Wayward Hearts: Book 2

By amaryllisartisan

3.1K 86 1

After a month of traveling on the road, and hunting, Damon Salvatore is ready to head home, but a major hiccu... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41

Part 38

68 2 0
By amaryllisartisan

Dean and Sam were at the Grill waiting for Emma to come through the door. When she arrived she had large sunglasses on and her hair was in a messy ponytail that was barely holding it up.

"G'mornin' sunshine," Dean said loudly, making Emma wince.

"I'm gonna kill Caroline," Emma said in a raspy voice, "I thought I was supposed to heal quickly, so shouldn't I be immune to hangovers?"

"Guess not," Dean pushed the rest of his burger and fries towards Emma, "here."

Emma picked at the fries, "So what's the deal with Metatron? How do we get rid of him?"

"We need to find him first," Sam told her.

"One villain at a time then I guess. At least Silas is going to be easy," Emma reasoned.

"The full moon is tomorrow and your witch is MIA. Please tell me you have a back up plan," Dean looked at Emma, hopeful.

Emma shook her head slowly.

"It's a good thing I brought one then," Dean sat back.

"The Colt won't kill him," Emma shrugged, "but if it has been that easy this whole time I am gonna be really pissed."

Dean shook his head, "Better, the First Blade."

"You brought that with us," Sam said angrily, "we agreed it was supposed to stay in the bunker."

"What is the First Blade?" Emma looked at Sam for clarification.

"Cain's blade," Sam told her.

"But...Cain killed Abel with a rock, right?" Emma looked at him confused.

Sam shook his head.

Emma pushed her food away, she was too invested to eat, "And why in the hell do you have it?"

"Crowley says it can kill anything, including Metatron. We just need to get the Angel Tablet away from him," Dean explained.

"Oh, okay, so it's just that simple? Easy peasy lemon squeezey?" Emma was starting to loose her normally calm demeanor, "Are you out of your mind? Sam please tell me you're still sane."

"He has the Mark of Cain," Sam sighed.

Dean rolled up his sleeve to show Emma the mystical symbol that resembled a scythe that was know burned into his forearm.

"Damn it Dean," Emma looked at him with slight disappointment, "you of all people know better than-"

Before Emma could finish her sentence her phone rang, it was Damon. He told her to meet him at the hospital with both Winchesters.

When they arrived Damon and Stefan were talking with Sheriff Forbes. Damon quickly kissed Emma's temple as she stepped up next to him.

"All right Liz, why are we here?" Damon asked the sheriff.

"Well, the hospital has kept the blood banks empty ever since they were raided last month. We thought at the very least it would help keep the vampire population away," Liz told them.

"And it didn't?" Stefan asked her surprised.

"See for yourselves," Liz led the way into a hospital room.

A dead patient was on the bed with his wrist bloody and his body almost completely pale from being drained of blood.

"Whoa," Damon said as he studied the handiwork.

Emma stepped onto the other side of the victim, "A vampire can't do this."

"There are four other victims in this wing, each one almost completely drained of blood. You think it's Silas?" Liz asked.

Emma nodded.

"Or a doctor with some very questionable bedside manners," Damon looked at the bite marks.

Liz looked at a list in her hand, "But 5 victims? That's a lot of blood, and it's not like he can take it with him."

"Five?" Sam looked over Liz's shoulder and read each name.

"Unless he's fueling up for something big," Stefan commented.

"Big?" Liz looked at everyone in the room, looking for someone who had answers "Any details would be helpful, considering I'm dealing with 5 grieving families out there and a psychic killer on the loose."

Emma shook her head, "That doesn't make any sense, he is using me as a battery. He shouldn't need to charge himself up."

"Maybe he changed his mind," Damon looked at Emma slightly hopeful that it might be true, "Silas wants Bonnie to do a spell to drop the veil from the Other Side."

"I have no idea what any of that means," Liz shrugged.

"It's an invisible wall that separates our plane from the plane of all dead supernatural creatures," Emma informed her.

Damon continued the explanation, "Silas wants that to go away so he can take the cure, die, and not have to spend an eternity in a supernatural purgatory."

"And when do you supposed Silas plans on doing this?" Liz asked.

Damon sighed, "Next full moon, tomorrow night."

Liz led everyone back out into the hall, "So I should expect more of this?"

"I hope not," Stefan tried to sound confident.

"Damon," Emma whispered so softly that only Damon and Stefan turned around.

Emma was holding the banister of the wall to hold herself up, her eyes were closed tightly and one hand was clutching her chest.

"Em?" Damon rushed to her side, finally everyone else noticed something was wrong, "What's going on?"

Damon was able to pull Emma away from the wall but now she was holding on to him for support. Suddenly all of the lights flickered out.

"Did she do that?" Sam asked, his brow furrowed with concern.

"Usually if it's her, it's a little more explosive," Damon kept his eyes on Emma's face, "Emma, baby, I need you to open your eyes. Come on."

"I'll get a doctor," Liz started to turn away but Stefan stopped her.

"What ever is going on, they aren't going to be able to fix," Stefan looked at Sam, "you know the most about Phoenixes, what's going on?"

"It's like something is drawing all of her energy," Sam pulled a journal out of his bag, it was full of notes that he had taken.

Liz's phone started to ring and she stepped away. As Stefan watched her walk away he noticed something.

"Sam, where is your brother?" Stefan looked around to see if he had just walked away.

Sam looked around as well, "I don't know. Here take my notes, I have to find him."

"What about Emma?" Damon yelled after him.

Sam turned around, "Dean has something that is really dangerous, he can't be left alone with it."

Damon turned back to Emma, who was now completely limp in his arms but still alive. He picked her up and carried her over to a gurney that was in the dark hall.

"Stefan, what the hell is going on?" Damon looked at his brother for help.

Stefan was still scanning Sam's notes, "I think Sam was right, something is syphoning her energy."


Liz came running back up to Damon and Stefan, holding a map and a flashlight, she set the map down on a small counter near them, "The power outages originated at 3 different places in town: the Young farm, the Lockwood estate, and a blown transformer off Old Miller Road."

Stefan picked up a marker and connected the dots, "Well, those are the locations of the Silas massacres. It's the Expression triangle. Bonnie must be doing the spell."

"Without the full moon she is drawing all of her power from Emma," Damon suddenly felt anger explode in his chest, "she'll kill her."

"And there's something else: one of the power company guys has a daughter who goes to school with Bonnie. He saw her leaving the Young farm an hour ago," Liz hesitated slightly, "with Elena."

"But Elena is with Caroline," Stefan looked confused for a moment before he put the pieces together.

"Looks like Bonnie Bennett has a new doppelgänger friend," Damon almost growled.

A loud gasp escaped Emma and she sat up, Damon started to run to her side, but slowed down when he saw her eyes were a bright, glowing orange. Emma closed her eyes again for a moment and when she opened them again her eyes had changed back to their amber color.

"What the hell happened?" She looked up at Damon.

"Bonnie is channeling you to do the spell before the full moon," Stefan told her, "how do you feel?"

"I'm fine, I'm just confused," Emma told them.

Liz looked back at the map, "So how do we find Bonnie and Katherine?"

"Well, they must be some where in the triangle. My guess is that they would be right in the middle," Stefan drew a point in the middle of the triangle and circled it.

"And where is that exactly?" Damon folded his arms.

"The school," Emma said as she looked down at the map.

Outside the winds howled like crazy. Leaves and papers blew everywhere, anything not heavy or tied down threatened to take off flying. Damon ran with Emma and Stefan to his car. He sped out of the parking lot of the hospital and aimed for the school.

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