To Stand by Your Side (DekuBa...

By Kacchans_CvmSlvt

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Original writer is aeronines on AO3 Wanted to have a backup cause this is one of my favorite DekuBaku books I... More

Chapter 1: Start Line
Chapter 2: From a Distance
Chapter 3: Round One
Chapter 4: You and Me
Chapter 5: I Dreamt about your Ass Lastnight
Chapter 6: Paradigm Shift
Chapter 8: Conceal Don't Feel
Chapter 9: The Cum Before the Storm
Chapter 10: Tipping Point
Chapter 11: Healing 101: A Three-part Guide to Stop Worrying About your Crush
Chapter 12: Texts, Tunes, and Turns
Chapter 13: The Best Damn Not-Date
Chapter 14: Ummmm Gay??
Chapter 15: Upsize
Chapter 16: Origin
Chapter 17: A Shakey Start
Chapter 18: Boredoroki
Chapter 19: Homecoming
Chapter 20: A Different Kind of Place
Chapter 21: Its All Fun and Games...
Chapter 22: ...Till Someone Gets Hurt
Chapter 23: Aftermath
Chapter 24: Why Confront Our Problems When We Could Just Go to an Onsen Instead
Chapter 25: A Litte Miscummunigaytion
Chapter 26: Maybe we Arent Such Useless Gays After All
Chapter 27: The Center of an Explosion
Chapter 28: BLAZE IT (with feelings)
Chapter 29: Sports Fest Redux
Chapter 30: And Then They Fucked
Chapter 31: Meet the Bakugous
Chapter 32: You Can Run...
Chapter 33: ...But You Cant Hide
Chapter 34: Oasis
Chapter 35: Media Management for Dummies
Chapter 36: To Stand by Your Side
Chapter 37: Tomorrow

Chapter 7: Well, If It Feels Good...

3.5K 102 139
By Kacchans_CvmSlvt

"Oh, Bakugou!"

Katsuki looked up from his book to see Yaoyorozu stumble into his room in a hurry, lip upturned and the hint of a frown on her face.

"Did you get the notes from last math class? Camie told me she'd be coming by to give them to you, but... oh, she's forgetful sometimes."

Katsuki huffed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, tell me about it. Yesterday she said she'd be bringing me dinner too, but guess who starved? Me."

Yaoyorozu sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. "Ah, sorry... well, I was helping her out with something, so you're free to put the blame on me for that. But- ugh, this was all I asked her to do today!"

"S'okay. I'll catch up fast enough." He paused, smirking. "I wouldn't wanna interrupt you two anyways. You gonna spend a few hours making out again tonight too?"

At that, Yaoyorozu turned beet red, a small scowl cresting over her lips. "We- for the last time, we're not together! She's a good friend. Who... needs more than a little help on her homework sometimes. And really, really likes asking for favors." She paused and crossed her arms. "How much longer are you going to be confined to your bed, though? It's already been a day and a half. I know you got hit fairly bad- well, you and Todoroki both- during the Sports Festival, but you had treatment administered fairly heavily afterwards, right?"

Katsuki groaned, staring up at his ceiling. "All I did was break a few ribs and get a few burns, but the nurse said I had to let this injury do part of the healing on its own cause it was 'my own fault' or some shit. I'm gettin' the rest of the treatment tonight, though. Should be out by tomorrow. Better be out by tomorrow."

"Huh." Yaoyorozu frowned. "Todoroki was in class this morning, you know. Did he get accelerated treatment?"

Katsuki's head fell back against his headboard with an annoyed thump. "Yeah, cause apparently I'm the only reason we got injured. S'not my fault he wasn't giving it his best effort for most of the round."

"Well, it is your fault that his right arm was dislocated." Yaoyorozu reminded him. "And that he started using his fire. And that most of the lower ground of the stadium was destroyed. So, I'd say Recovery Girl has a valid point."

He dropped his jaw in utter betrayal. "Damn you, you shit. I did my goddamn best. I was barely out of the ring, and fuckin' Todoroki was twenty feet past it. No reason that fight should've ended in a tie and you know it."

"Well, go and contest the results with Aizawa if you really want to. Not that I can see that going anywhere good for you." Yaoyorozu shook her head. "By the way, have you talked to Todoroki since that fight? I think he's been looking for you. I mean, you getting him to use his fire really was a big deal, even if it resulted in that outcome."

"Haven't talked to the idiot." He muttered. "If he really wants to talk, he needs to get his ass over here. Not like I can really stop him from coming in when I can't leave my goddamn bed."

That fight had been interesting, if nothing else. He'd watched Todoroki blast through each previous round of the competition with ease using only his ice, but against Katsuki, he'd never have won with that alone. Katsuki had known there was another side he had shoved away and if he'd dared to try and pull that same "I only use my ice" stunt on him, Todoroki would have found himself in the most humiliating loss he'd ever had. It had taken a bit of work to get him using it, but Katsuki wasn't about to let himself slide into an easy victory. In order to really prove himself, a legitimate, challenging win was the only one he'd accept. And if that took a little coercion, a little- oh, maybe a bit of a dislocated shoulder or so- on his part, who cared? It did the job. Maybe it wasn't a win in its entirety either, but he'd felt something change in Todoroki during that fight.

Yeah, okay, so not a total loss.

"Well, I didn't come in here to talk about Todoroki to begin with. Just to see if you had the stuff you needed." Yaoyorozu sighed. "I'll let him know you won't kick him out, at least." She paused, and gave him one last look over. "You sure you're doing okay? I mean, even if you just want some company, I don't mind bringing my homework in here to work on."

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I'm fine. S'not like being alone for a day is gonna kill me. It's you idiots that are convinced I need company."

"Fine, fine, be like that." Yaoyorozu huffed. "I'll go tell Todoroki you're available, and if you're lucky, Camie might stop by later."

She turned and left just as quickly as she'd arrived, and Katsuki couldn't help but feel that he'd managed to piss her off a bit. And if he was being honest, he still wasn't really sure what his friends' relationship was. For whatever reason, Yaoyorozu stuck around him a fair amount and made time to at least talk to him on the regular, but it could also just be because of the fact that he and Camie were fairly close. She and Camie had been spending more and more time with each other lately, and he was almost willing to bet money that they were doing a little more than just "studying" during those nights they both disappeared into one of their rooms.

He didn't mind Yaoyorozu's presence too much, though. She put her all into what she did and was one of the only people in the class who could really compete with him in terms of grades. Maybe her confidence in the field could use some work, but she was getting there. Slowly.

No matter their relationship, though, Katsuki could admit he was a little bored left all alone, even if it really hadn't been much more than a day. Homework was only so entertaining and he was dying to get back out to training.

He opened up his laptop again, lazily scrolling through hero headlines in the hopes that something would pique his interest. Already he'd gone through recaps of missions from yesterday, and just hitting the refresh button on repeat was getting old. He'd been reminded of Deku's incredible stunts from the past week, a continuation of his ever-lengthening victory streak, and that had been enough to make him content for a little while.

Now, though, it was back to boredom.

Katsuki never really found himself perusing pop-culture hero content, nor did he drift into territory that wasn't strictly the news or journalism articles, but desperate times called for desperate measures. On a complete whim, Katsuki clicked on one of the gaudy ads bordering his current reading material and was soon whisked to a flashy, headline-filled page full of wild statements and news that seemed too obnoxious to be real. Nonetheless, it only took Katsuki a few seconds to hone in on a candid picture of Izuku walking down a busy street and click on it, bringing him to yet another page.

This time, though, it was focused on something far more akin to his interests.

"Pro Hero Valiant spotted looking ABSOLUTELY EXHAUSTED on duty! Is his agency not allowing him enough him enough time off? Or, could he be off spending his free time with somebody else?"

Yeah, okay, he was bored as fuck.

That was what he told himself as he casually scrolled down the article, replete with several more shots of Deku and of course, the latest gossip about his current status as an eligible bachelor and all the potential female partners lined up for him. Katsuki could've sworn his eyes were burning, but he couldn't look away, either.

Though, there was one particular picture that caught his eye, and Katsuki didn't realize exactly what it was he was fixating on until a few moments later when he blinked and found a nice shot of Deku's ass staring him full in the face. There was no one else in the room, so it wasn't as if he felt too bad about it, but some strange, uncomfortably warm feeling in his stomach took hold of him the longer he looked. Yeah, maybe he was into guys. And yeah, maybe Deku was hot as fuck. That only meant he was feeling just the same as any other guy his age would. Deku was attractive, both in physical form and personality, so really, it wouldn't make sense for Katsuki not to be mildly attracted to him.

Quietly, he saved the picture to his computer and decided that gossip sites weren't nearly as bad as they seemed.

He managed to keep himself busy for another hour or so doing that- clicking through articles, ignoring most of the words, and digging up the few decent shots of Deku they had up on them. There was one in particular that Katsuki just about started drooling over, a photo that had captured Deku right after a rough fight- a little bruised and bloody, but most importantly, showed a real nice image of a few choice tears in the fabric around those tight inner thighs and up near his chest, and the faintly visible, maybe-photoshopped outline of his dick was a very nice sight to see.

Katsuki wound up making a small folder, tucked under a few others just for the stuff he'd discovered. He had no interest in going back to the articles, really, but he wasn't past taking a few souvenirs for the road. The only thing he was really wondering about a bit was photoshoots- because no matter how much he looked, Deku had only done one right around his debut, and even that material was fairly tame. Unlike some heroes, Deku had done too good of a job at keeping his body from being the forefront of his platform. And as much as Katsuki respected that, he couldn't get rid of the bit of disappointment he felt. Like, come on. Even just an athletic-wear ad or fuck, some shampoo commercials would've done. He'd never dare push his luck for any chance at Deku modeling underwear, but boy would he die on the spot if it happened.

The best part, though, was that as long as this interest stayed safe in the confines of his room he'd still be able to stay true to his goal of being a hero- single and unbound by those too-close connections. There was no way this interest would ever go anywhere further, so Katsuki would take what he could get and enjoy it to as full of an extent as he could. There was no harm in just appreciating someone else's beauty, and Katsuki wasn't blind.

Sadly, however, all good things must come to an end- and this time, that end came in the form of one Todoroki Shouto coming through his unlocked bedroom door. Earlier, he might've been slightly more receptive. Now, though-

I have a hard-on and I sure as fuck don't wanna look at him for much longer.

"The hell you want?" He snapped, scowling. "You better be quick."

And even more to his annoyance, Todoroki looked completely healed. A little sleepy, maybe, but that was no surprise.

"Those burns suit you." Todoroki commented, shutting the door behind him. "Yaoyorozu told me I could come in. Thought you'd at least have been drugged up enough to be less like... this."

Katsuki grit his teeth, regretting anything he'd ever said. "Get the hell outta here if you're gonna act like this. I don't owe you a conversation."

"Never said I wanted one, either." Todoroki deadpanned. "I didn't come up here to just talk, okay? I just wanted to inform you a bit about what all's going on. Because sadly, it's you of all people who's earned somewhat of an explanation."

"The fuck are you talking about?" Katsuki muttered. "If this is just shit because of the Sports Festival, then-"

"I wanted to thank you, Bakugou."


"The hell is this." Katsuki scowled. "What are you trying to pull?"

"You always jump straight to suspicion." Todoroki sighed. "More people might like talking to you if you gave them a chance first."

Katsuki grit his teeth, but didn't say anything. "You're lucky I ain't allowed to leave this bed. Are you just gonna stand there and yap, or will you get on with it?"

Neither of them looked particularly happy with the other being there, but Todoroki did pull Katsuki's desk chair up to his bed and sat down.

"You... you should've been declared the winner back there." Todoroki admitted. "All things considered, anyway. But, uh..."

Why's he gettin' nervous now?

"After you dislocated my shoulder, I still could've used my ice. I can send it out with my foot, too. So why did I still wind up using my fire...?"

"Why are you asking me?" Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I mean, it's your power. I wasn't the one who ignited half the stadium."

Todoroki raised an eyebrow. "Debatable. Anyways... yeah. I mean, I could say it was because of the pain, or because I didn't wanna lose, but... I don't think that would be why either." He paused, stared down at his hands, and sighed. "I think that when you came after me... no, not just that, but throughout the whole match, there was just this sort of aura about you. You looked comfortable in your own skin, I guess. You weren't questioning your abilities, but just put them to use in the best way you knew how. And just, seeing you break free of that ice wall I threw up then-"

"Your ice was never gonna stop me." Katsuki rolled his eyes. "It was-"

"That's the point." Todoroki interrupted. "You weren't about to be held back by anything less than my all. This whole time you've been at school, you've always been so focused on being the best. It's... it's commendable, Bakugou. You've always been a force to be reckoned with, and after seeing your match against Shindou, the guy who took out just about everyone else so easily... I knew that I'd never manage to win against you with half my strength."

You... you thought that way about me?

The small room fell quiet, and Katsuki wasn't sure he knew what to say.

Todoroki paused. "When you leaned down next to me and asked me that question, I just... I don't know. Something snapped, I think."

What I asked back there... oh, shit. Yeah. The "So are you gonna use your fire or not?"

"I wasn't sure you'd actually use your fire." He mumbled after a long, awkward moment of silence. "I didn't realize how strong it was, either. I just didn't want a half-assed victory."

"Does this tie really make you happier, then?" Todoroki asked, though it was far more a statement than a question.

"Like I said, it wasn't a half-assed victory." Katsuki narrowed his eyes. "What would've been the point if you didn't go all out? You heard my speech at the start of the festival. You knew my goal. And at this point, I'd sure as hell hope you know that I'm not gonna accept that bullshit of yours."

"Is that what I look like to everyone else...?" Todoroki swallowed. "That I'm not trying?"

"Who the fuck knows what they think?" Katsuki scowled. "I'm telling you how I feel. And, I'm telling you that that better not be the only time that I see that power from you. Don't let what you were born with go to waste."

"It's not like it was my choice to be born like this." A hint of aggression rose in Todoroki's voice as he clenched his fists. "I didn't want this power, Bakugou. It's not like I wanted to be like him."

"Like who?" Bakugou shot back. "What, Endeavor?"

"Who else." Todoroki wrinkled his nose. "I have the misfortune of having both of my parent's quirks. Never wanted my old man's."

"But you have it, don't you?" Katsuki pressed. "More power to you. Literally. You want to become a hero, right?"

"I mean, yes, but this power led to-"

"I don't care what it led to." Katsuki snapped. "It's your power. No one else's. Not Endeavor's, not your mom's, not anyone else. It's yours, and I better see you make the most of what you have if you really want to be a hero."

Todoroki's mouth hung open.

He looks so lame.

"You... Bakugou, are you serious?" Todoroki had never sounded so small, before. "Even though the only reason I have this power is because my parents gave it to me... even my poor mother, who tried to save herself from my father's power trapped in me... you really think it's mine?"

Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Don't be stupid. It's genetics, dumbass. 'Course it's your power."

When Todoroki went speechless, Katsuki paused, and continued.

"There... well, I met this hero once." He hesitated. "Felt like shit when I met him. Thought I'd made a fool of myself in front of him. Thought I didn't have what it took to be a hero anymore. But this guy, this hero... he said that my failings didn't make me less of who I am. That being saved didn't make me weak. Later, he told me that he knew I'd give it my all even if I was losing. And I think that... that by doing that, you'll never lose where it counts. Cause even if like, everything around you has got you down... at least you're not losing 'cause you were weak."

Todoroki bit his lip, and nodded. "Yeah... yeah, okay, you're right. But, um..." He grimaced, and brought his left hand up to the scar over his eye. "The reason I have this scar is because of that power. Even if... even if it's mine, not everyone really... gets that. My mother certainly didn't."

"Your mother burned you?" Katsuki asked, and yeah, okay, maybe he could've been a little more sensitive, because Todoroki flinched a little harder that he thought he would. "Taking that as a yes. Sorry for asking."

"I'm not asking for your pity, Bakugou." Todoroki frowned. "Just... an understanding, I think. It's not like I shut away my fire for no reason. My father... he didn't treat my family well. He's strong, but... he only married my mother for her ice quirk, and my father wanted a perfect combination of his and that. When he got me from her, my mother... she just saw me as an extension of him after some time. Him, who despite being a powerful hero, hurt me and the rest of my family. Does it really surprise you, hearing that, that I wouldn't want to be associated with it?"

"Kinda." Katsuki muttered. "Okay, okay, I get your family stuff, but at the end of the day it's your quirk. I'm kinda sick of trying to convince you otherwise. You ain't your old man, and you ain't your mom, and sadly, you're in the same class as me. All I want is to be able to treat you like a legit rival, because I think you have the ability to be one. You can't half-ass your future in this field unless you wanna wind up dead. You can't be too focused on anything outside of heroing. This is the shit that comes first, and personal stuff later." He looked up at Todoroki again. "Make sense? I wanna see you give it your all."

Todoroki shifted in his seat, looking mildly red in the face. "I... yeah, makes sense. This is my power... I managed to use it back there, and I can do it again."

"Good." Katsuki sighed, relieved. "At least I wasn't confined to this goddamn bed for no reason. You better give it your all out there so I don't look like an idiot for tying with you."

Finally, Todoroki stood and nodded. "I will. Promise."

And just as he turned to leave, unwelcome person number three came banging down his door.

"Ey, Baku! Oh, hi Todoroki! You making friends with blondie over here?"

God dammit, Camie.

"Whaddya' want?" He whined, mildly jealous of Todoroki showing himself out the door when he wanted to do the same. "I'm tired. Make it quick."

Though it had taken a bit of time to mend his relationship with Camie after the training incident a while ago, a few nights of nice dinners, shopping sprees, and reluctant (yet genuine) apologies had managed to repair most of it, and time had taken care of the rest. He hadn't realized how much it would hurt to see a friend frustrated and almost scared for him, and just seeing Camie's face had been enough to guilt him into thinking more about his actions for the future. Now, he felt comfortable at that level of back-and-forth teasing again, and was sure gonna try his damned best to keep it that way in the future.

If nothing else, he wasn't sure his wallet could handle an extended apology again.

"Psh, someone's a little pissy today." Camie strolled in, and Katsuki couldn't help the small bit of fear inside him when he noticed a small, brightly-colored bag in her hand. "And to think I went out of my way to find you a little get-well gift. It's a 'congrats on almost winning the sports fest' gift, too! So hey, you should never complain about a little two-for-one."

He groaned, leaned back in his bed, and winced at the bit of pain that came with it. "What, is this more eyeliner? You know I only use that shit like once a month."

Camie giggled. "But you look so sexy when you do wear it, babe! Really, I'll buy you more if you keep using it. I don't want you letting those pretty eyes go to waste. But, no, that's not it this time."

Oh boy. "So, what is it?"

Yeah, that smile of hers was just a little too knowing.

She walked over to his bedside, then changed her mind and set the bag down on the opposite side of the room. "Well, when you get all healed up, you can find out! I know you love surprises, Baku."

"Y'know, I really don't-"

"You'll like this one. Trust me." Camie winked. "And if it doesn't make you feel all warm and full inside, you get your money back! Or, maybe not in this case cause it's free, but... you get the idea, yeah? Ah, but I know you'll enjoy it!"

Admittedly, he was a little curious. "Yeah, yeah, okay. Better not be something weird, though."

"It's not weird at all! Tons of people our age have stuff like this!" She exclaimed, a little too happy, and he only felt more nervous. "Ooh, but I can't give too much away! I'm not about to ruin the surprise."

All he could do when she left was stare at that gaudy bag and wonder. Wonder, and be afraid.

Camie, you're great, but you sure do weird-ass shit sometimes.

The rest of his evening was spent scrolling through the internet again, punctuated only by a half-decent dinner and lecturing by Recovery Girl until he was given his next round of healing. With that, he was able to at least move around again, but was still forbidden from physical training for another two days. And as much as he wanted to find out what Camie had given him, the healing left him to pass out just a few minutes later. So much so, that he had to bust his ass out the door in the morning in order to get to class in time after waking up late. And all throughout the day, doing classwork and watching everyone else practice (they let him do very basic exercise, if nothing else), he couldn't help but think about just what it was that was sitting in that obnoxious bag in the corner of his room. Todoroki talked to him briefly about some tactics he was going to work on with his fire, and Yaoyorozu came up to discuss the previous day's notes for a while, but Camie only looked at him from a distance and never got close enough for him to talk at any reasonable time.

The end of the school day couldn't come fast enough.

Katsuki rushed up to his dorm, closed and locked his door, then stared at his gift in the corner, a little nervous now that he actually had the chance to open it. He swallowed and grabbed the bag before he could think much more on the matter, and went over to his desk to open it up. Not too heavy, but it did have a nice weight to it. Inside sat a simple cardboard box, about ten inches in length, and Katsuki was a little bit confused (and concerned) at this point. Too big to be makeup, and too small to be clothes. Camie usually didn't stray too far from those categories on the occasions that stuff showed up at his door, and he was silently hoping this somehow was one of those things. Maybe it was just like, a long, strangely heavy eyeshadow palette. Or a set of weird brushes. Okay, maybe it was just more makeup to add to his 'barely used' collection. For some reason, Camie kept buying it for him.

So in short, he was acting like a wimp for no reason, and Camie was just being a tease. He ripped the poorly taped box open, stuck his hand inside, and pulled out a small, strange, unlabeled bottle of clear liquid. Strange. But that didn't seem like it was the only thing inside, either. A little less nervous and a little more confused, he stuck his hand back in the box to find something covered in an absurd amount of bubble wrap. Huh. Weird.

Yet, as he unwrapped it, the horrid, sinking realization of just what it was nearly made him drop it.

Scratch that. He did drop it.

You- you've gotta be shitting me.

The thing staring back at him from the floor was green, black, white, and very clearly phallic shaped. Even worse was when he recognized the damn pattern of those black stripes, the familiar off-white at the base, and the distinct shade of green that was hard to find anywhere else.

He wasn't quite sure how long he spent staring in shock at it. What he did know was that he was glad he locked the door, and that at some point, he would have to pick it up.

"Tons of people our age have stuff like this!"

Katsuki groaned, buried his head in his hands, and tried as hard as he fucking could to pretend there wasn't a Deku-themed dildo lying on his floor.

Fuck you, Camie, Fuck you.

He found a small note in the box, Camie's large handwriting scrawled across it. "Use lots of lube!" It read. "I have more if you want!" It continued. That explained the bottle, anyways. Either way, he'd never felt more embarrassed in his life, and he did not want to know just how red his face was.

It was probably ten minutes before he managed to pick it up off the floor. Maybe more. But out of the bubble wrap, the silicone of the toy didn't feel awful in his hand, and if he was being realistic, the thing didn't look like something he wouldn't be able to take with a little bit of practice. Sure, he'd fingered himself a bit before, but nothing ever like-

No. Stop there. I am NOT using this.

He shoved the dildo back in the box as fast as possible, shoved the lube into his nightstand(it was more general purpose, okay) and tried to forget exactly what it was that Camie had gotten him. It wasn't like he liked Deku like that. Deku was his hero. That was- well, okay, that wasn't it. Deku was unfairly attractive too, but even so- that was no excuse to ever use something like this.

Katsuki tried to conveniently forget the new folder hidden away on his laptop and simply reminded himself that he needed to focus on his homework right now, and not about how that dildo would feel up his ass.

It took longer than usual to get his work done that night, and before bed, Katsuki brought out a towel and the new bottle of lube and tried to convince himself that he was practicing fingering because he wanted to mix it up a bit. Tried to pretend that it wouldn't be nice to just feel a little bit fuller.

Camie didn't say a word about it to him the next day. Or the next. And each passing day found Katsuki practicing a little more at night, just a little further, maybe even adding in a second finger or teasing the edge with a third if he was feeling up to it. And each day, his curiosity grew worse and worse.

Over a week later, he managed to take it out of the box again. His hands still trembled around it, but as he turned it over in his hand, figured that as a tool, it wouldn't feel... bad. Despite the irritating color scheme, using the toy for its actual purpose would probably feel pretty good. And it wasn't too long, maybe six inches max, and the width was fairly average too. The base was a nice, stable size, enough to where he figured it wouldn't be sliding too far in at all(that would be an awkward trip to Recovery Girl), and, well...

Okay, so maybe he wanted to try it. Not cause it had Deku's colors. Just because it would feel good. It's not like he would be looking at it while it was up his ass, anyway.

Katsuki got the towel out and everything before deciding that tonight was not the night. Not yet. He wasn't ready.

Admittedly, his fingers alone were a little boring that night.

That next day at school consisted of him fidgeting while trying to not pop a boner in class thinking about the dildo and an overwhelming anticipation for finally trying out the toy that night. It had been at least nine or ten days at this point, and his curiosity was winning out over his sanity. And when he finally got back to his dorm after a nice day of exercise and some post-workout stretching (he may have spent a little longer doing it than usual), he laid the towel out across his bed and grabbed the dildo before he could change his mind. There was still a decent amount of lube left in the bottle, but after tonight, he figured he may need more.

Well. If he even liked this, after all. Not that he'd usually imagined himself bottoming for Deku in the fantasies he'd never admit to having.

A bit of guilt washed over him as he gave the dildo another look, but just a reminder that this wasn't because of Deku, that it was just cause he was interested in what a dick would feel like up his ass that managed to ground him again.

Use a lot of lube, huh? He swallowed, and popped the cap open. Well, here goes nothing.

First things first. Katsuki lubed up his fingers and went to fingering himself a bit, just as he'd been practicing earlier. It was hard not to get nervous and tense up upon remembering just what it was he was aiming to do, but once he got started there was no doubt it would get easier.

Once he had one finger comfortably in, Katsuki managed to add a second, and far more effortlessly than it had been when he started practicing. He wasn't quite sure what that said about him, that he had been spending enough time masturbating to really improve already. That being said, Katsuki had always prided himself on being a fast learner.

But, the object of his interest was still sitting there, right in front of him. And he wasn't backing down again. Slowly, Katsuki pulled out, and reached back over for more lube. Yeah, maybe he wouldn't be able to get the whole thing in on his first go round, but he'd work up to it.

God, work up to it? I can't believe I'm even doing this once...!

Right. Next step. Lube up the dildo.

Katsuki let his hands heat up a little bit as he smeared the lube across the toy, and got some more on himself, too. It was too weird to think about this being a Deku-colored dildo that was going in his ass, so as soon as he could manage it, Katsuki shut his eyes and maneuvered the tip of it into him, gasping as slicked up silicone touched bare skin.

Breathe. Breathe. Relax, it'll feel good. Just get it in.

It was simple enough to push the tip in past the entrance, but Katsuki had to pause to relax a little bit, letting the muscle contract and relax around the toy. Slowly, slowly, it went in a little further at a time and fuck, he'd never felt so full in his life. Already on his back a bit, Katsuki rolled even further into the towel and sheets below him just to find a better angle to fuck himself with. Yeah, he wasn't completely sure what his limit was, but already this was so much more satisfying than a typical masturbation session. It was hard not to gasp, to groan as he pushed in further, to not reveal his actions to the people- the classmates- around him.

If they knew, if they knew I was fucking myself like this, then...!

And somehow, his fucked-up head somehow got a bit more turned on by that idea. Of someone coming in, seeing him like this, ass up and face red as he fucked himself on the most damning proof of his obsession.

What if Deku saw me like this?

Katsuki nearly had to shove his whole hand in his mouth to hold back the incriminating noise threatening to escape his throat at that image. He shoved the dildo in just a little more, maybe almost too far, but he'd already done so much that a little more couldn't hurt. And god, it was good, too good.

Why didn't I do this earlier?

He grabbed his dick with a free hand, and just about bit a hole through his lip in an effort to stay quiet, one which was quickly becoming futile at this rate. A little more, just a little more and he knew he'd come all over the damn towel. Katsuki wanted more, needed more, just more, more, more...!

Katsuki shuddered, gasped, and nearly screamed as white-hot pleasure shot straight through his core.


He wasn't sure he'd ever come so hard in his life. He didn't think he'd ever wind up in this position, a shaky, sweaty mess just about everywhere, his ass clenching around the dildo as he rode through the aftershocks of his orgasm.

Breathe. Breathe.

Katsuki tried to steady himself, managing to pull the dildo out after a minute, and realized that he'd managed to somehow get most of the way down it. God, it was filthy, covered in warm lube and cum, but damn. There was something stupidly satisfying about seeing Deku's colors covered in him, and yeah, maybe he didn't like him or anything, but fuck. If just this much felt so good, then maybe the real deal would-

Stop, stop. Don't be ridiculous. This is just a toy. Enjoy what you can.

He swallowed, and nodded.

Well. Thanks, Camie.

Through his post-orgasm haze, he wondered where exactly she'd gotten it from.

A question for another day. I gotta get this shit cleaned up first.

Yeah, he was relieved he'd put out a towel. Katsuki's legs shook as he slid off his bed, and already he felt a tiny bit sore. Okay, maybe he'd gone a little further than he should've for a first try, but it sure did feel good in the moment. Though, even now, there was something so stupidly erotic about the lube running down his quaking thighs, about the fact that he could hardly stand or walk straight from a combination of both the lingering emptiness and just the thought that he had shoved Deku's colors up his ass.

Katsuki cleaned himself and his room up, washed the toy, and carefully put it back in its box along with the the near-empty bottle of lube. Maybe he would take up Camie's offer at some point, but that would also mean admitting he'd actually been using it. Not that Camie would care, really. She was about as open as they came. Still, it was a little awkward to just go up to a friend and casually ask for more lube so he could fuck himself with the dildo again.

But was going into a store and buying it really any better? Katsuki wasn't sure.

The rest of his night was spent finishing homework and playing the part of the good student he'd masked himself as for so long. When he came into class the next day, though, he could've sworn he felt Camie's eyes on him far more than usual. He sat down, fidgeting a bit in his seat (admittedly, he'd become fairly sore overnight), and was suddenly met with Camie's mouth right next to his ear.

"You used the dildo, didn't you."

Katsuki froze, trying to keep away the massive blush threatening to swallow up his face.

"How-" He stuttered, turning back towards her. "How the fuck did you know?"

Camie smiled and shrugged. "Orgasms, man."

Katsuki groaned, buried his head in his hands, and couldn't look his friend in the eye for the rest of the day.

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