Broken Angels: Daryl Dixon +...

By jordan_6453

17.1K 423 50

Jayden Wilcroft was 32 years old when the world ended. The ex Marine + Black Ops specialist not only survived... More

Chapter 1: Survivor
Chapter 2: Reunions and First Impressions
Chapter 3: Survivors Guilt - 1/2
Chapter 4: Survivors Guilt 2/2
Chapter 5: Till We Meet Again
Chapter 6: Unexpected Reunions
Chapter 8: The Prison Part 1
Chapter 9: The Prison - Part 2
Chapter 10: Not Alone
Chapter 11: Not Again
Chapter 12: Don't Make Me Your Enemy
Chapter 13: New Additions? ... Or New Enemies?
Chapter 14: Finally...Trust
Chapter 15: Stuck In The Past
Chapter 16: Before Chaos
Chapter 17: Chaos Erupts
Chapter 18: New People? New Feelings?
Chapter 19: The Governor
Chapter 20: Just a Game

Chapter 7: Should I Stay or Should I Go

1K 27 5
By jordan_6453

The walker behind Daryl dropped to the ground lifeless. He jerked his head around and saw a reflection, in a split second it was gone. The rest of the group joined around Daryl.

"Who fired?!?!" Rick yelled. Everyone in the group looked at each other.

"We don't have bullets to waste so who fired their damn gun!?!?" He yelled, pacing back and forth in front of the group.

"It wasn't them." Daryl looked at Rick. Then pointed up at the blue house across the street.

The group drew their weapons and stalked slowly over towards the house.


While the group was arguing Jayden ran from the window and gathered her stuff. Daryl had noticed her and she didn't have time to make a mistake. She hid herself and her belongings in a big closet and hoped they wouldn't be thorough.

As she hid behind the door, she heard a crash come from downstairs. Her furniture barricade had been broken through. Why did you shoot the walker? He could have taken care of it himself. Shit... I can't go back.

Daryl and the group moved past the furniture by the door and spread out through the first floor. Opening every door and closet to search for the 'mystery shooter'. When they cleared the first floor they made their way to the bottom of the stairs.

"Ok, Daryl, Glenn, T-Dog, and I will head upstairs. Only use your gun if you have to. Search quietly and don't miss." Rick began to ascend the staircase, his revolver held high.

Glenn and T-dog made their way to the right hallway and began searching the rooms. Rick and Daryl veered left to begin their own search. Daryl made his way to the room where he saw the reflection. He slowly peered in to see an open window and a bed with messy sheets. He slowly made his way into the room and saw nobody. He made his way to the closet that was left ajar. He noticed a bag was poking out. He opened the door the rest of the way and knelt by the bag. He started to rifle through it and saw ammo for not only their guns but for his crossbow as well. He zipped up the bag and began to stand up. Before he could do so he heard a click from behind him.

"I can't let you take that." A feminine voice came from behind the gun. Though it would be too dark to see who the voice belonged to. "Put the bag down and leave. This doesn't have to get ugly." He felt as if he had heard this voice before but could not place it.

Daryl slowly turned around to face the barrel of the gun and the outline of a woman in the dark.

"Why did you save me?" He asked.

"Maybe I didn't save you. Maybe I missed." The shadow shrugged but lowered the gun ever so slightly. Daryl noticed the hesitation not only in her actions but in her voice.

"Yea, maybe. But that walker was shot right between the eyes. Not many people can shoot like that. Never seen a girl that can shoot like that." Daryl believed he knew who this mystery girl was. He only needed to wait for her response to be sure.

"What so Legolas is a sexist pig now?" The voice scoffed in disgust.

Daryl smirked and stood up fully. He put his hand over the gun and pushed it down.

"Nah, just had to make sure it was you." He cocked his head ever so slightly to the side. "Long time no see Jay."


Jayden turned around and turned on the light. She stared daggers at him before shaking her head.

"You're an asshole. How the fuck did you know it was me." She un-cocked the gun and put it in her holster.

"Your voice is kind of manly. Pretty easy to tell it apart." He shrugged.

"Do you want me to shoot you?" She could not believe he said her voice was manly.

"Hey, it's not a bad thing." He turned around and began to walk out of the closet.

Jayden grabbed her bag and followed him out only to be greeted with the all too famous sheriff that tried to kill her. She took a deep breath before walking past him into the hallway and down the stairs. She pushed past the group and made her way outside, uncovering the tarp over her jeep and putting away her bags.

Everyone came running out to her as she was loading up her stuff. She felt a tight hug from behind her.

"I thought we'd never see you again." Beth cried. Jayden turned around and hugged her back before pulling away with a smile.

"I didn't either. How have you been?" Jayden asked.

"Tired and hungry. We've been running from herds left and right. Little to find around these parts anyway." Glenn chimed up. He didn't look her in the eye, but she could tell he was holding something back.

"Well it looks like we've been circling the same area, I just came from the west. A herd of about 450 is heading this way." Jayden turned back around and whistled to the forest. Bounding out came a gray and black great Dane.

"Um what." Maggie looked at Jay.

"I found him at an abandoned house a few months ago. He's only a puppy still, I reckon 6 months." Jayden patted his head.

"In the jeep Tony." She patted on the seat and Tony jumped in.

"Tony huh? Why that name?" Herschel asked.

"He reminds me of a friend. Juvenile and silly but undoubtedly loyal." Jayden looked back at the group.

Rick began walking towards the front to stand near Jayden. They only stood and stared at each other before he lowered his head to the ground.

"Jayden, I-um I'm sorry about what happened back at your house." Rick raised his eyes and Jayden noticed the slight gloss that covered them.

"Rick... I get it. It was an unusual circumstance." Jayden gave a tight lip smile then held out her hand.

Rick nodded and took her hand and shook it. Jayden could feel the relief radiate off of the rest of the group.

"Does that mean she's joining the group dad?!?" Carl called out.

Jayden pulled her hand away from Rick and took a step back.

"Jayden? Come on, let's start this over. You could use us and we could use you." Maggie said.

"Look guys I don't know. I don't trust myself around others. I don't know what's going to happen. And I'm still looking for Gibbs. I can't just give up." Jayden rubbed at her most recent bite wound. Of course she didn't trust herself around them. That would never change.

"Who says you gotta stop? We'll help you." Rick said.

Jayden looked up at the group, her eyes found their way to Daryl who quickly looked down. Jayden looked at Herschel, Maggie, and Beth's expecting faces and knew her answer.

"Lead the way." She holstered her rifle and stood with her hands on her hips.



Hey everyone, hope you are all doing well! Let me know how you like this chapter. Do you want a slow burn between Daryl and Jay or do you want it surprising quick? Let me know!!!

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