Chapter:!!! (Filler)

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A/N: This does not go with the main plot line. This is a one off. Affogato by the way won't every time be in a filler chapter. The filler chapter is for any cookie I choose to add in it.

"Eeek!" Strawberry Cookie shrieked in terror. Gingerbrave squirted water out of a water gun, to get Strawberry cookie wet. "Haha! Got you!" Gingerbrave said playfully. "You got me again. I never get you somehow. Maybe I'm just not good at this." She sighed. Gingerbrave walked over to her, to put a hand on her shoulder. "Don't be sad. You just have to keep trying." He smiled. Strawberry Cookie looked up at Gingerbrave and gave a smile with her eyes closed. "Guys! Guys! Come quick!" Wizard cookie ran towards them while huffing and puffing. His short little legs were getting tired from all the running. Gingerbrave and Strawberry Cookie looked over at Wizard Cookie who had an exasperated look on his face. "What is it? Are the sugar gnomes fighting over Dark Choco again!?" Wizard Cookie raised a confused eyebrow. "Noooooo." He said. "That cookie with who wears the rags is back along with his pets and a Mushroom wearing kid." Gingerbrave picked his candy cane up from the ground and started running without saying anything before he left. "And there he goes." Strawberry Cookie sweat drops.

"Ssh! Won't you two shut it!? You're ruining my plan!" Licorice cookie shouted. Poison Mushroom just stood there sleeping. "Um??? Why is Poison Mushroom cookie sleeping meowster?" Bat Cat said, "Sssh! Sssh! I'm trying to think." Licorice shouted. Bat cat narrowed their eyes. "But they are not doing their job!" Poison Mushroom wakes up, then rubs their eyes. "Hey? What's going on? Did I miss anything?" They said in a daze. "Hey? Aren't you supposed to be planting spores about the place!? I won't get the recognition from Dark Enchantress Cookie, if you stand there like a cake hound, waiting for its owner." Schwazwalder looks straight ahead and sees Gingerbrave run towards them. "Licorice Cookie!" Licorice Cookie whips his head around quickly. "What do you want!? I'm trying to figure out our next move." Schwazwalder pointed at Gingerbrave. "What are you waiting for? Get them!" Licorice shouted as he summoned his Licorice servants. "Go now! Move it! Move it!"

His servant started to run towards Gingerbrave as quickly as they can., only to get beaten within seconds. Licorice started to feel embarrassment seep through his dough. Did he just defeat them just like that? Schwazwalder took his hammer and swung it towards Gingerbrave. "Haha! You puny cookie! You lose!" Gingerbrave hands down took his candy cane to only beat the ever-loving crap out of him. "Ow! Ow! That hurts!" He screams. "Stop attacking my friends!" Gingerbrave anger has now risen. Wizard and Strawberry Cookie finally caught up to Gingerbrave. "Why did you just run off like that!? You just left us in the dust." Wizard Cookie seethe. "Oh! I am sorry. I didn't mean to do that Wizard Cookie." Gingerbrave puts his hand behind his head while smiling nervously. Licorice Cookie looked over at the three cookies talking amongst each other, then he looked at Bat cat and Schwazlader on the ground and knocked him the heck out. "What are you two doing!? Get up and capture them!" He screamed as if he were a child throwing a tantrum. "My head hurts." Bat cat said through grit teeth. "My body hurts all over. Carry me Licorice." Schwarzwalder cried. "I am not carrying you! Nor do I care if your head hurts. Get them or else! I-I will both banish you to the closet!" His patience is wearing thin. "What is going on..?" Poison mushroom cookie finally caught up to what was going on. "Shoo! Shoo! Go back over there and plant your spores, as I told you to." Licorice had a headache at this point. The lot of them irked him to the nth degree. "You know what? Abandon the mission! We will just tell the Dark Enchantress Cookie they escaped." Licorice was tired, he and the rest were outside for almost 5 days. His bed is calling him. "But what about the shroooommmieees?" Poison Mushroom asked. Licorice put a hand to his face. He is not about to have this discussion with Poison Mushroom. "Don't worry about them right now. Next time." Poison Mushroom tilted their head in confusion, yet they smiled. Licorice Cookie and his group left in a hurry. "Where did they go?" Wizard Cookie asked. "I don't know they just were here a minute ago, and now they are gone." Strawberry Cookie responds. Gingerbrave stood there twirling his candy cane in boredom. "Ah, it's fine. They will be back next time, and hey? Maybe we can get them on our side. Licorice seems like he would be easy to convince." Wizard Cookie squints his eyes at Gingerbrave. "Um, Gingerbrave? You do realize he is evil right? He will not consider your offer." Gingerbrave puts his head down in defeat. "Yeah yeah. You are right." Strawberry Cookie fixed the strings on her hood. "So, what are we going to do now?" Gingerbrave lifted his head up quick he almost broke his "neck." "Water gun fight!" He takes out his water guns from out of nowhere and started to shoot both Wizard and Strawberry Cookie. "Hey! My hat! This hat doesn't dry quickly you know!" Wizard Cookie starts a spell to attack Gingerbrave, but Gingerbrave dodges it. "Ah!" Strawberry Cookie screamed as she ran behind a tree to hide. "Yeah! This is what I am talking about!"

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