Awakened by the living (ON HO...

By ChelseaTurrell

2.1K 38 1

Emalia salvatore is Damon and stefans younger sister. She is very devious, scheming and ruthless like Damon... More

Awakened by the living
the reunion
morning welcome
The Agreement
Miss Observer??
Drink up
Authors Note
The Doppleganger
It feels different I feel different.
Now who's stalking?
Teenage Drama
Brotherly Advice
Teen Romance Movie?
Let him in?
Goodnight Jeremy
You can't change the past
Study time
So many events, so little time.
Mystery guest
Blast from the past
I'm A Tough One
Visiting Father
Mystery Box

It's ok to feel

55 1 0
By ChelseaTurrell

I begin to explain what happened during the date. 'At least I think it was a date, I don't know what to call it.' During our conversation Damon and I have ended up lying back on my bed side by side. My hands rest on my stomach as his lay under his head, the both of us staring up at the roof. By passing all the details of Jeremy and me plain conversation I get to saying goodbye.

"So we walked outside and he was all nervous. I could hear his heart racing..."

"Aww little Gilbert nervous, that's cute." Damon cuts me off.

"Do you want to hear the rest or what?" I glare at him and he nods in return signalling me to carry on. "As I was saying. He asked me if I wanted to study at his tomorrow and I said yes. Then he pulls me in for a hug and that's where it went downhill."

Damon glances over to me. "Downhill?"

"I could smell his blood and it was intoxicating, like nothing I've ever smelt before. It was singing to me, basically calling me to drink it. And if I was in my younger years I would've given in. so I held my breath and pulled away, wanting nothing more than to leave before I hurt him."

"Sung to you. Wow. Never heard that before." Damon says puzzled. "So what then? You left?"

"Yes and no. he leaned in to kiss me."

At those words Damon springs up, and stand at the foot of my bed.

"Wait, wait, and wait. He tried to kiss you? What did you do? Slap him? Push him away? What?"

"Not exactly." I shy away, biting my lip and nervously scratching my arm.

"What do you mean not exactly Emalia?" he says staring down at me.

"I kind of, may have, maybe leant in to kiss him back." I say glancing up at him through my eyelashes.

"What? You, Emalia Salvatore, non-believer in love went to kiss someone while on a date?"

"Jesus you make me sound like I'm a heartless bitch."

"Heartless no. bitch yes." He says with a smile. "So did you kiss him?"

"No. we were less than an inch away before I told him goodnight and walked away to my car, driving off. But what was worse is that I looked back and he looked lost, heartbroken even." I say look down at my hands as I sit on the edge of my bed.

"Why'd you walk away?"

"I can't go there. Nope, not happening. I go there and he will only end up getting hurt and I just can't." I say skiing my head.

"If I didn't know you better I would say that you care for him. Which must mean that you feel something intense for him as you don't usually care for humans."

I wrap my arms around myself and sigh. Beginning to feel myself shake slightly.

"It's ok to feel Emalia. Even I do sometimes, makes it worse if you fight it."

I look up at him and smile. "Thank you Damon. For everything."

"Anytime sis." He says pulling me up and into his arms. I wrap mine around his waist and lay my head on his chest.

"Ok that's enough. Too much touchy, lovey dovey stuff." He says pulling away. I laugh softly, shaking my head.

"Goodnight Damon." 

"Night Em." He says before walking out of my room. Finally leaving me alone. I turn and hope into my bed, pulling the sheet up to my chest. I think about tomorrow, seeing Jeremy and a smile makes its way onto my face again before I drift off to sleep.

A/N: double update! woooo.

who has an idea of what might happen while they study?



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