Luna Nova Holiday Camp

By Fluna98

716 7 0

Atsuko Kagari, a young girl very passionate, specially with Skateboard and a her idol Chariot Du Nord, also k... More

The mysterious abandoned building
Holiday camp
Capítulo sem título 3
The revenge
Learning the first tricks
As Cavendish
The training starts
More training
I'm improving
The curiosity kills the cat
The writer visit
Diana's is suspecting
Diana came like a bomb
That strange dream
Luna Nova dancing
Talking with moms
Dodgeball game pt2
Dodgeball game pt3
Where's the things?
The witches trio
Skateboard championship pt1
Skateboard championship pt2
Skateboard championship pt3
Skateboard championship pt4
Skateboard championship pt5
Skateboard championship pt6
going for camping
Boat racing
Witches night
Last day camping
Hellene's surprise party
Unexpected visit
The end of the Summer

Dodgeball game pt1

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By Fluna98

Monday 10 July 2017, Glastonbury, England

Another week was starting in Luna Nova, Akko and Lotte as usual were returning from their homes to the holiday camp, already very anxious to do something there and as usual Atsuko had to train, having a very tiring morning to sharpen her skateboarding skills, while Hellene was also doing the same on the old skateboard track of the place and Diana was just continuing to play on racing simulators, things practically went back to the way they were before.

The Japanese girl arrived from the training, already a little tired, and walked to her team's room, then she went to throw some water on her body, ignoring her friends, especially Sucy's provocations, until she arrived from the bathroom and went to have a chat with her friends.

" Looks like someone decided to come and remember us," said Sucy.

" Don't keep filling her up, Sucy," Lotte said.

" All right, I was pretty tired, the training is always hard, I think now I just want to rest a little " Akko said, picking up her mobile and noticed that there was a message from Ursula.

[Ursula: Attention all the girls of the Luna Nova orphanage, we are going to start a little burn championship here, form your teams of up to four members, be quick, the games will start at 15:00, fill in the forms we will next give coloured banners to your team] 13:51

" Burned? Fucking hell, we need to do this... Who's on our team? Are you guys gonna play with me? " Kagari asks.

" And we have another option, let's hope that you in all this training at least have some way to hold your own against the others " Said Manbavaran as always unleashing a meaner comment.

[Marianne: No one will pick me anyway, please can I be on your team?] 13:51

[Akko: All right, you're in the team]. 13:51

" I have already found someone to play with us, Marianne Leclerc will be on our team, now we have a team made," said the excited Japanese woman.

" Marianne? Just when we're not going to get very far " said the pink haired one twirling her head.

After Ursula's announcement, the girls organised themselves in 10 teams with four players, having a total of 40 participants, each one choosing the colours available to them, with Akko choosing the red team as usual, distributing the teams this way.

Red team: Akko, Lotte, Sucy, Marianne
Blue team: Diana, Hannah, Barbara, Avery
Green team: Amanda, Constanze, Jasminka, Hellene
Purple team: Mary, Blair, Sarah, Chloé
Team yellow: Wangari, Joanna, Kimberly, Gaelle
Lavender team: Carmen, Maria, Rita, Abigail
Dark green team: Irene, Rajani, Rashimi, Sola
Purple team: Shao Yi, Hilda, Erika, Molly
Purple team: Elfriede, Catharina, Daisy, Heather
White team: Alice, Bice, Aira, Abigail

With the teams defined they still had other teams left to form all the girls of the camp, but these decided to stay as spectators, a lot to see the girls of their team trying to turn against the others.
When three o'clock came, the teams arrived at the outside of Luna Nova, where five different arenas were made, since ten teams were defined in this space, the girls are taking the bands of the teams and putting them in different places, Akko and Marianne put them on their foreheads as if they were some kind of samurai belt, even laughing at each other.

" Very well girls, I see that we have a very thick participation in teams around here, we will start the qualifying phase, where you will face each other in four random matches, and we will make a ranking of who was better or worse in these matches, it will be very simple, who won is qualified for the final stages, only two teams that will not pass, then it will be very complicated not to pass, now without further ado, we'll draw here who will start in each arena, just draw lots " Ursula said.

The red team went straight to the front, caught a ball that indicated arena 3, they went where it was respectively indicated as such with the markings on the grass made with spray.
By luck or bad luck, the red team met the violet team in the first game. The blue team met the lavender team and the green team met the white team, the games started from those matches.

In the first game Atsuko was lucky enough to get the ball to start the game, showing that the training was really something, she managed to hit the ball accurately to Blair who was still very distracted, already eliminating one of the players, but of course Sarah didn't let it be cheap and threw everything in the direction of the red team.
Atsuko dodged the ball and the one who caught it was Marianne who gave the pass to Lotte who couldn't throw it that far and the ball ended up in the hands of Chloé who made sure to give it back to Yanson.

" Damn Lotte is gone " Akko said.

The game wasn't over yet, Sucy tried to throw, she didn't throw with much strength either, mainly because the ball was caught by Sarah and this one has a little more strength, the tall girl threw with everything the ball focusing on Akko who managed to catch it almost falling back, she passed the ball to Marianne who threw to try to eliminate the team, but the ball was defended and caught by Chloé.

" Damn it! You guys really put up with these things, how are we going to win if they defend all the time? " asked Leclerc.

" We play very weak, we have to play tactically, or else... " And Sucy is eliminated, leaving only Marianne and Akko in that field, but there is still the gravedigger's tactic.

Akko avenges Sucy and hits Chloé hard, eliminating the, with that Mary is the one to play and she almost ends up hitting Marianne who jumps to the side dodging and the ball goes to the gravedigger, where Chloé tries to burn Leclerc who defends herself with her hand passing the ball to Kagari who quickly hits a ball into Sarah's legs.

" Yes! Thanks Mari, you've saved the game now! " Kagari said excitedly.

" Damn it, they've got Sarah, now we're going to lose for good " said Chloe

" Hey, don't be putting me down too, I can play too," said Mary, taking the ball and throwing it at Marianne, who dodged it and threw herself to the side, with the ball going to the undertaker at Sarah's side, who threw it back to Brooks.

The one with long blue hair tries to throw it back, but this time Akko defends and passes the ball to Marianne, she even signals, crouching on the ground and this way the one with dark hair and reddish locks jumps taking impulse from the Japanese's back, throws the ball with everything catching the top of Mary's head that barely had time to defend and with this the red team won.

" Aeeee! Good Mari, I told you we would make it " said Atsuko excitedly.

" I said Mary, you can't handle it, we've already lost our first match.

After that the eliminatory matches continued with a victory for the red team, with others that were as intense as well, in the next one they ended up against the green team, losing the match only because of a factor that they didn't expect so much, which was Hellene, Amanda and Jasminka being a very strong tactical combination to break, which was already worrying Kagari.
The following matches were against the lavender and purple teams, giving very tight victories and with this they already guaranteed a classification for the finals.

A while later...

The qualifying matches have come to an end, impressively some of the results of the teams have shocked greatly, with the green team taking first place with a four game win, Akko's team impressively winning three games and Diana's team narrowly missing out with only two wins, many with the older Cavendish carrying the team on her back.

Red team: 3 wins (purple, purple, lavender), 1 loss (green)
Blue team: 2 wins (lavender, purple), 2 losses (green, purple)
Green team: 4 wins (white, red, blue, yellow), 0 losses
Purple team: 2 wins (purple, blue), 2 losses (red, white)
Yellow team: 3 wins (grey, lavender, dark green), 1 loss (green)
Lavender team: 1 victory (dark green), 3 losses (blue,yellow,red)
dark green team: 1 victory (grey), 3 losses (lavender, white, yellow)
Purple team: 0 wins, 4 losses (purple, blue, red, dark green)
Gray team: 2 wins (white, gray), 2 losses (yellow, dark green)
White team: 2 wins (violet, dark green), 2 losses (grey, green)

The purple team was already considered eliminated for simply being massacred by the other teams that simply played the bridge to classify, staying with only two teams that were in this relegation zone with only one victory, which the elimination criterion ended up by the team that was beaten, In the case of the lavender team that ended up falling since it had won just the team that competed not to be eliminated in these phases, but as the dark green team had a victory less than the gray team, for which the dark green team won the game, was in the placement criterion to decide who would pass the finals.

" And what a contest we are having here, as the dark green team beat a more victorious team, we will qualify it to the final, I feel sorry for the players of the lavender team who worked hard for this, but this was the criteria that was proposed " said Ursula and the girls were just nodding.

" Ah we just want to have fun, after this the game is really going to get complicated, I just wish good luck to the finalists, especially those who are going to catch the green team in the finals " said Rita.

" I'm glad you all have a sporting spirit, now everyone gather around because the finals matches are going to be different " Croix said calling out to all the girls from the winning teams.

" Now the rules are for a more serious game, where you need to win in a battle of 3 rounds with an advantage of 2 to 1 or in case of winning already the first two matches is already considered classification, the matches will no longer be on grass and also will not contain only a single ball, and we would say that the game will be a little more intense from now on, who is eliminated in the gravedigger as always can help, in case you can burn the person of the rival team even wins the chance to return, now that I have said the rules, let's go to the court, there is where we will draw the teams and define how these finals will be " Ursula said.

With this the girls started to draw their positions in each stage of the quadrangular, with the teams defined in two different sides, since they will not end up meeting in these knockout matches until reaching the final, and after what was seen in the qualifiers, the girls were impressed with the green team.

Side A
Dark green team x grey
teamViolet team x green team

Side B
Blue team x Red teamYellow team
x White team

Atsuko was even relieved to see how will be defined the part of her key, since the path can still be passable until the final, seeing that the dispute will be against the complicated green team, but also her own path will not be so easy with the blue team and also the very strong yellow team.
So much so that the Japanese comes to Diana to give a little tease in her friend since they would face each other.

" What's up Diana, ready to lose? My team against yours in a few minutes heh " said Akko teasing Cavendish's elbow.

" Actually I am more ready than ever, I know that only a miracle is necessary to have a chance against you, I saw that you are playing well, the way you held your own against the green team, look, it's not for nothing, but it wouldn't be bad to lose to you " answers the Scottish lass, which makes the Japanese girl's cheeks inflate a little.

" Diana! Don't say that about our team, it's just that we're not that good at hurling, I want to see if you can do that well playing tennis, or volleyball, hurling is a game for brutes, that's why the O'Neill team is doing well " said Hannah a little bit angry.

" You should talk less and play more, you and your little friend only guarantee yourselves by playing dirty, now that we are having a fair game you will complain, so go after winning something honestly " Atsuko replied, leaving England very quiet, while Hellene appeared all celebratory.

" Seriously, this is the most fun thing here, I loved the idea of relaxing a little from skateboarding to play burns, but I found our team a little unbalanced, the girls are very tactical, Cons seems to have an infinite IQ, she can think up strategies for everything, the synchrony of going with Amanda and Jasminka, I never thought I would find them so good playing and it seems that you're having some difficulties, isn't it my little sister? " Said the younger Cavendish while the older one just huffed her fringes to the side in a bit of anger.

" I can't wait to go up against you guys again, seriously, now we know how you play your game and we're not going to let it go cheap," Marianne said, making even the redhead blush a little.

" We'll see about that... We also know how to play well, I just want to see you go through the blue team and the yellow team first, I'm sure that you won't be weak opponents, just like the ones we are facing, so concentrate, never underestimate Diana's team just because she has three girls, Diana alone will manage to hold her own against you all.

After this conversation there is the call for the first game of the quadrangular, the dark green team against the gray team, where Hellene goes running to watch and the same way the others just go walking without much hurry.
The game was a very hot dispute, in each of the Rounds ending with a victory of the gray team with 2 to 1, ensuring much of this victory after Sola gave a twist in her ankle and with that at the end of the third game ended with the victory of the gray team that was celebrating with relief, but at the same time were helping the dark green team to take care of poor Sola, although Rajani and Rashimi kind of disputed all the attention of the colleague
to take her running to the infirmary.
With the end of the first game, the call for the second one arrived, which would be the first one of the B side, the most expected for the red and blue girls.

" Now we'll see which of us is better, the starched ones or... I don't know... " Akko said scratching the back of her head.

" The troublemakers? " Diana shrugged.

" No trouble at all! We don't get into trouble directly, it's your friends who make us give back what we put up with " said Kagari with her cheeks inflated.

" Whatever Akko, let's finish this, I know the chances are low, but that doesn't mean that I can't still win, I won't make it easy for you Akko, know this, you will still know how well I also know how to play " Cavendish said trying to show confidence, while the other girls held their laughter.

" Can we start or are you going to stand there looking like an anime full of monologues just to start a game of foosball, get rid of who's going to start the game with the ball and who's going to choose the field," said Croix with a coin in her hand.

" I'll have some man " said the Scot.

" I'm going with tails " said the Japanese woman.

Croix tosses the coin up high, which results in tails, making Atsuko open a malicious smile, signalling that she wanted the ball, and so the choice of the field was left to Cavendish, who stayed on the same side she was already on, and so Croix and Ursula take steps back, whistling the game.
Akko is already concentrated, takes the ball and focuses on Diana, throwing very hard, she can already see that the Scottish knows how to hold well, giving a beautiful defense, almost taking a few steps back with the impact of the ball.

" Not bad Diana, it looks like the starched little trolley game addict can take a bowling ball " teases Kagari, already changing the more relaxed expression Cavendish was in and it being noticeable how slowly her eyebrows were lowering.

" Now you will know what it is to play burnout," said the greenish-blonde one.

Diana throws the ball with gusto and quite a bit of force, which Kagari dodged, but ended up hitting Marianne hard, catching the girl right in the face who felt the impact of the ball, causing her to even bleed a bit from her nose, so much so that Cavendish's angry expression changed to one of concern.

" Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you right there, are you okay?" asked the desperate and worried blue"eyed woman.

" It was just a ball, this here is burnt, we don't need to stop because of a bloody nose, come on! Akko, give me some revenge " Marianne said running to the gravedigger and soon Atsuko smiles at her friend signalling to go on the tactic.

The week started off with a little burn match to calm the nerves, besides being a tactic that Croix and Ursula found to distract the girls from the whole issue of what had happened a few days ago, while the skateboarding championship that was already near didn't arrive.

See you, dodgeball witches...

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