Luna Nova Holiday Camp

Galing kay Fluna98

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Atsuko Kagari, a young girl very passionate, specially with Skateboard and a her idol Chariot Du Nord, also k... Higit pa

The mysterious abandoned building
Holiday camp
Capítulo sem título 3
The revenge
Learning the first tricks
As Cavendish
The training starts
More training
I'm improving
The curiosity kills the cat
The writer visit
Diana's is suspecting
Diana came like a bomb
Luna Nova dancing
Talking with moms
Dodgeball game pt1
Dodgeball game pt2
Dodgeball game pt3
Where's the things?
The witches trio
Skateboard championship pt1
Skateboard championship pt2
Skateboard championship pt3
Skateboard championship pt4
Skateboard championship pt5
Skateboard championship pt6
going for camping
Boat racing
Witches night
Last day camping
Hellene's surprise party
Unexpected visit
The end of the Summer

That strange dream

15 0 0
Galing kay Fluna98

Friday 7 July 2017, Glastonbury, England.

After the dawn had been something very revealing, in which the girls were getting into some kind of trouble, when they were hit by a greenish flame, that made them fall into a deep sleep, from this sleep, they started to dream with some very peculiar things, that were even giving some nightmares for some, seeing some very strange and different things, seeming even the invasion part was also a dream.
Akko was the first to wake up that morning, as usual to go training, listening to her mobile phone waking her up.

Until then Kagari was walking normally, as if nothing had happened, she goes to the bathroom and takes off her sleeping clothes, putting her training clothes back on, brushes her teeth, looks at herself in the mirror and doesn't notice anything different either, until she starts to think a little, remembering where she was.

" (Aren't we supposed to be in the green team room today? How strange, it even seems like a day like any other).

Even though Atsuko found it a little strange, she continued her training routine as usual, going out to the outside of Luna Nova, where Ursula and Croix were, in the meantime the Japanese girl had improved a lot in the training, she was able to hold on much more, especially in the warm up, where she got used to drinking water less often and tiring less during the five kilometres of race.
In other aspects the improvement was also quite evident.

Hours later...
Blue team's room:

Akko's training was still going on, but in other rooms the girls were waking up, the second of them all being Diana, waking herself up from the bed in her own room, also giving a weirded out, mainly because for her it was quite a nightmare she ended up having, looking around, Cavendish even feels relieved.

" (Could it be that all that happened yesterday was just a dream? It was too real to seem like a dream, but then... At that time I don't know if it was so real anymore, it seemed as if it was very fanciful).

The Scottish lass gets out of bed and reaches the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror, starting to do her personal hygiene, just thinking about what had just happened at dawn, it seemed like a dream, but it wasn't, the blue-eyed girl could hardly comment with the others about all this.

Brown team room:

Marianne was the other one who was waking up, the girl leaps out of bed with the nightmare, almost waking her roommates with the fright she had taken, upon realising that it was a dream the Leclerc even calmed down a little and breathed a relieved breath, but she was still quite nervous about everything she had just dreamt.

" (Those images, those people, is it all real? A dream like that has to be noted down soon...)

Quicker than the other girls, the Frenchwoman didn't think twice, starting to write down what she had just dreamed, an activity she was already used to doing, this way managing to detail a little more of what she had seen, since in a matter of time she could forget and this way everything she saw couldn't be so real.

" (This was the dream that I'm managing to fill pages the most, I can remember detail by detail, especially the beginning, when we were hit by those greenish flames, I have to draw these things later, maybe if I detail them with images it will be fresher in my memory).

Red team room:

Sucy and Lotte woke up, as usual they noticed that Akko had left to train, both got up at different times, the Manbavaran always woke up after Yanson who spent the time reading Night Fall, kind of forgetting the dream a little, since she was reading the book to calm her nerves, since for the blonde it was kind of a nightmare, but the pink haired one, as soon as she had washed her face she tried to clarify her doubts with her friend.

" Lotte, I had an extremely strange dream today.... " Sucy said.

" I had a bit of a nightmare myself, but why would I want to tell you about it now? " Yanson asked.

" I believe that all that can be real, I'm quite skeptical, but the beginning of the dream was real, you know? We had gone to that entrance of Luna Nova, we weren't even supposed to be in our rooms, remember we had gone to sleep in the green team's room? This is already too weird, I fainted when I went to see what was happening inside, because I could only see the lights flashing outside... And out of nowhere I appear here in my bed? This is too suspicious " said Manbavaran and the blonde even stops reading the book.

" I had a similar dream, I've forgotten most of it, but it seems that beginning is fresh in my memory... The book! I gave that blank book to the girls to put on a pedestal... Let's try to find the book! It might have the answers to that " said the Finnish girl.

Filipina nods her head in agreement with her friend's plan, and they start searching every corner of the room for that book, trying to find the answer.

Purple team room:

Hellene fell into a deep dream without realizing it, when she woke up, she rubbed her eyes, looked around and noticed that the sun was already more intense than when she usually wakes up, already feeling a little strange, but still a little sleepy, until she looked at the clock beside her and jumped out of bed, desperate.

" Holy shit! I overslept! " Said the younger Cavendish in despair.

The redhead goes running to the bathroom, where she starts her personal hygiene, practically ignoring what she had dreamed, it was already 10:12 a.m., usually the one with purple eyes had the habit of waking up always at seven o'clock in the morning to go training on the skateboard track and with that she was already getting her skateboard stuff, running to the cafeteria where she had breakfast, before starting training for real, it was at this time that she also met Marianne who was already finishing her breakfast.

" Hey good morning Mari " Hellene said sitting next to Leclerc.

" Oh Hellene, good morning, nice to see you here... How strange, at this hour having breakfast, did you wake up late today? " asked the French woman and the Scottish lass just nodded.

" I don't know what happened, it was as if a dream wouldn't let me wake up, I had some very strange visions, as if I had seen my ancestors, I also saw strange things, some guys with tunics following these people and some strange combats involving some magic... Not to mention the beginning of the dream... If I was going out with you guys, Diana was also in it, we went to the abandoned entrance of Luna Nova, green flames came hitting us, I remember I fainted... " The redhead answered and made the dark haired girl interrupt and put a piece of bread in her friend's mouth.

" This part of the beginning I also dreamt, it seems too real to be a dream, but the rest, the flashing lights, the greenish flames, seem crazy to me, I think it must have been those dreams you don't even notice, but I was able to write everything down in a little notebook I leave " Marianne said.

" Do you write down your dreams? But that's cool! I thought it was pretty cool, now I better hurry up and eat all this, I have a full day to make up for the lack of training and my tardiness " said Hellene who was starting to devour the food, while Leclerc was very thoughtful.

" I'm going to try and draw to detail the parts of the dream, it's too suspicious to look like just a dream, we'll try and ask the others as well, well if you don't mind, you could tell a little more of what you remember of this dream, I'll write some down and try and put it together with all of us, this is too suspicious because mine was pretty similar too " Said the brown eyed one taking a notepad starting to make some notes, while the younger Cavendish went to eat.

After she had finished eating the purple"eyed one takes great advantage of the fact that she has an excellent memory and that she had not forgotten much about the dream, starting to describe to the Frenchwoman, detail by detail of that strange dream, with a beginning that seemed too coincidental to be the same in everyone.

Green team room:

Practically everyone was woken up at the same time, much to the cries of Amanda who was desperately getting out of bed and even gave a little scream, making the other two a little furious as they were woken up by the screams and jumps of O'Neill, who then went to the bathroom as if nothing had happened, until she came back and saw both Constanze and Jasminka with their arms crossed giving the salmon haired one a few stares.

" What's up girls... Sorry for the scream, but it was because I'm having some weird dreams, by the way, where are the girls? The mattresses are still here on the floor, but they don't even look tidy, it doesn't even look like they slept here, this is very suspicious " said the American, scratching her head.

" Strange dream? I also had a strange dream... We were on another exploration mission when some green flames came and hit us after the lights kept flashing, all because we put in a book that Akko told Lotte to bring, did you have the same dream? I'm not sure if it's a good idea," Amanda asked, and they both nodded, leaving an air of confusion in the air, so much so that Constanze began to write everything down on a board to answer her colleague.

{I had a dream with a similar beginning, I think it's not a dream, it's too coincidental that we have the same dream and then the three of us, even more so today, I have suspicions that it really was real, how the flames came to us could be something mysterious out of our control}

" So you believe that there really could be something behind those flames, that that place wanted to give us some message? As if there is... " O'Neill asked until Constanze complemented.

{Evidently it could all be a way of being deceived, who knows what Croix and Ursula could have left so we don't know anything, you know how great Croix is at this machine thing}

" Holy shit... So we might have been caught, but it's very strange that we didn't get beaten, but we were unconscious and stopped in our rooms... Let's check with the other girls who were with us... I even remember that Cavendish was with us, very strange... But we have to ask this " said the redhead and both of them also agreed with this idea of the American.

In this they get ready to set the meeting point, with a mobile phone message in a group that was evident that it was not only a dream, since in the group of exploration missions, Diana's presence was also included.

[Amanda: All of us at the Skateboard Track at 14:00, we have to talk about something serious]

Luna Nova Skateboarding Park

Akko, Amanda, Diana, Hellene, Marianne, Lotte, Sucy, Jasminka and Constanze, the eight gathered at the skateboarding track to discuss the strange dream they had had, by then Leclerc had already interviewed them all in the meantime writing down what each had dreamt, forming a huge coincidence that they all had the same dream beginning.

" Okay, we're all here... Did we really go to the hidden entrance of Luna Nova? " O'Neill asked and they all went on wondering until the Frenchwoman raised her hand holding up her pad.

" It is too much coincidence to be just a dream people, I wrote down everything you dreamed, it follows a very strange pattern, especially in the beginning and the messages in the group indicate that we really went there, from the book on it was getting strangely fanciful, I'm sure we did, but what happened afterwards I don't know " said the dark haired girl and then the American one complements her.

" That's why Cons and I talked about it, Croix and Ursula must already know everything, they found out we went last time, they left the terrain ready, so when the time came for us to go back there, we would kind of fall into a whole illusion and with that we would end up fainting by means of tranquilizer darts, or even some other way " Answers the salmon haired one.

" It's a pretty valid theory, I'm even surprised by the intelligence to connect the dots logically like that O'Neill, but strangely I didn't feel any sting, those greenish flames hit me right in the chest, not like a dart, but like a bomb " Said the older Cavendish.

" We thought about that occasion too and you can remember one thing, Lukic, the caretaker is a chemist, she must have given Croix an arm, so those flames were like some kind of gas, they know we were... That explains why we stopped in our rooms " The green"eyed one completes with more logic and with that the great majority nod their heads in agreement, with the exception of Akko, Hellene and Marianne.

They were all thinking of logical ways to hide this, but the trio who didn't quite agree with the point of view were starting to think of a way to also present another logic and with that soon came Atsuko starting to give her idea.

" Good even though Croix and Ursula know this, today they acted as if nothing happened, it won't do you any good to pretend either, but I'm sure this could all be.... Magic! Don't you find it strange that the lamps light up by themselves, they are fire lamps, the book was writing by itself, the flames were moving in a very curved way, this is all very... " It was at this moment that Amanda and Sucy started laughing in a way that totally ignored the Japanese girl's hypothesis as it seemed too out of touch with reality, while Diana kept her seriousness

" Akko, there is no such thing as magic, stop drowning in fiction, I'm surprised that it's only you three who believe in this nonsense, Marianne and Hellene dive into manga and believe in this stuff, but you Akko? Since you arrived you keep talking about my mother and Shiny Chariot being magical skaters... There's just no point in your fixation with ma... " The older Cavendish is interrupted by the older one.

" What about our mothers, sis? Do you really think there's science nowadays that makes us blood sisters? I'm starting to see some sense in this, more than your exaggerated logic, yes Croix and Ursula might have found out about us, but that doesn't change the fact that they wouldn't have a week to make all those illusions, even more with the amount of work they have to do.

" Besides, don't you all find the dreams after what happened too coincidental? We all had visions about witchcraft, the past, witches being chased, witch hunters, magic, these things happening in your dreams, it may have been different, but it's too much coincidence that eight people on the same day dream about the same subject, we can also use logic, we're not as dumb as they think we are" Leclerc said and that even made Amanda and Sucy stop laughing a little.

" So are we going to find out which one of us is right anyway, or do you want to turn yellow? " said Akko holding out her hand to the other girls.

" This is a waste of time and stupidity, we don't have to think about this now, aren't you guys focused on winning the skateboarding championship now? Soon it will come, not to mention that there are five who are agreeing with logic, against three who have a very fanciful point of view of life " said the blue"eyed one with her arms crossed.

" So here's what we're going to do... After the skate championship is over we will go back to investigating, for now we will give a pause in this, the side that is right... Good, then you can set your own condition," said the purple"eyed one, extending her hand, giving even more support to Kagari's side.

" Magic doesn't exist, I don't care about any conditions, but since you insist so much, you will see that it is all logic, my sis, you have to stop being so fanciful Hellene, I know that you want to be a mother one day, but you will not sully your honour by doing in vitro fertilisation, I know that it is a little bad to accept that you will take the sperm of a random man, but unfortunately it is reality, it is what our mothers did... but anyway, I accept your proposal, since I know I will win," Diana said confidently.

" If we win by proving our point, you will dress up as maids for the rest of the summer and spend two weeks cleaning the rooms of all our teams," Amanda added with a smile on her face.

" I'm not going to dress up as a maid, the truth will soon come out for us, if we win, who will be the maids will be you and Diana... Fuck you my sister, you don't even let yourself think a little about how cruel it can be sometimes, let yourself think a little about the possibility that these things are real, it will be wonderful if magic is really real, I don't know why you want to be so skeptical like this," said Hellene agreeing to the proposal and with that all eight hands joined to approve the agreement.

The strange dream led to another level of suspicion, which ended up dividing the eight girls a little, five of them going for the more logical and skeptical side, while three are even believing in a more fanciful way, but that it may be possible, in a reality of things that will still come to light truths for both sides that will be somewhat shocking.

See you, dream witches...

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