The Cavanaugh's All Grown Up;...

By pllfan6

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Book two of the Spoby Ever After Novels, Read Spoby Ever After first! It's 20 years later....and the Cavanug... More

Chapter 1 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 2 Kylene & Nathaniel
Chapter 3 Mason & Bridgette
Chapter 4 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 5 Spencer, Toby & Adalyn
Chapter 6 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 7 Kylene & Nathaniel
Chapter 8 Mason & Bridgette
Chapter 9 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 10 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 11 Spencer, Toby & Adalyn
Chapter 12 Kylene & Nathaniel
Chapter 13 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 14 A little bit of Everyone
Chapter 15 Mason & Bridgette
Chapter 16 Spencer Toby & Company
Chapter 18 Spencer & Toby
Chapter 19 Kylene & Nathaniel
Authors Note
Chapter 20 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 21 Adalyn & Andrew
Authors Note
Chapter 22 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 23 Spencer & Toby
Chapter 24 A little Bit of Everyone
Chapter 25 Penelope & Charles
Cast List
Authors Note
Chapter 26 Spencer & Toby
Chapter 27 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 28 Kylene & Nathaniel
Chapter 29 Adalyn & Andrew
Chapter 30 Mason & Bridgette
Family Tree update
Chapter 31 Penelope & Charles
Chapter 32 Spencer & Toby
Chapter 33 Landon & Leighton
Chapter 34 Spencer & Toby

Chapter 17 Landon & Leighton

550 16 14
By pllfan6

Landon and Leighton's Wedding Day

Today Leighton and Landon are finally getting married. Leighton is now 2 months pregnant with the twins and huge. But they are able to make the dress work.  They are both extremely excited to be finally getting married.

Leighton and Landon are having a Lavender colored wedding, which is the color of all the brides maids dresses, and the flower girl who happens to be Brynnleigh even though she was a little old to be one.

Everyone was getting ready in the dressing room.  Spencer and Leighton's mom are helping Leighton get into her dress.

"Oh my god this dress is so beautiful!" Spencer says not seeing it before.

"Thank you Mrs.Cavanugh" She smiles

"Oh for gods sake Leighton call me Spencer"

"Okay Spencer" She smiles.

Her mom starts to tear up "My baby girl is all grown up" She says and sniffles, Spencer walks away to let them have their moment.

"Mom, don't cry" She chuckles

"But it's hard, you look so beautiful and all grown up, I just can't handle it"

Leighton smiles and turns and hugs her mom tight "I love you so much mom"

"I love you too baby" She hugs back tightly and then Leighton jumps back some with a wince.

"You okay?" She asks kind of worried

"Yeah the babies are just kicking" She chuckles and rubs her belly

"aw! I can't wait for them to come, and just think in many years you will be going through this moment with your own daughter.  Wait you never told me the genders of the babies."

"Thats because were keeping it a secret"

"Oh come on! I'm your mom!" She teases

"No like we don't even know, we told the doctors we didn't want to know yet, so I really can't tell you" She laughs

"Ohhh okay, really? I could never do that! I found out as soon as I could with you girls"

"I don't know, it was just what we decided, were going to do a neutral nursery for them so that it works no matter what the genders are, I am actually really excited to find out, but I still want to wait until their born, only 4 more months."

"Thats a good idea, I bet it will be adorable, and true those 4 months will fly by!"

"Thank god because I am miserable" She laughs

Her mom does too "Is it still that bad?"

"Yeah, except now I have a huge belly, so it is all even worse, I just want it to be done and over with"

"I bet, but it will be soon and then you will have two precious babies!" She smiles and Leighton does too.

Soon everyone was sitting down in the church, and the people who are supposed to be standing up in the wedding are.  The flower girl and the ring bearer start walking down the isle as the music starts.  Leighton holds arms with her dad smiling and starting to cry some happy tears as she walks down the isle.

When they get to the end, Her did flips over her veil kisses her cheek and hands her off to Landon. They both stand holding each others hands, Leighton had happy tears running down her face.

After long vows it was almost over.

"Leighton, do you take Landon David Cavanaugh as you wedded husband?"

"I do" Leighton says smiling with tears still running down her face and Landon lets go of one hand and softly wipes her cheeks then holds onto it again.

"Landon, do you take Leighton Anne Matthews are your wedded wife?"

"I do"

"You may kiss the bride" He says and Landon pulls Leighton into his arms kissing her passionately as everyone cheers loudly.

They soon stop and run down the isle together so happy to finally be married.

Later that evening they were having an after party

Leighton was trying to walk around and say thanks to everyone for coming but she was so tired from walking, and her feet and back were killing her it was getting hard.

Adalyn and Andrew were dancing on the dance floor with a bunch of people. Drinking, especially Adalyn who wasn't even legally aloud to be yet, but she was and she is totally drunk but she was having fun, so I guess thats is all the mattered at the moment.

Almost everyone else were sitting at the same table.  Brynnleigh was curled up in Nates lap, sound asleep she was so tired from such a long day, but no one was quite sure how she was able to sleep with all the loud music and people.

"The wedding was so beautiful it was worth every penny" Leightons mom says and Spencer nods

"It was amazing and so was her dress, I wish I had a dress like that when I got married" Spencer says with a laugh

"Me too!" Her mom laughs as well.

"It was really nice" Toby adds too and Leightons dad agrees.

"I can't believe our baby is all grown up" Leightons mom frowns

"Was this your first one to get married?" Spencer asks

"Yes,Laylah here hasn't yet, but she's only 18 so I understand"

Spencer nods "Well that makes sense, it will get easier as it goes on, believe me, I had such a hard time letting go of Penelope when she got married."

"Such a hard time? Mom you were basically crying the whole time because you didn't want me to get married, you wanted me to stay your little baby" Penelope chuckles

"And then with me she really didn't care, she was like, oh your getting married cool I never liked you any way" Kylene says

Spencer looks at her "Kylene that is not true! Don't even say that!"

Kylene laughs "sure"

"It's not!"

"Okay mom" She laughs again and Nate sways some in his seat to keep Brynn asleep.

"So when are you due? You must be due soon you look like you about to pop!" Leighton's mom says looking over at Kylene

"Oh I'm about 35 weeks along, so not much longer that all, thank gosh!" Kylene laughs and so does Leightons mom.

"Wow so you could go into labour at any time, you made a pretty big rick flying this late into your pregnancy, but I probably would have done it too, so what can I say" They laugh at her

"Yeah I'm hoping she will stay in at least a couple more weeks.  Brynnleigh was early, she was born at 36 weeks and 4 days, but I am seriously hoping this one isn't, I mean yes I want her out of me! But at the same time, I kind of like getting the sleep I am before she comes" She laughs

"Isn't that the truth!" And everyone at the table laughs some

"Do you guys know what you are going to name her?"

Kylene looks over at Nate "Can I tell her? Or are we keeping it a secret?"

He shakes his head "No you can tell her if you want, I don't care"

"Ooo yay! Leighton is waiting to find out the genders and won't tell me anything! So this is so exciting!" She smiles big and everyone looks at her wondering what the name was going to be.

"Well, our top choice right now is Braelynn Marie, so then we will have Brynnleigh Marie, and Braelynn Elizabeth." Kylene smiles

"Oo I really like those names because their so unique, I hate common names, thats why Leighton was named Leighton, and although Laylah is more common I added an H at the end to make it more unique" She smiles

"I totally agree with you, I love the unique names too, thats why we choose Penelope, Kylene, and Adalyn my girls have quite unique names too" Spencer adds

"Yeah see! It makes it more personal like one of a kind"


Kylene smiles "So you guys actually like it?"

They both nod "It's beautiful" Leighton's mom says "Yes I love it honey" Spencer says and Kylene smiles.

Soon Penelope comes over hold her back with one hand, and her other had resting on her belly "Hi guys"

"Hey" They all say in almost unison

"How are you liking the party?" Spencer asks her

"It's good" She slightly smiles

"Are you okay? You look like your in pain" Her asks noticing

"Yeah I'm fine I guess, my back and feet are killing me though" She sighs

"Here sit down" Her mom says pulling a chair right next to her and she slowly sits down with a small wince

Her mom sits there and rubs her back "Maybe if your lucky Landon will give you a foot massage tonight" she smiles

"I don't know if he would do that"

"Oh yes he would, believe me when he was younger I'd have him give me them all the time, and he did with no complaining and he was reallyyyyy good at it, and I'm sure he still is, but just don't tell him I told you" Spencer says and chuckles at the end

"Really?! Wow that's awesome thank you for telling me that!"

"Of course" she smiles

Landon soon comes over and looks at Penelope "There you are I have been looking for you everywhere!"

She looks up at him "I'm sorry, I was talking to a bunch of different people then decided to come sit down for a little bit

He smiles and sits down next to her "It's okay, I just felt like I could not find you anywhere" He chuckles

She half smiles "I'm right here"

"Well I see that now" He looks at her "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah I'm find" She says even though she actually wasn't feeling good at all and really just wanted to go home.

"She said her back and feet were hurting, maybe you should give her a nice long massage when you guys get home" Spencer smiles and Leighton does too

Landon smiles at spencer then looks back at Leighton "Sure, if it will make you feel better I'll give you a massage."

Leighton smiles "Really?"

"Really" Landon smiles and kisses her softly "Now tell me whats really wrong you don't look like you feel good"

"Because I don't" She sighs "I really don't feel good and I'd really just enjoy it if we could go home and cuddle for the rest of the night or something, because I am totally done with this for the night"

He laughs "See I knew something was up, and you wanted to say you felt fine, come on lets say goodbye to come people then get you home."

They start saying their goodbyes and everyone starts heading home, and some to their hotel.

When Kylene, Nate, and Brynnleigh got back.  Nate carefully changed Brynnleigh and laid her in her bed kissing her head "Goodnight princess" He whispers and goes and changes his self.

Kylene was already laying in bed past out she was so tired too it was a long day. So Nate crawled in bed with her falling asleep beside her.

Spencer and Toby got back to the hotel and laid down on the bed.  "You know all that talk about massages tonight made me think about the last time you gave me one"

"Oh Really, and when was that?"

"I don't remember thats the problem, maybe you should start giving me a back massage and I will be able to remember it again." She smirks and he shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "Get over here"

Spencer smiles big and takes off her shirt so she was just wearing pj pants and a bra, so the massage felt better without the shirt in between her back and his hands.

He starts giving her a back massages and he head falls back, he starts kissing her neck and she soon turns around crashing her lips onto his, and they start making out, and it goes farther.  Doing something they haven't in a really long time.

Landon and Leighton got back to their house, and headed upstairs.  Leighton was really hot as usual and changed into a sports bra and some panties which she liked to wear almost all the time unless someone other then Landon was over. "So will you really give me that massage?" She smirks

"Yes of course, why wouldn't I?" He asks changing

"I don't know I just didn't thin you'd be into that"

"Well Mrs.Cavanaugh I'd do anything to make my beautiful wife happy" He smiles walking over and kissing her.

"Well I really appreciate that Mr.Cavanaugh" She smiles and sits down on the bed.

Landon starts giving her an amazing back massage and a few moans escape from her lips because it felt so good, it was making her relax.  And as they did Landon chuckled a little.

Leighton was starting to get really tired and Landon could tell "Hey lay down on your back and close your eyes and rest, and I'll start giving you a foot massage too, okay? "

She smiles and nods laying down on her back, resting her hands on her huge belly rubbing it some.

He starts giving her a foot massage and her eyes pop open "Oh my god your mom was right, that feels amazing!" She smiles big

He laughs a little at her excitement then stops "Wait my mom was right?"

"I mean no not your mom, I don't even know why I said that" she says fast trying to cover up her mess.

"Oh my, did my mom tell you about how I used to give her foot massages all the time?"

Leighton smiles and nods "But don't tell her I told you that she told me"

"I won't I don't know why she had to tell you though" He groans

"Because she wanted me to enjoy how amazing your foot massages are! Now come on continue pleaseeeee" She whines and he smiles "Fine"

He starts massaging her feet for almost an hour when he hears a soft snore as she fell sound asleep, he stops and covers her up before crawling in right next to her, falling asleep as well.

Penelope and Charles got back to the hotel and Penelope was in a really lovey mood from the wedding, it was getting to get head a little. They were laying in bed when penny was got on top of Chase and starts kissing him deeply, and he keep kissing back running his hands down her back.  Then just moments after they decided it was time to try for another baby.

When Adalyn and Andrew got back to the hotel room they were really drunk and already kissing and loving all over each other and headed straight for the bed when they got in the room.  They started kissing and it went farther and farther.  But they made a really big mistake, that they didn't last night.

Authors Note: I hope you enjoyed the little bit of wedding I put in! Weddings aren't my favorite to write about, because I have only ever been to 1, when I was 4.... and I myself isn't married so like all I know about weddings is what I see on tv.  And I like to write about things I know more about.  But I hope you liked it so please vote and comment your thoughts! This chapter was 2725 words long.  So heres my question of the chapter, actually there is going to be 4 total. 1. What do you think Adalyn and Andrews mistake was? 2.What did you think of the Chapter? 4. What did you think of the name Braelynn Elizabeth for Kylene and Nate's new baby girl? Comment other ideas if you don't like it and I will put them into consideration 3.What is your favorite season? I know that sounds weird as a question, but I love summer! And it is finally starting to warm up where I am and I am so excited I don't know about you, but I just really love to go outside and bike and run and enjoy the warm fresh air! And it is finally warm enough to do so!

Once again thanks for reading, and please don't forgot to read and comment, thanks!


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