A Walking Chestnut (Pokemon x...

By netapel

29.5K 783 210

This Story was cross-posted from fimfiction net, Check me out there if you want to get the chapters early. ... More

Chapter 1: A Chestnut in a field.
Chapter 2: A Chestnut and an Apple cart.
Chapter 3: A Chestnut at the Summer Sun Celebration.
Chapter 4: A Chestnut doesn't want anything to do with the plot.
Chapter 5: A Chestnut started working out.
Chapter 7: A Chestnut going on a hike.
Chapter 8: A Chestnut in the library.
Meanwhile around the Globe, Episode 1.
Chapter 9: A Chestnut takes a day to relax.
Chapter 10: A Chestnut, A Turtle and a Dragon walk into a bath.
Chapter 11: A Chestnut that Fainted.
Chapter 12: A Short discussion between a Unicorn and a Deer.
Chapter 13: A Chestnut at a meeting.
Chapter 14: A Chestnut hates Sailing.
Chapter 15: A Chestnut and a prince creating a conspiracy.
Chapter 16: A Bunny and a Bug meet in a forest.
Chapter 17: A Chestnut has a makeover session.
Chapter 18: A Chestnut Dreams of home.
Chapter 19: A Chestnuts first day on foreign soil.
Chapter 20: A Pink Heart has a stressful job.
Chapter 21: The Queens Old Castle.
Chapter 22: A Dog, A Cave and an Orange.
Chapter 23: Martial Law.
Sexy Halloween Special
Chapter 24: Politics about Family.
Chapter 25: A Wolf, A Chestnut and A Dog.
Chapter 26: Digging a Tunnel.
Chapter 27: Freedom Over Peace 1
Chapter 28: Freedom Over Peace 2
Chapter 29: Freedom Over Peace 3
Action Packed Holiday Special
Chapter 30: A Chestnut in his first real fight
Chapter 31: A Chestnut and a Princess fight the President
ATTENTION!!! (Cross-posted from FimFiction!)
Rewrite is out!!!

Chapter 6: A Chestnut with Neighbors and Muscles.

1.7K 51 4
By netapel

After Fluttershy promised she'll check in the Library for a book to help me, I decided to listen to her advice and grab some rest.
According to Red I've been working out for hours without rest.
How did I not notice that so much time has passed?

When I wake up the morning after, I feel my muscles sore and my body heavy.
Which is surprisingly not as terrible as I imagined working out for almost twenty hours to feel. It's actually similar to how I felt when I had to train my body for two hours a day, four times a week back during training.

I never got super muscular like an action movie star, But I at least had abs. It wasn't an amazing, defined six-pack sadly, It was closer to a flat, four-pack, But at least I had something!

Looking at myself as a Chespin, I look like a plush doll, I don't seem to have any muscles even though I can flex my arms and stomach all I want here.
Actually, I don't think anybody here has had muscles. I'm pretty sure horses should have strong, defined muscles in their legs, But thinking back on Nightmare Moon, She also didn't seem to have defined muscles.

Is this actually part of the cartoon logic of this world? That even if you are super strong and muscular, you look the same as any other person in your species?

Or do none of these ponies go to the gym?
Strange, Isn't it?

Slowly dragging my heavy body to my mountain of NOT stolen food, which luckily for me is mostly bread and apples in different shapes.
Which is great.
You see, Bread, is made out of Cereal, or Grains. Which are rich with Carbohydrates.
And apples, while not being full of Glucose, are a good supply of Vitamin C and Fiber.

And with the metabolism of a fictional, magical rodent with plant based magical powers.
Eating an apple pie for breakfast is pumping my body full of energy!

From the forest behind the lake, grunts of effort can be heard all around. When something in a forest makes a strange noise, The curious critters come and check out what is making it.

Patricia the Opossum was on her way back to her nest when she heard the noise coming from a clearing up ahead.
When she came to see what was making that noise, she didn't expect to see other animals hiding behind a bush, spying on the source of the noise.

Walking over to a bird she recognized, she decided to ask him what was going on.
"It seems that the kids over there found out what Chespin has been doing for the past two days, They've been watching him ever since." A Red bird told her, pointing with a wing at a group of young Porcupines and a Heron.

Seeing that the children are indeed looking behind the bushes into the clearing, she decides to take a look as well.
As she sticks her head into the bush and pushes it out of the other side, She manages to see the source of the sounds.

Chespin, The new neighbor that appeared roughly two weeks ago, is walking laps around the clearing carrying a rock on his back. If the amount of sweat dripping down his body is anything to go by, he's been doing this for a long time by now.

After a full lap around the clearing, Chespin drops the stone behind him and brings out two green vines from what to her seems like out of nowhere, "I didn't know he could do magic like that." Patricia says as she looks on with even more curiosity.

With the two vines now extending out of Chespin's back like two long, extra appendages. He starts flicking them around, As if trying to hit an invisible opponent.

After another five minutes of whipping those vines around, Chespin sits down on the ground for a full five minutes before he picks himself and the stone back up on his back and starts doing another lap of the clearing.

Deciding that she saw enough, Patricia takes her head out of the bush and notices that the crowd that she joined to look at Chespin with has grown a lot in the few minutes she's been watching him.

What was once a group of children, their parents, and her neighbors from the forest has grown to include animals from the other side of the forest, some frogs from the nearby lake and even a deer from the Whitetail woods.
All watching the mysterious new neighbor run around with rocks and whip vines around.

She's seen enough. Patricia might be curios old lady, but she doesn't have the time to spy on her neighbor more than she already has.
She has six children to take care of and her good for nothing husband can barely take care of himself!

Henry thought it was going to be another normal day today. Meet up with his friends behind Fluttershy's cabin and play with the rubber ball he found. He didn't expect to be dragged by his friends to watch Mr Chespin train his body like one of those ponies from the picture book!

He's so cool! he can lift up that rock like it's nothing! And he can do that thing with those vines that come out of his back! And-and sometimes, he tucks into a ball and moves Reeeeeeally fast!
He's just the coolest!
Chespin is just so awesome.
Is that what he's doing all the time? Is that why he never joined the kick-ball game with his pals?

Looking down at the rubber ball held in his Talons, Henry the Heron decided that he's going to be just like Mr Chespin when he grows up! He'll be so strong and cool and everyone will like him!

Saying Goodbye to his friends, Henry the Heron picks the ball with his feet and flies back to tell his mom what he's going to do tomorrow!
Now, He just need to find a waterfall to sit under and a tree to kick repeatedly.
That's what the picture books said to do after all.

"You want to bring an Animal into the Library?" Twilight Sparkle asked Fluttershy as she sat down near a table, a steaming cup of tea before her.

"Oh, yes, Mr Chespin is very far from home and he wants to know how to get back. I don't have any books about his species at home so I thought I might bring him here to help me look for a book to help him." Fluttershy told Twilight as she took a sip from from the cup, The hot tea almost burning her tongue in the process.

"I'm sure there's a book about the rarer animals in Equestria somewhere here, You don't need to bring him in order to find it, I'm sure." Twilight told her, But Fluttershy shook her head.

"I Promised Mr Chespin that I'll help him find a way back home. I can't find the correct book to help him If he isn't here Twilight." Fluttershy said.

She Promised to help Chespin, Helping to take care of his health is only one part of it, But in order to get him home, She needs his help finding a correct book.

"Look Fluttershy, I get it that you want to help out your animal friend, But you can't bring Animals into the Library." Twilight shook her head.
"But Twilight, Chespin really needs my help. How can I help him If I don't know what I'm looking for?" Fluttershy told Twilight gain, tears of worry flickering in her eyes.

Twilight, Seeing the tears forming in her friends eyes, Couldn't help but accept her request.
"On one condition! They aren't allowed to make too big of a mess of the place. And they need to stay clean, I don't want any muddy paw prints on my new floor. I only had this place for four days after all."

Seeing that Twilight agreed to her Request,Fluttershy gave her a quick hug before letting go in embarrassment.
"Thank you so much Twilight, I'm sure Mr Chespin will be very grateful for you allowing him to come. He's a very smart critter after all." Fluttershy said before she drank the last of her tea and exited the library.

Seeing her friend take her leave. Twilight thought about what books might help Fluttershy.
"Spike! Come help me look for books about animals with magical properties found in Equestria!" She called out to her Baby Dragon little brother, and started her own search for books.

Her new friend needed her help to help another friend.

Princess Celestia will be so proud of her!

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