To Stand by Your Side (DekuBa...

By Kacchans_CvmSlvt

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Original writer is aeronines on AO3 Wanted to have a backup cause this is one of my favorite DekuBaku books I... More

โš ๏ธDisclaimerโš ๏ธ
Chapter 1: Start Line
Chapter 2: From a Distance
Chapter 3: Round One
Chapter 4: You and Me
Chapter 5: I Dreamt about your Ass Lastnight
Chapter 6: Paradigm Shift
Chapter 7: Well, If It Feels Good...
Chapter 8: Conceal Don't Feel
Chapter 9: The Cum Before the Storm
Chapter 10: Tipping Point
Chapter 11: Healing 101: A Three-part Guide to Stop Worrying About your Crush
Chapter 12: Texts, Tunes, and Turns
Chapter 13: The Best Damn Not-Date
Chapter 14: Ummmm Gay??
Chapter 15: Upsize
Chapter 16: Origin
Chapter 17: A Shakey Start
Chapter 18: Boredoroki
Chapter 19: Homecoming
Chapter 20: A Different Kind of Place
Chapter 22: ...Till Someone Gets Hurt
Chapter 23: Aftermath
Chapter 24: Why Confront Our Problems When We Could Just Go to an Onsen Instead
Chapter 25: A Litte Miscummunigaytion
Chapter 26: Maybe we Arent Such Useless Gays After All
Chapter 27: The Center of an Explosion
Chapter 28: BLAZE IT (with feelings)
Chapter 29: Sports Fest Redux
Chapter 30: And Then They Fucked
Chapter 31: Meet the Bakugous
Chapter 32: You Can Run...
Chapter 33: ...But You Cant Hide
Chapter 34: Oasis
Chapter 35: Media Management for Dummies
Chapter 36: To Stand by Your Side
Chapter 37: Tomorrow

Chapter 21: Its All Fun and Games...

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By Kacchans_CvmSlvt

"Oh my god, you guys made it back early from your internship for once!"

Katsuki rolled his eyes, mildly disappointed by Camie's greeting but not terribly surprised, either. "Yeah, yeah. Well, we got our shit outta the way early, and the streets were pretty well set up for patrols tonight, so..."

"What he's saying is that he went through his tasks extra fast today so that he could get back tonight and rest up for tomorrow." Yaoyorozu finished, shooting Katsuki a knowing look as they shut the dormitory door behind them. "Call me crazy, but I think someone's a little excited."

"That so, hm?" Camie grinned, walking with them as they wandered towards the common room. "I guess you really have come around, then."

Oh, come on.

"Look. Deku didn't think it was an awful idea, so what's the worst that could happen?" He grumbled, despite the anticipation running through his veins. "What time are we leaving for the amusement park tomorrow? Nine in the morning?"

They found an empty spot in the common room, sat down, and relaxed back on the couch before Camie provided an answer.

"Yep! Nine. Valiant's meeting us there, right?" She asked again, despite Katsuki having laid out the plan at least half a dozen times by now.

"Yeah, yeah. He is." His fingers rapped against his leg, too fast to be normal. "He said that he's gonna try and pull some sort of civilian disguise or whatever together, so with any luck, we won't be bothered by the media."

Katsuki couldn't say he wasn't nervous. Despite having technically been dating for over two weeks, it was still nerve-wracking and exhilarating to think about the very prospect of being with his boyfriend in public. About the idea that they were going on an actual date even though the situation wasn't the most ideal. A part of him figured that Deku had to be desperate- after all, who agrees to fake-chaperone for a group of students just to hang out with his partner? Deku was a special case for sure, but a part of that willingness to take those opportunities just to spend time with Katsuki made his heart swell and his pulse race.

I get to see him again. I get to kiss him again.

He tried not to think too hard about the circumstances.


"I sincerely hope that that's the case, too." Yaoyorozu sighed. "I'm sure we'll be okay, but it's just- I don't know, it's hard to think that we're accompanying you so that you and your celebrity boyfriend can go on a date."

"Hey hey, we'll have fun too!" Camie smiled, a hint of warmth that only showed up when she was talking to her girlfriend rising in her voice. "It's not like we're just going there to be bodyguards or anything– we can ride the rides, play the games, and win the prizes! It'll be great!"

"And pay for overpriced festival food?"

"And pay for overpriced festival food!"

Katsuki could only manage a short huff at their antics, pulling out his phone as his friends prattled on about what they'd be doing tomorrow. He'd sent Deku a text earlier with the hope that they'd be able to call tonight, but after a quick check at its status, realized his boyfriend hadn't even seen it yet.

I bet he's a part of the reason I got to go home early. Damn you, covering everyone's shit.

That said, Katsuki couldn't dismiss the fact that Deku had been taking every patrol and every incident in stride– even on the news, he'd never seen him look so damn alive.

He's been happy. I know he's been happy. Every time I talk to him he's goddamn giddy.

A small, crooked smile bent over his own face though as he looked through their past messages, and despite his teasing, Katsuki was in no place to admit he was any better. Nights filled with long, wandering phone call conversations and days where Deku showed up at Uravity and Red Riot's agency just to see him had Katsuki floating on cloud nine.

"By the way, is Todoroki coming with us? He's been showing up later than usual back home. Do you know if his internship has just been running late?" Yaoyorozu asked, a perfectly honest question despite Camie's half-choked laugh in response.

"Running late?" She giggled, Katsuki's interest suddenly piqued. "Well from what I've seen, I'd say there's good reason to believe he's found another source of extra practice."

Huh? Extra practice?

"Did he find a new sparring partner?" Katsuki asked, slightly confused. "He... I guess we have been practicing a little less together than usual."

"Well. It's just a guess, but you know how he's been kinda irritated every time someone brings up his internship?" Camie started, voice dipping to a whisper as the three leaned in together. "He's been more, I dunno, chipper? For the past week or two." She paused, and Katsuki knew the small, knowing smirk on her face all too well at this point. "Rumor has it our boy's been up to something with his internship partner– you know, hanging out and spending time with someone outside of our class. I hear it's some 2-B kid with a quirk that's good during sex? Like, he makes vibrations or something. Wouldn't blame Todoroki if he decided he wanted to take the guy for a spin."

...wait, what?

"Well, it's not like he's getting any." Katsuki scoffed. "And hell. If he was, he'd tell us. Right?"

That last statement had both Camie and Yaoyorozu's eyes fixed straight on him, and with a slight swallow, Katsuki felt a bit of nervousness bubble up in his gut.

"Tell us, huh?" Camie raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, tell us. Just like someone didn't tell us he was going to be staying the night at a certain boyfriend's place."

"Oi, but s'not like I got laid." Katsuki mumbled, though he wasn't sure if that defense was really going to be winning him any favors. "I– I mean, that was all just spur-of-the-moment, my overnight bag was just in case, and—"

"Bakugou, you didn't tell any of us you'd even brought an overnight bag." Yaoyorozu narrowed her eyes. "I, for one, was more than a little panicked. At least Todoroki has been making a point to come home at a reasonable hour every night."

Katsuki groaned, buried his head in his hands, and realized that he really should've known better at this point than to even start on the topic of basic communication. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I don't care who the hell Todoroki's screwing around with anyways." He sighed, pulled back, and stared at the phone in his hands. "Well. I'm going to get some sleep, and I'll see you fucks tomorrow."

He made a point of standing up at that last statement, and turned his back just as the last call of nine o'clock! fell on his ears. Deku probably wouldn't respond to his texts till later, anyways, and Katsuki still had to clean up and get some rest.

But that night, just as he crawled into bed, a better-late-than-never response showed up on his phone.

[Deku] ah, im sorry for the late reply again. but thanks for telling me to have a good day!

[Deku] it wasnt bad, but. tomorrow will be better

[Deku] im gonna go wash up and go to bed. I know youre probably already asleep, but

[Deku] sleep well, kacchan. i love you:)

[Deku] and im looking forward to riding the ferris wheel tomorrow together!!

[Deku] haha

Katsuki could read the slight bit of nervousness in just those texts at this point. It wasn't uncommon for Deku to not have a chance to look at his phone till late at night, leading to lots of apologetic texts and Katsuki telling him over and over again that he didn't mind, that he understood.

He's a hero. And I know he's doing his damn best to handle work and this relationship we have.

He managed a reply with a short good night, love u too in return, and fell asleep with the promise of a new day, a new date, and a new chance for them to spend time together.

I'll see you in the morning, Deku.

That morning came faster than he'd expected. It'd been a dreamless night, yet Katsuki still wound up vaulting out of bed half an hour before his alarm went off with every nerve on end. Not only was this the first outside date they'd be going on, it would be the first time Deku met his friends.

And somehow, it was only as he was throwing his clothes on (carefully, of course– dress was important) that he realized that his friends included Camie.

...oh, no.

Yeah, getting past that thought was the first hurdle of the day- he couldn't be getting cold feet at this point, couldn't cancel on Deku and beg to try something else after they'd already made plans and he'd likely asked for this day off in particular.

Please, don't embarrass me too bad today. Deku needs to see me with some sense of dignity.

Katsuki managed to haul himself downstairs at eight-thirty, made himself a quick breakfast and chugged a cup of coffee, and waited for his friends to join him. It wasn't like Yaoyorozu to be late, and Camie knew when to take things seriously. He'd assumed this was one of those times, but the clock had just ticked past the forty-five marker with no word from them.

Come on, come on... gah, I won't be the one holding up our date today!

And finally, five minutes before they were supposed to leave, his friends came wandering into the common room dressed and ready.

"Took you guys long enough." Katsuki huffed, foot tapping the ground faster than it should've. "Come on, we gotta go. Deku's gonna beat us there at this rate, and I ain't about to make myself look bad on the first damn date."

"Oh, we'll be just fine, Baku." Camie assured him. "We were just looking at the park map a little more. Y'know, figuring out where to go, what to do, areas where you guys can duck away for a bit..."

" that really your excuse?" Yaoyorozu flushed. "Well, um. That might be part of it, but..." She hesitated, taking a swift glance over at her girlfriend. "We were busy. Just had some, ah, business to take care of before leaving. We had breakfast earlier, got showered and all that, and, well..."

Camie groaned. "Babe, if you're gonna drag it out like that, just say we had a little sex. It's all over your face."

That had both Katsuki and Yaoyorozu feeling more than a little awkward, but at this point, he was past caring. "I don't care, let's– let's just go. You're here, on time, and I'm not really in the mood to listen to you guys talk about your sex life!"

"What, don't like being reminded that you haven't been getting any?"

Not in the mood. Really, really not in the mood.

Katsuki sincerely hoped that this wasn't a forecast for the rest of the day.

"Well, what part of I don't care do you not understand?" Katsuki scowled. "We're leaving. I'm not gonna be late."

"Okay, loverboy. We're going." Camie brushed past him and to the door, earning nothing but a hiss from Katsuki at the usage of that damn nickname. "Wouldn't wanna piss your hero boyfriend off. After all, who knows what kind of punishment we'd get for getting in your way?"

"Oh my god, do you ever shut up!?"

They left after Katsuki's retort, and somehow still made it to train station in time. He was thankful enough that it was crowded- his friends couldn't bother him as easily, and he could be left to scour the internet for 'first date dos-and-don'ts' for what had to be the fifth time that week.

I won't screw this up. We're already dating, which takes some of the pressure off, but I still have to leave a good impression. I can't– no, I won't– be a shitty boyfriend. I'm gonna do good. We're gonna have fun. Everything's gonna be fine! Just! Fine!

He couldn't pretend he wasn't sweating, though.

Why am I so nervous? I shouldn't be nervous.

Katsuki got off the train upon reaching their stop, half-sick to his stomach and trying his best to shove some of the anticipation away. This was just Deku. He knew Deku. This wasn't training, wasn't showing up at his place after the sun had come down, wasn't sleeping in his goddamn bed.

So why, why?

Why am I so damn nervous?


All at once, there was a hand on his shoulder and a comforting voice near his ear. Katsuki found himself quickly steered to a more isolated part of the area, familiar faces near him amidst the crowd. Yaoyorozu and Camie looked on, shared a glance between each other, then turned back towards him.

"Look, I'm fine, I just..." He started, arms hugged close to his chest as the words trailed off.

"It's understandable that you're nervous." Yaoyorozu started, nothing but raw honesty in her voice. "Even if you both know each other pretty well, this is new, so... you can talk to us if you ever need to, okay?"

Camie echoed her sentiments, and Katsuki took in a deep breath before releasing it slowly again– in, out, in, out.'s going to be okay. I'm going to be okay, and we– we're going to have a good time.

"Okay." He finally got out, some of the anxieties starting to settle. "I will. Let's, uh..." Katsuki checked his phone- they'd gotten there in time, the park only a few minute's walk from the station. "Let's get going. Once I see him again, I'll– I'll be fine."

Looking nervous or uncomfortable was a big no-no, so Katsuki swallowed, dragged a hand across his face, and took one last moment to relax before they left the station.

In the same place as all that anxiety, though, was the excitement. Not everything keeping his nerves on end was negative, just new. But the weather was nice, there were only a few clouds in the sky, and he was getting to see his boyfriend again.

"He said he'd meet us outside the gate, right...?" Yaoyorozu asked, slightly confused. "I mean, the entrance is just up ahead, and yet..."

The park gate was bordered by a few trees, a trickling morning crowd, and at first glance, no Deku. Admittedly, he was a little bewildered– he'd expected Deku to be on time, and Katsuki wasn't exactly early. He frowned, nearly went to call him, but then noticed a new figure closer to the treeline hunched over and scanning the area beneath a hat. It was hard to see in the shaded area, but Katsuki would be hard-pressed to mistake that physique at this point.


"Deku's just being a deku." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "C'mon, over here."

And sure enough, just as they approached the trees, the figure– clearly Deku, this close– snapped to attention and smiled.

"Kacchan!" He greeted, stepping a little further from the shadows. He'd dressed about as simple as they came, wearing only a long-sleeved white shirt, a black baseball cap, and basic jeans. Katsuki knew why he'd bothered with the sleeves despite it starting to grow warm outside, but from the sudden confusion in Camie's face, remembered that not everyone knew why he'd be doing this.

"...aren't you hot?" She started, leaning in a little closer. "Oof, buddy. You're gonna sweat up a storm through that shirt. Why'd you choose white?"

...oh, no. Please, don't start off the introductions like this.

Deku looked more than a little startled, and quite possibly a bit concerned. "I– uh, I mean, it's not like it's gray. White's usually fine? I think I'd burn up in black?"

"Just ignore her." Katsuki groaned, taking a step closer to his boyfriend. "You look good. Did you get a nice shower after work last night?"

At that, Deku's attention was back on him. "Yeah, it was good! Fell asleep around one, got up at like... six... got here an hour early, and—"

"I'm sorry, you got here an hour early!?"

His boyfriend paled, managing a small, awkward laugh before rubbing the back of his head. "Well, uh, I thought I was l gonna be late, so I set up a bunch of alarms beforehand and wound up getting here before you guys? I'd planned to show up closer to nine-thirty, and it's ten now... hah, well. I'm here now, right?"

Oh my god, you're a dumbass.

"Deku, I swear. You're so fucking–" Cute. Endearing. "–stupid."

Even so, Katsuki couldn't stop himself from reaching out towards Deku in a small attempt to just touch him– hold his hand, hug him, tug at his sleeve– only to be quickly shaken off instead.

"Kacchan, we..." He trailed off, and Katsuki wished he didn't have to be the one to see the sadness buried deep in every crease on his face. The message came across, though. They'd both known what the situation was, that getting through it might be trickier than it should be, but had come to a reluctant acceptance.

Gotta take what I can get. What we can get.

"I– I know." Katsuki sighed, and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I guess we should get going? We already bought tickets, but I wasn't sure if you'd gotten around to—"

"I bought them earlier!" Deku interrupted. "While I was waiting around for you guys. The people working the ticket booth didn't even recognize me until I paid, so at the very least, we might not get stopped much for pictures?"

...stopped for... pictures. Pictures with my boyfriend.

Bitterness swelled up inside him, and for as much as Katsuki kept trying to remind himself that having fans was just a part of the job, something about the fact that he could hardly touch Deku while they were out when strangers were allowed to get close and take whatever stupid selfies they wanted hurt more than it should've.

"Hopefully not." He said, the words coming out with more of a hiss than he'd expected. "If you've got tickets, then let's go. No point in staying around here any longer, huh?"

Don't be irritable. Don't be pissy. We're gonna have a good time.

"Right." Deku nodded, and the smile he offered in return managed lift Katsuki's spirits a bit. "And really, Kacchan... just being able to see you right now is more than enough. It's been a long week."

Katsuki couldn't help the heat rising to his cheeks and tried to pin the source on the warm weather. Deku really did look good, even if it was simple. White cotton clung to his arms, his chest, and while there was definitely the matter of him dressing to cover his scars, Katsuki would be hard-pressed to believe he wasn't trying to show off his body at least a little.

"I– yeah, I'm glad to see you too—"

"How long are you two gonna stand there and make googly eyes at each other!?" Camie interrupted with a long, loud groan. "C'mon, Valiant. Kacchan might not listen to us all the time, but he'll probably get moving if you tell him to."

"Hey, don't call me—"

"Huh? Oh, shit, wait up." Deku started, just as Camie and Yaoyorozu began to turn to leave. "Kacchan, uh, what's her name?"


Deku narrowed his eyes, but Katsuki's wonderful friends did stop before going too far out. "You two– and I'm gonna assume your name isn't dipshit, but, uh... could you avoid calling me Valiant here?" Katsuki watched as his hand went back up to rub at the back of his head again, fidgeting in his hair. "Just, um. Midoriya is fine."

Yaoyorozu looked more than a little puzzled at that. "...I'm sorry, but is your name really... green?"

And yet, there was some part of Katsuki that couldn't help but grin upon watching his boyfriend groan, nod, and let out a long sigh. "There– there is nothing wrong with my name."

Camie crossed her arms over her chest, looking him up and down. "Sure, Deku."


The shout came in unison, and yet, Katsuki couldn't help but feel that that defensiveness was exactly what Camie had been aiming for. He huffed, turned away, and motioned for Deku to follow.

"She doesn't get to call you Deku." Katsuki muttered. "Told you she was a dipshit."

"I feel bad calling her a dipshit when I still don't know either of their names, but..." Deku caught up to him, walking side by side. "Hearing that felt really weird. God. Yeah. You're the only one allowed to call me that."

A bit of smugness welled up in his chest at the thought that yeah, he was the only one allowed to call Deku Deku. No matter how many fans or the press or the paparazzi tried to get close, Deku was his.

It was my name for him before, and it's my name for him now.

"That's cute." Katsuki grinned, resisting the urge to grab his hand and pull him close as they approached the gate. "I guess I don't mind you calling me Kacchan, either."

"God, I'd hope not." Deku scoffed. "I mean, not that I mind Katsuki, but something about calling you Kacchan is just... I dunno. I like the thought that it's my nickname for you, I guess."

"Hm. Possessive, much?"

"Oh, shut it. I know you like it, and don't act like you're any better." Deku said with a light elbow to Katsuki's side. "Okay– gotta go acquaintances-mode for a minute. Act casual."

Treating this like it's some sort of stealth mission. God, that's cute.

But he played along, didn't bite back at Camie and Yaoyorozu when they entered the gates alongside him, stayed far enough away from Deku to appear friendly, but not too friendly. But after getting through, they slipped off to a nearby bench to reconvene and make plans.

"Mm, 'kay." Camie started, leading the conversation. "So. Deku. There's—"

"I told you not to call me that!"

"...Midoriya. Fine." She rolled her eyes. "God, you two are in deep. But anyways, like I was saying, there's a few kinda closed-in attractions. One– the fun house. Two– the food stalls. Three—"

"I'm not sure the food stalls count as an attrac—"

"Kacchan, could you please tell your boyfriend to stop interrupting me!?"

"Hey, don't go calling me—!"

"Don't call him—!"

"All of you, be quiet!"

Yaoyorozu crossed her arms over her chest, giving all three of them the sternest look Katsuki had seen in a while. "I'm not about to stay out here if this is what my day is going to look like. Camie." She turned to her girlfriend, who looked mildly more embarrassed than Katsuki usually saw her. "Don't antagonize them."

Next– "Bakugou, you know she's just teasing you."

And lastly– "Midoriya, relax. This is just the kind of person she is. And I'm very, very sorry that this is your first impression of, um... us."

The mood had quickly been subdued, but at the same time, became awkward just as fast.

This is what I was afraid of. I... I don't want him to start thinking any less of me for this, don't want him to think I'm weird or stupid or whatever just cause of—

"I, uh... never introduced myself, did I." Camie started, and Katsuki was honestly shocked to hear the apology in her words as she turned back towards Deku. "I'm Camie. And Baku, um. He's said a lot about you. Good things."

...thank god.

"And I'm Yaoyorozu." She said. "It's nice to see you back in town and healthy again, Midoriya. I know firsthand just how much Bakugou has been missing you."

But the look Katsuki was met with from her only moments later told him exactly what she was referring to– a reminder, and quite possibly a threat to behave.

Damn dildo. Almost isn't worth it.

Katsuki shoved that thought away just about as soon as it occured, though, remembering the countless nights he'd spent with it up his ass.

...okay, maybe it is worth it.

Either way, it wouldn't serve him well to have Deku find out on their day out what he'd been up to for months. Yaoyorozu held an unfortunate advantage over his head, and while she usually remained respectful and calm, Katsuki knew firsthand what kind of power she could really exert.

Deku remained blissfully ignorant of any underlying connotations, though, and shook the hand she'd stretched out to him. "It's nice to meet you. Kacchan's told me... uh. Not much about you guys, but what he has said has been fairly positive? And, um, I'm Midoriya. I dunno how much I need to tell you, but, ah..." He pulled his hand back, a wobbly smile appearing over his lips. "I care a lot about Kacchan, and I'm gonna do everything I can to be a good boyfriend to him. He... he deserves the world."

...holy shit, why are you like this.

"Such a damn sap." Katsuki groaned. "Make out a few times and this is what happens, huh? S'good I like you too, dumbass."

"Mm, but I thought it was more than just like you." Deku teased, and Katsuki wished more than anything to kiss the grin off his face right then and there. "What was it you said? Come on, it's just a few words. Can't be all that hard to get out."

Katsuki burned, sure his face had flushed a fierce red at that question. "Thought we were supposed to be in acquaintance-mode. What happened to that, huh?"

He regretted saying that as soon as the words left his mouth, though, a part of Deku's smile falling. "Ah... right. Sorry."


But before he could recover from that blunder, Yaoyorozu called their attention back to a map of the park again. There were a few places they could go, and with the few hours they had to have fun, they'd try their best to make the most of it. After a minute of deliberation, the pros-and-cons of each location talked through, they settled on the rollercoaster to start with. The trip over was easy enough– despite Deku receiving a few stares and whispers, nobody went out of their way to yell at him or try and get his attention.

Still, though– Katsuki couldn't have predicted how much it'd hurt to hear his boyfriend talked about as some piece of property. He didn't wanna hear what strangers thought of his ass, nor about how well-built and handsome he was. Even so, almost worse were the murmurs he heard about Deku's job. Despite his reputation getting big boost after spending so many months at the disaster site, there was still lingering gossip surrounding his physical ability to be a decent hero.

"...hey, is that Valiant? He's back on duty in town, right?"

"Oh... oh my god, I think it is... but I heard he's only back because he had to be pulled off of duty from the disaster site early, though."

"Wait, really? Did something happen?"

"...not sure, but it could be he just wasn't stable enough. Like back at that first accident he had... you know, where he fucked up because he was too worn out..."

"...oh, shit, that's right... I hope he's getting better, but..."

How can he ignore this? Doesn't he notice...?

Deku didn't showed a single sign of caring, though, and with some sort of sickening realization, Katsuki realized that this is what his life- what his every day had to be like. He'd been told about it back months ago, when they'd been in Deku's apartment for the first time, but seeing it up close and personal was a whole different story.

Stop talking about him. Just– just leave him alone...!

"Hey– Kacchan, we're about there." Deku said, interrupting his thoughts. "Let's get in line."

A hand gripped his shoulder, squeezing it tight and fast– a clear sign to stop listening, keep walking. Deku must've seen the frustration building on his face, but when he let go, Katsuki caught him shoving his hands back in his pockets, not one bit of skin showing.

I... how can he live like this?

Katsuki's stomach twisted, and not for the first time, he was starting to think this date– if it could even be called that– was a bad idea.

"Ooh, two to a row. Think I could get you to sit next to me, babe?" Camie asked as they got into line, Yaoyorozu only rolling her eyes and nodding. "Hell yeah. Thanks for still putting up with me!"

"Oh, knock it off. I would've left a while back if I didn't like you."

"Aw, right back at you! I love ya."

"Yes, yes, I love you too."

And while Katsuki had never felt much but glad that his friends were together and able to be happy with each other, watching Yaoyorozu slip her hand into Camie's own right then did nothing but twist his stomach into tight, poisonous knots.

I don't wanna be jealous. I won't be jealous. I– I just...

Deku was standing right next to him, and for as much as they knew– they both knew– that they had to keep up the secrecy, it hurt.

Why can't I just touch you...? Why, why...!?

But just as the line moved up, Katsuki felt something against his back- warm, flat, and a little shakier that he was used to, but still...

Deku wouldn't meet his eyes, but kept his hand pressed against the small of Katsuki's back and traced small, gentle circles around it. It could hardly be called a romantic gesture of any kind, but just the touch was enough to send tingling sparks through Katsuki's veins, bouncing up and down his spine. There was a little bit of a crowd, but with as close together as the line was, just that simple motion wouldn't– shouldn't– be enough to tick anyone off as to what they were.

I slept in his bed. I made out with him on his couch for hours. I told him I loved him, and he said it back.

Katsuki took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, slowly. Now wasn't the time for kissing or overdramatic romantic gestures, anyways. They were at a mid-grade amusement park, not some fancy restaurant or ballroom dance.

Just cause we can't show it doesn't mean he doesn't want me. It's just... society sucking. People looking too deep into stuff they shouldn't. Shitty gossip columns and tabloids trying to ruin reputations.

A small, guilty part of him thought back to so many months ago, to the folder he'd filed away on his computer that was home to nothing but mildly lewd pictures of Deku he'd manage to scrape together from the pages they had to avoid now. For as much as Deku believed that he'd always seen him as more than just an object, Katsuki knew that he'd done some stuff that definitely fell into the realm of oh-no-he's-hot rather than I'm getting off to your personality, but at the very least, he'd always attempted to make an effort to know Deku for Deku.

And since he knows that, since he trusts me and lets me in, I... I know that what we've got is something more.

"Feels good." He said after a moment, loud enough to hear but not so much that the people around them could. "Thanks."

"Of course." Deku murmured, scooting a little closer. "I... I like spending time with you, Kacchan. And– oh! We're next."

Sure enough, they were the next ones to be seated. Katsuki ran ahead, Deku in the seat next to him while Camie and Yaoyorozu slid into the row behind them. After buckling up (Deku checked Katsuki's seatbelt twice to make sure it was correctly attached) they were left alone but for the few people surrounding them. There were still whispers, yes, but it didn't hurt nearly as bad as before.

It's just us. We're doing fine.

"Hey. Kacchan." Deku whispered, leaning in towards Katsuki's ear. "Can I do something?"


"Yeah. Something."

The sheer curiosity and childlike excitement in Deku's voice was enough to up his mood again, and before he knew it, his boyfriend's hand slipped into his lap and poked at Katsuki's own.

"Can I hold it...?" Deku asked, quieter this time. "I like your hands."

Oh my god.

"Yeah. You can." Katsuki replied, but just as Deku went to hold it, the car took out from the station and up the first hill. But his grip only tightened on the way up, because for as much as the circumstances sucked, getting to hold Deku's hand as the car rocketed down the first slope and up the second and listen to the sharp, howling laugh he let out on the way was all he could ever ask for.

"Ah—! Ka– Kacchan, do you put your hands up on these?" Deku yelled, still holding on. "Here– like this!"

With one last, tight squeeze, Deku pulled their hands up to the sky and screamed on the way down the next hill. His boyfriend's laugh, smile, and messy hair blowing in the wind was all it took to make his heart soar, and for the first time, Katsuki saw pure, unadulterated joy on Deku's face. They were far enough from the ground to be out of view, and if anyone else in the car had anything to say about it, they didn't care.

Can... can this last forever?

The car raced over the next hill, under an overpass, and back out into blinding sunlight before they knew it. No one was there but them, just them, and if nothing else, Katsuki was sure to burn that radiant image of Deku into his memory.

And just as fast as it started, the ride came to an end. They let go before the car pulled into the station, but Katsuki couldn't find it in himself to wipe the smile from his face or ignore the light in Deku's eyes. Maybe it was simple, maybe it was just one ride, but...

"Where to next?" His boyfriend asked, bouncing on his heels as they exited. "Ah, I'm getting in the mood now. Haven't been somewhere like this in a long time!"

"Lunch, maybe?" Yaoyorozu suggested as they left the rollercoaster area. "It's getting close to noon, and since we've gone on the thing that would probably cause the most motion sickness, food might be a good idea?"

Camie chimed in an agreement, and with Deku and Katsuki's approval, they headed off to the collection of food stalls near the edge of the park. The crowds were starting to pick up as they headed over- herds of people gathered along the paths, stalls and attractions bustling with incoming traffic. In a way, it was a good thing– harder to be singled out, and easier to hide within the crowd. Deku had taken his hat off for the rollercoaster, but with it back on and covering the worst of his hair, he was harder to spot. Any real problems would come from his height and physique- while Deku wasn't any more than a head taller than Katsuki, he was definitely still above average.

Not that that's an issue. He's– well, tall is good. Hot. Nice.

But before he could think too much more on that topic, they arrived at their destination. Camie and Yaoyorozu broke off from them quick enough to go find food, leaving Katsuki and Deku alone amongst the crowd. It didn't take much time for them to locate what they wanted– before long, Katsuki found himself balancing yakisoba, takoyaki, and two carefully-chosen chocolate bananas (on sticks!) to the sitting area, all fully-funded by Deku's wallet. Katsuki had tried to pay, but the quick reminder of I have a well-paying job and I'm your boyfriend, let me treat you was enough to get him to stop pushing the topic and let Deku do what little he could to show he cared. That wasn't to say Katsuki let him get away with it entirely, though– quietly, he promised to himself that he'd take Deku to the nicest dinners someday and make sure to cover it all. He wasn't about to let himself slack off on being the best boyfriend ever, after all.

I'm gonna be good. Great. And we're gonna be the most fan-fucking-tastic couple anyone's ever seen.

They sat down at a more secluded bench at the perimeter of the sitting area and waited for Camie and Yaoyorozu to join them again, trying to ignore the fact that there were still potential prying eyes around them. From where they were seated, they weren't very easy to see– hidden from the general public, at least.

Still, though, they were cautious. Didn't talk much, and hardly dared to scoot closer to each other until after there were a few friendly heads between them and the rest of the park-goers. Thankfully, Yaoyorozu and Camie blocked a decent amount of the view, but even so.

I wish I could kiss you right now, Deku.

"Ooh, looks like you guys got some good stuff." Camie remarked, just before shoving a piece of takoyaki in her mouth, chewing and swallowing before speaking again. "Hit me up if you've got any leftovers, will ya?"

Katsuki went to object, but to his surprise, Deku beat him to the punch. "I'm sure we'll have no issues finishing. Right, Kacchan?"

Something about the slight acidity in Deku's voice said that he still wasn't over Camie's insistence on calling Katsuki by the 'wrong' name multiple times, but really, who was he to blame him? He was well aware of how Camie probably came off to strangers– oblivious, foolish, and like a bit of an airhead, but he knew better at this point to know what she held behind her teasing smiles.

That said, he let his boyfriend's ignorance go for now. "...ah, right. Shouldn't be an issue."

To his relief, Deku seemed to like Yaoyorozu. Lunch was filled with light, simple conversation, and at some point in the middle of chowing down his yakisoba, Katsuki slipped his fingers between Deku's own under the table, like it was their little secret. The sounds of friendly conversation and white noise around them was enough to drown out the fear of being caught doing something as simple as that, and a part of Katsuki couldn't help but be enamoured by the thrill. Secrets were good, yes, but the thought of someone seeing him– no, seeing them– doing something as simple as holding hands was enough to get his mind racing.

If someone saw us... if someone saw us, and saw that Deku's my boyfriend, that we're together... I don't think I'd mind that so much.

Katsuki glanced up at him for a moment, noticed just what he was eating, and realized that the mildly phallic-shaped chocolate banana that Deku had between his too-perfect lips really wasn't helping him out right now.


A small, guilty part of him couldn't help but wonder what would happen if his hand found its way to Deku's thigh and down the inside just a little, what would happen if he accidentally bumped his clothed crotch. Would he blush? Yell? Tense up and try to act like nothing was happening?

Something new had found its way into Katsuki's head, and the look Deku was giving him as he continued to suck on that banana, tongue poking out almost embarrassingly so along the sides was only furthering his interest. It was a good look on him– too good, really.

I want more. Need more.

And frankly, Katsuki wasn't sure he could be convinced Deku didn't feel the same.

"I'm going to the bathroom." He announced, the words out of his mouth before he knew it. "Deku. You're coming with me, right?"

The speed at which Deku shot up from that bench only served to prove his point. "A-Ah, well. I guess you need a chaperone, don't you?"

"Sure. Yeah." Katsuki nodded, trying to pretend that Yaoyorozu wasn't squinting at him and Camie wasn't cheering him on. "Uh, we'll be back soon. Right after Deku wipes my ass."

"Wipe your ass? Kacchan, plea—"

But there was no stopping them from racing around the edge of the sitting area and towards the bathroom, relieved to see that both the stalls were empty when they arrived. Only a few seconds and a single question of can I later did they nearly slam the small door behind them, Katsuki finding himself held up against the shitty bathroom wall while Deku's lips latched onto his for the first time in two weeks. It was all he could do to reach for his hair, to pull him down harder, closer, and to taste the chocolate and everything else on Deku's tongue.

"Fuck, yes..." Katsuki moaned, not going any easier than Deku was. "More... gonna give me more, right...?"

He was met with only rough, frantic, needy lips in return and Deku's breath hot on his face, lips trailing from Katsuki's own, all the way down to his chin, his neck.

"I've been– a-ah, been wanting you all day." Deku confessed, drawing only a low whine from Katsuki's mouth as he did. "'Course I wanna give you more."

His mouth on my face, my chin, my neck... so... holy shit, so fucking good...!

"Y-You– that fucking banana wasn't helping, shithead." Katsuki groaned. "I could see that look in your eyes from a whole-ass mile away...!"

But for as much as Deku's lips ran up and down his face and almost to his collarbone, he didn't go so hard as to bruise or risk leaving any real marks.

It's for the best, it really is, but holy hell... I wanna see him on me.

"I don't mind you looking, Kacchan." Deku continued, hushed. "You– you're the one exception. If it's your eyes on me, then I... I want it."

If he keeps this up, I'm gonna be too hard to walk...!

"I like giving you attention." Katsuki echoed, head tipped back as he went further, further. "Hng, yeah, I-I like it when you—"

Then the bathroom door opened, and everything froze.

...oh, shit.

It happened in an instant. Deku's grip became like that of a statue– solid, cold, and absolutely unmovable. What small bit of passion that may have been rising in the past minute or so dissolved to ashes and burned up in front of them. Fingers turned to ice, breath to dust, and Katsuki wasn't sure he'd ever seen a look of such pure and utter shock on Deku's face.

We're behind a stall. They can't see us. We– this is fine. Right?

Katsuki went to open his mouth, to say something, anything, but was met only with a silent shake of Deku's head. Cold sweat was beading on his boyfriend's forehead, and a part of Katsuki could've sworn he was shaking.

There were no voices beside them, only the thud of someone stepping into the one free stall next to them and locking the door, soon followed by the telltale noise of the stranger pissing. Deku's eyes had screwed themselves shut, and for however hot the thought of someone seeing them might be, his boyfriend's sheer panic and fear was enough to make any hard-on he might've had disappear almost immediately.

Leave. Please. We need to get out of here, shouldn't have let ourselves come out here, shouldn't have stopped thinking about being subtle, shouldn't have—

Katsuki had to bite his lip to keep quiet, and if he was already feeling this awful, couldn't even imagine what Deku was feeling. He tried something small– grabbed at the back of his boyfriend's shirt a little tighter to show that he was there and not leaving, not afraid, but all he got in response was the miniscule shake of Deku's head and a look that just said stop.

This was a mistake.

It could've been a minute or an hour before the stranger finished up, left the stall, washed their hands and went out the door. Upon the familiar, relieving sound of the door clicking shut, Deku let go, stepped back, and couldn't look at Katsuki for more than a second. There were no words, not yet– the panic was too fresh, too real, and he didn't have to see Deku's face to know just how pale it had to be.

I'm... was this my...?

But before he left, Katsuki heard one last thing.

"You go first." Deku said. It wasn't a question, but an order. "I'll meet you out there in a minute."

Trying to keep me safe, huh? I'll be fine. We're fine.

He didn't protest, though, and went back out into the blistering sunlight with only one last glance at his boyfriend.

We're fine. Just fine.

That said, walking back to the bench was almost sickening, ceaseless chatter deafening around him and vision far brighter than it should've been. He found his way back to the table fast enough, but despite the familiar safety of his friend's presence, even they could tell that something was wrong.

"Bakugou...?" Camie started, leaning over the table. "Hey, are you—"

"Fine." He mumbled. "Just– nearly got walked in on. We're fine. Deku's gonna be back in just a second."

He didn't answer the pained expression on Camie's face, couldn't meet either of his friend's eyes. A part of him was glad he'd already eaten– now, just looking at what food they had left was making him nauseous.

Deku only showed up again several minutes later, still pale-faced and nervous. But he sat down, left a reasonable distance between himself and Katsuki, and kept his hands in his own lap.

"Sorry for the wait." Deku sighed, elbows moving up to the table as his head fell behind his hands. "I, ah... needed to walk around for a bit."

There was something more in Deku's voice, though, something that said that wasn't all he'd been up to, but Katsuki wasn't about to push it after a call so close already.

"No worries." Yaoyorozu assured him. "You two being safe here is top priority, after all. Do what you need to do."

His boyfriend only nodded at that, fiddled with his hands and fingers, and tugged on his shirt sleeve again in near-nervous habit.

But Katsuki wasn't given much time to think on that subject before his friends went to change it back to what they'd do next. Deku seemed to get in on that discussion enough, but still. In every word, every movement, something just felt off. It was as if Deku was on edge, eyes scanning the area at every available second and only partly paying attention to the conversation at hand. He figured it could be pinned on instinct– Deku was a professional, had been for years, and getting out of that danger-radar mindset had to be tough.

I wish I could make him feel better. Show him that I can handle myself so that he doesn't have to worry. I hate seeing him so freaked out...

Katsuki's nails dug into his palms as the urge to seek out and defeat whatever was giving Deku a hard time only grew and grew.

I won't let myself get hurt. I can take care of me, so... let me take care of what part of you I can in return.

"Bakugou, does that sound good to you?"

...wait, what?

Thankfully, Yaoyorozu noticed the confusion on his face, and repeated herself. "We were talking about going over to the games area for a while, then finishing up at the ferris wheel. Does that sound good to you?"

"Oh. Yeah, that works." Katsuki nodded, having spent the whole first chunk of the discussion lost in his thoughts. "Hmph. I bet me and Deku will win more shit than you two at the games."

"Is that a challenge I hear?" Camie gasped, getting to her feet and gathering the trash. "Boy, don't you dare go underestimating us. We'll kick you guy's asses before you can blink twice."

Katsuki had laughed then.

But four hours, thirty rounds, and two empty hands later had him starting to rethink that, though.

"Come on!" He shouted, close to tears. "I've gotten so fucking close! Just fall in the damn hole already!"

"...Bakugou, you've been at this game for an hour already." Camie said with a smirk, arms crossed over her chest while both her and Yaoyorozu watched, both decked out in cheap plastic festival prizes. "Give up, and admit it. I win."

"I– I'm not about to just give in like that!" He exclaimed, and had to restrain himself from using his quirk to launch the tiny-ass ping pong ball into the field of bottles. "I– I will win!"

For as valiant as his efforts were, though, only silence accompanied his proclamations. The throw was followed by a long, frustrated groan from Katsuki as it missed again, not even Deku's hand patting his shoulder making him feel better.

"It's okay, Kacchan." He said for what must've been the hundredth time that day. "You don't have to be the best at this. You're amazing in so many other ways, so—"

"No. I'm not about to let her show me up! I will win this!"

Just as he turned around to throw another ball into the field of bottles, though, a sudden sharp, startled noise from Deku caught him off guard. Katsuki stopped just as he released it, spun around, and was met with the sight of some stranger squeezing Deku's wrist. Dark, messy hair and a pair of glasses sat over the stranger's pale face, no features showing any particular distinction.

"Valiant!" The stranger greeted, leaning in far, far too close. "A-Ah, I never thought I'd meet you somewhere like here...! Um, uh, could I get your autograph?"

"Oi, let go of—!" Katsuki hissed, about to step towards the stranger and sock him in the face for just grabbing Deku out of the blue like that, but his boyfriend reached his free hand out to him and motioned a simple stay back, don't move before he could.

"I'm sorry, I don't have anything to write with on me." Deku said with practiced steadiness. "We're about to get going, but it's nice to see fans!"

Katsuki nearly gagged at the fake laugh that came out of Deku's mouth, full-on plastic quality and radiating nothing but let go of me, right now. The stranger hadn't moved despite Deku's words, though, and Katsuki was feeling angrier and angrier by the second.

"Oh, that's okay!" The stranger's head bobbed up in down in a wild nod, and Katsuki's blood ran cold when he noticed that he'd managed to move his hand just under Deku's sleeve, touching the scars he hated to show. "Are these guys with you? Ooh, students, maybe?"

Deku's smile was growing more brittle at every word that the stranger let out, obviously frustrated. "Yes, and we've gotta get going soon. I'm sorry, but would you mind—"

"Wait, you guys are U.A. students!" The stranger gasped. "Oh my god, I recognize you from TV! A-Ah, this is so cool...!"

Katsuki's eyes met the stranger's, and a slight chill ran down his spine– cold, strange, and more than a little out of place. He could've sworn Deku tried to pull his hand back a little right then and there, but the stranger remained firmly attached.

Fucking fans. Haven't you heard of personal space!? He's obviously uncomfortable, so—

"Really, I'm sorry, but we have to lea—"

But before Deku could even finish his sentence, the stranger let go and stepped back, a wide grin over his face.

"Sounds good!" He nodded. "Ah, well, you guys have fun! It was nice meeting you, Valiant! I'll bring a pen next time."

Then, the stranger turned and walked away just as quickly as he'd arrived.

Holy fuck, what just...

Katsuki's blood ran cold when Deku wrapped his free hand around his wrist, fingers trembling around it.

"Midoriya, are you okay?" Yaoyorozu stepped closer, worry creasing her features. "What– what was that?"

"I'm fine." Deku bit his lip, shook his head. "He didn't do anything. Just a fan. This– this happens."

This happens.

Katsuki didn't know what to say.

How the hell can he just let this happen!?

"Let's get moving." Deku pursed his lips, leaving no room for disagreement. "If there's one, there might be more. Sticking around here probably isn't a good idea."

They took off before much more conversation could be had, anger still boiling in Katsuki's veins. Even for something as simple as a wrist grab, it shouldn't be normal for Deku to just be touched out of the blue like that. Everything about that interaction made him sick, but for as much as he wanted to chase down that stranger and show him why he shouldn't have messed with them, Deku kept insisting on staying calm.

"We're in a crowded public place, Kacchan." Deku murmured as they shouldered past people. "I can't afford to cause a scene, and I can't say anything aggressive that could make it to the media, either." Katsuki watched as Deku took a deep breath in, and let it out as they left the worst of the crowd. "This is just the way it is."

Katsuki shook his head, disgusted. "Why can't you just push people off? Hell, I could've shoved him away! It doesn't has to be you, but—"

"I need you to trust me, okay?" Deku insisted, sharper this time. "I don't like it. I– Kacchan, I hate it when people do stuff like that. But this is for my own good, for your own good, and—"

He broke off, pursing his lips. "I really don't wanna talk about this right now. He's gone, it's done, and we're, uh..." Deku glanced back at Yaoyorozu. "Going to the ferris wheel, right?"

"Ah, yes." Yaoyorozu nodded. "As long as that's still alright with you."

Katsuki was still pissed as hell, angry at the stranger and Deku's insistence on non-action, but couldn't push the issue any more. He was supposed to be a hero– supposed to be strong, supposed to protect the people he cared about. There was no getting rid of the discomfort in his stomach nor the worry gnawing at his bones, but for now...

There's... there's nothing I can do.

"Hey. Baku." Camie came from beside him, slightly more upbeat than the rest of the group. "I dunno if you saw, but... you got that last ball in a hole."

"Told you I could do it." He mumbled, and tried to force a smile, a smirk, despite knowing wholeheartedly that it his voice fell flat. "Next time I'll get it faster."

Camie ruffled up his hair, getting a more legitimate bit of happiness from him. "I know you will. You're Bakugou Katsuki, after all. And what does Bakugou Katsuki do?"


"Exactly!" She smiled, and pulled her hand back. "And what are you gonna do to this ferris wheel?"

Energy was starting to trickle back into his veins now. "I'm gonna beat this damn ferris wheel, too."

"Hell yes, that's the spirit!"

And just her simple enthusiasm managed to get him going again, if only a little. Katsuki found himself lighter, calmer, and a bit more relaxed as they approached the ferris wheel and got in line. With the amount of people around, it was near impossible to pick out individual conversations. Katsuki couldn't say he was too bothered by that right now, though– ignorance was bliss, after all. Deku still wouldn't stray as close to him as he had that morning, but that...

That's okay, for now.

Among the fast-moving line, their turn came quickly enough. Katsuki was glad that the ferris wheel was home to closed-in cabins instead of open-air benches, and as they got inside and shut the door behind them, realized that it was some of the most privacy they'd gotten all day. He started on the seat across from Deku, knees nearly touching, but moved over to lean against his boyfriend and hold hands again almost as soon as it was off the ground.

"...hey, Kacchan?" Deku started, quiet. He hadn't been particularly talkative since they'd gotten away from that god-awful fan, but something wavered in his words more than usual.


"I, um..." He paused, eyes turned to the window looking over the park. "I just, uh, wanted to apologize."

Apologize? "Why?"

"Why?" Deku snorted, still staring out the window. "You tell me. It's my fault we've hardly been able to do... well, you know. Couples things. People talk, people stare, people get invasive... just because of my job. I know it must've been uncomfortable for you too when that guy came up, and I just... I don't want that to be the experience we have to remember, you know?"

"Is that the reason you've been so twitchy since we left?" Katsuki furrowed his brow. "Because that's how we'd remember today?"

"No, no... well. Yes and no." He shook his head. "I can't claim that that's the only reason, but I just... I dunno. Seeing your friends with us, and seeing them happy together just makes me..." A small, tired sigh escaped his lips. "Jealous, I guess. I know, I know, that probably sounds bad, but I... I think I'm just tired of feeling like I'm on the outside looking in."

...tired of feeling like...

"You say that like this isn't the first time." Katsuki murmured, squeezing his hand tight. "Am I wrong?"

It was a short laugh that he got in response, Deku's eyes falling to his lap from the window. "You've always been perceptive, Kacchan..." A pause, and– "Red Riot and Uravity are my best friends, you know. And they've... well, they've been together for over a year now."


Deku only seemed to be growing more upset thinking about that, though, and for as much as Katsuki wanted to know more, prying probably wouldn't be the best thing to do right now.

If I'm gonna be the best boyfriend... I gotta show him I care, right?

"Oi. Eyes over here." Katsuki murmured. Deku complied, though slower than usual. "Why are you worrying about them when I'm right here?"

"I mean, it's just that this whole day has been—"

"I don't care how the whole day has been." Katsuki repeated. "Look at me, Deku."

And without waiting any longer, Katsuki shifted to one of his new favorite places– Deku's lap– and stared him dead in the eyes. "You see me?"

"'Course I do, Kacchan. You're right in front of—"

"But do you see me."

The cabin fell quiet save for the creak of the ferris wheel and the slight breeze against its walls.


Deku's voice trailed off, dull eyes taking on some sort of luster after a long, silent moment.

"Kacchan, I..."

It was his hands that moved first– onto his hips, cradling Katsuki's waist in a way that could only be described as intimate.

"I think I get it."

This time, Katsuki was the one to lean in and tilt his head with practiced ease, Deku's lips fitting onto his far better than they had back in that shitty bathroom stall. There were still nerves present– no use pretending that he didn't notice the quiver of Deku's mouth or the fidgeting of his hands on his hips– but his job, in the here and now, was to bring him back to the present.

Focus on me, Deku. Let me show you that I...

"I love you, y'know."

A small whimper slipped from Deku's mouth, not bad or needy, but simply vulnerable.

"You... you make it hard to forget."

Katsuki's hands slid down to his boyfriend's wrists, thumbs poking under thin sleeves and running over scars he was starting to learn.

"I'm glad."

The minutes that followed were much of the same– slow, gentle, trusting– and Katsuki wouldn't have had it any other way. Deku followed his lead this time, moving in pace with his newfound confidence and assurance. There was a part of him that loved this side of Deku, too– the vulnerability he never showed to the outside world, the simple faith he placed in Katsuki to take care of him and do him right.

No profound words were said there, no drastic actions taken. But here, they were safe– not in danger of strangers, fans, or even friends– because while this was a group trip, while it was public, this was still...

A date. Our date.

Katsuki pulled away as they began to near the ground again, but just before he was about to slide off his boyfriend's lap, heard a soft wait.

"Kacchan– before you go, I've gotta–"

Hm? "Gotta what, Deku?"

"I love you."

There was a wobbly, but genuine smile over Deku's lips. "I... I'm not about to forget to say it back, you know."

Oh my god.

Katsuki would've thrown his arms around Deku again right then and there if not for the fact that they were only a few stops from the bottom– instead, he settled for one last chaste kiss, and sat back in the seat across from him as the door opened and they were released back into the mania of the park. But they didn't go far– Katsuki ran off to a more secluded corner in the shade, Deku close beside him as they waited for his friends, and looked back up at him to see that smile still there and still present.

"You're cute as fuck, Deku." Katsuki whispered, near-breathless. "Holy hell. You can't just say stuff like that."

"Hm? Say what?"

"Oh, don't be a little shit with me, you—"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Deku said, but there was humor in his face and a twinkle in his eyes. "I thought we were in acquaintances-mode."

That comment alone had Katsuki choked up with laughter until Camie and Yaoyorozu found them, just as happy after their ride. Soon enough, they found themselves on their way out of the park as the sun started to set and on their way home. To his surprise, though, Deku offered to walk with them back to the dorms– something Katsuki was more than happy to take him up on.

When they finally got back to the gates, though, Camie and Yaoyorozu went on ahead of them to give them a moment of pseudo-privacy. It was still near the street, yes, but more secluded than where they'd been for the majority of the day.

"I'm gonna take off now." Deku said, and for as much shit as they'd gone through that day, the positives appeared to weigh on his mind more than the negatives. "You be safe, alright? You'll take good care of yourself? Follow your mentor's directions and be careful on the field?"

"Yeah, yeah, I told you I will on the way here." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Geez. And I'd have thought you'd have a little more faith in me after today."

"Shut it, you know I do." Deku snorted. "Alright, alright. Well. I know today was kinda a mixed bag, but... overall? I enjoyed it." He paused. "Even through the rides and other stuff, though, seeing you was was highlight."

I'm not gonna make it at this rate, asshole.

In the light of the setting sun, it was hard to see the red that was surely on Katsuki's cheeks. "Sap."

Deku grinned. "You know, I think I'll take that in stride."

"Of course you would."

But despite the casual comments, nothing but comfort and sheer affection could be found in them. Katsuki pulled Deku into one last hug— they didn't know when they'd see each other next, after all— before separating for the night.

"I'll text you later?" His boyfriend asked, earning only a nod in response. "Awesome, awesome. Well, be safe, and... I love you."

"Yeah, yeah, love you too. Now go shower, sweaty."

"Swea– excuse you, you're the sweaty one!"

"I think we can call it a tie for today?"

"...okay, maybe for today."

With that last comment though, Deku waved goodbye and took off towards the train station, not looking back. Katsuki did the same, walking to the dorms and enjoying the vivid colors streaked across the sky.

For some reason, though, a bit of unease settled in his stomach. The day's events still hadn't fully left his mind, and with Deku now gone, some bit of strange anxiety began to wind itself up in his chest.

Nah, I'm probably being ridiculous. Nothing too out of the ordinary happened today.

And that was the belief he settled on— stayed on— for the rest of the night, and for the days to come.

We had a good day, and any unease is just that.


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