Little Bit Of Hope (Zouis)

By KylesPage

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"Stay with me please." Louis said, Zayn looked down, "Always." More

Blank Page- Prolouge
School Blues- Chapter One
Realationship Drama- Chaper Two
Mixed Feelings- Chapter Three
A bit of what-cha-ma-call-it :P- Chapter four
Love at a Hateful sight- chapter five
Little bit of Everything- Chapter Six
Da Fauk- Chapter Seven
Love- Chapter Eight
Sadly- Chapter Nine
I know I'm Gunna Run Away- Chapter ten
Cool Kids Don't Dance- Chapter Eleven
Beat Them Day- Chapter Twelve
Rotten Love- Chapter Thirteen
Secrets Revealed- Chapter Fourteen
Prince Charming- Chapter Fifteen
Pretending- Chapter Sixteen
Fighting Begins- Chapter Seventeen
Playing With Feelings- Chapter Eighteen
Whoa- Chapter Nineteen
Sweet Dreams- Chapter Twenty
Unidentified Feelings- Chapter Twenty Two
Just Memories- Chapter Twenty- Three
Freaking Out- Chapter Twenty Four
So Happily- Chapter Twenty Five
Come Sail Away- Chapter Twenty Six
Half A Heart- Chapter Twenty Seven
Who Doesn't Love Drama- Chapter Twenty Eight
Crazy Thing Called Love- Chapter Twenty- Eight
Hall of Fame- Chapter Thirty
Why Don't We Go There- Chapter Thirty One
Run- Chapter Thirty two
Family Meeting- Chapter Thirty Three

Silent Night- Chapter Twenty One

321 16 0
By KylesPage

"I don't like being here." Louis shouted quietly, just starting to wake up, right now Michael was pretending to punch him, while Ashton was tending to his cuts, "Why are you all doing this?" Louis asks a few seconds later.

Soon the other three came into the room, the only visual wounds that Abby has is one cut on her forehead, Louis doesn't even know how his looks, "So, uh, Lou, you won't like this, but we're doing this for us..." Michael started, then the others started to trail off.

Liam laid in bed, thinking about how funny if would be if Louis was dating someone like Zayn, Liam will kick Louis' first boyfriend to the curb, first relationships never work, and when the two of them get married, they just seen a bit too... crazy, uptight or too loose, depending on the couple, or the couple becomes a total nut case, thinking of ways to make sure their kids become just like them.

"Liam," Karen started as she walked into the room, Liam looked over to his mother, silently saying 'hmm' with his face, "do you have any idea where Louis is, he hasn't been in your room in over two days, and he did say he want going to leave your side." Karen finished, Liam has also been thinking about this, he just assumed that Karen payed the Horan's to watch him, but Niall is also in the hospital, no longer in ICU, just in a normal room, with a roommate in a coma.

"Uh, no, I thought you sent him off to live with friends while you are here." Liam answered, Karen and Geoff both looked confused, "Did we?" Karen questioned, more directed to Geoff than Liam, Geoff tilted his head to the right side, trying to remember the past few days, it wasn't his fault, a lot has happened.

"I do not think so." Geoff said slowly, tilting his head to right even more, this confused the three in the room, then a resident came in, "Knock, knock." She said, while knocking and opening the door, neither Liam, nor the rest of him family, ever under stood why they do that.

"Okay, looks like you are free to go, just come back to get those stitches out, you'll get a date set up." The resident said, then left the family missing a member, of course the resident had no way of knowing that, Liam was in the ICU pit when Louis disappeared.

Liam got up and went to the bathroom that he shared with the patients on the other side of the east wall, as he was changing into sweats and a muscle shirt, he thought about where Louis might be.

"I got it!" He nearly yelled, "Got what, Sweetie?" Karen asked, concerned that her oldest son has gone mad, "Louis is either in Sam's room, or I know how to find him." Liam said, this took Karen by surprise, "Okay, lead the way." Karen said.

Liam immediately got out his phone, clicking Zayn number.

What room is Sam's

Zayn didn't reply for a while, soon Liam got pissed at texted.

Louis is missing you dumbass, I'm trying to eliminate places that he may be, him and Sam are friends, answer before I find out and kick your fucking pathetic little ass in front of your fucking pathetic little brother, asshole

Zayn replied in a few seconds with:

He isn't here, sorry, not, but don't talk about me or my little brother like that ever again, or else, you'll be missing your pair

Liam didn't bother to reply, he just started walking to the ICU pit, "Liam, where are you going?" Karen asked, Liam gruffly replied with, "The ICU pit, they have video cameras." Karen and Geoff were just more confused by the second, "Okay..." Karen prompted, Liam sighed, "The only reason Louis would e gone for this long, and for no one to know where he is, is for him to be hurt or kidnapped, if its the ladder of the two, we can find out who it is,and we have Louis' phone if it is a friend." Liam replied, picking up his pace with every word he spoke, it was almost as if every word he spoke, made his feet burn, and burn, and burn, and Liam was going to get rid of the burn by punching whoever did this hard.

"Liam? What are you doing back here? You've been discharged." Liam's old nurse asked, "Can I see the video footage from my old room please, just two days ago, nine until midnight?" Liam asked, Eliza looked at Liam, confused as to why he wants to see footage of him sleeping, Liam understood the look and then quickly added, "My brother has gone missing and I need to see where he went." Eliza thought about this for a few seconds, "Okay, I don't know how this is going to help, but follow me," she said, walked behind the nurses' station and got through the footage.

Liam watched it for a second, "That's Louis' friends." Liam said.

"What do you mean you did this for you?" Louis asked his five friends, "You see, we all have siblings besides Calum, not sure why he here, but the man doing this threatened he'll hurt our sibling if we don't do as he said." Michael told Louis, Louis raised his eyebrows, "Actually, he threatened for me if I don't do as he said that he'd do something else." Ashton said, Michael then looked over to Ashton, "What'd he say?" He asked, Ashton closed he eyes and shook his head, "Too hard to talk about." He answered, walking to the other side if the room.

"Abs, is he coming?" Michael questioned, Abby looked down the hallway, and nodded.

Soon James, from Louis' first day of school, came in, the muscular boy in the bus, the one who told the six of them to turn off the music.

"Leave, I won't hurt your families, and Ashton, you'll be saved as well." James said, soon the five friends left the flat, eager to leave back to their safe homes, but scared because now their best and innocent friend is stuck in a room with a crazy mad man.

"You see Louis, I have need following you sense that day in the bus, to see Zayn hurt you, I wanted so bad to be the one to save you! But your brother came. Then to the ice cream shop, I saw Zayn and Liam fight, I was in a booth, two rows away, wanting to make you stop crying, that time your dad took you and Liam, i wanted to come save you, but Zayn showed up, I have always been there, waiting for you to notice me, but you never did, you always noticed Zayn, not for long, one day Zayn and Liam can't protect you, but I will, and that day is today." James shouted.

Wow, I think my writing has improved, sorry for the long wait, I have ear infections.

Can you please check out my other stuff, I only suggest Undying and Quadruplets, I must have been crazy writing the other ones.

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