Jungkook x BTS[ BTS as Brothe...

By Jennifer_GB

48.1K 1.1K 147

These are a bunch of oneshots between Jungkook and his hyungs. In these one shots I envision Bangtan as one b... More

They don't care( part 1)
They don't care ( Part 2)
When we lost in the Forest
When we lost in the forest-2
Precious (Namkook)
When we lost in the forest-Final
Nightmare (JinKook)
Can't You Stay a Little Longer
We Want You Back
A Road Trip
A Road Trip (Part -2)
I am not a liar (Hopkook)
Stuck In The Cold
Little Do They Know
Little Do They Know (Final)
Mafia King And His Six Hyungs
New Story.....

Little Do They Know (Part- 2)

1.3K 48 3
By Jennifer_GB

Taehyung was sitting on the couch with his plaster arm, looking at the wall clock.

"It's pretty late.Why hasn't Jungkook come back yet? He should come back by now !" He thought.

"Jimin !" Taehyung called his twins who was busy with his phone.

" Yes Tae do you need anything or Is your arm hurts ?" Jimin asked looking at Taehyung.

" No I am fine , thanks. I was just wondering.... that Jungkook is taking too long." He said with a worried voice.

Jimin sighed and looked at his hyungs. Yes they were angry but also they were worried about him.

Yoongi Kick him out as a punishment but that doesn't mean that he doesn't wanted him to come home. He just wanted him to clear his mind because what he had done was in anger or rush, so he have to clean his mind and then he need to answer his hyungs' questions. But he is taking too long to come back home.

"I am calling him." Yoongi said as he pulled out his phone from his pocket.

The phone started to ring but no one picked it. He looked everyone and got that all are worried now.

"Hyung I am.... not getting good vibes. " Taehyung said slowly.
Jimin rubbed his back.

Yoongi again called Jungkook, this time he picked up.

" Hello Jungkook where are you ? Don't you know it's time to come back ? What are you doing huh !?" Yoongi bummed him with questions, before he can even respond.

But the other side line was silent.

This was surprising.

" Jungkook....Are you thier bub" This time Jin slowly asked as phone was on speaker.

" Seo....Seok Jin Hyung.... it's me
Yugyeom......" They hear from the other side of the phone.

" Yugyeom !!! What is Jungkook's phone is doing with you ? Where is he ? What he is doing ?" Jin bummed him with questions.

" He......"

" He what !?" Yoongi asked

" He is in the hospital he got into an accident hyung." Yugyeom finally said as he stated to cry.

Everyone frozen at their spot. It can't be happening they must be misheard him.

" Hyung !! ?" Yugyeom asked.

" Yugyeom stay there and don't be panic ok we are coming." Jin said as coming back from shocked .

" Yes hyung. "

" We need to go !!!"

The Kim's brothers reached the hospital. And went towards Yugyeom.

He was sitting on a banch holding his head and sobbing. His shirt and hand wear cover with blood !!! Jungkook's blood.

They went to him. "Yugyeom" Jin softly called him. He looked up, his eyes were fluffy and red he looked miserable.

"Jin hyung....." He cried.

Jin hugged him without wasting
any time and he himself started to cry.

" I am sorry....I....am sorry.....I couldn't....do anything" He started to apologizing while crying.

Jin broke the hug. " What do you mean by that Yugyeom-ah !?"

" Tell us what happened there ?" Now Hoseok asked.

" It's all because of Do-il. " Yugyeom said.

" Who is Do-il, Who is Do-il ??" Jimin asked.

" He is Jungkook's..... wait Jungkook didn't told you yet ?"

" Didn't tell us what ?" Namjoon asked.

" Do you know hyungs that Jungkook bullied in school ?"

" What ???! "

" He didn't tell you right." Yugyeom said sighed." He is Jungkook's bully he always bully him and ruined his homework and for that he can't attand class or summit his homework . I told him to told you but he didn't listen to me, he promised that he would tell you today." He said looking down.

Everyone reacted when they heard that. No that couldn't be true. Jungkook would've told him, right?

It wasn't even my fault!....

Jungkook had tried to tell them! he had tried to explain, and they hadn't listened.

" But how it's your fault? " Taehyung asked.

" Tell us what actually happen there how he got in to the accident ?" Yoongi asked.

" Hyung I was ......."Yugyeom started to tell them what had happened.........


"Do.....Do-il ??" Jungkook said looking the tall boy in front of him in shocked.

" Oh..... it's you Kim Jungkook hmm....how dare you to bumped into me huh ?" Do-il said holding Jungkook's collar and made him stand.

" It was an accident....I didn't mean to....." Jungkook said looking down.

"Oh really !!" Do-il said .

"Do-il, I think we have to leave.. it's public places and we are at sidewalk and also at the road people's are on vehicle looking at us!! we can't beat him here." One of Do-il's friends said.

" I don't care, he need punishment as he bumped into me." Do-il said glaring at Jungkook as tightening
his gripped on his collar.

"Will you just leave me alone!" Jungkook lashed out, voice wavering slightly as his glossy eyes held back fresh tears from falling.

"Oh, Is the baby gonna cry?" Do-il asked in a pouty voice.
"Who's gonna protect poor little Jungkookie from big bad Do-il, now ! Did his hyungies have left him hmm because he disappointed them and,finally they realize how pathetic you are and abandon you?"

Jungkook looked face to face with the taller boy. "Don't talk about my hyungs !!"

" Ohh ??? The baby can talk back huh ! Did they feed you milk with a baby bottle so that you can talk back to me huh ?" Do-il said still holding Jungkook's collar as his friends started to laguh.

" Do-il leave me ....." Jungkook said coldly.

" What did you say !??"

" Leave me....."

" What ??"

" LEAVE ME YOU FUCKER !!" Jungkook yelled.

But in a second Jungkook was
on the ground due to the sheer power of Do-il's punch. His skull hitting one of the road.

" How dare you ?! How dare you to talk to me like that huh ? How dare you."Do-il said as he started to kick Jungkook.


With in a second Do-il was on the floor by a harsh plush.

" Kim Yugyeom how dare you???" Do-il hiss to Yugyeom who was now helping Jungkook to stand.

" Hold him !!" He said to his friends as they did as told.

" Now you will see what I will do with you !" He horribly said glaring at Yugyeom as he went near him.

" Don't touch him !" Jungkook said while struggling to stand.

" If I do ? What you gonna do ?" Do-il smirk as he punched Yugyeom.

" Stop !!! " Jungkook yelled as run towards Do-il and hold him from behind in order to stop him. But he released himself and punched Jungkook, he stumble back but didn't fell. He again run towards him and this time he punched Do-il really hard that made the taller guy stumbled a little.

" You piece of shit !!" Do-il yell as he punched Jungkook and pushed him harder.

The pushed was hard and powerful that made Jungkook to stumbled towards the road.

Before anyone can react anything
Jungkook got hit by the car directly.

"JUNGKOOK !!!!!" Yugyeom yelled shocked.

Do-il ki and his friends eyes got widen at the horrific sight.

They saw how Jungkook flew to the opposite direction after being hit by the car and fell hitting the floor hard as the car went away.

Yugyeom ran towards Jungkook crying. He lifted him up and placed his head in his lap slowly. Jungkook groaned due to the movement.

People started gathering around them.

" Jung... Jungkook can you hear me ???!" Yugyeom asked breathlessly." Hey talk to me please. Some one call the ambulance please !!!! "

Jungkook slowly opened his eyes.
His face was filled with blood which was coming from his head. His body was also filled with blood.

" Yu....Yu...gy....eom ......" Jungkook mumbled.

" Yes Kook .....I am hear.....I am hear.... don't close your eyes hmm"

"You..are .....m..my...best...fri...frind.. Ple.....Please.....te.....tell hyungs
....that.....I....I.....am.....so......sorr.... sorry......"

" Why .... why should....I...tell them huh ? You can do it !.... it's not like you are going to die.......you are telling them and Stop talking nonsense !"

" Please......Yugyeom.....Te...Tell....
Taehyung....hy....hyung...th...that... I am so....... sorry......a......and...."

Jungkook's started to breathe heavly.

"Jungkook !!!" Yugyeom hold his hand tightly." Where is the fucking ambulance !!!!"He yelled.

" It's on the way !!!" One of the men said.

" Yu....gye...om....te....tell my ..hy... hyungs...th..at....I...lo..love...them."
Jungkook said as slowly his eyes closed.

Yugyeom tapped his cheeck to awake him more."Kim Jungkook
!! Jungkook! Open your eyes ?! I told you to stay awake don't close eyes" he yelled. But Jungkook didn't respond.

Then he heard the sirens of
ambulance and saw paramedics
coming towards them and
checked Jungkook.

The paramedics put Jungkook on a stretcher and put an oxygen mask on his nose and mouth and then moved the stretcher in the ambulance.

" I ....I wanna go with him !!!" Yugyeom said crying.

" Alright come with us !!!!"

.........End of Flashback

Silence was heard in the cold corridor of the hospital. Kim's brothers felt like everything around them destroyed.They were all too shocked after hearing about their little one.

" Oh my God oh my God "Jin kneeled on the cold ground crying."He....he has been suffering and wanted to tell..but
.....but .....I didn't listen to him"

"We didn't give him time to explain." Hoseok said teared up.

" I just.. I'm the worst brother ever.."Yoongi broke out punching the wall hard.Jin ran to him and pulled him.

"Yoongi-ya please stop ! Control yourself."

" How can I hyung ! How can I ? It's all my fault that Jungkook is there !!"

" No Yoongi it's not like that."

"Yes it's like that ! I was the one who kicked him out....and...that's why....he..."

Yoongi started to cry harder and fell on his knee. Jin hugged him.

" If....if..... anything(sob).... happen to..to...him(sob)...I can't....can't.... forgive(sob) my self...I can't(sob) forgive myself... hyung I can't."

" No no...nothing gonna happen to him, he...he is our strong bunny...." Jin tighten the hug around Yoongi.

Everyone were tolal mess. Jimin and Taehyung were hugging eachother and crying in each other's arms.Hoseok was walking in to and fro motion while crying.Yugyeom crying while put his head on his hands.Namjoon was staring at ceiling mindlessly as tears were making its ways.

They waited outside while Jungkook was treated in the OR . They were all cramped outside waiting for any news. When the door opened they all stood up.

"Are you Jungkook's guardian?" The doctor asked them.
"Yes.. we are... his brothers" Jin stuttered anticipating news about his little brother."How is he doctor ??" Namjoon asked ?

The doctor sighed,"Well he was in critical condition, he had broke one leg and hand but don't worry it will heal in months but we had to attend surgery."
"Why is that doctor ?" Jimin asked."Because he got pretty serious injuries as he hit his head pretty hard, which caused him internal bleeding But he is stable now, you may see him."

"Thank you doctor" Hoseok said.

As Yugyeom and Kim brothers went inside Jungkook's room their heart broke looking at the condition of their little one. Their eyes again started to watery.

Jungkook's head was wrapped in white bandage,his right leg and left hand had casts, he looks miserable.

Jin went near him and took the side stool and sat in his right side and started caressing Jungkook's bandages head with his hand.
Others also come near his bed as now Jungkook is surrounded with his love once. Jin cares his head with watery eyes.

Suddenly he noticed Jungkook's
chest started to rose up and down continuous. Everyone's eyes widen.

" Wh... what's happening ?" Taehyung said with teary eyes.

" I...I am calling the doctor !" Hoseok said as he ran from there.

" Hey hey Kooki ?! What's worng hey ? Clam down clam please ... please " Jin baged while crying. But it was no used as Jungkook started to breathe heavly each second.

The door opened suddenly and doctor and nurse came running inside. " Sir please move." The doctor politely said to Jin. Who slowly moved away from Jungkook with his brothers. Everyone had tears in their eyes while looking at Jungkook's condition.

Doctor was trying his best to make Jungkook stable. But...
suddenly Jk's chest stopped moving, completely still.

Fear rose inside Suga. He saw Paramedic

Everyone's eyes widen in shock.

" Bring defibrillator !! " The doctor yelled as a nurse brought it.

He grabbing the defibrillator and pressed against his chest but he was still unmoving.

It show flatlined on the computer.

To be continued........

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