Jealousy - Iwaoi

By WALK3R105

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Iwaizumi has been in love with his best friend for the majority of his life. When one of his female friends c... More

Fresh start
Afraid of change
Growth and repair
Water fight
How it used to be
Stronger together
Gone away
Perfect pair
Back to normal
A little nudge
What if
Forget me nots


144 3 10
By WALK3R105

"Makki, Mattsun, I think it's time we do something about Emiko" Oikawa was on a phone call with Makki and Mattsun, which he started after he'd messaged Iwaizumi.

"Ooh Oikawa I love this idea" Makki replied, the two boys were proud of Oikawa for how he was coping. Oikawa didn't have a plan and if he was honest, he was terrified. One wrong move and he would be outed to the entire school.

"Also, Oikawa, Makki and I have come to the decision that should you get outed, we'll come out too so maybe you'll feel less alone." Oikawa was in shock, he knew his friends were amazing but he never expected them to go this far.

"Are you serious? But are you ready? You guys don't have to do this just for me!" Oikawa was panicking slightly. Although he loved people doing nice things for him, this almost felt too much.

"Oikawa, relax. We are both ready to come out and have been for a while, we've just been waiting for the right opportunity. But hopefully you won't be outed in the first place."

Oikawa thanked them profusely and continuously claimed that he didn't expect that much of them. But he was incredibly relieved at the fact that he wouldn't be alone if his nightmares came true. "But guys, how are we going to bring this bitch down?" Makki asked.

"Well, I might have an idea." Mattsun said mischievously. "We need to find something that would show the entire school what a snake she is. So naturally, we're gonna host a party."



The next day at school, the three boys were handing out invitations to everyone at school. They were hosting the party at Mattsun's house as his parents were away for the weekend and they were relaxed about him having parties anyway.

The party was taking place on Saturday night so they had all week to get all the evidence they needed. Tuesday started off slowly but Makki and Mattsun took their time waiting for the perfect moment.

"Hey, Emiko right?" Makki said, approaching her while Mattsun recorded from nearby. "Uhh do I know you?" She asked innocently, batting her eyelashes flirtatiously.

"I don't think so, but I'm a friend of Iwaizumi's and I know it's late but I wanted to congratulate you on getting together." Makki plastered a fake smile on his face.

"Oh that's so nice of you thank you." Emiko said, beaming at him. "But, aren't you also friends with Oikawa?" Emiko asked, and at that moment, the two boys knew they had her.

"Oh, yes I am. Why, is there something I should know?" Makki asked, faking innocent confusion. "Oh well as a matter of fact there is. He has a dirty little secret and I'm planning on spilling it soon. You shouldn't be friends with him, he tried to steal my Iwaizumi from me and he threatened me and stalked me!" Emiko whined while Makki held back laughter.

"Wow, that's horrible, I'll make sure to never talk to him again." And with that, Makki walked off, leaving Emiko feeling very pleased with herself. But little did she know, she had it coming.

After school, the three boys were on a phone call once again. "Ok so we've already got some dirt on her, but we need more."
"Yeah, this is where you come in Oikawa for phase 2 of the plan. We need you to do something tomorrow that will draw everyone's attention to you, but in a good way obviously."

"I have just the thing." Oikawa said, rummaging through his closet. He pulled out a present he'd received for his birthday from his grandparents. It was a very expensive cologne that he was admittedly too scared to use until that moment.

Oikawa came to school the other day and immediately, all eyes turned to him. He decided that the cologne wasn't enough and he needed some more pizzazz.

"Oikawa your hair!"
"Wow Oikawa, you look amazing!"
"Marry me Oikawa!"
"Your hair looks so good man!"

Oikawa was being showered in compliments. Not that he normally wasn't, but today was different. The previous day, he asked to borrow some of his mother's hair dye and bleached a strand of his hair. He didn't want to do anything crazy because it wasn't worth it. And he knew something as small as a blonde streak would grab people's attention.

He didn't hate it. It made him feel fresh. This was the first time he'd ever done something drastic to his hair and he recognised his hair to be similar to that of one of the members of karasuno.

Oikawa was prepared for what would come in the afternoon. He made sure that he was alone for a moment and just in the nick of time, Emiko came storming up to him. Little did she know that Makki was secretly recording from a bush nearby.

"Hey, I see you have a new look." Emiko said, bitterness coating her words. "I do. You like it?" Oikawa asked calmly. "You think I don't know what you're doing. Iwaizumi looked at you 7 times today! I was watching!" She hissed at Oikawa as she grabbed him by the collar. "If you ever pull something like this again, I won't hesitate to slit open your throat. Sleep with one eye open babe."

She swayed her hips as she walked away, once again oblivious to the recording of their not so private conversation.

"Wow Oikawa, that was amazing! It's only the second day and we already have proof of her threatening you!" The three boys were on a call once again. They had made a plan to call each night as it was too risky to talk in person as Emiko had told Makki not to talk to Oikawa. Mattsun was still in the clear though but that was necessary as he needed to make sure that both Emiko and Oikawa were at that party.

"That's great! What's the plan for tomorrow?"
"Ok, I understand this might be difficult, but we need you to try and make contact with Iwaizumi."
"Yeah, it doesn't have to be anything big. It could be a "hey" or a wink, but it has to be something that Emiko will notice."

"Got it."

Oikawa entered the school gates the next day feeling nervous, but the feeling of excitement overcame him when he saw Emiko and Iwaizumi together. He strutted past them with his head held high.

"Hey Iwa-chan." Oikawa said, smiling at Iwaizumi. He winked at Emiko and watched with delight as her face turned a such a dark shade of red that he thought an atomic bomb was about to blow inside her head. He could see her head shaking with anger, her fists curled into tight balls.

He could tell she was extremely upset by recent events, and Oikawa was delighted. He continued about his day, just waiting for a chance to finally be alone.

Lunch time came around the corner and the three boys took the same positions as the previous day. "You!" Emiko was almost running up to Oikawa. Her fist collided with his face, leaving a red mark.

"How could you! I'm warning you, if this happens one more time, your secret is out for the whole school to know! You dare come near me or my Iwaizumi again and you'll be sorry. I will break your arm, and that is not just a threat. Don't underestimate me."

Oikawa was ecstatic. He didn't expect her to go as far as she did. Now, not only had she threatened him, but she had also slapped him, a physical assault. And there was proof.

"Hey guys, what the plan for tomorrow?" Oikawa asked on their regular after school phone call. "We already have a lot of proof, we don't really need you to do anything else but feel free to loss her off if you want."
"Yeah, maybe smile or wave at her occasionally. But be careful, remember, a threat is still a threat even if we have it on camera. She could still go through with it and we want to avoid that at all costs."

"Yeah, that's no problem. I won't cause too much drama tomorrow but a little bit wouldn't hurt. But still, I hope Iwaizumi is ok. I must have confused him by saying hi so casually earlier."

"Iwaizumi has his flaws. But he's strong, and so are you. You're both going to get through this ok? We'll make sure of that."

"Thanks guys. I'll do my best tomorrow and then on Saturday, the real fun begins."

I'm so sorry!! I know it's been ages but Heyy, I'm back! I had writers block for a while but after watching some cringe teen movies, I came up with the idea of a party. Because what cringey teen movie doesn't involve parties? Drama is about to unfold so buckle up, I have a feeling you're going to like this! Anyways, ily and I'm so sorry for the delay but I hope you enjoy!! ❤️❤️❤️

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