When Love Grows (Zukka)

By izzy20barcode

5K 86 38

Zuko made a mistake. Yearning for his father's acceptance, he accepted Azula's offer. Returning home didn't g... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 8

298 7 0
By izzy20barcode

TW: Abuse and racism

Sokka's POV:

The moon rays emanated Zuko's angelic face. He looked so peaceful. He deserved all the sleep. On the other hand, I deserved none. In fact, never in my whole 17 years did I have a sleepless night. My eyes didn't close for more than a second! Like I suddenly had insomnia overnight!

Sleep was the least of my concerns. I was in the brink of an emotional or mental breakdown! I was a wreck. My morals clashed with my unforgiving actions! How could I forgive myself? The guilt I felt was unspeakable. Lack of sleep was the least I deserved.

Hopefully I didn't bruise beautiful face. I found it hard to tell with the lighting and his scar...

His other injuries brought a whole slot of differing emotions. The bruises and gashes were grave. Zuko tried convincing me these were normal? Minuscule?! Oh, tui la, how could one be so cruel? How could he be brainwashed to consider this normal? The thought made my stomach churn.

I would never, and I mean never, allow anyone to lay a finger on him! Not as long as I was here! Not the freakin instructor nor the fire fart. As hell would I ever do such an act again. I had to make sure. I had to do something.

My emotions were on high. I got the courage to confront the Firelord. I stormed my way towards his chambers. The journey was not smooth sailing. The night was still young and I barely knew my way around the castle. There were barely any workers out and about, but the ones that were present cowered from my presence. They gave far too many terrified glances. Maybe it was my intimidating aura. Maybe it was racism. I believe it was the latter. On their break they most likely gossiped about the savage.

After minutes of searching far and wide, I found the chambers which screamed–I was the firelord and you are beneath me, kind of vibe. Did it phase me? Not one bit. Not even the guards unsettled my determination. I purposefully ignored any rationality, and barged in.

I barely made my way in. I was surprised I managed to get past the guards but my confidence was quickly subdued when they tackled the savage. You would have thought that these guards were dragging a piece of insignificant trash, rather than their prince. Well... I did marry into royalty, but I was royalty nonetheless.

Before I could be escorted out, the old fart heard the commotion. The closer I inspected; his bed housed two figures. One figure was my dear old father-in-law, and the other was dainty and covered in bruises. The bastard was sick in the brain. I wanted to go feral when I smelt the sex pheromones. I resisted the urge to rip his throat!

"What gives you the right to come here unannounced," he bellowed.

"What gives you the right to hurt Zuko!" I seethed.

I danced on thin ice, but I couldn't find it in me to care. The asshole had enough people willfully bowing to his will.

He started to cackling maniacally. He didn't sound deranged, but at the same time he did. What had he found funny? What was funny about this whole interaction. I expected him to be yell, not laugh.

"The savage like his pet chaste and unmarred," he chuckled.

Rage. My gaze burned through his nonexistent soul. The revulsion I felt was incomparable.


Dear old father-in-law did not let my act up slide. His mocking face became pure flaming fury! He rose from his bedding and stomped towards me, NUDE! You heard the right! He was plain nude! The bastard was crazy! Who in the right mind goes nude! Well... I guess it ran in the family... Stupid! There was no time to joke around! The closer he came, the more I slightly regrated my reckless decision to yell at him.

He finally towered over me. The old fart was pretty darn tall, I envied him.

The bastard could not wait a second, and he grappled my hair hard to look at his sadistic eyes. They were a disgusting yellow. -ugh My sweet fire lily's orbs were golden and pure. So unlike his father's.

"Don't ever use your alpha voice on me,"

What a fucking hypocrite. Ha ha ha ha, he didn't like being emasculated. You know what that means! I won! No points for you, old fart. I smirked at my victory which made him more annoyed. I knew it was childish and stupid, they did say, don't poke the moose lion, but here I was, poking. What could I say, it was my nature.

He thought long and hard, until he realized what my end goal was. My dear old father-in-law released finally gave in and released my hair. Seesh. If he waited anymore, spirits only knows how much hair would had stayed intact on my scalp.

"Since you own Zuko, the harm meant for him will be for you. Now leave," he said.

"This applies to everyone? Even his bitch of an instructor?"

"Yes. Now leave!"

They attempted to drag me out but I huffed out of their grip. As I left, I made sure to find medical supplies so I could treat Zuko's injuries. When I returned to the chambers, it looked empty. I peeked under the sheets and to my surprise, I saw no one.

Zuko's POV:


Sokka slapped me? Why? Why did he slap me? Was it that heard to use my body instead? I wouldn't had minded if he was rough.

I never wanted him to hit me... he was my husband! He was my Sokka! He was not father nor any other alpha. He was Sokka! So why?! Why couldn't he just had used me? Was I that disgusting?

The rage behind his eyes were all too familiar. They were sinister. The smile and the feral look on his face was just like... like his. I goosebumps crept all over. No. Sokka was not like the rest. He wasn't.

I thought he stopped, but he replaced my hopes with a hard punch. I tried to crawl away. To escape the alpha's wrath, but they began hitting me more, and more. They aimed everywhere and anywhere. My face. My stomach. My arms. My legs. Everything hurt, yet all I did was lay there and accept the rotten gift.

"You're so disgusting and weak. No one would want you as a warrior or a bitch," they said.

Shame. Shame was something I was too familiar with. I was pathetic and truly revolting. I was so useless. I did absolutely nothing to defend myself.

"Yes, my fire lily. You are useless," crazed Sokka cooed.

He caressed my cheek as he talked. He sounded so affectionate. If I didn't know the words he said, he could've fooled me to think he was sweet. Maybe not if I saw his face. His expression was unnerving. Their eyes seemed inhuman. They were downright terrifying.

His tanned hands continued to rub my cheeks, so affectionately. I felt his fingers crawl lower and lower. They trailed to my neck and tauntingly rubbed it so gently. I stayed frozen. His gentle touch was so different from his face filled with insanity. He seemed like he enjoyed making me sacred. Everything he did was like a game.

As if he was done playing with his toy, he stopped the taunting. No, his hands pierced my fragile neck. Instinct overpowered my terror, and I moved. I struggled against those uncaring hands. The more I couldn't breathe, the more it seemed to excite him. It was hopeless.'

The terrifying smile! Those horrifying gaze. Oh agni! His eyes... his smile....


My hands went around my throat. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't breathe!

I felt my ear pounding and my heart sinking. I clenched my chest to grasp nonexistent air. Nothing eased my anxiety and dismay. I still couldn't breathe. I just had to breathe! I just had a simple night terror... it was not real.

It was no real. It was not real. It was not real!

Finally, my breathe evened. I could breathe!

S-Sokka would never do that. Right? It was not real. I simply had a nightmare. I mean it was normal to dream about your husband nearly killing you. Right? Right?!

Hopefully I didn't disturb Sokka's sleep. He would only tolerate so much of my nuisance. I checked where he usually laid, only to see it empty. There was no sight of Sokka. Not under the jumbled covers, nor the balcony. He wasn't in the restroom or even in the closet hiding! He was nowhere to be found!

Where could he possibly be? Where was my mate? Was he kidnapped? Or did her leave? There was no sign of intruders. There were no scruff marks or forced entry. The only conclusion would be he left on his own accord.

Why? Why did he leave? Did he not believe me? I thought he did? He looked genuine and understanding... or was that fake? I asked him to stay with me.

He found another lover. That was the only logical explanation. Where else would he had gone at this hour? I guess I was some pitiful charity case. I should have known. No one could like such a hideous, pathetic whore.

Then why? Why did it hurt? Why couldn't I breathe? Why did it felt impossible to go on?

The thought of him scenting like another was unbearable. I had to leave. I needed to leave before her returned! I needed uncle.

I missed uncle's tea and his jokes. I craved for his warm hugs, chubby arms and all. I needed his comforting smile and presence. The last time I saw him he was utterly disappointed. I didn't care if he was disappointed. I just needed him. I needed him to set me straight.

I grabbed my blue spirit attire and ushered out the window. I had no idea where, but at least it was dark. Under the night, I was concealed and disguised as nothing but a mere shadow. I became one with the darkness.

Hopping from roof to roof was exhilarating. The hurt I felt was no more. I was the blue spirit. He didn't need to feel anything.

I felt a tail. I smelt a faint alpha scent for a second until it disappeared. I inspected my surroundings and there was no one. Was I overthinking?

I shrugged that thought off and continued to my mission. I arrived to the prison quite quickly. I still felt a presence following me, but I blamed my crippling paranoia. I was far to vigilant and careful!

I inspected the prison grounds. There were two guards posted at the entrance. Since this prison was unlike others, the guards were switched maybe every thirty minutes. During one of the switched would be the perfect opportunity to sneak and enter. I had to be weary and cautious since this prison had highly trained guards even though it was small. The reason was here, they housed traitors there were more valuable alive than dead.

I waited until to find the perfect opening. The two guards began walking away, and I crawled through the doors and above them. I successfully entered and was stuck on the ceiling until all the guards were out of view. I silently landed on the ground and snuck past each guard or hid amongst the shadows. After a while I was losing hope my uncle were in any of these cells until I found him.

The echoed footsteps neared. I needed to pick the lock before the guards turned to my hall. The feat was far from simple, but I did it just in time. I slipped in the cell and closed it ever so lightly, ducking my head under door's barred window.

Once I was given a few seconds I sighed in relief. I guess I was not as sloppy as I thought.

The cell room was very typical. It was pitch black apart from the moon light. The beautiful crescent moon outlined my uncles huddled figure. For a second, I thought I entered the wrong cell due to his lack of reaction, but I recognized his back from a mile away.

I stood there nervous. I started to regret my foolish decision. I knew he sensed my presence. He was not ignorant of my company–he was ignoring me. I felt stupid.

I agreed and readied myself to be yelled at, but he didn't. I deserved it, yet he didn't. He just sat there in silence. The quiet was killing me. I would rather get shouted at than my existence being ignored. It was degrading. I needed him to acknowledge me!

"Uncle, please. Please talk! Scream! I don't care! Just please," I pleaded, "acknowledge me"

I after my desperate intervention, there was a long pause. The anticipation was nearly deadly.

"You are mated," he coldly replied.

"Y-yes, father found out," I stuttered.

"To who,"

"Um, Sokka,"

"Did you tell him?"

"No," I said. I didn't tell Sokka I betrayed Katara.

He sighed. Uncle didn't need to lecture me. I knew this lie would be troublesome in the future, but I couldn't tell him. Not after his reaction today.

All I needed today was my beloved uncle. I had been waiting to ask for forgiveness and his thoughts, but he had cut me off.

"You better leave before the guards catch on,"

I was more foolish than I gave myself credit. Uncle didn't even want to consider talking to me. Who wouldn't in his place? I was the dishonorable brat that betrayed him!

It was all for nothing. My visit left me more distraught. I truly had no one. Not Sokka's love, nor uncles' reprimand. I was not even worthy to hate. I was so pathetic and worthless to love or hate. I had to leave. I had to escape once again. This time from the agonizing prison I called my heart.

I was far from present. I was not paying attention to anything, but I managed to getaway. I blamed my wretched emotions. I sensed someone. I got a better waft and it was oddly familiar. Before I identified who was near, hands covered me mouth. I attempted to break free. I elbowed them and they simply tightened their grip. Once my vision blurred into black dots, my fight disappeared. I was at the mercy of this person.

A/N: wow, this is a lot to unpack! Defiant Sokka, and overthinking Zuko! Your support is much appreciated! Also we last 900 views! That is so crazy!

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