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Sometimes, we long for things we cannot always have. Sometimes, we let inner demons take control. And it felt like just yesterday his life would be perfect from the embrace of a certain blonde haired student.

Jungwon sat in an empty classroom, tears streaming down his face. Head down and thoughts running wild. He didn't know what to feel and had ran out of things to say.

"Jungwon I'm so sorry..." Sunoo whispered, in shock the state his friend has fallen into. "Let me just go get Ni-ki to beat the shit out of him and-"

"Don't!" Jungwon abruptly stood up and tugged on his friends wrist who made an attempt to go find Ni-ki. Jungwon shook his head and sat back down, a big sigh escaping his lips. And shortly after, the fragile boy felt his lips start to quiver and vision getting blurry. "Hyung..." Jungwon cried helplessly. "I know..." Sunoo frowned, immediately embracing his friend in a hug.

The two best friends continued to stay there even after the third period bell rang. "Ah im going to get in so much trouble..." Sunoo sighed, he had never skipped class before. But being there for his friend is way more important.

"You can go to class, I'm okay, I promise." Jungwon assured, but his face said otherwise. "Did you just lie to me? Hun I can read you like a book." Sunoo joked and tried to lighten the mood, even just a bit. "Please, as your student council president, I demand you to go to class!" Jungwon joked but also was being serious. Sunoo scoffed, "You do realize that you're also skipping-" jungwon chuckled, "Shh just go to class...please." and more tears streamed from his face.

"Fine...but only because I can't risk this going on my record. But after school we're going to get ice cream and im buying! I love you my bestest friend and I'll smack some sense into him. Bye Wonnie!" Sunoo waved and rushed out, hoping the teacher will be nice and let him arrive a few minutes late with no tardy.

Jungwon watched his pink haired friend leave and felt another wave of tears form and fall. "Pull yourself together Wonnie..." But then self-motivation was unsuccessful.

Jungwon finally wiped his tears and stood up, grabbing his backpack and weakly walking to his 3rd block class. He prayed the teacher wouldn't question his absence and just think it was for student council. A certain someone was in that class the brunette was scared to face.

Reaching the door, Jungwon just walked in and kept his head down. He went straight to his desk in the middle of the room and sad down, avoiding looking around. Anyone could tell he wasn't okay. His pretty usual face that was pale now had obvious tear stains and was red with agitation. He had bags under his eyes and you could definitely tell he wasn't just crying, he had a whole meltdown.

"Psst hyung, what's wrong?" A student next to Jungwon whispered. Worry was laced in their tone, I mean even if you despised the council present, his state looked so wrecked anyone would be concerned. Jungwon didn't say anything and just looked at Jay's desk. But what a mistake that was.

Jay was staring at Jungwon with the coldest expression, shooting glares. No sign of empathy for the state Jungwon was in. He looked away from the younger finally, taking of his harsh gaze. Jungwon couldn't help but forcefully lay his head down on the desk where no one could see his face and begin to let his emotions out once more. Curse Jay...for letting Jungwon have to be this vulnerable at school. But he couldn't help the silent sobs let out.

Why did it get to this? Jay's stare not but a week ago was gentle and warm. Jungwon would give anything to go back and into his arms. So this comes the bad side of love, jungwon now acknowledges it.

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