Overwatch X male reader: A fu...

By JustyTurner

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Y/n L/n used to be in the army and was given a high tech battle armor that allows the user increase of streng... More

Main protagonist
Chapter 1: Left to be dead
Chapter 2: A new job
Chapter 3: The Overwatch recall
Chapter 4: Cheers love!
Chapter 5: Feel the chills
Chapter 6: Agent on a run
Chapter 7: It's relaxing time love
Chapter 9: Past lifes during the omnic crisis (Lemon)
Chapter 10: The Gauntlet of Doomfist
Chapter 11: Task force: Reborn
Chapter 12: Laugh at the face of death
Chapter 13: High noon
Chapter 14: Ghost's inner peace
Chapter 15: Heroes rise
Chapter 16: The battle won, but at what cost?
Chapter 17: The trail
Chapter 18: A very long break (Lemon)
Chapter 19: Gone MIA
Chapter 20: A risky plan, but we'll take it

Chapter 8: The last bastion unit

2.4K 63 10
By JustyTurner

A drop ship flies through the largest forest as Y/n and Kennedy are sent to search another Overwatch agent who has been reported being spotted within the forest. We see the two getting theie gears ready as they grab some ammo, medical supplies and everything else while Kennedy sat down while Y/n grabs a few more while she ask Y/n with a smirk.

Kennedy: (smirk) So you never seen a Bastion unit before?

Y/n: Not really no. But I was told about them when I was young. How they are responsible of countless deaths throughout the world and they were made to be weapons to kill all of humanity.

Kennedy: (smirk) That's right, so seeing out walking about in the forest is pretty surprising to see.

Y/n: So how is it possible for one Bastion unit to be online all these years?

Kennedy: Who knows but we can answer that question once we find Torbjon.

Y/n: So any information about this agent?

Kennedy: He used to make genius devices during the omnic crisis and help out soldiers throughout many battles. Disbite him making all these machines he never liked the Bastion units due to the being killing machines.

Y/n: But he is with a Bastion unit though?

Kennedy: Yeah probably that Bastion unit just followed him or something. I'm not sure about that but they have been seen together somewhere in these forest.

Male pilot: (coms) 5 seconds to drop.

Y/n: Guess we have to find that out ourselves.

She node as the drop ship lands lower into the forest. Once close to the ground the side doors open and Kennedy and Y/n leap down and land onto the ground with their feet as the dropship flies off. Once gone they aim their sniper rifle around and don't see anything but trees and grass.

Then Kennedy place down a small pole like device that flashes red as Kennedy tells Y/n.

Kennedy: These beacons can allow us to keep track and we can meet up if we're ever lost.

Y/n: That's useful. Remind me to use that on a camping trip.

Kennedy: (smirk) Sure thing.

And so they begin their walk as they journey through the forest and looking for any sign of Torbjon or his Bastion friend. They can hear birds chirping among the trees, deers moving through the bushes and leafs gently pushing by the gently winds as the two walk through the woods and find it very relaxing as they walk.

Y/n: (smile) This is some nice walk.

Kennedy: (smile) You can say that again. Maybe we can come back here and have a panic or go camping.

Y/n: (smile) Maybe. But let's forced on the-

Suddenly Y/n tripped and fell onto the ground. He sat up and looks at what made him trip and they were surprised to see a offline Bastion unit with some green stuff on it and make it too hard for anyone to see but they can also see some metal parts and see it's head as Kennedy bend down to it and look at it.

Y/n: Guess that's a Bastion unit huh?

Kennedy: Yep. No doubt about it. Seems like this one must have run out of power or something.

Y/n: Seems like it.

Y/n gets up and pick up his sniper rifle as he turn and sees something which cost Y/n to say.

Y/n: Um I think its not the only one.

Kennedy stands up and looks over to see more Bastion units laying around the floor, some lend against trees while some looked to be broken with their arms, legs and head separated from their body.

They look at the offline Bastion units as Y/n walks up to the one that is lend against a tree and open a panel on theie chest and mess around it.

Kennedy: What are you doing Y/n?

Y/n: Seeing if I can get this thing online? Maybe we can-

Suddenly the Bastions eyes light up and shoot out a beam that cost Y/n to slide back while Kennedy aim her sniper rifle at it as the Bastion unit shows a hologram of the battles it head during the omnic crisis and how many deaths it has killed.

Y/n: I must have access it's memories.

Kennedy: Looks like it. Maybe some aren't offline and must be on stand by mode.

Y/n: Stand by mode?

Kennedy: After the war the Bastion units were all offline but I believe some are in stand by mode so they can ready to go to battle when the time comes.

Y/n: Guess these ones didn't get a chance?

Kennedy: Looks like it.

Soon the hologram flickers out and soon cuts off as the Bastion unit gose on stand by mode once again. Then Y/n had a idea so he dig his hands inside the Bastion unit and pulls out a chip which Kennedy ask him.

Kennedy: What are you doing?

Y/n: These Bastion unit can track each other when ever they are trouble right? I can use their tracking chip to locate the Bastion unit and then we can also locate Torbjon with no problems.

Kennedy: (smirk) Clever idea. I'm glad to be partner up with a smart and handsome guy like you.

Y/n blushes as he inserts the chip into his helmet and a map opens up on his huge along with a red dot that seemed to be moving.

Y/n: Looks lioe it's on the move. Let's go.

Kennedy nodes and they continue their walk with Y/n leafing Kennedy as they walk through the forest as Y/n follow the red dot and after a while of walking they see they're getting close to it.

Y/n: Looks like we're close. Shouldn't be long for us to get there. Just through these bushes and we be there.

Kennedy nodes as they make their way through the bushes. Unfortunately they can't see anything in front of them because of the bushes but they continue on.

Y/n: Okay looks like we are close. Seems like things are doing well so fa-

Suddenly his foot land on nothing and he fell as Kennedy race over but immediately stop when she nearly fell off a cliff while Y/n fell off the cliff as he pulls out his knife and stabs the wall to break his fall.

But the wall was too rough so he try to grab hold to something. He did grab on a large branch but it slowly crack and soon snap and continues to fall and soon crash through the trees and finally land hard onto thr ground with his leg crack as Y/n groan in pain.

Y/n slowly tries to get up but his left leg was badly hurt and lay on the ground and feel his leg in pain and he needed to find somewhere ti get patch up.

Y/n: Fuck this is just great.

Kennedy: (coms) Y/n are you okay?! What's your situation?!

Y/n: I'm fine although my leg is broken.

Kennedy: (coms) Right. I'll find another way down there just stay here.

Y/n: Copy that.

Once that he lay onto thr ground and looks up at the leafs as he stare at them a but when suddenly a bird fly over and land on his chest as the two stare at each other and then the bird start tapping his visor with its beak.

Y/n: Hey I'm still alive you know. I'm not dead.

The bird flies off to a nearest tree branch while Y/n sat up and then hears something coming his way. It sounds like footsteps and soon coming out of the bushes was a Bastion unit as he step out from the bushes and turns to Y/n.

Y/n: Um hi there? Nice to meet a Bastion unit like yourself.

The Bastion unit stares at him in curiosity and walks up to him and then start tapping on his helmet which Y/n tells him.

Y/n: I'm not a robot. This is just my armor.

He the groan a bit as the Bastion unit turne to his leg and sees it's broken from the fall. He turns to Y/n and the  slowly get Y/n one leg and then take him somewhere to get healed up.

(Short while later)

We see Y/n arrived at a small hut made out of woods as we see Y/n stripped from his armor and on a bed as a short man pours some soul onto a metal bowl and walks over to Y/n and hands him the bowl with one hand.

???: Here, don't want you to feel hungry while your leg is healing up.

Y/n: Thanks.

He takes the bowl and takes a sip only to find it not good which the man laughs a bit and says.

???: (smile) Guess my cooking skills isn't much huh.

Y/n: Yeah guess you can say that. Say thanks for this sir.

???: No problem, say you got a name kid?

Y/n: Ghost but since you may have heard the news and now see my face....my real name is Y/n.

Torbjon: I see. Well the names Torbjon.

Y/n: So your the guy we're looking for?

Torbjon: We?

Y/n: You remember Axio? He has bene trying to bring back Overwatch after it was shit down. Winston, Lena and Mei are with them including many others as well.

Torbjon: I see. Then what about Reinhardt?

Y/n: Not yet.

Torbjon: I see. Well hate to burst your bubbles but I don't think I won't be coming back to Overwatch or join Axio's group.

Y/n: (surprised) Why?

Torbjon: I left that all behind me. The people were right about us and how dangerous we are. Maybe it was best for Overwatch to shut down for good.

Y/n: Look they are wrong about Overwatch being bad or corrupted. Once Overwatch is rebuild we can bring it back better then before.

Torbjon: Things chance you know. Some of us really needs to move on so some of us have a peaceful like. Take Bastion for example: he was once a killing machine during the omnic crisis but I believe it wants to choice a peaceful life then being a killing machine.

Y/n looks over to see Bastion building a small wooden bird out on it's shoulder for his bird friend as he turns back to Torbjon as he tells him.

Torbjon: I really miss my family. Sometimes I wish they were with me right now and we can be happy but (sigh) I really wish I can see them again.

Y/n: Then why not go and see them?

Torbjon: I would love to but I'm stuck with Bastion. He triggers when ever there is some explosions or gunfire.

Y/n: So Bastion as PTSD?

Torbjon: Yeah. He maybe friendly but I worry he might accidentally kill someone if I leave it alone. Besides hunters have been looking for him for a while so it's i got to protect him from anyone so they won't kill him.

Y/n: I see. Can I ask why? You hate Bastion units right? Why protecting this one?

Torbjon was silent for a bit as he turn to Bastion and then sighs and tells him.

Torbjon: I think faith wants me to let the past go and accept all Bastion units.

Y/n: I see. Well how's about I take him under my car?

Torbjon: Really? You sure?

Y/n: (smile) Of course. Our base is very much secret so no one will not find Bastion? Plus I know someone that can fix his programming and have him to not snap and attack anyone.

Torbjon: Huh....Well if your sure about it then it's my guess.

Y/n: Thanks. What about you? What will you do?

Torbjon: Figured I go and return back to my family. I bet they miss me already.

Y/n: (smirk) Bet they are.

Torbjon: Hey kid.

Y/n: Yeah?

Torbjon: Remember you said about the news thing? Yeah I already heard about that but I don't believe it.

Y/n: Really, why?

Torbjon: Because I've met your father during the Omnic crisis and he told me that your mother is pregnant and I find that hard to believe that their son would turn out to be a war criminal. Which ment you were framed by someone close to you.

Y/n: Yeah....my team betrayed me, sided with Talon before all but one were killed.

Torbjon: I see. I'm sorry for that. Still you did a right thing not joining them. I know that one day the world will soon find out and see how much a hero you are.

Y/n: (small smile) Thanks.

Soon they heard someone knocking at the door which Torbjon was on guard as he slowly walks over and open the door to see Kennedy as she looks over to see Y/n and rushed over to him and hugged him.

Kennedy: Thank god I found you. You weren't there when you fell.

Y/n: Yeah sorry about that. Bastion found me while Torbjon patch me up.

She turns to Bastion and Torbjon and tell them.

Kennedy: Thank you for taking care of Y/n.

Torbjon: No problem. Are you apart of Axio's troops?

Kennedy: That's right.

Torbjon: (smirk) Well tell him he's doing a good job and I'll have Bastion join his crew.

Kennedy: Your not coming with us?

Torbjon: My time is done. Its time find my family and be a happy family once again. But I believe Reinhardt might want to return.

Y/n: Where could we find him?

Torbjon: At his home town in Eichenwaide. That's where he might be along with my daughter. If you find him, make sure he's treated my little girl well will you?

Y/n: (smile) We will.

Once that Torbjon make his leave while Kennedy helps Y/n out from bed while Bastion follow them as a dropship appear over head and picks them up and takes them back to base.


They arrived back and we see them in Axio's office as they tell him which Axio is sadden by this but smiled and said.

Axio: (smile) Well it's his choice and we can't force hin to join us. At least he left us Bastion and his bird friend.

Y/n: (smile) Yep. I think Bastion will fit quite well in the crew. We just need to fix his programming and he will be great in no time.

Axio: (smile) That's good. So Bastion you want to join us?

Bastion looks at Y/n, Kennedy and to Axio and nodes which he smiled and tell him.

Axio: (smile) Then welcome to my ship. Hope we get along quite well.

Bastion nodes once more and soon we see the trio walking down the hallways as Kennedy turns to Bastion and smiles as he tells Y/n.

Kennedy: (smile) You know, he's like a curious child.

Y/n: (smile) Guess so.

Kennedy: (smile) Still it's cool for you to have your own Bastion unit.

Y/n: (smile) Guess so. So what dose Bastions do Besides shooting with his machine gun on his arm?

Kennedy: Well they can transform into a turret and they can also transform into a tank.

Y/n: (shocked) Holy shit really?! Crap no wonder they kill a lot of humans.

Kennedy: Yeah. Say I have a great time with you. Hope we can spent more in the future.

She then lend over and kissed him on the cheek as Y/n blush while Kennedy walks off to a different hallway while Y/n watch her leave while Bastion and his little bird tilted their heads a bit as Y/n shakes off the blush and tells Bastion.

Y/n: (blush) Never mind about that, let's take you to tech so he can have you fixed up.

Bastion agrees as they head off to find Tech and have him fix up a Bastion which he might be surprised once they arrived at his room.

To be continued.............................

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