went around for another half hour happily trying out more games and gaining more tickets. It was definitely a nice little break after school from all the drama that's been circling their relationship. But as time passed they eventually ran out of tokens.

"We only have enough for one more game..." Jungwon noted with a frown.

"Do you wanna still play some more?" Jay asked. The smaller male nodded, "but if its too much thats fine."

"Too much? Don't worry about it. Wait here, I'll get some more Won." The blonde left back to the counter and asked the employee for some more tokens handing him cash. Jungwon was probably off finding another game while he waits. Which left Jay to bring his attention to the bowling area just looking around. It seems like a great activity to get the whole group here for. He made a mental note for next time when they all want to hangout.

"Here you go, sir." The employee handed off another small white plastic cup stacked with many gold game tokens. Jay send a small smile and thanked the man before leaving to go back to Jungwon.

Instead, he wasn't alone. The taller male stopped in his tracks when Jungwon was a couple feet away accompanied by someone else. But the situation isn't readable.


Ima be honest. I haven't updated in like half a year because I was like "I left it at a good stopping place" but I looked back and was like wait- no I didn't. So I am very sorry 🥲🥲

But- I am now aware to update this more often!!

Hope you still enjoy this book <33 Have a good day!!

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