Luna Nova Holiday Camp

By Fluna98

716 7 0

Atsuko Kagari, a young girl very passionate, specially with Skateboard and a her idol Chariot Du Nord, also k... More

The mysterious abandoned building
Holiday camp
Capítulo sem título 3
The revenge
Learning the first tricks
As Cavendish
The training starts
I'm improving
The curiosity kills the cat
The writer visit
Diana's is suspecting
Diana came like a bomb
That strange dream
Luna Nova dancing
Talking with moms
Dodgeball game pt1
Dodgeball game pt2
Dodgeball game pt3
Where's the things?
The witches trio
Skateboard championship pt1
Skateboard championship pt2
Skateboard championship pt3
Skateboard championship pt4
Skateboard championship pt5
Skateboard championship pt6
going for camping
Boat racing
Witches night
Last day camping
Hellene's surprise party
Unexpected visit
The end of the Summer

More training

27 0 0
By Fluna98

Akko's training, was continuing, they still had many of the lessons she had to learn during this time, but it already showed that the preparation was not just any, that the Japanese girl would really have to prepare and endure each day a lot if she wanted an expressive result in the skateboarding championship to come.

And an hour of training went by, which in that time Akko was improving every 5 centimeters, getting three times in a row to pass each stage, at least what was going on in the beginning, Kagari managed to pass the 15 centimeter barrier in a few minutes, going to the 20 centimeter, where things were getting complicated, she took a little longer to get through the barrier, but it was still something that she managed to pass with time, reaching the half hour mark with the 25 centimeter obstacles, It was then that she began to have more difficulties and needed more agility, taking almost 20 minutes to pass the barrier 3 times in a row, which made her reach the level of 30 centimeters, then things were really complicating, Atsuko was trying and trying, but that was a challenge that took a lot in her psychological, but even so the Japanese woman wasn't giving up, in the meantime she even managed to jump a single time, but the time of this training was half over and with that Akko was panting to see how much she had jumped.

" It was 30 centimeters Akko, for a first day of training this mark is more than great, a little more and you can climb some boxes " said Croix looking at the mobile phone.

" For me it felt like I had to climb a mountain, it really gets me to jump these hurdles, after a while the psychological seems to block it out, I kind of had to let go of my fear " Akko said with a snort.

" Great, now we're going to do the opposite, you're going to come down, you're going to learn to come down from those same heights, come with us to the next stage of the training," Ursula said walking away.

" Oh, going down is easy, I'll get it easy, easy, easy, but why train to go down? You only need to lift the shape " said Atsuko gesturing with her hand.

" Because you need to prepare yourself psychologically for those hours, not to mention that it will give a greater strength to your legs that must already be feeling a lot of this effect " answers Croix.

There they reach a corridor where the floor was scratched like a hallway, until Croix messes with something on the mobile phone and makes it reveal a platform, where it starts 10 centimeters high, Atsuko simply shrugged, Kagari climbed on the skateboard, it started to go down, it was one, it was two, it was three, from there she just shrugged at the two.

" We didn't even start explaining and you're already doing it? It's not just three times in a row on this one, you have to get it right five times if you really want to move on to the next stage, not to mention that the time will now be reduced to just 30 minutes, now go " Ursula said to Akko who continued.

What also was not complicated for the Japanese, 10 centimeters are practically impossible to perceive, for the Japanese it was nothing, which ended up going up to 20 centimeters, still yes it was a height that with a good impulse the Kagari was managing to pass straight, making five consecutive times, since to go down she only needed to make a force in the tail.
At 30 centimeters, the height was no longer as easy as before, it was already higher than what the Japanese climbed, but still Akko went with a certain tranquility, reaching the five consecutive times and starting to notice that this time it wasn't so pleasant to pass just by pulling with the tail.

" See? Going down is easy, it didn't take five minutes and I'm already going down more than I can jump " Akko said, trying to show off a little.

" Now that your potato is going to bake, girl, from 40 up you are going to have to have more courage and impulse, besides that you are still going to give some Ollies to go down these gaps, let's see how far you go " Croix was saying this with a malicious smile.

The 40 centimeters were already changing the scenario a little, it was no longer the same, Akko was getting close and braked, getting a little afraid, but she soon goes on the first attempt, makes the force with the tail and feel the skateboard descending, getting surprised and creating a smile on her face, after a few failed attempts she was starting to go attempt after attempt until completing the 10"minute mark, where she descended smoothly on 40 centimeters.
With that the half meter mark arrived, it was much more noticeable how the size already made a difference, practically hitting the knees of the Japanese in terms of height, Atsuko was getting ready, on the first attempt she went close and came back scared, but remembered how it was on the 40, so she just got the momentum and with that the skateboard didn't come down the same way, so much that she jumped off it and launched herself forward.

" The Ollie Akko! Use Ollie, if you jump the balance will be better " Croix said.

Akko listened to Meridies advice, but was still preparing herself psychologically for that, she got close and braked, it was like that for a few good attempts, while the time was starting to roll, in one of these she decides to take more courage, giving an Ollie, but then she threw herself getting a little afraid and jumping from the skateboard, but it was then that she could realize something.
Part of the psychological was already preparing for the jump, she was going many attempts this way, just jumping and leaving the skateboard, taking almost 10 minutes in this, until you can hit 5 times in a row and with that the height increase to 60 centimeters.

" Whew! I made it! It's not as easy as it seems, even more so since Ollie increases the height even more, I could feel it in my legs " Akko said passing her hands on her legs and with that already concentrating for the 60 centimeters.

This time she made a new mantra for the approach, coming close stopping to look at the height, then she jumps and throws herself to see how and the height and finally Kagari takes the courage she needs, starting to jump for good and was not as difficult as the 50 centimeters, since she was already having the courage, but still took a while because the attempts take a little longer, managing to reach the 5 attempts in 5 minutes and with that the height increased to 70 centimeters.
Atsuko was starting to go in the same process of starting the descent, but this time she was a little afraid, mainly because she felt the impact on her legs when she was throwing herself from the skateboard.
And that's how the last 5 minutes went on, with the Japanese girl trying and trying, even getting one time or another, but still she hadn't managed to dominate the way Ursula and Croix had indicated, getting at most 2 times in a row, getting a little tired and then the platform went down.

" 70 centimetres Akko, that's not bad at all, you can really go far, for a first day you've even managed to get on top, it's enough to get off a sofa " Ursula said impressed.

" My legs feel like they're going to kill me too... What time is it? " asked the Japanese woman.

" Look, it's already 10 o'clock in the morning, but there's still a bit more training, we'll just have a water break and I'll explain the next part " said the blue haired girl while Akko was drinking water.

" I just know it's tiring, I don't think after this I'll be interested in skateboarding for the rest of the day.

" Well now comes the part of learning maneuvers, will be 30 minutes, you will only do this maneuver and focus on it, try as many times as possible, we will do this almost every day, with a different maneuver, where you will learn, get the hang of it and dominate " Ursula explained and then Croix was showing the maneuver to Akko, with the phone.

" A varial? But I already know that one? " Said the Japanese woman.

" But now you are going to dominate this manoeuvre, now you have 30 minutes to practice until you dominate, you have to try, you have to do it higher, cleaner, this will count a lot, mainly in the championship, where your score will depend a lot on the way you execute the manoeuvres and fit them in " Ursula explains to Kagari, who is starting to try.

And that's how the 30 minutes of training went by, the Japanese girl started doing several times the same maneuver, noticing how the repetition really takes a lot, sometimes failing, other times succeeding in a clean way, what was already being noticed with time is that in the beginning most of the attempts were still very slow and not very clean, but as time went by, Atsuko was getting to hit the maneuver with more fluidity, besides also getting in a little more speed in movement and the maneuver itself coming out a little higher.
After 30 minutes the signal rang and Kagari had stopped doing the manoeuvre, and could already notice a good difference, besides the evident pain in her legs.

" I already feel like my legs are killing me, what's it going to be this time? " said the breathless Akko drinking water.

" You must already know well what a grind is, well we have a machine for training that is perfect, where you will learn the basic balance, having two versions, the 50-50 and the boardslide " Shows Croix to Akko the machines right in front.

They arrive there, the two machines are one of an iron where there is a straight skateboard which would be the 50-50 position, the other is in the boardslide position, having all the equipment for this, on a railing a bit long.

" Well now you are going to do 15 minutes each, you have to run and jump on top of the mark that is indicated, climbing right on top of the skateboard, which will activate when you feel your two feet on top and with that you only need to balance " Croix said.

" Woah! I'm learning to go on the railing, but what a fuck " Said the Japanese girl with a twinkle in her eyes.

Motivated, Akko started running towards the first railing and when she jumped where it was indicated, she fell with both feet on top of the skateboard and felt the kick of the push that the skateboard gave when it was propelled forward, falling on the first attempt, not following the movement of the skateboard the Japanese woman fell backwards.
But she didn't give up yet and started to try again more times, still on the 50"50 machine, she fell a lot, with the feet that were not positioned very well, the machine still reacted as a normal skateboard, depending on the positioning of the feet, it would move until somehow needing the balance of the feet of the Japanese woman.
Akko was starting to learn the way of the machine, which picked up a lot of speed, and Croix was there in the background watching everything and with this Kagari at the 7"minute mark managed to hold until the end, but she was surprised that the skateboard gives a sharp brake with everything launching Atsuko with everything forward.

" Ahhhh, that's a hell of a machine, but I loved the challenge, let's see now if this little thing will catch me, now I know it brakes sharply " Kagari said motivated.

" The machine slows down if you do an Ollie, it has to be as if you were leaving a handrail, then you can stop easily, you have to do this before you reach the end and still do a push to the side so that the skateboard gives a descent, otherwise it will keep going " Ursula said.

And hearing this Atsuko could motivate herself a little more, she took a deep breath, jumped on the 50"50 machine concentrating, but getting close to the end Ollie's attempts were still not going very well and the skateboard was badly positioned, what she was trying anyway, in all those minutes what at the mark of exactly 15 minutes she managed a last attempt where the skateboard could leave the railing and she had a fluid exit.

" Yes! I've done it this time! " Akko was jumping up and down with excitement.

But she still had another challenge ahead, the boardslide training, in the machine she would have to jump and stay with her body turned the other way, practically with open legs, and that's when she took more care, running towards the machine, jumping and almost falling backwards, but she could balance, at least until the end where she was thrown with everything, when she fell she was already cheering up.
Back to go trying to balance, falling a few times, but learning to stay in that position, so much that this time found a way to fit and reduce the speed which was just leaving the skateboard diagonally, where the speed dramatically lowered and with that the Japanese could even make the machine pretend a way to get off the railing.
But this still took many attempts to achieve, in the half time of 15 minutes Akko managed only 3 of these successful, already getting a little bruised, but was relieved when the signal rang.

" Woah, for someone who's just starting out, you've got some good results, in the past they didn't have machines as good as these, so we're only going to the last stage of training " Ursula said.

" This part is just a one hour session dropping on the halfpipe, we'll even help teach you how to drop if you don't know, but that's it, it doesn't have to be on a big ramp, just on a ramp of any size, the important thing is to also have mastery in this part, to be a complete skater " said Croix pointing to the ramp.

1 hour later...

Akko already knew how to dodge having learned with Amanda the week before, she was just taking the time to go learning some dodge maneuvers, looking at what Croix was showing her on the mobile phone, in the meantime she was also learning the balance and to keep the body going close to the skateboard so she could get enough impulse on the ramp, this way she could notice a better balance, getting little by little an improvement on the maneuvers and on the dodge. At the end of this time she was all breathless taking water.

" Training is over " Ursula said.

" I'm glad... I couldn't take it anymore, I'm going to have to do this how many times? " Kagari asked after taking some water.

" Every day, you will wake up at 5:30, start with a warm up, then go here in training until 12:30, where you will then be free all day, you will see the results when you arrive on the day of the championship," Ursula said as Akko was becoming melting like butter upon hearing that.

" What? Every day? I'm going to be all broken up, when the championship comes there's no way I can hold on " Akko said, running her hands over her arms and legs.

" You soon get used to it, Chariot got used to it in a short time and her training wasn't much different, in fact Laura took it much harder than we ever did, she pushed our bodies to the limit " Croix said.

" Oh and one more thing, do not tell anyone about this place, it is our secret, at least until the championship arrives, try not to make anyone come here, or else the training will be over for good, you will have to turn to get better if you want so much to get far in the championship " Ursula said.

" Diana Cavendish is the daughter of the great Bernadette Cavendish and not only her, but who trained us the most, so imagine she is not that low calibre, this girl must have skateboarding in her vein, she must have been practising since she was a child, she is obviously at an advantage you have no idea, our training can help cover all this disadvantage you have for having just started skateboarding " Croix completes.

" Also try not to show too much improvement, just look as if nothing has happened, just to surprise even more when the day comes, but you can count on training, it is important that they know you are dedicating yourself " Ursula adds.

" And then there is the titan who is not so tall as Diana's younger sister, she is the one you should be very worried about, the girl is the daughter of both and shows a dedication to skateboarding that is strangely scary, she can really be a threat to your victory " said Croix.

" I don't care about winning, just about showing Diana that I really am capable, she belittled my ability and desire to skateboard, just me who practically lived playing Tony Hawk's and always dreamed of having a skateboard since childhood, but my mothers could never give it to me for fear that I would hurt myself more than normal " Akko answers.

" You are already on a good path Akko, you don't have to win, you have to have fun in this competition, but I also ask you not to be fixated on wanting to show it to someone else, it can end up being exhausting for you, people sometimes even want your approval, just do it for yourself, to fulfill your dream," Ursula said to Akko, who got a smile on her face.

" Now you can go, we asked Finnelan to prepare a special post training lunch to make you every day, it will fuel you like never before after this fatigue " Croix said and upon hearing the word food Kagari immediately went running excited to go eat.

And this is how every morning will be for Akko, a real struggle, a hard work for her to improve her skateboarding skills as much as she can, using a lot of the skill she has on the skateboard. A championship to come, in a month that will be very full.

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