Linked Fates

By Redyrode

7.5K 215 61

Y/N is a young girl who, after saving enough money, finally took the leap to move to Japan. Unfortunately, in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15

Chapter 14

480 11 9
By Redyrode

Notes :

- "Talk" // *Think*

As a reminder : when it's Hao's POV, his thoughts are in *think* and the thoughts he hears are in *think*


Hao's POV

A few minutes ago

I see Y/N running down the middle of the field, leaving me behind. I start to follow her but I stop a few feet away from her when I hear her saying "Excuse-me ! Sir !"

I look at her, looking for who she could talk to but there is no one

- "Hum - I- how do you know my name?" she says surprise

- "I'm sorry, This is going to sound crazy but I think I saw you in a vision, when I entered the village. Since you know how I am. May I ask how you are ?"

I follow her 'conversation' in silence and I see her start to move backwards and fall backwards.

- "Y/N, are you okay ?"

She ignores me and looks in front of her before saying "You know each other?!"

I sigh, not knowing what to do except tell her the truth.

- "Y/N.."

- "Hum? You know him?" she says as she looks at me and the empty place in front of her

- "Y/N.. there is nobody here but you and me"

- "Hum ? What ?" She looks at me strangely

I move closer to her and bend down to be at her level, I look her in the eyes "there is nobody here but us, Y/N".

- "What ? No ! Of course not!" she turns her head to look at the empty place then me.

*It's impossible! If I see things that even a shaman can see, it means... It's just in my head... I'm just good at... being locked up in the loony bin.. * Hearing her thoughts, I can't help but agree with what she is thinking and feel a bit sad.


I feel Hao's hand caressing my cheek with sadness and pity in his eyes. I slap his hand away "Don't look at me like that ! I'm not crazy !"

I look at the guy who is now on the same level as me and reach out his hand to my face "I need to talk to him."

Hao's POV

Y/N suddenly takes her head in her hands, in pain. A few seconds later, she starts to laugh and gets up, leaving me alone on the floor. She turns to the wind and stretches her arms, taking a deep breath.

- "I never thought I would miss the feel of the wind and the sun on my skin"

I get up and walk towards her. I try to read her mind and feel what she is feeling but nothing. It's like something is blocking me.

- "Who are you?" I say calmly

Y/N looks at me in the eyes *Yeah, it's definitely not her..*

- "Spirit of fire" I summon my spirit which comes next to me and with a nod, I order it to attack her. With fire all around him, he throws himself on her, his arm stretched out, ready to catch her.

- "Great Spirit"

*What did she just say?!*

When Spirit of Fire reaches Y/N, I see it disappear with all the flames.

- "This is not a way to greet your king, Hao" Y/N says with anger in her eyes as she looks at me.

She walks over to me and before I can react she punches me in the stomach. The pain is so great that I fall to my knees.

- "Yeah, It's better" she says with a smirke

- "YVS, It's been a while" I say as I clench my fists in anger as I stand up, ignoring the pain "Is this how you treat your successor? Or are you just overly angry that your reign is coming to an end?" I say, smiling to provoke him

- "AHAH and you think you are my successor?... I still remember how you were beaten by your own descendant... and let's not forget that cat" YVS comes closer to me, looking at me with a provocative look "there's still one question I asked myself, were they really stronger than you or were you too sensitive to face your family and the only friend you ever had ?"

*That son of a bitch* I clench my fists and teeth in anger knowing there is nothing else I can do since he has the Great Spirit

YVS moves away from me with a satisfied smile "But, who knows, maybe the third time will be the charm."

- "One last thing Hao, this place is mine. It's a forbidden place and not to be found by chance. I don't know how this girl got here or what you plan to do with her and I don't care but if I see you here again, you don't have to win the tournament to join the Great Spirit. That will be my only warning."

With these words, I see Y/N blink several times before coming back to her.

Being sure that YVS is gone, I fall back on my knees holding my stomach in pain. I start to cough and cover my mouth with my hand and I see blood on it.

*That bastard really hit hard. It's only a matter of time before he pays me back*

- "H-Hao! Are you okay? What happened?" Y/N says worriedly as she rushes towards me

I look into her eyes and I see that she is really worried. She looks in the bags of clothes and takes out a handkerchief that she hands to me "here"

I take the handkerchief and wipe my mouth and hand. I stand up. I still feel the pain and I start to lose my balance when I feel 2 arms grabbing my waist preventing me from falling.

- "Lean on me" I look down to see Y/N positioning herself under my right arm to help me walk.

- "I don't need help!" I say, raising my voice as I start to pull my arm away but she keeps it closed

- "Let me help you. After all you've done for me, I want to help you. I won't tell anyone"

I look into her eyes to see that she is sincere. I look away but lean on her.

- "Should I take you back to the hotel?"

- "No, I have to go see my followers in our headquarters."

- "You have headquarters?"

- "It's more like an abandoned building we use to hold our meetings."

- "Oh okay. Can you give me directions?"

I nod my head and point her the direction. We're starting to walk.

- "Hao, what happened?"

- "The guy you saw was YVS, the real king shaman. And let's just say he wasn't very happy that we came here."

- "Oh... I'm sorry"

- "No need to be. What did you see when he took over your body?"

- "Nothing. I was just in a colorful but empty place."

*So she went to see the Great Spirit...*

We made the trip in silence. Arriving at the headquarters, I took my arm off Y/N and stood up straight

- "Do you feel better?" she says

- "Yeah"

*Not really but there's no way my followers will see me like this*

- "Ok I'm relieved. If you don't mind, I'll leave before the Hana-gumi see me"

- "Sure" I look up at the sky, the sun is setting and I look down at her short dress, remembering the three boys from earlier. "Do you want someone to take you home?"

- "No, don't worry. I'm a strong, independent woman" she said proudly *I'll look for a big stick or rock on the path and I should be fine" I smile at her thoughts

- "Well, I guess I'll see you around."

- "Sure!" she said, smiling and starting to walk away.

I watch her walk away before entering our headquarters. I pass the bottom of the door and see that there are already the Hana-Gumi as well as Luchist and Opacho.

Luchist sees me, gets up and walks towards me "Lord Hao, did your journey go smoothly?"

- "Yes. I have a mission for you. The girl wearing a short brown dress who is not far from here, make sure she gets back to the hotel safely, without her noticing."

Luchist smiles before nodding "of course" and he leaves without another word.

I put my hand on my belly still feeling the pain. A shower should make me feel better. I go to my room upstairs. Being the leader has its advantages like the private room with its bathroom. I get to the foot of my bed and start to take off my cloak and throw it on my bed followed by my pants and underwear. Once naked, I head to the shower and turn on the faucet.

I wait for the water to get hot before putting myself under. I look up feeling the hot, almost burning water running over my skin. I lower my head and look down at the bruise on my belly.

*That girl... How could she see YVS? Even a shaman can see the Shaman King... Anna, what were you thinking when you brought her?*

I start thinking about today's events. Especially at the time at the clothing store and at Y/N and her dress coming just below her buttocks. I feel my little me waking up

*I really need to stop thinking about this*

I close my eyes and see Y/N on her knees, her face a few centimeters from my lower abdomen, her hands on my thighs and my little me getting bigger.

I put my forehead against the cold shower wall to calm down, my eyes still closed.

I see Y/N still on her knees looking at me, red goes on her cheeks. Her gaze goes down on my neck and continues on my chest. Her eyes are full of desire. I have a beautiful view on her chest, the dress molding her breasts perfectly. I remain silent, my mouth dry. I feel her hands go down delicately on my thighs as she glance settles on my private parts. She passes her tongue over her lips and bite her lower lip.

*F*** I am now completely erect... What would have happened if I hadn't stopped her? What if... What if...*

I grab her chin with my hand, forcing her to raise her head to look into my eyes. I bring my face close to her as I'm stroking her bottom lip with my finger and whisper in a deep husky voice "stop doing that"

- "I think I've found a way to thank you" she says with a sweet voice and eyes full of desire as she puts my finger in her mouth

I move my hand down to my lower abdomen and grab my penis completely in erection and I start to move back and forth letting my imagination go.

Y/N turns her attention back to my pants. I feel her hands go up my thighs and go to the opening of my pants. She looks at me in the eyes as she is taking them off.

She looks back at my now free penis. She moves her face to the base of my dick and starts kissing it from the base all the way up to the tip. She puts her hands at the base to wank it as she licks the tip. She passes several times her tongue on the tip before taking it fully in her mouth.

- ".....aaaaah..." I move back and forth with my hand faster and faster

She starts to make movements of coming and going always further. She brings her hand down to her chest and starts to play with her breasts. I put my hand on the back of her head forcing her to go further into her throat.

- "..... y-yeahhh..." I feel like I'm reaching my limit as I go harder and faster.

She now brings her hand down further... She spreads her thighs slightly to put her hand there and starts to have fun with herself. She moans as I go deeper into her throat.

- "I'm going to cum" I say as I force myself into her harder and harder, caring only about my pleasure

- ".........Y-Y/N........" I jerk off harder, feeling myself coming

- "..H-Hao.."

- "FUCK" I look up trying to catch my breath as the water continues to flow over my body "...How long has it been since I was turned on by a girl? I can't even remember the last time I masturbated...Seriously, this dress really turns me on..."

After a few minutes, I get out of the shower and get dressed. I go downstairs to join the others. I see Luchist walking through the front door with a smirk on his face as he approaches me.

- "Did everything go well?"

- "Yes, Lord Hao. However, there is something you should be aware of."

I raise my eyebrows and look at him to continue his sentence

- "Well, there is a rumor going around about you in the village..."

- "Is that all? It's not the first time, you shouldn't care."

- "No, it's not that simple" after his words, Luchist moves closer to me and whispers the rumor in my ear, so that no one can hear.

Meanwhile in hotel


I enter and head straight to my room. As soon as I walk through the door, I see Anna, waiting for me

- "You're late. We said we were starting your training." she says in a serious but not unkind tone and looks me up and down "why are you dressed like that ?"

- "Long story.. By the way, I've been thinking about us being friends" I say in a serious tone, moving to the other side of the bed as Anna looks down "This may surprise you but I don't like being slapped around and treated like shit"

- "Fine. No nee-"

- "Don't interrupt me! I'm not your boyfriend so IF you never slap me again I guess we could try to become friends."

Anna looks up awkwardly, a slight red tint to her cheeks and her eyes searching "I guess I can do that"

- "Good. That's why I bought you this!" I say with a big smile as I pull out an Indian dress identical to mine but in her size "Tonight we're going on a girls night out! Let's get to know each other"

She looks at the dress silently before getting angry "THERE IS NO WAY I'M WEARING THAT !"

- "Why ?! This dress is directly inspired by the dresses of the women of the patch tribe!" I say falsely indignant not understanding where is the problem

- "I don't care ! It's too short !"

- "Oh please, your dress is just as short"

She looks at me with a death glare

- "Well, I understand" I say, pretending to be disappointed, "I thought it would be a good opportunity for us to get closer and become good friends...but I guess you're not ready to make such an effort. Tamao is the same size as you, right? I'm sure she will look really cute in this dress. Do you think Yoh might like the outfit on her?!"

- "Shut up!" she says, taking the dress from my hands "I-I'll put it on."

I smile victoriously

- "Now get out, I'm going to change"

- "Anna, This is my room"

- "..."

- "Fine, I'm going out, don't dawdle"

A few minutes later, Anna comes out, wearing the dress with her headband on. The dress is as long as her usual dress.

- "Oh look how cute you are!"

- "Stop! I look ridiculous!"

- "What? No I'm serious, it looks good on you!"

- "How can you wear that?" she says with embarrassment.

I put a hand on my chin, taking a thoughtful look "I guess I'm comfortable with my body"

I look at her chest which is slightly smaller than mine. I clutch my breasts and smile proudly "but it's true that I fill the dress better than you"

Meanwhile in the dining room

3rd's POV

The Team Ren, The Team Funbari Onsen, Tamao and Manta

- "Mr. Yoh, would you like some more tea?"

- "Yes, thank you, Tamao" Yoh replies with a smile.

- "I still can't believe that Hao is your brother" Ruy says in indignation. Tokageroh and Chocolove nod their heads while Ren remains silent.

- "Are you alright Mister Yoh?" said Amidamaru worriedly.

- "Yes, don't wor-."

Yoh is interrupted by Y/N who opens the door "Hey! Look what I have here!"


They all look at me with curiosity.

I turn around "Come on! Don't be shy!" I say as I lead Anna into the room.

They all look at her shocked and speechless. Not being able to believe that Anna wears this kind of outfit. A few seconds after the initial shock, some of them started to blush and others started to laugh, ready to joke

Anna is completely red, head down "If any of you dare to open their mouth or laugh, I'll send them to the other world"

No one dares to open their mouths while Anna moves towards Yoh to sit down. I follow her, stopping myself from laughing at her discomfort.

- "W- Why are you wearing the same outfit"? Tamao asks shyly

- "We're having a girls' night out! Do you want to come?" I reply cheerfully

- "Uh-uh, I'm not s---"

- "Come on! We're gonna have fun!"

- "F-fine!"

I smile at Tamao, who is as red as Anna. My gaze goes to Yoh who is looking at Anna out of the corner of his eye with a little red in his cheeks. I hear him whisper to Anna "It looks good on you."

- "GUYS!" The door suddenly opens on Horohoro "YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT I HEARD"

We all turn our attention to Horohoro who looks at us all with a look of panic. His look stops on Anna

- "AHAHAH what is this outfit ?! Are you trying to act cute-?!"


In front of us stands Anna who slapped Horohoro so hard that he ends up lying on the floor. I can't help but giggle at this situation. She comes back to sit down while glaring at me while Horohoro gets up and holds his cheek.

- "So everything okay? Did something happen during the shaman fight?" Yoh says worried


- "Stop yelling! Get to the point!" Ren says getting angry

- "FINE ! But don't say I didn't warn you. Even I still can't believe it." Horohoro said as he closed the door and went to sit down next to Chocolove as everyone looked at him worried about the news that put him in this state

- "It's about Hao."

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