Broken Angels: Daryl Dixon +...

By jordan_6453

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Jayden Wilcroft was 32 years old when the world ended. The ex Marine + Black Ops specialist not only survived... More

Chapter 1: Survivor
Chapter 2: Reunions and First Impressions
Chapter 3: Survivors Guilt - 1/2
Chapter 4: Survivors Guilt 2/2
Chapter 5: Till We Meet Again
Chapter 7: Should I Stay or Should I Go
Chapter 8: The Prison Part 1
Chapter 9: The Prison - Part 2
Chapter 10: Not Alone
Chapter 11: Not Again
Chapter 12: Don't Make Me Your Enemy
Chapter 13: New Additions? ... Or New Enemies?
Chapter 14: Finally...Trust
Chapter 15: Stuck In The Past
Chapter 16: Before Chaos
Chapter 17: Chaos Erupts
Chapter 18: New People? New Feelings?
Chapter 19: The Governor
Chapter 20: Just a Game

Chapter 6: Unexpected Reunions

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By jordan_6453

Jayden came across a small house; sore and tired she walked over towards the house. She began banging on the door to entice any walkers. Only one revealed itself, barely able to walk a small female figure dressed in what used to be a white dress shuffled over towards her. She quickly disposed of the walker with her long knife and pulled her outside the house.

Jayden closed the door and barricaded it with overturned furniture. She will rest here for tonight. It had been 7 long months since she had left her home in search of Gibbs. She had breakthroughs when she found his initials carved into trees. She believed she was so close to finding him but at last she hit a dead end. Nothing even hinting that Gibbs or anyone from his team was still alive. That was a month ago, now she's stuck running from herds and scavenging for mediocre food.

Jayden began to explore the house, it was two levels and small but overall it was nice. Jayden had searched the kitchen and scored some canned corn. Luckily she was used to rationing out food but what she really needed was medical supplies. Her Jeep used to be full of supplies she needed but now it was just an empty shell for her to drive. She had only gotten bit once since she left, she fought the fever but of course with her stubbornness, she let the bite get infected.

Jayden ventured upstairs towards the bedrooms, she picked one with a view of the street and the house across as well. She never felt safe enough to not stand guard. She has slept very little these days.

After setting up her rifle in the window, she peered through the scope. She began looking up and down the street and the edge of the woods. Knowing that there was no immediate danger in the area she decided to try and get some sleep. If anyone were to try to get into the house then they would make enough noise to wake her. After a few minutes she began to doze off, When sleep finally overcame her the sun was beginning to set.

Little did she know that within hours, some old friends would arrive.


Sunlight peered through the window brightening everything in its wake. Jayden began to stir as she somehow slept through the night without waking. She sat up rubbing her eyes until she saw stars. She then made her way downstairs to check her barricaded doors. When she saw that everything was secure she made her way into the kitchen, pulled out her map and began strategizing.

There were more heards venturing out of the city. Grouping up and covering more and more ground by the day. Jayden had run into two different herds over the past two months. She was worried that these two groups might meet up cutting her off from going where she needed to. As Jayden sat there staring at a map, trying to make a plan she heard something peculiar. She immediately jumped up and made her way upstairs. There she viewed her rifle at a group of cars in the road. Figures were inside moving about. She didn't have the energy to fight anyone that day, so she decided to keep her head down and hope they move on.

As Jayden began to slip away from the window she heard the familiar growl of a walker. She turned back to the window and felt as if the world stopped turning. This group of people running out to their cars was the same group that she had saved. She felt the urge to shout out the window and alert them of her presence but something stopped her. She didn't know why but she didn't think they would want her in their group. Even if Rick and the others overcame their hesitance with her condition it still wouldn't guarantee their safety or hers.

Instead she sat there watching this group through her rifle scope. Mainly following a certain redneck. The one person who understood. She watched as they tried to take out some of the walkers but she knew they were low on ammo, none of them were using guns and the walkers outnumbered their group.

She told herself she wouldn't intervene, she knew they were strong and they would survive, right? As Jayden watched over the group she noticed that Daryl was on the cusp of getting overrun.



Hey Y'all!! I know this story has been MIA but college just started and being a college athlete takes up so much of my time. Anyway! I apologize for the short chapter but I think it needed to be smaller. It's more of a transition chapter anyways. I'm hoping to be writing and putting more chapters out there. I also want to say a Huge THANK YOU to those of you who have voted for this story. I would love to hear your comments/ideas/thoughts.

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