Bad Habit - {Eddie Munson x y...

بواسطة all4eddie

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‼️OVER 18s ONLY‼️ Y/N and Eddie were inseparable as children, despite Eddie being a rough around the edges, m... المزيد

Extended Family
Two Peas In A Pod
{Eddies POV}
Senior Year Seperation
{Eddies POV}
Mom & Dad
Sunday Dinner Surprise
At Home, At Last
{Eddies POV}
Deja Vu
Knight In *Not So Shining* Armour
{Eddies POV}
After School
Water Fight
A Change is Coming
Retail Therapy
{Eddies POV}
New Beginning
Pancakes for Breakfast
Saturday Night In
A Rainy Sunday
{Eddies POV}
Corroded Coffin
{Eddies POV}
That's What Best Friends Are For
{Eddies POV}
I Wish I Knew
Authors Note <3
{Eddies POV}
Sunday Morning Study Session
Sunday Dinner Take 2
Beauty and The Freak
Dollar Tree Shopping Spree
Hair Ties
{Eddies POV}
Corroded Coffin @ The Hideout
After The Gig
Good Morning Beautiful
Harrington Party
The Perfect Hangover
"I Know Nothing!"
Dinner Date
To Be Continued
Picnic Date
I Love You
I'm So Glad You're Mine
I Could Get Used To This
Go For It Girl
{Eddies POV}
The Red Door
Worth The Risk
Happy Halloween
Promise To Be Mine?
{Eddie POV}
We've Joined The Club
{Eddies POV}
I Need A 'D'
You Are My Future
Nice To Meet You
So This Is Love
You Can Be The Boss
Nurse Jenny
Date Day Idea
Black Mountain Trail
We Aren't Getting Any Younger
That's What Best Friends Are For
The Night Before
The Wedding Day
Yours... Forever
This Is How It Feels
{Eddie POV}
A Case Of Mistaken Identity
Make Up
Clearing The Air
Sick Day
Real Life Rockstars
It's A Done Deal
Okay, You're Done
Strip Studying
I Get Messages From The Stars
Let 'Em Hear It
The Sleepover
New Member Of The VIP Gang
Grad Ball Dress Hunt
Lets F*** In The Back Of The Mall Pt1
Lets F*** In The Back Of The Mall Pt2
Graduation Day
Graduation Ball
Lovers Lake
You and Me
The Elephant In The Room
Overthinking Is A B*tch
Late Night Phone Calls
Merry Christmas!
Moving In Day
Christening The Bedroom
A Welcome Distraction
It Was A F****** Burrito
{Eddie POV}
A Mothers Love
The Earle Hotel
Gimme One More
Authors Note
Stay In Your Lane
Home Is A Feeling
What You Don't Know 'Can' Hurt You
{Eddie POV}
Step One
Authors Note
A Thousand Red Roses
Teddie The Bear
Come To Me
{Eddie POV}
Golden Hour
Valentines Special
Robin 'Blabber Mouth' Buckley
{Eddie POV}
Clean Up On Aisle 6
Bonnie & Clyde
Bonnie & Clyde Part 2
Bonnie & Clyde Part 3
Dream Girl
The Best is Yet To Come
Into The Hellfire
Into The Hellfire Part 2
Into The Hellfire Part 3

*not a* Double Date

3.2K 76 68
بواسطة all4eddie

Eddie pulls his black van to a halt when you arrive in the car park out front of StarCourt mall. You pull your lip oil out from your purse and reapply it, checking your reflection in the mirror before shoving it back into your purse and swinging the black leather bag onto your shoulder, looking over to Eddie with a smile.
"You ready now, princess?" Eddie asks you before hopping out of his van. You wait patiently, you know for a fact he will be making his way to your door now to open it for you, he is the perfect gentleman. And just as you thought, he's now standing, holding your door open for you and gesturing for you to hop out onto the concrete.

You can already see Chrissy's car parked just a couple rows away from where you're stood now, you and Eddie make your way towards her.
"Hey Chrissy!" You say with a big smile, pulling her into your arms for a swift embrace,
"Hiiii!" She sings and gives you a squeeze.
"Hello Eddie!" She says, her smile shining brightly in the sunshine. She's wearing a pair of blue denim jeans, with a white vest top tucked in and pink high top converse. Her hair is up in a tight pony tale complete with a scrunchie that matches the baby pink of her shoes.
"Morning, Chrissy doll." He replies. This seems to be his chosen nickname for her.
"It's like...lunch time Eddie." She laughs at him.
"Yeah well, it feels like morning still." He laughs then yawns and stretches his arms up to the sky. You shake your head and laugh before grabbing Chrissy's arm and guiding her to the front door of the mall, closely followed by Eddie. You all stand and wait for the arrival of Gareth, chatting away amongst yourselves to pass the time.

"Are you sure he's coming?" You ask Eddie as you're getting impatient.
"Trust me. He's coming. He was practising like hell at his guitar solo for our gig next week and I warned him, he ain't got the solo if he ain't coming here today." Eddie laughs, his eyes scanning the car park.
"Oh it'll be a shame if he doesn't come, it'll be cause of me." Chrissy says with a slight disdain on her face.
"Don't say that!" You tell her.
"It's true, he probably doesn't like me!" Chrissy says.
"I wouldn't say that.." Eddie snorts, eyes still searching for Gareth in the carpark.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You ask him.
"Oh nothing... nothing..." He replies with a smirk.
"Wait, what? What is it, tell me?" Chrissy presses, trying to catch Eddie's eye, he knows something she doesn't.
"Honestly it's nothing, forget I said anything." Eddie replies, cutting the conversation short and then he says,
"See, told you he'd come!" As he points to Gareth who is sauntering towards the trio.

Hellos are exchanged before you all make your way into the mall. You and Chrissy walk with linked arms and the two boys wander off ahead of you, Eddie whispers something to Gareth that earns him a punch in the arm.
"Ouch! Dick!" Eddie exclaims, before laughing and smirking at Gareth. You and Chrissy give each other a confused look and continue to follow the guys towards the cinema. When you arrive, you all read the large poster which lists what movies will be shown that day.

"The Breakfast Club?" You ask as you point to the words written on the list.
"Ohh sounds good to me." Agrees Chrissy. The boys both scoff simultaneously.
"Ain't no way we are watching some chick film." Eddie says, shaking his head and laughing.
"Day of The Dead?" Gareth asks, pointing to the title and shrugging.
"That sounds better to me." Eddie nods in agreement with him. Chrissy whimpers and juts out her bottom lip, exaggerating the frown on her face. Eddie pats her upper harm with his big hand and says,
"Don't worry Chrissy, if it gets too scary for you...Gareth will hold your hand." He winks and gives a mischievous laugh.

The dull pain from first punch on Eddie's arm has barely worn off before Gareth takes a closed fist and punches it again. Eddie doesn't retaliate though he just laughs loud enough for the entire mall to hear while rubbing the spot to soothe it on his arm. You shake your head but can't help joining him in his laughter while Chrissy looks a little shy and blushed. Gareth looks totally, outright embarrassed, his cheeks are red with fire and he's shaking his head in annoyance at Eddie.

You all purchase your own cinema tickets separately but Eddie insists that you let him buy you some snacks.
"Some popcorn for the princess?" He asks you.
"Eddie, I can buy my own snacks." You giggle, pulling out your purse to pay.
"Nuh-uh, no way, I wanna pay for you." He tells you and pushes your hand away that is clutching money. You smile and nod at him before returning the cash to your wallet and into your purse.
"Can't make you pay for the popcorn on our date..." He smirks, your face flushes pink as you remind him,
"This is not a date!"
"I know, I know. I'm just messing with ya!" He laughs before ordering a big tub of sweet popcorn for you and him to share along with two drinks.

"Would you uh... would you like anything?" Gareth stammers, his eyes shyly looking at Chrissy as he points to the popcorn machine behind the counter. She meets his gaze and gives him a sweet smile as she says,
"Yeah sure, thanks. We can share something if you like, you choose."
"You like sweet or salty?" He asks her, his voice softening.
"Sweet, please." She replies, her hands begin fidgeting with one another as she watches him purchase a big tub of popcorn.
"I'll get us some drinks, do you like soda?" Chrissy asks Gareth.
"Uhh yeah, yeah that's cool." He replies, his eyes fluttering between her and the floor.

Once the snacks and drinks are in hand, you all head into the theatre. Eddie insists on sitting right up on the back row, looking down from above on all the other cinema goers. He shuffles along the row before taking a seat and popping his drink into the cup holder and holding the popcorn in his lap. You sit beside him, then it's Chrissy and then Gareth right on the end. Eddie instantly begins scoffing into the popcorn.
"Heyyyy, at least try and save some for the actual movie!" You scold him and bat his hand away from the tub.
"S-sorry, can't help it." He apologises with his mouth full of popcorn, crunching on it loudly.

Gareth holds the tub of popcorn on the arm rest separating him and Chrissy so they can share and so that she doesn't need to reach into his lap to get it. He shakes the tub of popcorn slightly to grab her attention, when she turns to look at him he nods down at the popcorn as a silent offer to her. She smiles kindly and grabs a small handful, popping some into her mouth and turning her eyes back to the screen.

As the movie plays out on screen, Eddie makes himself comfortable in his seat with his legs splayed out, his shoulders slumped and his head leaning onto your shoulder. He keeps the popcorn in his lap, half empty now that he's stuffed himself full. You need to keep reaching a hand over into his lap to grab yourself some. This shouldn't turn him on, but admittedly it does.

Chrissy jumps and lets out little gasps at all the scary parts of the movie, lifting her delicate, little hands up to cover her eyes from the scenes on the big screen a few times. Gareth watches her out the corner of his eye and laughs quietly, nudging her lightly with his shoulder as some sort of comfort.
"We can get out of here if you want? You really don't really horror movies huh?" He whispers in a hushed tone into her ear.
"No no, it's ok. I am fine.. I don't wanna leave you guys." She whispers back, dropping her hands into her lap, "thanks though." She gives Gareth a warm smile, he notices the sparkle in her eye even in the dimly lit cinema.

Once the movie is over the four of them leave the theatre, readjusting their eyes to the bright lights of the mall after spending the passed hour and a half in the dark room.
"You okay Chrissy, not too scary for you doll?" Eddie mocks, you nudge him as a telling off.
"Leave her alone Ed, she did well sitting through the whole thing." Gareth warns, sticking up for Chrissy.
"Oooooooh, ok ok, I'll shut up!" Eddie surrenders holding his hands in the air.
Chrissy smiles and nods as a thank you to Gareth, she doesn't need him to stick up for her but it was cute that he did, maybe he does kind of like her after all, she thought to herself.

The group head to Scoops Ahoy for some ice cream because Eddie complains he is hungry again, the boy is a bottomless pit, you don't know how he stays so slim. This time, you buy Eddie's for him since he bought your snacks and drink for the cinema, he refuses but you're persistent and he gives up, swearing that he'll pay you back. You all sit at a table enjoying your ice creams, talking together about everything and anything. Then the boys go off on a tangent about DnD so you and Chrissy faze out of the conversation and strike one up amongst yourselves.

You sit in the ice cream store for what feels like hours, chatting and laughing together. If anyone had seen yous, they would think you had all been close friends for years. I mean, you and Eddie have been but Gareth and Chrissy on the other hand, barely knew each other before this and you notice how well they get on. Chrissy blushes every time Gareth directs his conversation to her and you notice that he also gets a colour in his cheeks and begins fidgeting when Chrissy asks him questions. You and Eddie give each other a knowing glance and you nudge him with your knee under the table when Gareth and Chrissy are deep in conversation together excluding you and Eddie. Looking in as an outsider, it could be perceived as a double date, that's exactly what it feels like to you but you won't admit that to Eddie, he's so smug.

After many hours, your cheeks have a slight ache from all the smiling and laughing you've been doing throughout the day. It's time for home, you think to yourself.
"Right guys, we better go before we get chucked out of here, we've been sitting here all day and our ice creams have all melted." You laugh, hopping up off of your chair and offering Eddie your hand to pull him up. Your heart almost melts when you notice Gareth offering Chrissy his hand, she accepts and he gently helps her to her feet. No doubt her legs feel as numb as yours after sitting on the uncomfortable chairs for so long.
"Let's get outta here guys." Eddie says and the group follow him out. He pulls you towards him by your forearm and wraps an arm around your waist, nuzzling his head into your hair as you walk out towards the car park where his van is. Chrissy and Gareth walk together but they don't talk much, each of them staring straight ahead, almost like they're too scared to look at each other.

"You need a ride, Gareth?" Eddie asks his friend, but before he can answer, Chrissy's sweet voice pipes up,
"I can give him a ride. It's on my way home anyway." She insists as she unlocks her car.
"Perfect, that way you pair of love birds can get some alone time." Eddie digs, winking at them both.
"Eddie man, how many bruises you wanna get today asshole?" Gareth asks, holding his clenched fist up again as a warning.
"Oh come on man. I'm only playing with ya." Eddie laughs as he unlocks his van and opens the passenger door for you first.
"Byeeee babe!" You shout to Chrissy, waving your hand and giving her a look as if to say, tell me all about it tomorrow. And as if she knew what you were trying to say, she gives you a half smile and nods before saying her goodbyes and jumping into the drivers seat, Gareth waves to you before hopping into the passenger side of Chrissy's car.

Eddie is now in the van by your side, he turns the music down a little before he begins to drive off in the direction of his home for a change.
"Well that went better than I could've imagined." You tell him.
"Yeah, I had a great time Y/N." He tells you and plants his ring glad hand on your bare skin giving it a tight squeeze, his other hand on the steering wheel. You stare down at his hand on your naked skin and can't help but feel a warm tingle in your core and a strong feeling of want. You push the feelings to the back of your hand and try your hardest to focus on a different part of your body, but the warmth of his hand on your soft skin is playing games with your mind. He doesn't seem to notice as he hums along to the track that is playing.

You're desperate to break the silence and rid your brain of the not so innocent thoughts that are racing through your head as his hand still sits, unmoving, gripped on your thigh.
"What about Gareth and Chrissy, he's so sweet with her! He really surprised me." You tell Eddie. His faces turns into a smile like he's got a secret to tell that nobody else knows. This confuses you, until you remember the comment he made earlier and the punch he had received from Gareth after his whisper to his pal.
"Wait. What? Do you know something I don't?" You urge, turning to face him now.
"If I told you, I'd have to kill you. And I really don't wanna live without my you." He grins, tapping his fingers lightly on your skin. 'I really don't wanna live with you' replays in your head and causes your heart to flutter.

"Tell me right now! Or you'll be the one to not live another day, Munson!" You shout, dragging yourself out of your thoughts. You lunge yourself towards him and dig your fingers into that spot on his ribs that you know makes him weak, he squirms underneath your hands and moves both hands to grip the steering wheel tight, trying to keep control of the vehicle while he is under attack. You're a little sad at the loss of his touch even though it had been driving you insane.

"Alright! I surrender!" He screams, pulling himself away from your assault.
"What's going on Ed? Tell me?" You urge him again, still facing him, eyes wide with wonder awaiting his reply.
"Well, Gareth is a bit of a lightweight. It didn't take him too many beers during band practice to let a little secret he's been keeping slip..." He tells you, raising his brows, he knows he's got some juicy gossip and he is prolonging not sharing it.
"Enough of the dramatics Munson, what is the secret?" You beg.
"It's seems our Gareth, has a lil puppy love crush on Chrissy doll." Eddie spills the beans. Your hand flys up to cover your mouth as you let out a sharp gasp.

"Oh my god, no way! I mean, he gets real nervous around her so it does make sense. I've caught the pair of them stealing glances at each other all week at the lunch table. And then today, they got on like a house on fire they were so cute together!" You ramble on excitedly.
"Do you think she likes him?" Eddie's wonders aloud.
"Well if she does, she hasn't told me so. But I could see the way she looks at him too and I caught her fidgeting a lot today, she does that when she's nervous!" You explain, with a huge smile slapped across your face.
"Have we played Cupid? Are we match makers?" Eddie laughs.
"I'm gonna have to call her later and get all the juicy gossip!" You tell him as the van pulls up outside his trailer.
"Successful double date then. Hopefully there are many more to follow." Eddie says with a smirk, jumping out of the van and slamming the door before you can even utter the words,
"It was not a double date!"

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