Chapter 14: Wandering Still But I Found A Kingdom Part 1

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(A/N: Yes, about time I uploaded a chapter. >:) ) 

After the events at Ghost pepper cookie's house, Affogato kept running through the town until he fell down on the ground face planting. There are a lot of cookies in the town he was in at the beginning of his little journey. The cookies did not notice at all he was in their vicinity. Guess they could care less about what is going on around them. Affogato got up from the ground, he dusted his clothes off due to dirt being on them. Then again he thought to himself he is already dirty, to begin with, he needed a bath or something. "The sense of these cookies never ceases to amaze me. Does anyone care to even look at me?" His thoughts are getting the best of him once again. That little nagging voice is telling him he isn't important. No one will care for him at all. Affogato Cookie left the area better yet, he left the town for good. He has no other reason to stay here. He needed to find elsewhere to go anyway.

The next day, he is leaning against a log, this is where he slept all throughout the night since he didn't have a place to stay. "My back is hurting from this log, a bed would be nice for a change." Rubs his back with his left hand, then he gets up from the ground to stretch his limbs out. "Where to now?" He said inside his head. As soon as he picked his staff up from the ground, he heard a rustling of leaves on his right. Affogato Cookie started to feel scared. The noise got louder the closer it got to him. A loud scream belted out of a cookie. "AAAAAH! Get out of here! You are disturbing cookies all around Earthbread!" In the distance there is a cookie that stood taller than Affogato, they wore a white outfit all over, had a staff that looked as if it had milk on the inside, and their hair looked like marshmallows. They seemed to have nice features too. "Hello? Do you want to join my guild?" Affogato stared at the cookie for a few seconds, then responded with, "A guild? Why a guild?" He asked the cookie. "It's because I want to find a certain someone. That is why I am asking you to join my guild. I can't do this alone." Affogato didn't know what to think, how does one ask a question like that out of the blue, let alone, he doesn't even know who this cookie is. They are just a stranger to him. "Um, first who are you, to begin with?" The cookie felt a bit embarrassed now. "Oh, my bad! I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Milk Cookie! I am here to find Dark Choco Cookie!" Affogato shivered at that name being said. "Dark Ch-choco Cookie? Why do you need to look for them?" Affogato asked him. "It's because I need to thank him, that is right. Plus I want to be like him." Milk Cookie gave Affogato a warm smile. First off this is weird, second Affogato is about to bust out of here. So he did. "WAIT!? JOIN MY GUILD!" Milk Cookie shouted as he ran after Affogato, but Affogato was already long gone. Milk Cookie just gave up and turned back to where they came from.

Affogato Cookie, stopped by a tall tree and began to pant. All that running tired him out. "Sheesh, aren't they pushy? I don't need to join a guild, I don't even want to see Dark Choco Cookie either. He would kill me." All Affogato Cookie wanted to do now is sleep, where would he sleep? Oh yeah, he has nowhere to sleep! He needed to find the next neares- Just his luck he is by a town, a bustling town-no a kingdom! "A kingdom all the way out here in the woods?" Affogato walked towards the kingdom and within that kingdom were sugar gnomes and cookies of all kinds. At least this looked better than the town he was originally in. As he is walking in the kingdom he sees two young cookies running around playing tag. One had a scepter and a crow on his head, was he a real king? Another cookie running up to the other one had a flying squirrel onesie on acting as if they were flying. "Kids....." He said dried. He kept walking around yet no one was noticing him one bit. A cookie who had a candy cane in his hand came up to him with a wide smile on his face. "Hiya! Who are you? I have never seen you here before! You must be new!" The cookie was enthusiastic seems like nothing ever got them down in the dumps. Affogato's eyes grew wide at the sudden energy of this cookie. "Yes, I am new here....I just need a place to stay for the night." The cookie in front of him smiled once again that stupid smile. "Oh! We have plenty of places you can stay! Not just for a night, but for a lifetime. Also, my name is Gingerbrave. What is your name?" Affogato Cookie smirked a little. "My name is Affogato. That is all you need to know." Gingerbrave put his hand on his hip and grinned yet again. "Well, Affogato I am sure you will love it here! Let me show you around this place." Gingerbrave grabbed Affogato Cookie by the arm and dragged him around the town to start his tour.

To be continued 

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