Mr High and Mighty

By Hannytanny

590K 6.7K 897

There's always that one golden boy in the school. The boy all girls want to date and the one most guys look... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
Chapter 10
chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 13

14.4K 164 24
By Hannytanny

Okay I've uploaded this chapter really fast, because you guys commented!!! Thanks!!! You know, you give me the motivation to write more quickly. =D Keep on commenting or voting pleaseeeeeeeeee!!! Give me some more motivation.


“Where did you go last night?” Leo asked behind the newspaper, at the breakfast table.

“I didn’t go anywhere, dad.” I replied sarcastically.

“You were ten minutes late home.” He stated, looking at me questionably.

“Fine, you got me. I was having revenge sex with Cameron.” I said dryly.

His eyebrows jumped up in shock and he choked on his glass of milk instantaneously. I snickered in amusement. “I’m not going to be back for dinner, I’m going to the cinema.” I told him, wiping my mouth with a white sateen napkin. 

“So?” Leo Gallagher looked up disinterestedly.

“With Cameron.” I added, watching his facial expression change. I admit, I was enjoying his reaction a little too much.


Cameron’s point of view

I closed the car door gently, in front of the cinema, Hailey was already standing there waiting. I felt my pride crack a little when I saw her; from one look, I could tell she didn’t spend hours getting ready. In fact, probably the opposite.

Knowing you weren’t worth the time and effort hurt, to be honest. But even in a grey hooded sweatshirt and jeans, she didn’t cease to take my breath away. Catching her eye, she smiled, and just like that, my insides felt like it was lit up on fire.

 “One large popcorn please, and two chocolate bars!” Hailey told the clerk at the counter, grinning excitedly. I didn’t miss the red blush that formed on the young boy’s cheeks. “No chance in hell.” I snorted to myself.

I slung my arm around her shoulder possessively, but she didn’t even notice; she was too busy ogling the candy display. “I’ll pay.” I winked at her, slapping down a twenty dollar note, while happily eating up the disappointed expression on the worker’s face.

“I’m going to the toilet.” I told her, walking towards the restroom, but a suspicious figure behind the pot plants caught my attention. The man was dressed very peculiarly; in a long black trench and a black cap. But what surprised me the most was his train of sight; it was directed on Hailey.

My fists clenched in rage, this douche bag had some serious guts to be stalking her. Changing my direction, I was ready to beat him down, when a sudden flash of gold stopped me right in my tracks. 

A few blonde curls had escaped out of the cap, therefore revealing some characteristics of the man’s identity. The nose and facial features suddenly seemed very familiar and I racked my brain for answers. 

A self-satisfied smile threatened to tear my face apart, when I finally discovered his identity. This man was no stalker; he was none other than Leo Gallagher!

I strode back to Hailey amusedly, “what took you so long?” She enquired, her mouth busily crunching popcorn.

“Sorry, I just saw someone I knew.” I replied, my insides howling in laughter. I didn’t dare to look back in his direction, in case he realised he had being discovered, and that would be no fun. Instead, I would pretend I didn’t even know he was here, then I could enjoy the night with Hailey much to his annoyance.

Hailey lead us into the middle row, plopping down on the plush red seats; she let out a satisfied sigh then continued to munch her popcorn. I chuckled affectionately at her antics, she was bloody adorable.

An unexpected kick on the back of my chair made me jump up in shock, I glanced questionably behind me. “Sorry.” The offender mumbled, his head bent down. I immediately recognised the cap from before, I bit the back of my hand to stop myself from laughing, this was getting more and more entertaining by the second.

Halfway through the movie, Hailey fell asleep, her head dropped unconsciously on my shoulder and I pulled her closer to me, fully knowing that Leo Gallagher was sitting behind us, watching my every move.

Unsurprisingly, within two seconds he reacted; by smacking his newspaper as discreetly as he could on Hailey’s head, causing her to abruptly jump awake.

“Who hit me?” She groaned irritatedly, rubbing her head.

I coughed loudly, and tried to hide my obvious amusement, “I don’t know.” I answered, trying to sound nonchalant.

She settled back into her popcorn with a frown on her face. I resisted the urge to pull her into my chest right there and then. What was it with Hailey Aries that made me feel like this?  

Whenever I had dates in the cinema, the ladies would try to make their moves on me before the opening credits even started.  With Hailey, she kept a considerate amount of space between us, making it apparent that she had no intention to touch me whatsoever. But because of that, I lusted for her like a dying man and his medicine.

The ending credits rolled and I found myself almost desperate to get out of the dark room. Leo Gallagher had walked out once the screen turned black; I guess he didn’t want to be spotted when the lights were on.

Walking her back to my car, I passed a bitingly familiar number plate.

If I remembered correctly, it was Robbie’s car, the Gallagher’s personal chauffer.  I thought back to the numerous visits to their household and indescribable disgust wounded up in my throat.

Pushing away my anger, I gave Hailey a pleasant smile, “thank you for your company.”I told her, softly kissing her left cheek. I had longed to do that again, after yesterday I was hot and cold all over from the brief contact.

She reddened and glanced away shyly, my heart nearly burst from her innocence. This wasn’t right. My drastic emotions were getting in the way; my only goal was to destroy Leo Gallagher, starting by taking away the things he cared about. It was already working, he obviously cared about her enough to disguise himself and follow her to the cinema. It was just a matter of time that she would entirely succumb to my charms. I would enjoy the fun while I was at it; after all she was the only person who never failed to bore me.

I grinned inwardly as his car drove away; I was almost 100% certain Leo Gallagher was inside. Well, I did make sure he watched that little intimate scene before he left.

That should’ve been enough to make his blood boil.

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