Chapter 7: The Past Part 3

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(A/N: The upcoming chapters will be rather lengthy trying to sandwich in what I can with Affogato's made up backstory. Nothing but filler though!)

Chrysallis Cookie took her hand off of Affogato's small back. She got up from the bed to go to the door. She figured to leave him alone for the time being. He must not want anyone to bother him right now. Chrysallis, walked down the hallway by herself this go round, she makes it back to the living room where her family was sitting on the couch awaiting her to sit down. "So, how is he?" Her mother sat up with poise. "Mother, he is doing not so well as of now. He was crying a few moments ago. I figured something is troubling him. "Now, now my child, we don't know the boy just yet, for all we know he could be faking it." Her mother's face frowned a bit at the mere thought of someone faking attention. "I will say we give him a chance. Cocoon Cookie." Cocoon Cookie's husband said as he inhaled smoke from his pipe. "Just give him a day or two, then we will see if he cracks. If he cracks, simple. We throw him out on the streets again. If he doesn't crack, then we will keep him here until he turns 18. Sounds reasonable?" The mother nodded her head in agreement, then her lips began to part to say something. "Indeed dear." Chrysallis Cookie didn't like what her father said. Throw him out? She could not do anything about it though. It's her mother and father's home. 

Hours have passed. Affogato was in the guest bedroom staring at the grey ceiling in boredom. The door to the room is opening without him noticing. Who came into the room was the younger brother. He stared at Affogato with disdain. "Liking your new bed huh? Need I remind you this is a GUEST room, not your own room." He snickers. "You're just lucky that my mother and father pity you." With that, he slammed the door behind him letting Affogato know he does not like him. Affogato got up from the bed, he was about to leave the room anyway. So he did. When Affogato was walking down the hallway, he bumped into Chrysallis Cookie by accident. "Oh! I am so sorry! I did not see you there!" Chrysallis Cookie helped him up off the ground and back on his own two feet. "You are in luck though, my mother and father would like to see you." She moved out the way to let him pass through. Talking could be heard from the living area, it was the mother and father talking about trivial matters. "I told her last night to get the moths and separate them from the butterflies!" The father told Cocoon Cookie. "I told her that t- hello there Affogato! How are you?" 
Says cheerfully. "I am fine. He said Affogato said quietly. But did you both need me for something?" He asked. "Yes, yes! We need to tell you who we are first. Sorry if we didn't introduce ourselves earlier. I am Cocoon Cookie, but you may from now on, call me your mother. Over there is my husband Mourning Cloak Cookie." She turned her head towards her husband. "You may call me your father from now on. But as for our children's names. Both his children come out of nowhere. Children, introduce yourselves." The boy stepped up first. "My name is Swallowtail Cookie, and I don't really like you." He uses his hand to hide his smirk. "Swallowtail!" His mother said in a demanding tone, which meant to knock it off. Now for the daughter, she stepped forward. "My name is Chrysallis Cookie the one who took you to the guest bedroom." She smiles. Mourning Cloak Cookie, took his pipe out of his mouth to say, "We are originally from the Butterfly Kingdom." He said with pride. Affogato said not a word he just listened. "So, what is your name dear?" Cocoon Cookie asked. "My name is Affogato Cookie……" He trailed off. "What kingdom are you from?" Swallowtail Cookie asked annoyed. "I-" I was all Affogato could mustard up. He has no idea where he is originally from or where he came from. "It's fine you don't know dear. Just know you belong here now. We are your family." Cocoon Cookie pulled him into a warm embrace. Affogato felt tears in his eye a bit. He felt for the longest of times he belonged somewhere and that somewhere is here.

I Don't Belong (Discontinued for now)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat