I Don't Belong (Discontinued...

By Mimicrycakes

3.6K 47 20

He doesn't belong anywhere. But where does he? This story for now is discontinued. I will continue it once I... More

Chapter 1: Cold outside
Chapter 2: He sees a Village
Chapter 3: Three idiots
Chapter 4: The Little boy and the cart
Chapter 5: The Past (Part 1)
Chapter 6: The Past Part 2
Chapter 7: The Past Part 3
Chapter 8: The Past Part 4
Chapter 9: The Past Part 5
Chapter 10: The Past Part 6
Chapter 11: The Lady With Red Hair Part 1
Chapter: ??? (Filler)
Chapter 12: The Lady With Red Hair Part 2
Chapter:!!! (Filler)
Chapter 14: Wandering Still But I Found A Kingdom Part 1
Chapter 15: The Past Part 8
Chapter:!?!?!!? Short and Sweet
A/N (Update)
Chapter 16: Wandering Still But I Found A Kingdom Part 2

Chapter 13: The Lady With Red Hair Part 3

81 2 0
By Mimicrycakes

It's been a few days since he's been in here. Ghost pepper cookie has not checked on him for a while. He figures she must've forgotten about him. Soon as he thought this, she came right into the room with her mask on and black clothes on. "Morning Affy!" She bends down to his level to get a good look at his face. "My my, you look horrid." She smirks as she tilts his head with her hand. "Say something sweetie.~" Caresses his cheek. Affogato flinched by her touch. Affogato didn't make eye contact with her he just kept his head down. She took her mask off. "I love it when you look submissive." Her face is close to his and she licks his "ear". "I will be back soon. Just make sure you don't move. Oh! That's right, you can't. Hahaha!!!" Slams the door and then locks it. Affogato cookie got up from the ground and started to chant a spell to break free from the cuffs. He forgot days on in he had magic, lethargy overwhelmed him he guessed. Walks up the stairs to the door and jiggles the knob of the door. Shit, it's locked. He jiggled it again and still, it didn't budge. Slammed his body multiple times. But still, it didn't open. "Darn bitch locked me in real good. I'm too tired to use my magic....but I will have to." Uses his magic to open the door and it opens. "There...." He slumps over onto the floor passed out. Ghost pepper cookie hovered over him and then decides to take him to her room.

Affogato opened his eyes up, his vision is blurry and he couldn't make out what room he was in. Someone walked up towards him with a mask on and black clothes again. Gosh, damn those black clothes. The mask was lifting off said person and it was her; Ghost Pepper cookie. "Affy?~ You passed out again. How many times do I have to tell you NOT to pass out on me?" Affogato sneered at her not saying a word. "Ah? So you think you can just get away with not saying anything?" She lifts her leg up and puts her heeled shoe on his chest. "Gah!" Affogato yelped in pain thanks to the heel of her shoe. "I'm going to enjoy this! Mehehehe!" She takes her shoe off him and then leans on the bed kissing him all over. Affogato started to feel really uncomfortable. "Get off me woman!" He pushed her off him, but she didn't budge. "Affy?~ Did you try to just push me?" Affogato narrowed his eyes at her. "And if I did?" She takes a knife from her pocket and puts it under his chin. "Do you think this is a joke?! Do you want to die today!?" Presses the knife further into his dough. Affogato started bleeding a brown color. "Looks like I broke through your dough! My bad sweetie pie! Haha!" Takes the knife from his chin, takes her hand, and places it on his chest to feel it up and down. "Stop shivering! You're making things difficult!" As she was distracted by touching his chest up and down he took his headdress off his head and bonked her across the head. "BASTARD! HOW DARE YOU HIT A WOMAN!" She rubs her head to soothe the pain. "You a woman? The last time I've seen a woman, they treated me with kindness and did not defile me like some animal!" He gets up from the bed, yet struggles to stand up. "You. Will. Pay......" Takes her knife out again and starts to slash at him. Affogato dodges out of the way and starts to chant spells at her. "ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGG!" She screams and manages to stab him in the shoulder. "Shit!" He holds his shoulder in pain and continues to dodge and throw spells her way. Ghost pepper does a roundhouse kick and misses his face by an inch. "Why. Won't YOU. STAY STILL!!!!" Keeps slashing at him until Affogato sees his headdress on the ground, he bends down as quick as he can to grab it. Once he grabs it, he stabs her in the eye with the sharp ends of it. She starts to scream. Affogato limped towards the door to open it then closes it behind him. Thank the heavens he got out of that room quick. He could still hear her screaming. He goes into the living room to grab his staff and leave that house behind him.

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