Chapter 6: The Past Part 2

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(A/N: Double post today! This one will be quite long. FYI the family is not canon to cookie run. I made them up. Do not try googling! They DO NOT exist!)

(Art credit: Didy414)

The family who took Affogato in as a child was an odd one at that. They were wearing all black clothes with a hint of purple to the clothes. All of them had black hair with white and purple streaks in them. Especially, on the mother who was a tall, thinly, sick-looking woman, but do not let that fool you, she may seem nice, but she isn't. Her hair was short in length. Her clothes were a black long dress that went all the way to the floor, you could not see her feet at all. Then there were her two kids, one was a boy with jet black hair and bangs that he had slicked back, along with black shorts and a shirt that had a deep shade of purple contrasting it. The shoes he wore were black dress shoes, that a young boy like him would wear to a fancy restaurant. His face was not attractive at all, seems the boy never smiled in a day in his life. The woman had a girl who looked to be the oldest she too, looked as if she never smiled. Her hair was in a high ponytail with a ponytail holder that had skulls and butterflies embroidered on it. Just like her mother she wore a long black dress except, the sleeves on her dress were bell-shaped sleeves, and her shoes were purple ankle boots that went well with her dress. Lastly, the father. The father was the biggest of them all. His face was squarish, his frown never faltering. The clothes he wore were a basic black suit and he wore a purple vest with it. His shoes were the same as his son's except bigger in size and color. His hair is short and near. The tie he wore was a striped tie black and purple. Affogato gave the family one last glance then looked back down at the ground a lot of his torn-up shoes.

The father who is the head of the family walked over to Affogato, he bend down to get to his level. "Hello there."

Affogato looked away from him. "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. You are safe here." He pats his coffee and ice cream hair. The mother went over to her husband. "Dear, why don't we go show him to his room? He might be tired. We can discuss things later with him." She turns her head to Affogato, she smiles at him. Oh so, they can smile. "Chrysallis Cookie?" Her daughter heard her mother's voice and walked over to her. "Yes, mother." She said low. "Take him to the guest room." Chrysallis Cookie nodded, as she signaled Affogato to follow her. Walking down the grim hallway, nothing but footsteps could be heard from the pair walking. Chrysallis Cookie, stopped midway because they have now made it to the guest room. "Here you are." Her monotonous voice echoed throughout the room. "This is the bathroom over there on your right, and on your left, there is where you can open the window, if it gets hot I'm here. Center is your bed, but I'm sure you know what a bed is already." Affogato walked over towards the bed slowly, to only lay on it. "Hey!? You are getting your dirty clothes all over the bed!" Chrysallis Cookie was about to pull him off the bed to go take a bath, but she heard a bit of sniffling coming from him. Chrysallis Cookie gasps. "Oh no, I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you cry." The tone of her voice was now wavering. Affogato buried his face in the pillow further. He wanted to hide from her and everybody. She didn't understand what he went through, no. She didn't even get the fact he is a homeless child. "I-I-you never had a bed before?" She asked. Affogato shook his head no. "Not even a roof over your head?" Affogato shook his head yes again. Chrysallis Cookie is now in shock. What happened to him before they took him in? Did someone hurt him? Never mind that for now. Chrysallis Cookie put her hand on his back to comfort him.

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