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That night was one for Jungwon to remember. Because of Jay there was no more tears and frustration. He was finally at ease and had fun even though it was related to schoolwork. Jay should really come over more often. It seems that's when Jungwon feels he's happiest. But unfortunately, the older had to leave and they bid goodbyes.

Jungwon wanted to talk with Sunoo about his amazing afternoon the next morning but the pink haired male was with Ni-ki...again. Which there's nothing wrong about sharing with the youngest of the group but Jungwon didn't want to impose on their time walking to school. Plus, he stopped going the same time those two did. This resulted in Jungwon to keep in all the excitement to himself and tell Sunoo later, hopefully.

Jungwon had a nice peaceful walk to school by himself, remember to wear his sweater and jacket. "Ah whats this feeling? I like it." He had lots of time to run through last night in his head and giggle to himself. "Is this what people call love? It can't be...I've only known him for a month..." Jungwon shook his head. He tried to slow down his heart that would speed up at just the meer thought of Jay.

Upon reaching the school there was quite a few people there already. Jungwon ignored the usual stares and went straight to his locker, opening it and exchanging things for his first block. "The chemistry test is soon..." Jungwon sighed and tried his best to smile and hide the wave of nervousness that just hit him. But then there was suddenly arms wrapping around his waist and a head resting on his shoulder.

Jungwon sighed at the way his body reacted to this, opposite of what he intended. "Ready for your test? I believe in you!" Jay encouraged from behind, and Jungwon didn't have to look at his face to know he was smiling. "Thanks hyung!" Jungwon was clearly blushing to anyone who was paying attention, and it brought amusement to Jay knowing he had this kind of effect on the schools most loved student.

"You can let go now hyung." Jungwon chuckled, nudging the older to let go. In reality he was loving this position but they're out in public and who knows what others will do. Jay visibly pouted, making his grip tighter. "Hyunggg let go." Jungwon whined, trying to break free from the hold. "Never." Jay chuckled playfully, swaying the younger from side to side. "I won't hesitate to use my taekwondo skills on you!" And this was enough to make Jay let go immediately. "Thats what I thought." Jungwon teased, now turned around to face the other. "Fine you win. But you're just so cute when you're blushing." This sentence only brought more blush to the youngers face, "was not!"

"Dont deny it sweetheart," Jay teased. "I will dropkick you right now if you call me that again." Jungwon glared the blonde down. "I'm just playing, chill." Jay laughed and lifted his hand to pat the younger on the head. Before they could say anything more the bell rang. Audible groans from surrounding students was heard. Of course no one wants to go to class. Jay sighed and wrapped an arm around Jungwon's shoulders, "Let's go." And with this he guided them to class.


Now, the chemistry test. Most students as of now were already done or getting there. Jungwon was looking over his answers, hands shaking. He was more nervous than ever as he finally got to staring at the submit button. Jungwon guided his cursor and clicked, anxiousness washing over for that split second.

It loaded and there his screen changed, his score revealed.

Jungwon's mouth hang agape. He stared at the screen as his eyes widened. Slight tears formed as he remained in shock.

"I did it-" He whispered to himself. A large smile forming. "I did it!" The student mentally cheered to himself. He closed the test tab and shut his laptop, giddy as ever. All that hard work payed off and he had Jay to thank. Jungwon was expecting to barely pass at most, no, he got a 94.

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