
By TheSensualSinner

685K 15.8K 2.1K

ยป ๐…๐จ๐ซ๐›๐ข๐๐๐ž๐ง ๐‹๐จ๐ฏ๐ž ๐€๐Ÿ๐Ÿ๐š๐ข๐ซ ๐›๐ž๐ญ๐ฐ๐ž๐ž๐ง ๐Œ๐จ๐›๐ฌ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ & ๐๐ข๐œ๐ค๐ฉ๐จ๐œ๐ค๐ž๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ยซ ~ The S... More

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ยป Fifteen
ยป Sixteen
ยป Seventeen
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ยป Forty 7
ยป Epilogue

ยป Thirty 1

11.1K 277 33
By TheSensualSinner

↠ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍɪsᴛʀɪss ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪғᴇ.

Aletheia Sokrátes:

The last catfight I've ever been in was in high school senior year, Cynthia McDaniel kicked my ass once she found out I stole her courtside laker tickets. I was still new when it came to pickpocketing and I made a slip.

I came out having a busted lip and a sprained ankle that following morning. I didn't know how to fight nor to defend myself and I ended up begging her to stop and left crying on the ground in pain - not to mention having everybody laugh at me.

This time It's going to be different and Valentina will not be Cynthia McDaniel going to kick my ass and win, I will not come out as a weak fool again.

At first, I was enjoying the soft feel of Donovan's lips then I'm thrown to the floor by Donovan's wife as she executes swift punches toward my face, her own hold fury and hatred.

"Get this crazy bitch off me!" I shouted

I dodged her punches snatching a fist full of her own hair and not letting go as we claw at each other. Our yelps and cursing filled the room along with the other commotion from everyone around us.

My teeth clenched feeling my adrenaline pump like a bolt. I zip my fist forward hitting Valentina's face, she yelps and I flipped us over leaving me to punch her becoming lost in anger.

The pain inflicted on my scalp and face.

Soon I'm being lifted off from her by an arm wrapping around my waist noticing Vito and Donovan bringing us both to our feet.

Fury fills both of us even our hair is tousled. Vito held me back watching Valentina throw daggers of hatred with her eyes. I saw blood trickling down her cheekbone from where I punched her.

Good! I hate this bitch

"Let me go! YOU! You fucking whore! He's my husband you lowlife waste!" Valentina screeched trying to attack me and Donovan showed no amusement at all just bleakness and anger while holding back his wife. She recognizes me from when we first met in the kitchen.

She managed to force me to shed blood too. I glared at her while wiping off the metallic taste of blood from my mouth.

Unfazed by the faint beating I received

"I may be one to you... But your husband thinks otherwise" I spat

Valentina glowers striving to attack but Donovan held her back and threw a glare at me

"You bitch!"

"Alright enough! Vito take her to the counter, I'll deal with my wife" Donovan orders curtly dragging Valentina away while she attempts to break free.

I clench my fists watching them disappear and Vito gently tugs my arm "Let's get a drink, huh?" He suggests

Everyone looked shocked, amused, and judgemental then they went back to their activities but I couldn't give two shits. I nod in agreement as we head to the edge of the bar.

Suddenly the redhead girl, in the beginning, jogged toward us looking concerned mixed with amusement.

Yeah yeah that quarrel was entertaining for everyone

"Not now Penelope" Vito tries to dismiss her

So her name is Penelope

She ignored him staring at me "Are you okay? That was so unexpected"

Very unexpected

Vito hands over ice wrapped in a towel and I thanked him placing it over my lip I winced "Yes, It's not my first fistfight" A chuckle escapes me

Her expression shows sympathy "Valentina showed no mercy, I didn't know she was back in town"

I rolled my eyes "Can we please change the subject" Penelope nods and soon Vito poured us all some tequila shots and we all picked up a glass.

I needed a shot from what just happened.

Vito made the toast

"To new beginnings... And one helluva show indeed"

I playfully rolled my eyes again and we had our shots and many more.

End of pov / Donovan Salieri:

I slammed the door closed suppressing my impulse not to thrash on Valentina. It happened so quickly and I'm surprised she's home early however I don't even care at this point.

My glare implants onto her "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I sneered. She yanks her arm from my grip watching her breathe heavily.

She's pissed

"Me!? Are you seriously asking me that! You never answered my calls or texts then I come home to see our house sold and to find you kissing a damn whore! I thought you loved me!" Valentina repeatedly hits my chest in agony and I had no expression whatsoever as I blankly stare at her.

I pushed her away "For fucksakes, Valentina come the hell off it, This marriage of ours was always bullshit and you know it-"

She erratically shakes her head "No! No! I love you, Donovan Salieri, We'll fix this and I forgive you" Valentina's delusional as she tries to hold me but I wasn't having none of it.

"There's nothing to fix Valentina... you were nothing to me and this marriage is over" I pushed her aside and she jumped in front of me. Her glare stared into mine.

"You can't leave me! I won't allow it"

This made me laugh out loud "Allow? No no Valentina you don't get that privilege - Nobody does expect me and right now we're done"

Soon a text came in and I checked to see it from Vito.

"Listen Donovan Salieri if you ever think to leave me, I'll make your life a living hell especially kill that fucking whore of yours, she'll be dead by tomorrow" She angerily pushed my chest. I was unfazed by her assault and I looked at her in anger stomping towards her and snatching Valentina by the throat

She gasps

"Listen you little ungrateful bitch, Dont you dare threaten me because we both know I can play two times worse baby, and trust me... I would love to have your blood on my hands" I stared seriously into her eyes and I saw the fear, she knows I never bluff.

I pushed her to the floor as she yelped. I adjust my coat

"I'll have my lawyer call yours tomorrow and don't think about disappointing me, Valentina" I glared about to leave the backroom-

"When I saw you kissing her..... You never once kissed me like that" I heard her mumble in jealousy.

"Because she's not you and if you think about touching her again... You'll be joining your father" I spat and left needing to check on Aletheia. Valentina pounced on her fiercely. I ignored my ex-wife's loud tantrum she threw once I left.

I smirked and finally checked Vito's text to discover such wonderful news

     'Darko's dead, He passed in his sleep two nights ago'

Now we know Valentina's sudden return home and now it's time to make crucial changes around here.

Darko's dead and my marriage can finally be over... Aletheia can officially be mine whether she likes it or not. I've been waiting for this moment for a while and now it's finally here.

Four days later:

"We grant settlement of nine hundred thousand dollars to Valentina Delaney and Mr. Salieri retains all other belongings such as properties, cars, and all financial assets thus we hereby grant the divorce due to irreconcilable differences. Meeting adjourned"

Judge Franko slammed the gavel and I mentally smirked. I'm finally free from the women who gave me constant headaches, huge bills, and drama.

I'm finally divorced

"What!? Only nine hundred? That's unacceptable! I had more money than that" Valentina argued as we sit across from each keeping our distance.

I swiped a cigarette from my pocket.

You mean my money that you and your father think you owned

"Miss Delaney, Mr. Salieri has every right to his assets since you signed a prenup-"

I invisibly made her sign one since Valentina was so keen to marry me, It was practically easy.

My smirk grows loving Valentina's reaction, her eyes widen, and her mouth gapes with shock, anger, and flabbergasted its all mixed.

"This is absurd, I never signed-"

"End of discussion Miss Delaney, The settlement you just received was your father's savings and compensation that Mr. Salieri generously gave from the proceedings of Mr. Delaney's sold properties including home furnishes" Judge Franko explained gathering his files and I stood ready to leave myself.

"Bullshit! You can't do this Donovan!"

I ignore her angry screeching remaining blank. She's on the verge of tears.

"It's finalized, Miss Delaney, have a nice life" I show her a devilish smile that she never saw me do. It surprised her.

I shook Franko's hand remembering I need to give him his payment later on for accommodating my divorce on such short notice.

"Mr. Salieri?"

We enter the empty lobby on the tenth floor "Franko, thanks again" We shook hands

"Of course Donovan, It's at least I can do. You are your father's son after all" We remain neutral toward each other then we gave our goodbyes. I enter the elevator ready to pick up Aletheia so we can start our celebration along with the guys.

Everything was falling into place as notions kept arising... Abruptly my mood faltered when Valentina slipped through the elevator doors just as they were about to close.

She pierces her gaze upon me

I sighed "Miss Delaney, We're through-"

We stand alone in the elevator

"-How long?" She asks. I noticed her fists clenching

"Excuse me?"

Valentina steps closer to me "How long have you been fucking her?"

I chuckled at her audacity "That's none of your concern who I fuck" staring intensively at her

Valentina gritted her teeth and suddenly banged my chest with her fists "How long have you been fucking her!!?" I snatched her wrists forcing her to stop. Her loud distressed voice fills the lift

I glare at her "Calm the fuck down!"

She breathes heavily seeing tears fill her eyes but I didn't care. Valentina was constantly dramatic.

"You were with her in Greece, weren't you? That's why we went there so you can be alone with her, you sent me back home so you can fuck her? Sent me to New York, sent me to that fucking spa only so you can fuck her!!" Valentina screamed in fury hitting me repeatedly

My jaw hardens dodging her every punch and wasn't affected by her assault at all.

I pushed Valentina against the wall having enough of this crazy bitch.

"Yes! I am fucking her, is that what you want to hear Valentina? I've been fucking her and I'll continue to fuck her for the rest of my days do you know why? Because she's not you-"


I chuckled holding the side of my face where Valentina just slapped me.

That was brazen I'll give her that

Her tears fall as she stares painfully at me. I dropped my hand hearing the elevator doors open,

"Im going to let that one slide Valentina so pray there won't be a next time" My malice threat struck her then I eventually exit the lift leaving her to cry in peace.

"Congratulations Don, I always know I'd see the day" Vito pats my back as we get inside the car. I've dealt with this divorce case for almost a week, I'm ready to celebrate and have a drink.

"Thank you but the sentiment pushed aside, How's the transfer coming along?" I asked lighting another cigarette. Vito drives for me since im still stressed from Valentina's tantrum. The bitch is finally excluded from my life, more importantly, doesn't carry the Salieri name anymore.

"Excellent but we need more time on the bank transfers other than that we can move anytime, Your call Don"


"Let's begin preparations for this weekend, I wanna leave and start anew as soon as possible, Vito, and inform Tony," I say grabbing my cell. I didn't want him to but Tony is my oldest friend after all.

"Sure thing Don... But what about your girl?" He asks in curiosity.

Right, I'll still need to tell Aletheia about our move, and knowing her she'll become awfully stubborn and argue with me however I had something up my sleeve and guarantee she will say yes.

It's about time that I show her my homeland too and she'll have no choice but to stay at my side,

She's mine after all...


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