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It was another regular day at Belift highschool. It was now Friday, and students were more then excited to get the day over with. The weekend was so close yet so far. During first block each day, Jungwon would do the same thing. Finish his assigned work and then sit next to Jay and start a conversation. So far he's gotten a few responses from the older. His birthday, age, full name, favorite color, favorite animal, and some background on his childhood. Jungwon would say he's been quite successful in just a week.

"Good morning!" The younger exclaimed. "Morning." Responded Jay in dull tone, head resting on the desk. "Something wrong?" Jungwon asked. Jay was usually playing on his phone or still doing the assignment at this time. For him to be like this was odd. "No," Jay responded quickly, eyes closing like he is about to sleep. "Hmm...you're lying." Jungwon chuckled softly and took a seat beside him. Jay didn't have anything to respond. How could his classmate read him so well?

"Hm..." Jungwon thought to himself for a moment before putting a hand on Jay's shoulder. "If you ever want to talk, im here for you. I know you haven't known me for long but still." This touched the olders heart for some reason. How was this kid so kind? They were practically strangers yet here he is, offering to devote time into listening to what Jay considered to be pathetic life problems. And he hasn't really tried to make friends yet. Jay wanted to lay low at a new school so what happened at his old one doesn't repeat. But the fact the Jungwon was trying to befriend him, made him feel special. Typically the only other interactions he's had is girls begging for his phone number and others fawning over his beauty.

"Thanks wonnie." Now Jay didn't intend for Jungwon's nickname to slip out of his mouth but it did anyways. He mentally panicked, thinking the younger will find him weird. But Jungwon felt a sense of happiness surge through him. Jay saying his nickname meant they were a step closer to becoming friends and that Jay was truly grateful.

"Anytime!" Jungwon removed his hand from the others shoulder and flashed him a smile. "Jungwon hyung!" A classmate who sat behind the two called out. The one who was called turned around, "Yes?" The student spoke up, "How come you'll let Jay Hyung into your life so easily but not me!" The boy whined, mostly out of jealousy. "Well uh-" jungwon stopped because he truly couldn't give an answer. He doesn't know himself.

"Is it because he's good looking?!" The boy asked upset, his insecurities shining through. "Well since he's new I wanted him to feel welcomed." Jungwon answered, the atmosphere becoming awkward. "But you talk to him everyday, I think he's more than welcomed." The boy rolled his eyes. Jungwon didn't know what or how to respond. "Um...uh..."

"Whats going on here?" Jake asked, freeing Jungwon from this situation. "Hello Jake hyung!" Jungwon turned around so he wasn't facing the other kid anymore, "nothing, what's up?" Jake grabbed a seat from an empty desk and pulled it up to be sitting next to the other two."Oh, well I was gonna ask about Sunoo and Ni-ki actually." The kid from before whined to himself that the other was dismissing him and their conversation.

"I heard he's sitting with us at lunch today. I guess they have a thing going on, do you know more about it? And honestly I'm just bored." Jungwon chuckled and nodded, "Actually I do." The youngest wiggled his eyebrows, ready to spill the tea. And then the ice cream incident was explained to Jay and Jake and how Ni-ki walks Sunoo home everyday. "It makes me sad...I now walk home alone or third wheel." Jungwon pouted. "Man, sucks to be you." Jake says. Jungwon sighed, "Yeah...oh! And they aren't an official couple yet but they're getting there, so don't tease them too much today." Jake laughed and nodded, "alright."

"Oh Jay hyung." Jungwon called, turning slightly to face his direction. "Hm?" The blonde hummed. "Do you sit anywhere or eat with anyone at lunch?" The brunette asked. "Um...no, not really." Jay responded. This caused the younger to smile, "Perfect!" Jay seemed confused, "What?"

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