Luna Nova Holiday Camp

By Fluna98

780 8 0

Atsuko Kagari, a young girl very passionate, specially with Skateboard and a her idol Chariot Du Nord, also k... More

The mysterious abandoned building
Holiday camp
Capítulo sem título 3
The revenge
Learning the first tricks
As Cavendish
The training starts
More training
I'm improving
The curiosity kills the cat
The writer visit
Diana's is suspecting
Diana came like a bomb
That strange dream
Luna Nova dancing
Talking with moms
Dodgeball game pt1
Dodgeball game pt2
Dodgeball game pt3
Where's the things?
The witches trio
Skateboard championship pt2
Skateboard championship pt3
Skateboard championship pt4
Skateboard championship pt5
Skateboard championship pt6
going for camping
Boat racing
Witches night
Last day camping
Hellene's surprise party
Unexpected visit
The end of the Summer

Skateboard championship pt1

13 0 0
By Fluna98

Friday, 28 July 2017

The days and weeks went by, more and more, without much different, besides the different activities that were going on in Luna Nova, in the meantime until the end of July, that practically already had more than a month that Atsuko and her friends had arrived at the place and were also in a stay there. In this time Croix and Ursula promoted some sports activities to relax the girls, especially the group that had gone to the secret corner of Luna Nova, even though this group had not even gone back there after the last time, activities like football championships, handball, even filling a giant ball of air, where the girls would walk inside it. Some of them reminded me a lot of TV gymkhanas, like obstacle courses, which was really good fun, especially because there was something close to that date that was about to happen. The Luna Nova Skateboard Championship.

It was also during this time that Marianne and Hellene trained a little bit with the magic, and also gave some help to Atsuko, who, despite trying and trying a lot, nothing happened, as if she had a lock preventing her from performing anything, which was very strange, but the other two were improving a lot, learning some of these spells, even perfecting them.

The day of the long-awaited skateboarding championship arrives, one of the biggest reasons why Akko gave such an effort training day after day waking up at dawn, preparing body and mind for this day, which she was already far beyond what she was before this event started, which will certainly cause a huge shock in all the girls when they see the growth of the Japanese girl.

The day was dawning and Akko could finally in almost a whole month wake up at the time she wanted, since Croix and Ursula warned her that she wouldn't need to wake up early for the training, that would be a free day, Atsuko took advantage of it as she could sleeping much more than she was used to, waking up well in the morning where she got up and walked to the window at 9:30, seeing the sky a bit cloudy, falling a light rain.

" (It's today, let's see if Diana will really respect me more after this, I'll prove to her that I can also beat her, I trained so much that I feel like a pro, there's simply no one who can beat me in this, I became a perfect skater).

The Japanese woman goes to the canteen, where she meets up with Marianne and Hellene who were chatting and it was quite noticeable the redhead's frustration, seeing the rain falling, wetting all the surroundings.

" Damn it! How are we going to have the skateboarding championship if it's raining today? " Cavendish said in frustration.

" I don't know, but I'm looking forward to seeing the way Croix and Ursula will go about getting this championship rolling.

" I just wish you good luck Akko, I couldn't see you training on the track, but I always saw you running with Ursula and Croix, I'm sure there's a trick up your sleeve there, you must have access to some kind of training that's top secret, I just want to see what you've become " said the purple"eyed one.

" I'm just going to watch, I can barely dodge a ramp, let alone take part in a skateboarding championship " Leclerc shrugged.

" I will even feed myself better, because they said it would be today regardless of the condition " Hellene said.

The Japanese woman clearly knew what was going on, she knew that Croix and Ursula had already made do even if it was raining on the day, with that smell that was rising from the wet bush, the rain hitting the roof of Luna Nova, people on the most were just hanging around and chatting to pass the time.


Akko was playing with her friends in her room, relaxing, passing the time, since it was the best way for the hours to pass, only that soon the game is interrupted with the sound of the microphone coming out of the speakers, followed by an alert for the girls to go to the corridors to listen to the warning.
The girls go out, going to the corridors, listening for about two minutes directly on the speakers "All girls come to the corridors to listen an important message", after two minutes all girls are ready to what will be communicated.

" The skateboard championship has not been cancelled due to the rain, all participants, grab your skateboards, your safety equipment and come all to the new skateboard lane of Luna Nova, now bigger and also indoors, so we won't be limited by the rain, head to the underground of Luna Nova, all the girls, including the participants, for our big championship! " Ursula warns through the microphone.

The girls were getting confused by the corridors, trying to understand where there was this hidden skateboarding lane, Amanda when listening even got celebrating of happiness, the same way Hellene also, quite anxious to see this new lane.
Akko went grabbing her skateboard and also the safety equipment, she went running with her friends and also a crowd that was going towards the underground, walking to this skateboard track.
When they arrived, the girls had been amazed, everything was organized this time, the corridor was separated between the participants and the spectators, being at this time when Sucy and Lotte gave a brief goodbye to their friend.

" Good luck Akko, get on with it " Yanson said.

" Just don't go ugly and take several tumbles right at the beginning " Manbavaran said laughing and Atsuko went to show her the middle finger.

Kagari goes walking in the corridor of the participants, dying of anxiety, she arrived to what seemed to be a waiting lobby, a room with some armchairs and sofas, where there were Amanda, Diana and Hellene, talking among themselves, noticing the presence of the red-eyed girl, waving to her.
Soon the brownish girl arrives in the group of girls, being greeted, O'Neill goes looking impressed to the whole track from the window that had in the room and it was possible to see everything.

" Who would have thought that all this time they had made a whole track like that " said the American.

" It all makes sense to me now, this must have been Akko's training ground, Croix and Ursula must have trained her here giving her a huge field advantage that we still don't have, while we're going to be recognising the track, metre by metre, Akko already knows every corner " said the younger Cavendish.

" It makes sense, but Akko is only a one"month rookie, she may have trained until she can't give anymore, only even then one month is nothing," Amanda said shrugging.

" I agree with O'Neill, after a few good batteries, really that field advantage will end as we'll have got used to it," said the older Cavendish.

" Wow thanks for the messages of support, I swear I will destroy you and prove you both wrong " Kagari said motivated, even getting pats on the redhead's shoulder.

" I won't underestimate or doubt Akko, you'll make a mistake finding these things " said the purple"eyed one.

At the same time the rest of the participants arrived, and from all the girls, twenty came to participate in this championship, they were Akko, Diana, Amanda, Hellene, Wangari, Aira, Rita, Irene, Sarah, Catharina, Daisy, Sóla, Hilda, Carmen, Molly, Rina, Shao Yi, Heather, Verochka and Mary. The twenty participants had already arrived, they were stretching themselves, preparing for the beginning of the championship, while the rest of the girls from Luna Nova were arriving little by little.
Soon they all arrived at the bleachers, which also had viewers so that the girls could see all the action, and soon Ursula and Croix started a live stream through the internet, to show the championship to the world, showing the bleachers and then the camera focused on them holding the microphones.

" All right! And here we all are for the event that was most expected to happen here in Luna Nova, the skateboard championship! Now live and also on a new track, indoors, as there is a lovely summer rain here in Glastonbury today to cool off after the hot day yesterday! " Ursula said.

" We move on to our presentation ceremony, where twenty contestants will face off in multiple heats to see who here is the most skilled skater in Luna Nova, competing not only for a trophy but also a very generous prize of five thousand pounds for them to use as they please, The other places are also not without a win, the second place gets three thousand pounds, and the third with two thousand, the fourth gets a thousand, the fifth with five hundred and the other twenty participants already have a hundred pounds guaranteed for each " said Croix already leaving the girls who were excited in the waiting room.

" We will now call all our participants to come here and introduce themselves, then we will explain the rules of the games, without further ado, let our participants introduce themselves " Callistis said.

With the call of the two the screen even shows the exit of the waiting room, where the twenty girls are leaving it walking in the middle of the dance floor waving to all of them that are clapping and cheering them all, being that a very isolated quantity was booing. In this case Chloé as usual was booing Diana.
Each one was introducing herself speaking their names, without taking too long, in live were already having some reactions and comments also from participants, especially the mothers of Diana and Hellene who interacted a lot.

" Now that everyone has introduced themselves, let's explain the rules of this championship, the first phase will consist of three batteries and will be an eliminatory round, the four lowest scores on aggregate of the two best will be the first to be eliminated, leaving only sixteen participants, each battery has a minute and a half for you to do, so good luck " Ursula explained.

" In the second phase, it will be divided into battles of one against one, in a draw each one will face each other and the one who gets the best score of the two will move on to the next phase, so it goes on until the finals, and the fourth and third placed that will be eliminated from the semifinals will compete for the third position, so it's not very complex, so let's go on giving the progress of the qualifiers, first we will draw here how will be the order of who will leave for the batteries first " said Croix.

A screen digitally draws the order of who will end up leaving and the first of all to be drawn was Irene, with that the other nineteen remaining go to the waiting room, the little blonde stays watching everything, waiting for the timer to start. The others are watching.

" Irene will be the first of all to start the championship! In three, two, one... Let's go! " Callistis said.

The girls in the room were watching Irene's drumming as she started paddling towards a miniramp, where she turned from Switch, going towards a railing where she hit a switch 360 flip and was lucky enough to hit a BS noseslide, coming out with an impressive maneuver.
Coldly Diana and Hellene analyzed, already Atsuko and Amanda were impressed, the little blonde was continuing to make a line, this time she went back to the common position, jumping on a box, where she hit a manual nose, going up on another higher where she fit a nosegrind, leaving there with a shove it, what was impressing the audience with the girl's ability.

" Has this shorty always been this good? She's always falling down when I see her on the track," O'Neill said.

" I told you, don't underestimate the ability of your opponents, in those four and a half minutes anything could be possible " Said the redhead, while Akko continued to watch, but displaying a smile.

They continued to watch Irene's first heat, being very impressed, the girl had never shown any ability, but was suddenly showing that she had plenty.
As 4 and a half minutes pass by, Irene's three qualifying heats are over, at this moment Croix and Ursula are deciding the score, also with the help of a program that Meridies herself used, it is possible to determine how much the short blonde has scored.

Irene: 79,6/ 87,9/ 79,0 Total: 167,5

The score was pretty decent even, and soon the call for the next one started, being drawn on the screen, all the contestants looked on nervously, with anxiety on the surface, the roulette stopped right at "Akko", which already made the Japanese girl freak out.

" Ah now it's your turn Akko, let's see if you really trained " Amanda said slapping her friend on the back.

Atsuko walks along keeping calm, she waves to everyone, she gets a bit nervous, but she knows she has to go do well if she wants to advance to the next level, she stops, waiting for the battery timer to start.

" Atsuko Kagari, better known as Akko, is our second participant! In three, two, one... Let's go! " Ursula said.

" (Come on Akko, let's show them that you can be skilled too, put everything I had learnt in this whole month, I just won't go with everything yet so they don't get the full sense of my skill).

The timer goes off, Atsuko takes a deep breath and paddles towards the ramp, where she then comes back from Switch, arriving towards a railing, where she simply does a 180 varial heelflip, beautifully fitting a FS crooked, leaving everyone amazed with the balance acquired in the Japanese to be able to hit that, where she left the railing simply giving an impossible, moreover fitting with only two wheels, where it was possible to see the slip that the skateboard had given but remained in manual position.
She was heading towards a ladder with a lot of momentum, where she simply jumped up and hit a double kickflip, landing softly, leaving Amanda stunned.

" What was that! A varial heelflip, followed by a Crooked, impossible and down a ladder gap double kickflip! What a spectacular combo of maneuvers by Akko! " Said Croix narrating and the girls were just celebrating with her in the bleachers, impressed with Kagari's skill.

Near this ladder there was a bowl, where the Japanese girl made sure to drop next, starting to go from one side to the other, until she got the necessary momentum, where she did some 540 Indy, impressing a little more, then she leaves the bowl still missing 40 seconds to finish her heat.

" That is impossible! How does Akko manage to do all this in one month? What kind of crazy training did Croix and Ursula give her to do? It can only be something that has never been seen, this girl can only be using some cheating " Amanda said, while Hellene flashed a smile and so did her older sister.

" I told you guys, these girls are going to be full of surprises, I found it even fascinating that Akko evolved all this, we might finally have an opponent of our mana level " Said the younger Cavendish smiling.

" Now I understand what you mean, I'm just really in shock, happy to have someone high level like what Akko has become, but also tense, she has the field advantage, so she knows the best lines, just look at these manoeuvres, she must have practiced for at least a whole day each one until she perfected it, you can tell the way she fits " Diana said with her hand on her chin.

" You two when you're like this scare me, I can't believe I'm going to bitterly end up in a third or fourth place, and I still have a chance of being eliminated by Akko herself, that girl has become a machine " O'Neill said in shock.

Back to the track, in the last seconds of the last heat, Akko looks at a line, goes paddling towards it, jumping a ladder with a kickflip that had already charmed everyone, fitting right in, but she went on, near this ladder has a part where the side has a square railing and was where she jumped catching that railing with a beautiful noseslide, leaving there with a 360 flip, continuing the course with plenty of momentum until she reaches a ramp, where she reaches the top and simply fits a blunt, holding for a while, where she goes down with gusto, impressing everyone, but it wasn't the end of the battery, there were less than 10 seconds left, Akko, with the momentum of the ramp descent, goes into another, where she jumps a gap, and well in this she does a beautiful triple kickflip that fits with a little slip, without having more time to finish the battery.

" And what a thing! Akko is impressing, this drums shows that she has skill in everything, are beautiful maneuvers and even without falling, with a tremendous mastery and even maneuvers made in a soft way, but at the same time aggressive " Croix said all impressed.

Akko's first heat was over and the score given to her was 90.0, which already left everyone open"mouthed, even Atsuko herself was disbelieved at that hour when seeing her own score, which she was already concentrating to think about the next heat.

" Without further ado, let's go to the second heat, in three, two, one... Let's go! " Said Ursula announcing the next heat, where Akko had already taken a quick deep breath and was off like a rocket to try another one of those tries.

Akko was showing that the hard training, her focus in this one month are really paying off, she is better than before, getting a lot of interchange the courage, with also the ability that was getting each maneuver, already starting the second heat to shock even more the rivals.

And the big day arrives, the Luna Nova skateboarding championship, the day that will carry a huge change for all who are present there, mainly in how it was a huge shock that some of the girls proved to be quite skilled at skateboarding, like Akko who in a month of training proved to be as skilled as the veterans, much because of the help of Ursula and Croix.

See you, skater witches...

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