Dropped in a Fanfic

By dimmetoverday

47.6K 1.7K 432

Fanfictions are the lifeblood of active imaginations. And in a galaxy far, far away, a Star Wars fan can get... More

Part I: The Devaron Arc
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Part II: The Heist Arc
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Part III: The Not-Jedi Arc
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Part IV: The Sith Arc
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Part V: The Restart Arc
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Part VI: The Wrong Jedi Arc
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Part VII: The Bespin Arc
Chapter 52

Chapter 27

556 26 5
By dimmetoverday

It was almost suspicious how often we ran into each other after that. Sometimes, it was a coincidence. He'd be at the Senate on business when we crossed paths, and all there was time for was a quick hello. Bail was happy to see a face that wasn't combating him on the Senate floor, while I was reassured by the visible proof he was alive and well.

Then, there were other situations. The most jarring kind sprouted from Ahsoka's trips to the Order. She was a commander, so she couldn't avoid the occasional mission. I just figured her replacement would be a set of Senate guards. Instead, I got a charming negotiator Jedi.

Today was another one of those days.

"Good morning," Obi-wan dipped his head when we arrived at the office.

"You're an early riser Master Kenobi," Bail hummed, walking to his desk.

"Not as early as Lenor," he answered graciously. It'd become a habit for him to wait inside with her since she was always first to arrive.

She smirked from behind her holoscreen. "You're good company."

"We must seem lazy by comparison," Bail said.

"I'm bound to disagree," Obi-wan answered.

"While I am not," Lenor said, swiveling in her chair to eye him, "our meeting with the Banking Clan is in 20 minutes."

"They're late risers too. Every meeting we've had, I end up waiting in a chair," Bail sighed.

I moved to my desk too, my gaze drawing to Obi-wan's figure. He was in armour again, the republic insignia etched into his shoulders more rusted red than crimson. His gaze swept to mine, as if sensing the look.

I offered a smile. "How was your trip to Geonosis?"

"As eventful as expected."

"So there was a battle then?"

"Of course."

Bail's expression piqued with interest. "I've heard the news. You took down a droid factory base with Master Unduli."

My eyes rounded, but Obi-wan was all modesty. "It was a smooth operation."

I huffed quietly, settling into my chair. "At least you're still in one piece."

He caught my words, a hint of a smile tugging on his lips. "Will you be joining the meeting?"

"Oh no, I've got my share of work here."

"And it's about to get bigger." Lenor came over, a freshly printed report in her hands, "this needs its edits and review done by the end of the day."

I glanced at the front page. "Didn't I–"

"Go through it already?" She sighed goodnaturedly. "They sent it back with more amendment requests. I've crossed out everything ridiculous."

I gave her a grateful smile. "Thanks."

Grabbing some items from his desk, Bail followed her towards the door. "Tetralis will come in once he has that revised proposal draft done, but don't let him send it off. I want to give it another look."

"I'll let him know," I called after them, "good luck."

The door swung shut, engulfing the room in silence. "It sounds like you've been busy here," Obi-wan mused.

"It's not so bad," I said, booting up my holoscreen.

"Anything I can help with?"

My brows arched. "You really want to add more to your plate?"

"Since I'm already here," he shrugged, but it was a genuine offer.

"Just standing there is enough," I assured. He didn't press, and quiet fell over once more. It wasn't often that we ended up alone. Mostly just in situations like this, when Bail got called away and I stayed behind.

These moments felt the most dangerous.

He wouldn't do anything. I was too much of a wimp to either, but my heart still fumbled whenever I snuck a glance at his form by the glass windows, contemplating the Coruscant skyline. I tried to get him to take a chair early on, even pushing one in his direction, but he wouldn't take it. Standing made him more comfortable, giving him a clear view of the room. It also kept things formal. Him clearly the guard, me clearly the guarded.

We talked sometimes. About Anakin and Ahsoka, or even the kyber. But it wasn't awkward to say nothing, soaking in the silence. There was something inexplicably comforting about his presence. I didn't sink into those contemplative spirals about the fanfic or my place when he was here. I could just stay in the present. Focus on my job. My life, if I ever really had a right to call it mine.

Maybe that was his natural effect on others. Maybe I was just that happy to be close to him, even for a couple hours.


"Are you hungry?" He murmured.

I perked up, my fingertips pausing over my keypad. "Is it lunch?"

"Yes." His eyes locked on the clock hung on the far wall. I'd had my nose down for so long I hadn't noticed, or how he'd slowly migrated towards the bookshelves against the far wall.

I sat back, stretching my arms up over my head. "What should we get?"

"What would you like?"

"You say that every time I ask," I plopped my chin in my hand, staring, "marker forbid you have preferences, or tell anyone about them."

He folded his arms behind himself. "I don't eat here often, and whatever you decide is always nice."

My smile scrunched. He had a special way of mixing flattery and excuses to turn the tide in his favour. The vanity in me was left fluffed every time, but I wasn't going to give the reaction he wanted.

"We should probably order in," I said, glancing over the stretch of files and paperwork littered next to my holoscreen. Tetralis had shown up as expected, the proposal a 4 inch paper stack tucked carefully under his arm. Bail would have the lovely task of giving the final check before it was sent off. "I'm... not even halfway done."

Obi-wan slowly crossed the room. "It wouldn't hurt to take a break."

I hummed noncommittally, considering it. In truth, a crick in my back had been growing and I could feel the stiffness in my shoulders from the deep hunch I settled into. Fresh air would be nice. It wouldn't hurt to stretch my legs either. "Alright, you've convinced me."

We headed off, navigating the corridors. The nice thing about this place was that everyone was always busy. Unless they were good acquaintances or had something to say, most Senators were happy to leave their greetings at simple smiles and nods. I'd already perfected my polite smile, and Obi-wan was a picture of pleasantness.

Around the mid levels of the building was an atrium, its domed ceiling made up of hexagonal glass planes that refracted the daylight in glittering shapes across the polished floors. Various cafes and food places lined one half, and on the other held abstract sculptures and plant life strategically dotted between sitting tables and stone benches. We took a leisurely pace along the edge of the atrium, looking over our options.

"What about there?" I pointed out a corner spot, its top mostly taken up by its billboard sign: a sweeping curve of lime green and yellow that vaguely resembled pasta. It reminded me of the takeout Anakin had me eat. "We haven't tried that place yet."

He squinted slightly to read the sign. "They have a special today. Carmidum soup and parika buns."

I hummed, tempted by the memory of the mildly spiced bread. "Any other preferences?"

"Soup is good. It's quick to eat."

"I was thinking more about what you like."

"There are many things, including soup." He was just teasing now.

I pulled a face. "Not everything about you needs to be a puzzle."

"And yet read me well enough," he held my gaze, that smile persisting. Like instinct, my heart rate began to pick up from it.

"That's flattering and untrue," I countered, rolling my eyes. "Most of the time I feel like I'm taking a stab in the dark–"

"Oh my, this is a surprise," a pleasant voice interjected. Obi-wan looked back, but I couldn't move. It was like a sheet of ice was shoved beneath the collar of my dress.

Palpatine stood alone a couple paces away, his hands folded in a pale triangle against his maroon robes. They completely enveloped him from his wrists to his chin, swathing his form in thick fabric and puffed sleeves. His snow white hair was brushed back, his pleasant smile revealing numerous aging lines around his eyes and mouth.

He looked like a mild-tempered elderly man. The kind of person you'd volunteer to spend time with in a home. But nothing about him felt harmless and sweet. Just looking at him made the sickly chill dig deeper into my skin, churning in my gut and climbing up my chest.

"Chancellor Palpatine," Obi-wan greeted first, his head dipping in a bow. I mimicked him, my eyes sticking to the ground. I couldn't speak. If I opened my mouth, the cold might claw up my throat. It was like panic. Instinctive, visceral, fear-driven panic.

Damn this kyber.

"To what do we have the pleasure of your presence, Master Kenobi?" Palpatine asked.

"I came to speak to Senator Organa and I met her highness on the way to his office," Obi-wan lied easily. I didn't have a clue how well Palpatine detected emotions, but I could feel the weight of his gaze as he looked us over.

"I heard that Senator Bail finally welcomed his daughter back. It's regrettable that your accident kept you away from us for so long," Palpatine continued, addressing me. I couldn't avoid looking up. The cold constricted around my chest. I had to fight the reflex to shudder.

Obi-wan glanced over. There was a shift behind his eyes.

"Yes," I forced out, fighting to keep my jaw relaxed, my breaths even, "we extended my leave of absence to be careful."

"Very good," Palpatine hummed. If he'd made a note of my stutter, there was no way to tell, "I trust you were able to rest well?"

Don't pass out in front of a Sith lord. Don't you dare fucking pass out!

"Yes, extremely. Thank you," I managed to turn the corners of my lips up.

The call with Bail was my first hint. Now it was unmistakable. The slickness over my palms, the pinpricks on the back of my neck, the frantic thundering of my heartbeat. It was my body physically screaming to run.

"If I may, Chancellor. I believe her highness has a meeting," Obi-wan intervened.

"Of course. I shouldn't keep either of you," Palpatine stepped back, another smile lifting his cheeks. It left a cold, crawling feeling over my skin. "Again, it's wonderful to have you back in our service."

I dipped my head again. "Thank you, Chancellor."

Once he was a safe distance away, Obi-wan turned on me. His expression flipped from light to dark. "Are you alright?"

"Nope." I shut my eyes, my voice thin between clenched teeth.

The press of his hand came against my back, guiding me against his side as he ushered us to a corner far from prying eyes. Palpatine was gone, but the feeling of him clung like a cloud. Every breath came shallow, like there wasn't enough space in my lungs to take in the air I needed. My chest felt tight, like there was a physical weight pressed down.

"Your heartbeat's erratic," his voice came in an undertone, tense. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know," I gasped. My heart was still slamming against my ribs, fighting to keep the cold back. It wouldn't relent fast enough. I gripped his forearms, feeling my gasps getting short and quick.

Don't you dare pass out!

Hands fell over my arms, steady and solid. "Look at me, Havena"

I listened. My gaze filled with his startling blue eyes, hardened like gems. "Match my breathing." His chest rose with a slow inhale through his nose, falling as he exhaled. I tried to follow, feeling how much my own trembled. In, out. In out.

After a while the darkness began to ebb, bit by bit, my breaths growing steady and full. We did that until it was finally gone, my body sagging back against the wall.

"Thank you," I breathed. He didn't respond, his eyes carefully taking in every inch of my face. The tense lines of his face hadn't disappeared, only growing more set with distrust. "Master Kenobi?"

"We're going to the Temple."

"What? Right now?"

"You're not okay. We need to get you to a doctor," he said, an edge in his voice. He passed the point of alarm and dived head first into worry.

"It's gone away. We don't have to go." I dug my heels in, desperate to stay in place. His grip was still accommodating, but it wouldn't take much to get me moving if he set his mind to it.

"That doesn't mean it won't come back," he countered. "That had to be the kyber. I never sensed anything like that before." He was on the mark, but he didn't know the trigger. Palpatine was making it react, and I was sure that had to do with him being a Sith.

But I couldn't fucking say it.

"Things have been stressful lately and I haven't been sleeping well. I must've gotten woosy," I lied.

His gaze was like fractured ice. "That wasn't what that was."

"Well, the kyber could be making it worse. If it happens again, I'll see a doctor. Both a Jedi and a regular one if you want," I pleaded.

"This isn't about what I want," he stepped in, coming close enough to dance the line of appropriate, "this is your safety. I won't let you take chances with it."

I hated how my breath hitched at those words. There was nothing half hearted about them or the way he spoke. It just wasn't for those reasons. "I won't. I promise."

It looked like he was actually debating the truth of my words. But the rigidness was dissipating. The tension eased off his shoulders. Finally, he released his grip, stepping away.

"Thank you," I said.

"I still don't agree with this," he pointed out, dissatisfaction heavy on his face.

I sighed. "Honestly, I'd be surprised if you did."

We returned to the office after that, quickly picking up some food along the way. There was no time left to enjoy the break, so we settled back into our roles. Me at a desk, him at attention. But for the rest of the afternoon, I felt his gaze lingering much more than before.  


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