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"Mm..." Jungwon was the first to wake up, it being around seven in the afternoon. He was so warm in the olders embrace but was surprised Jay was okay with all of this. I mean, his ribcage was pretty damaged. Cuddling this way just seems painful. Who knew they would've slept for so long though. Jungwon eventually rolled over and opened his phone to check the time. "Eh?!" Jungwon quietly got out of the blonde's arms, making sure to not wake him up.

Jungwon walked down the stairs and found his way to the kitchen. "Should I order takeout or cook something?" He thought to himself. Then he went through food in pantries and the fridge. "Theres enough to cook, its cheaper too." Jungwon agreed on. He definitely needed to feed Jay, it's already gotten too late. "He likes corn...thats a must. What else? Hm...? Ramen? Its the quickest-" Jungwon spoke aloud to himself. This being said is what he did. He went straight to finding pots and pans to cook. "Gosh this kitchen is huge." Jungwon definitely struggled on where to find things but eventually managed. He got things boiling and waited a few minutes. But leaving his phone upstairs he got bored.

This left him to start thinking. "Jay hyung...why have I only felt this way with you. Its new, but I like it..." then his voice when into a whisper, "I want more." Jungwon then shook his head, "What am I thinking...he'll think it's too fast anyways..."

"But it's not." Was whispered into his ear. This startling him. Jungwon jumped in place, snapping his head to the right. "H-hyung..." Jungwon's face immediately turned red from embarrassment. He really just indirectly confessed since Jay had overheard and appeared from nowhere. "I- uh- its just that-" The brunette was at a loss of words and took steps backwards, figuring he just screwed things up. Jungwon felt tears arise, this was too soon. He fears he messed up their relationship, completely forgetting what was whispered.

Jay moved closer the more Jungwon moved back, it was quick and Jungwon ended up nearly pinned to the counter. "Hyung I'm sorry-" and his lips were sealed by the pair of another's. Jay had leaned forward to kiss the younger. Jungwon's eyes widened at first and he didn't know what to do. He had never had a kiss. But regardless of the inexperience, Jungwon closed his eyes to try and enjoy it. The pounding of their hearts kept ringing through their ears as the kiss went on.

Jay was the first to pull away. Jungwon's face had never been so red and he couldn't help but chuckle at this fact. "Whats so funny...?" Jungwon mumbled before looking at the floor to avoid Jay's eye contact. He needed to process what just happened. Jay didn't allow this though and moved his finger to lift the other's face towards him. "Don't overthink Jungwonnie, okay?" Jungwon's expression softened and he nodded slightly. For some reason he felt nervous.

"Guess what." Jay whispered, staring into the eyes of the younger. "What?" Jungwon replied softly, except he displayed the emotion of uncertainty, Jay could read it in his eyes. "I like you." Jay spoke, smiling. The youngers heart melted, butterflies in his stomach flying like crazy. "I like you too," Jungwon giggled out, lunging forward to give a peck to the older, which it was now his turn to be surprised.

It didn't cross Jungwon's mind that there was a second part to this whole confession thing, which he'll regret later. But for now, the older's physical state is what he seemed to be more worried about. "How are you feeling? You made it down the stairs without help, im proud." Jungwon asked. Jay scoffed and rolled his eyes, "I broke everything but my legs sweetheart." The name sparked the attention of Jungwon, not knowing if he was kidding or not. "Fair, but is the pain still really bad?" The brunette asked in concern. Now their positions were still the same, Jungwon against the counter with Jay in front, both his arms resting on either side of Jungwon. "Its gotten worse actually, can I have that medicine?" Upon hearing these words Jungwon immediately rushed to the bag on the counter the nurse lent him. He took out one of the bottles and opened it, shaking out a few painkillers. Jungwon put the bottle down and ran to find a glass in a cabinet and then getting some water in it. With this done, the smaller male made his way over to Jay, shoving the water and pills in his face, "Here." Jay watched with soft eyes the whole time, seeing how much Jungwon cared for him.

Jay took the medicine and set the cup down, as he did this Jungwon went to close the medicine bottle. "Go watch TV or something while I make dinner, okay?" Jungwon suggested in a gentle tone as he went to the stove and turned off the timer that was seconds from going off. The younger was in the process of adding in the ramen noodles to boiling water before he felt arms around his waist. "But I wanna stay with you." Jay mumbled, resting his head on the youngers shoulder. Jungwon felt his face get hot, accepting it at this point. "I'll be here with you all night, promise. But I need to cook Hyung." Jay didn't like this because he felt very clingy at the moment. "Noo." The older whined, squeezing the others waist tighter. Jungwon chuckled at his childish behavior, but even then it was adorable.

So, the younger removed Jay's arms and turned around to face him. He then cupped the olders cheeks and kissed him passionately but quick. "Let me at least make dinner, I can't have you not eating." Jay was flustered by the youngers sudden actions and nodded, smiling widely and going to relax on the couch. Jungwon had never had his first kiss up until now. He thought it would be gross but now having done it, he thinks it was quite the opposite. He likes them and the feeling. But maybe he shouldn't keep doing this after they just confessed.

About half an hour later Jungwon finished making all the food. He set out two bowls of ramen and some corn for Jay. Then realizing he shouldn't make Jay get up, he brought the food to him. "I'm done." Jungwon informed, passing the made food. Jay's eyes lit up given he was pretty hungry and he sat up slightly and took the food, ready to eat. Jungwon smiled and sat next to the blonde, beginning to eat his own food as whatever show Jay had picked out ran in the background.


They finished eating and Jungwon cleaned up along with caring for the olders wounds a bit more. It was now around eight and the moon was rising as minutes passed. "Hyung." Jungwon spoke softly. Jay looked at the younger, wondering why he was getting up from their comfortable position. This being Jungwon resting on Jay's shoulder.

"I should get going..." Jungwon says sadly. He already missed the warmth of the one beside him without going anywhere. "My mom actually texted me a few minutes ago, she said I had to be home by ten because we have some sort of family plan tomorrow I didn't know of. But just call me if you need anything, okay? If its an emergency I'll come right over, promise." Jay frowned at the new information. He wished Jungwon would stay the whole weekend. "Oh...alright then."

Jungwon noticed his change in tone and walked in front of the blonde, placing both hands to cup his face. "I'm going to text and check in on you, okay? Promise you'll answer me?" Jay felt a tad bit flustered at their closeness. "Promise! I would dare ignore you Wonnie."

Jungwon felt a smile form, "Good." And so he went around the house collecting his things and preparing to leave. Once done he went over to Jay.

"Take this medicine once every morning and night and then make sure you re- mph!" Jungwon was interrupted with a pair of lips on his. Jay smirked into the kiss and let go shortly after. "Don't worry." Jungwon blushed heavily and looked down to avoid Jay's eye contact.

"I love you, okay? See you Monday?" Jay asked, hopeful. Jungwon nodded eagerly. "I love you too, hyung." And the student council present wrapped his arms around the older in one quick motion, connecting their lips one last time before he would leave to his own house. Jay deepens the kiss by resting one hand on youngers nape and closing any space left in between their bodies. He wanted to take this deeper but pulled away knowing Jungwon had to get going.

The two males stared at each other, panting ever so slightly, heavy blush spread across their faces. Jungwon gave Jay one last hug before opening the front door, waving sadly, and unaware of what would happen in the future. But for now, he walked the way to his neighborhood around the corner and to his own home. Missing Jay's presence already.

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