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It had been another week gone by. They had precisely two more weeks left until winter break. Jungwon was ecstatic, he loved the holidays. And as usual for the morning, Jay had parked his car outside the youngers house ready to pick him up.

"Morning hyung!" Jungwon greeted happily, plopping himself in the passenger seat and shutting the door behind him. "Wow you're in a good mood." Jay put his foot on the gas as the car speeded up. "How could I not? In just two weeks school will be over with!" Jay nodded with a small smile, "you're right." And after this was silence between the two. On low volume was one of Jay's favorite songs in the background.

Jungwon suddenly felt pressure on his thigh. He looked down subtly to see Jay's hand just resting there while another was on the steering wheel. Jay seemed pretty calm as Jungwon's cheeks grew to be a shade of red. The younger felt brave today and rested his hand on top of the blonde's. Their fingers intertwined which left them both blushing. The amount of romantic tension between the two is no joke. Sadly, it all came to an end as the car pulled up to the school and Jay had to retract his hand so he could park correctly. Jungwon had the slightest pout visible on his face, wishing that moment could last longer.

But, they both got out of the car and walked into school. They went their separate ways to their lockers and then met back up in the first block they share together. They had a few minutes to spare before the bell rings, so Jungwon sat in the empty desk next to Jays. It seems as if they've never separated the minute Jay opened up.

"Hey hyung I have a question." Jungwon spoke up, turning to face the older. "Hm?" Jay rested his arm on his desk and head on his hand. Jungwon didn't seem too confident in asking this but just went for it, "What um...what gender do you like? Cause you k-know uh it's just you haven't seemed to take an interest in anyone here yet and..." Jungwon trailed off and the floor seemed to look rather interesting right now. If his heart desired the man in front of him, then it's best to know if there's at least a chance. Jay could hear the panick in Jungwon's voice but decided not to tease him about it. "Both men and women, I don't care honestly. Just someone I can love and trust." Jungwon looked up from the floor, some of his worries vanishing. "What about you?"

"I don't have a preference. Same as you, just anyone I like." The blonde smiled at this, "Good." The teacher came in and was ready to start teaching. Jungwon felt annoyed and wanted to keep talking with Jay, wanting to know what his last words meant. The younger groaned and got up from the desk that wasn't his and sat where he was supposed to be.

The teacher did her lesson and everyone followed along. Eventually later, enough time had passed where the block was over with. Luckily their second class flew by quickly and then everyone could go off to eat lunch.

The seven boys all sat together once again and had playful conversations. "Why does that sound like something you'd do-" Jay laughed, everyone at the table following. Ni-ki sighed, "It just happened, okay?" This was a story being told on how Ni-ki almost burned his house down by forgetting to add water to instant noodles when microwaving it.

Jungwon sat and admired how nicely Jay seemed to be getting along with his friends. Just a month ago, Jay hated the effort of making conversations. They've come a long way in a short amount of time.

Just then, a short and petite girl approached their table. She looked foreign, blonde hair and blue eyes. The boys didn't acknowledge her until she called Jay's name with no sense of respect. The blonde turned around, unbothered by her wording. He knew that in America there is no formalities meaning she wasn't being disrespectful. "How dare you-" Sunoo was cut off when Jay responded to the girl in English. "Yes?"

She became visibly flustered and spoke again, "Come with me." She grabbed the olders wrist and dragged him away from the table. Jay looked back at the others with a confused expression but no one knew really who she was or what she wanted. They don't even understand what she said. Well...except for Jake.

When the girl and Jay were on the other end of the cafeteria in their own secluded corner, Jake explained to the group what they said and why she wasn't being rude. Even then, her behavior made up for it, being equally as weird. Jungwon couldn't help but glare daggers at the girl talking to Jay. Heesung noticed and laughed.

"If looks could kill, she would be dead." Heesung remarkes, still laughing which confused the others. "Hyung what?" Sunghoon scoffed.

"Jungwon chill, trying to shoot lasers at her with your eyes is not going to make her get any further from Jay." Everyone now saw what the oldest meant and laughed too. Jungwon looked away from Jay and that girl and started blushing from embarrassment.

Jungwon didn't know what came over him but he stood up harshly, slamming his hands on the table. "You're right, it won't."

The student body president made his way over to Jay and the girl, approaching them bitterly. "Sorry Jay is mine." Jungwon said in English. Did he mean to intentionally say that? No. His english isn't advanced so he said the wrong thing. What he meant so say was 'Sorry but Jay is coming with me.' Because after this, Jungwon dragged the blonde into the hallway before a word was said from the two.

"Jungwon?" Jay called out, noticing how the brunette looked angry. "Jungwon!" Jay called out one last time. The younger turner around with a frown displayed. "What?" He says with an attitude.

"I'm yours, hm?" Jay teased, moving his face down to be centimeters away from Jungwon's, a fond smirk on his face. "Huh? What?" The younger was confused as to why he would say this. "Back there, you said 'Jay is mine." Jungwon's expression changed to as if he saw a ghost. "I SAID WHAT?!"

Jay died of laughter. This resulted in the smaller male to look at the floor out of embarrassment, not even daring to look at the up after that.

"She was confessing to me. I kindly rejected her though and then we went on to talking about public schools in the US. Wonnie I didn't know you were the jealous type?" Jay felt like teasing the younger more after he explained what happened. "M' not jealous..." Jungwon mumbled, still looking down and playing with his fingers.

"Aww come here bunny." Jay cood and scooped Jungwon in a hug. He couldn't help himself, the younger is just too cute for his own good.

"Bunny?" Jungwon questioned to himself. The pet name for some reason made his heart beat faster. How odd. But Jungwon liked the warmth of the hug, so he hugged Jay back and buried his head into the crook of his neck. They felt so content. Neither pulled away from the embrace for a while, so Jay swayed there bodies slowly from side to side.

Jake, who went to check on them, saw the sight and quickly took out his phone and snapped a picture. He quietly snickered to himself and ran back to the others to show them this beautiful moment.

Jay finally pulled away and put a hand to rest on top of Jungwon's head, lightly caressing it. "You don't have to be jealous, okay?" And Jay lightly leaned forward and planted a small kiss on top Jungwon's forehead. The younger blushed madly at this, immediately looking to the floor and nodded. "I wish these stupid butterflies would go away!" Jungwon complained mentally. He didn't understand why his heart craved the older.

The two went back to their lunch table and were met with smirks on the faces of all their friends. The day soon ended and Jay accompanied Jungwon home. Wow, this feeling.

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