To Stand by Your Side (DekuBa...

By Kacchans_CvmSlvt

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Original writer is aeronines on AO3 Wanted to have a backup cause this is one of my favorite DekuBaku books I... More

Chapter 1: Start Line
Chapter 2: From a Distance
Chapter 3: Round One
Chapter 4: You and Me
Chapter 6: Paradigm Shift
Chapter 7: Well, If It Feels Good...
Chapter 8: Conceal Don't Feel
Chapter 9: The Cum Before the Storm
Chapter 10: Tipping Point
Chapter 11: Healing 101: A Three-part Guide to Stop Worrying About your Crush
Chapter 12: Texts, Tunes, and Turns
Chapter 13: The Best Damn Not-Date
Chapter 14: Ummmm Gay??
Chapter 15: Upsize
Chapter 16: Origin
Chapter 17: A Shakey Start
Chapter 18: Boredoroki
Chapter 19: Homecoming
Chapter 20: A Different Kind of Place
Chapter 21: Its All Fun and Games...
Chapter 22: ...Till Someone Gets Hurt
Chapter 23: Aftermath
Chapter 24: Why Confront Our Problems When We Could Just Go to an Onsen Instead
Chapter 25: A Litte Miscummunigaytion
Chapter 26: Maybe we Arent Such Useless Gays After All
Chapter 27: The Center of an Explosion
Chapter 28: BLAZE IT (with feelings)
Chapter 29: Sports Fest Redux
Chapter 30: And Then They Fucked
Chapter 31: Meet the Bakugous
Chapter 32: You Can Run...
Chapter 33: ...But You Cant Hide
Chapter 34: Oasis
Chapter 35: Media Management for Dummies
Chapter 36: To Stand by Your Side
Chapter 37: Tomorrow

Chapter 5: I Dreamt about your Ass Lastnight

4.6K 103 227
By Kacchans_CvmSlvt

"Ah... you really do look good like this, don't you? Oh, Kacchan... you're not going to try and run away now, are you~?"

Slim wrists squirm beneath his gloved hands for only a minute before relenting, finding that the struggle was without any hope for success. "I... how would you expect me to run away?" Pale cheeks flushed with a gorgeous red only served to accent crimson eyes as they dipped down. "Why would I want to, Deku...? It's you... it's you that I want to be with." Ash-blonde hair shifted just a bit, framing that handsome face in the low light of the abandoned room.

"Mm, really...?" Izuku leaned in, a gloved thumb tracing that sturdy jawline. "I'll need you to convince me of just how eager you are to learn, then. What would you do for me, Kacchan...? I want you to show me. Prove to me that you're good enough to be by my side."

Izuku's knees had trapped him in on either side as strong hands kept Katsuki's in place above his head. Could he leave if he wanted to? Maybe. Would he?

Oh, hell no.

"Prove to you...?" Katsuki turned an even deeper red, fidgeting just a little. "How... how do you want me to prove it to you? Is it a mock battle? A race? Ah..." Katsuki swallowed, eyes low to the ground. "Is it... do... do you want to, um, use me...?"

"Use isn't the right word, Kacchan." Deku frowned. "I'd never just use you like that. I want to teach you, Kacchan. I want you to learn how to make me feel good."

Katsuki looked up, eyes wide, awe and a strange wonder flooding through them. Those pale pink lips trembled if only just a little, but it was easy to tell it was due to anticipation and not anxiety.

"I- I want to be good for you." Katsuki whispered, and despite the mild bit of hesitation in his voice, no uncertainty remained. He paused, and that small pink tongue poked out from between lush lips. "Deku... what can I do to make you feel good...?"

God, Kacchan, how are you so perfect?

"It's simple, I promise." Izuku dipped his head, giving him what might have been too warm of a smile. "You're already being so good for me... just follow my lead, okay?"

Katsuki nodded, a little braver this time. "Okay. Yeah, got it."

That was all the permission he needed.

Izuku leaned down towards him, lips parted as he met Katsuki's own, joining them in what could have been described as one of the gentlest connections he'd felt in years. Katsuki was trying, but that beginner's clumsiness was obvious in his movements. Teeth fell in awkward places, tongues going where they shouldn't, and yet it was in every way the perfect sort of start Izuku had wanted. He pulled back after a slow moment, seeing Katsuki's wanton, dizzied gaze for the first time.

"Why'd you stop...?" Katsuki whined, pushing back against Izuku's restraint. "Can't I do more? I- I want to make you feel good, Deku...!"

"Relax. You're doing just fine." Izuku promised, and kissed his forehead. "Try and tilt your head a bit more so we fit better, alright? It's okay if you're not an expert at this." He paused, and a wave of heat ran flush through his chest. "Though, we can learn together if you'd like?"

"Yes." The word was out in a rushed haze. "God~, yes. Keep going. I want- I want to do more for you, Deku."

He couldn't help but smile and laugh just a little at that. "Okay. Don't worry, you will. We'll make this great. Together."

And before Katsuki had a chance to respond, Izuku's mouth was back on his, and this time, they slotted together just a bit easier than before. God, it was ridiculous how open and ready Katsuki's mouth was, just how willingly pushed back against his own. And if just this was already getting him so aroused, then...

"Kacchan." He breathed, free hand trailing down Katsuki's chest, all the way to that plastic green belt buckle. "Kacchan, what can I do to you?"

Katsuki squirmed against his hand, pressing up into his gloved palms. "I-I... Deku, please, can you touch me? Would- would that make you feel good?"

It's breathless, stuttered. Perfect.

"Of course, Kacchan." Deku murmured, melting at just how good Katsuki was being for him. "I'd love to touch you. Where would you like me to?"

"Everywhere." Katsuki breathed, panting. "Deku, I want you. I-I wanna make you feel good. Touch me. My chest. My legs. My... m-my..."

"Hm?" Izuku raised an eyebrow. "Kacchan, I need you to talk to me. Tell me what you'd like, okay? I want to learn more about you, too."

When Katsuki didn't say anything, so blissed out already, he tried again.

"Tell me, and you can touch me too."

Katsuki's wrists twitched, and those red eyes came back to attention. "I... you, too?"

"Yes, of course." Izuku nodded. "You can touch me too, if you want. As long as you say it, okay?"

And this time, Katsuki seemed to get it.

"Okay. R-Right..." He stammered, stared down at himself, and let out a deep breath. "Please... touch my ass. And my- my dick. Please. Use me."

Excitement sped through his chest, through his heart, and Deku could barely contain himself. "Beautiful answer, Kacchan. That wasn't too hard, now, was it?"

"No." He swallowed, a hint of a smile forming on those weary lips. "It- it feels good. I want to feel more of that... good~."

God, I just wanna tear you apart...!

"Has anyone ever told you just how beautiful you are?" Izuku murmured, a tinge of disbelief resting on the edge of his words. "Oh, Kacchan... you're incredible, and you can go so much further, too. We're just getting started, and you're already like this. My god..."

Slowly, slowly, he released Katsuki's wrists, yet they hung in place for a few moments before Katsuki seemed to realize he could bring them down. Those hands were curious- opening and closing, experimenting, just getting used to them again.

"I'm not beautiful." He mumbled. "You are."

And just as Izuku was about to object-

"Can I show you just how beautiful you are?"

Izuku's eyes widened, glazed over with lust as he realized just what Katsuki was wanting to do.

"Will you let me learn how to make you feel good? So- so I can feel good, too?"

You're going to be the death of me, Kacchan.

Nothing was needed except a quick nod, and before he knew it, Katsuki was pulling off thick green gloves, tossing them to the side along with the silver-gray collar around his neck. His boots and belt came off, too, and only seconds later was Katsuki pressed up against him, sitting on top of Izuku's legs and half-rutting against them. So needy, so hot and hungry that Izuku wouldn't dare deny his request. New hands fumbled against Izuku's own zipper, and it took near his last shred of sanity to help Katsuki get it down. Katsuki's hands were on his chest, running over Izuku's nipples, squeezing pecs and abs and every part of exposed skin he could get his hands on. He was so cute, and so goddamn curious that Izuku couldn't help but relish in the attention.

"Am I doing it right?" Katsuki asked, so hesitant yet so confident all the same. "What else can I do to make you feel good, Deku?"

"You're beautiful. Doing wonderful." Izuku sighed, a soft, breathy moan escaping his lips as Katsuki wrapped his own around a nipple. "Mm, Kacchan... god, you feel so good. So... just so perfect."

How did I ever go so long without you?

He relented a bit, and let his hands find Katsuki's ass, gripping it tight. And fuck, if that little bit of attention didn't make Katsuki moan and shiver like he'd never done before. Katsuki pushed back against his grip, basking in the touch Izuku allowed him despite it being so little.

"You like that, Kacchan?" Izuku squeezed a little harder, and could practically feel Katsuki's breathy little moans on him. "Oh... you don't have to say it, I know you do. Fuck~, how are you so unfairly cute...?"

Katsuki's head bounced against Izuku's chest and stayed there for a moment, so breathless from just that.

"Do... do you like how I look, Deku?" He whimpered. "W-What can I do... I wanna be the best, Deku... I wanna be with you. What should I do?"

Izuku kissed his head this time, ash-blonde hair brushing against his own freckled cheeks. It was so damn ridiculous just how gorgeous Katsuki looked like this, shivering and moaning against him. It was so hard not to take him right then and there, to fuck him 'till he'd never be able to think of Izuku the same way again. Even just from simple petting, strong hands against the thin fabric of that damned hero costume, Katsuki was falling to pieces.

"You're doing so, so good already." Izuku promised him, kissing him on the cheek. "What do you think would make me feel good, Kacchan? I know you're smart- use that pretty little brain of yours and try to think."

Katsuki managed to pull his head away from Izuku once again, his mouth open just enough for Izuku to imagine pressing against it again. Lust filled those too-red eyes, and Izuku couldn't help but wonder what he'd say next.

"I... I wanna kiss you." Katsuki breathed, but withdrew just a little more. "Wanna kiss you everywhere. Wanna..."

Katsuki's hands gripped the edge of Izuku's belt, a little more confident than it would've been before. "Deku, I wanna suck your dick."

A rush of heat hit him square on, and Izuku nearly choked. Katsuki's tongue swept lasciviously over ready lips, and Izuku had never realized just how bad he wanted to see them wrapped fully around his cock.

"Then do it." He barely managed to get out. "Blow me, Kacchan. Make me cum."

And Katsuki's eyes took on a new determination, filled with some strange combination of wonder and excitement and a wild anticipation. Those steady, sweaty hands managed to undo his belt and get the zipper of Izuku's outfit down just enough for his boxers to be visible, the outline of his half-hard dick already showing through the fabric. Katsuki's mouth was practically watering at the sight, and it wasn't much longer before he freed him from the thin constraint, impatience spurring on his every move. Those eyes met his just once more before turning back to the new contender at play, and in a split second that mouth crested over the head, his dreadfully wicked tongue daring to touch even more, so much more.

"Beautiful..." He groaned, a scarred hand going up to tangle through Katsuki's wild hair. "God, yes. That's good, keep- keep going."

Katsuki crept up a little further, cheeks puffed out and flushed with such a rich, utterly sinful red that Izuku felt the need to whisper a small prayer for this blessing. His mouth wobbled, on and off and on and off, but that desperate panting and choked-up whimpers were all he needed to know Katsuki was enjoying this just as much as he was.

"You like my dick?" Izuku purred, though just the sight of Katsuki below him was almost enough to make him come. "You're taking it so well... god, I just wanna see you choke on me. Further, Kacchan. Make me proud." He paused, and ever so slightly pushed Katsuki's head up a little more. "You wanna prove yourself, don't you~? Come on now, you can do it."

There wasn't any verbal confirmation, no nod of affirmation from him to show that Katsuki had heard him. But as soon as he dove back on, hands shaking as they struggled to stay steady on the dusty ground, the determination with which he went at his business was no joke. Izuku could hardly keep himself sitting steady with that warmth around his cock, taking him so firmly, so strong, so heated and just so perfect.

"Ugh, fuck. Good, good..." He sighed, smiling a bit as Katsuki went down further, further. "You're so, so beautiful, Kacchan... yes, you're doing so well. So good for me." He paused, gasping as Katsuki did something with his tongue, and god, if he wasn't about to explode on the spot. "F-Fuck... yes, right there. Look at you, Kacchan."

Katsuki came off his dick with a small pop, and those glazed, glassy eyes of his seemed to be seeing everything and nothing all at once.

"Feels good, huh?" Katsuki grinned, spit shining silver on glassy, tender lips. "You taste damn good, Deku. I want- I want more of you."

Still dazed, Izuku smirked. "Then take it, won't you?"

It was almost hard to watch while Katsuki was on him, working him so well, too well, treating him like the hero he was and then more. Well, it might not have been the most heroic thing he'd done, but fuck- this was so, so much better than the alternative.

"Give it to me." He ordered, pushing Katsuki's head further onto his cock. "Mm~, yes... take it like the good boy you are. God... perfect. Just like that, Kacchan."

Katsuki whimpered this time, some of that confidence leaving him as he literally gagged around his dick. But Izuku didn't want to relent any more- Katsuki was going to be by his side, right by the best, and he'd have to prove just how well he could take on every challenge- big or small.

Maybe it was more to Katsuki's relief, but Izuku felt himself growing closer by the second- just a little at a time, yes, but even he was reaching his limit. It had been so long since his last decent blowjob, yet this one alone was enough to make him forget the dreary drought between his last partner and Katsuki. Fuck, he hoped this wouldn't be the last time. He hoped that Katsuki had fallen just as much for him- or if nothing else, for his body- so that this could last even just a little longer.

"Hng... fuck, Kacchan." He sputtered, unable to hold back much longer. "I- I'm close."

But with his last shred of sanity, he managed to come back a little bit, even if just to give Katsuki one final order.

"I- Kacchan, you better..." He stopped, a hoarse cry of heady pleasure forcing its way out of his throat. "You better- you better swallow. T-Take all of me, Kacchan. Take it."

Katsuki didn't seem to be faring much better on his end, but pulled off for a second, grinned, and nodded. That pure, utterly ravenous hunger present in every crease of his lips was enough to let Izuku know his answer. Just as he slid back on, Izuku's whole body shuddering under the contact, something within him burst. White-hot flames flooded through his veins, and he absolutely, positively screamed as he came.

And through trembling, dazed vision and whimpered cries of relief, the last thing he saw was Katsuki's pleased little smile before everything went dark.

...dark, and quickly fading to dim light as Izuku began to come back to his reality.


Izuku groaned, curled up tighter on his bed, and hugged his pillow like it was his escape from cruel, miserable reality.

"Dammit..." He mumbled, voice gross and groggy, wrinkled sheets caught between curled toes. "Shoot... s'already seven. You've gotta be kidding me..."

This is the fourth time this week, for fuck's sake. God, get your act together.

Izuku forced himself out of bed, pretending that there wasn't anything unusual about the too-dark stain on the front of his boxers as he trudged bleary-eyed to the shower. It took all his willpower to force the memories of that dream away, all of his strength to just continue on like nothing had happened.

Push it away, push it away. You're a hero, aren't you? You shouldn't be fantasizing about this almost every goddamn night. It's absurd. Pathetic.

He could hardly stand to look at himself as he undressed and stepped into shower, hoping that the rush of boiling water would burn that clinging, festering guilt away. It had been over a month since that fateful training session, yet that goddamn image of Katsuki beneath him with those wide, awed, scared eyes staring up at him still haunted his every resting moment. It was easy enough to push those thoughts to the back of his mind during the day when the sun was shining down on him, illuminating him in all the glory he'd gained on the battlefield- but the deep shadow cast behind him spoke the truth of all the feelings he'd locked away tight, never to be revealed to the waking world.

Maybe he couldn't force himself to completely hate those nights. Though, there was no halting the dread from his blaring alarm in the early gray of the mornings, or the lurking fear that somehow, some way, someone would find out. It wasn't that he really wanted Katsuki like that- no, he didn't, and yet his hormones couldn't seem to make peace with that sentiment. It had already been one month, after all. Over a month of falling asleep every other night to see that.

Izuku cursed and banged his head against the shower wall.

This isn't sustainable. Not one bit.

"You're an adult." He grumbled to himself, washing his hair with stubborn intent. "You're nineteen, Izuku. You're a hero. Start acting like one."

But fuck, maybe I do need to get laid.

The rest of his morning shower was nothing but miserable, as had been so many other mornings this week. His empty apartment never helped his mood, either, but it was at least a relief to not have anyone else witness his ritual morning walk of shame. At this point, he was just going through the motions. One step at a time. Dry off, go back to his bedroom, grab fresh boxers and a maybe-clean shirt and pants, then head to the kitchen for a sad breakfast of hard-boiled eggs and cold bacon. Maybe fruit if he'd remembered to go to the store. Dim lights flicked quietly above him, a constant reminder than at some point, he needed to get them fixed. Eventually, he told himself.

Eventually never came.

He turned on the TV as he ate, yesterday's dirty mug home to today's stale coffee. Izuku couldn't help but be glad that his friends, or more specifically Ochako, didn't come over that often. She'd smack him stupid for how dirty he'd let it get in recent times. He'd stopped keeping up with regular house maintenance months ago, and as guilty as he felt leaving everything in disarray, it was easier to brush those feelings aside than actually do anything about it. The only thing in perfect, pristine condition was a shrine dedicated to his long-deceased childhood hero, All Might, tucked away in the spare closet he'd never had another use for.

Funny how two people with such similar quirks wound up so different... growing up, I remember seeing him smile and win on TV all the time. And then...

He swallowed.

Then there's me.

Everyday, he came back to the same lonely home and sad, cold food he couldn't be bothered to cook himself. It had been easier some time ago- after he'd moved in, he'd at least clean every so often and cook three to four times a week, even if it was simple. Now, though...

Izuku sighed, stared down at the mug in his hand, and wondered what his life had come to. A social life? Forget it. With his utilitarian super-strength quirk at his beck and call, heroing kept him busy day-in and day-out; the only driving force during his waking hours. If nothing else, he could focus on getting to the top at all times. Push towards the best, rise in the ranks, win and rescue and smile just like he'd envisioned doing since the day he'd understood what heroes were. That part was so easy to do, honestly, that everything outside of his job became the challenge. Sometimes he wondered if he'd lost his fire already. A steady diet of protein drinks and fast food was certainly evidence towards that, and his slowly decreasing sleep quality didn't help his case, either. He could admit he felt more than a little off most days, but at this rate, it was becoming the norm.

It was always after those sorts of thoughts that he found himself remembering part of the reason he liked Katsuki so much- if nothing else, he had that fire, and brimmed to bursting with the passion Izuku wished he could remember. Privately, he could confess that that was part of the reason he couldn't quite bring himself to hate the wet dreams, either.

Izuku slumped down into his filthy couch, wondering when the best part of his day had become dreaming about having sex with a sixteen year-old.

Out of habit, his attention flitted back towards the TV, having nothing better to do. The news played quietly, but just as he was about to change the channel to the weather or something, an all-too familiar symbol appeared.

"Today, we will be filming everyone's favorite yearly event- U.A.'s annual Sports Festival! If you weren't lucky enough to grab seats, don't worry! We'll be streaming the entirety of the first-year's events on our channel! If you'd rather tune in to the second or third years, switch over to..."

"Oh, shit!"

Izuku bolted to his feet in a flurry of panic, sprinting back towards his room and almost tripping over last night's takeout in the process as he tried to grab his phone. Notifications, alarms, and texts had flooded his notifications, and he nearly slapped himself for practically forgetting the one thing he'd been looking forward to for the past month.

"That's right, I took today off, and Ochako invited me along with her and Kirishima...!" He groaned, still in disbelief over his incompetence. "Fuck...!"

He scrambled to find Ochako's number, still saved under his favorites, and dug through his dresser drawers for a clean undershirt and socks while it rang.

God, how did I manage to forget this?

It was to some small relief that she picked up only a few moments later, just as he was tugging an appropriate undershirt up and over his head.

"Hi, Izuku!" The cheer in her voice stood a stark contrast to the anxiety riddling his own thoughts. "You ready to go? Kirishima's with me already, and we're on the way to your place now!"

He cursed under his breath, but tried his best to remain calm. "Yeah- yeah. Just about ready. How much longer till you're here...?"

"Oh, probably just a few minutes or so. I wanna get good seats, so you better be ready. I'm dragging you out here myself if you're not." She teased, though Izuku had no doubts about her following through on that promise.

"Ah, I will be!" He swallowed, at least trying to fake a slightly better mood. "Hero costumes, right?"

"Duh! Okay, Izuku, I'll be there soon. Oh- Kirishima says hi, by the way! He's excited to see you off duty."

He could let himself smile a little at that, if nothing else. "Tell him I'm excited to see him, too. I'll meet you two downstairs."

Izuku hung up before she could ask why downstairs, rather than up.

Next, he found his hero suit lying in a messy pile off to the side of his bed, and threw it on as quickly as possible, gloves, mask, and all. It was only a quick glance in the mirror he allowed himself, just to make sure he looked a little less stressed than he felt.

Despite the bit of panic, though, he wouldn't deny that he was thrilled to see the festival, especially the first years. Though it was no secret that they generally tended to be his favorite group, he could admit that he was excited to see Katsuki again, despite how guilty he felt towards certain aspects of it.

And yet, just as he was tying his shoes, a loud knock came from the front door.

"No, no...!" He cursed. "Shit..."

I can't let them in here right now...! Dammit, I'll just have to be careful, then.

"Izuku! Hurry up already." Came Ochako's familiar, yet slightly chilling voice.

"Coming!" He yelped just as he finished. Izuku shot to his feet, but didn't make it ten steps before tripping and falling face-first onto the dirty carpet after stumbling over who-the-fuck knows what.

"Are... are you okay?" Ochako asked, only a thin wall standing between her and Izuku's shame.

Just fine, thanks.

"Yeah!" Was what he managed to say instead as he peeled himself off the floor. "Sorry, sorry."

Izuku sincerely hoped he didn't look like shit.

With some amount of acceptance, he grabbed the doorknob and twisted it open, just hoping he'd be able to get outside before his friend could look too close.

Sure enough, it was quick, fast- and just as much, Izuku found himself crashing straight into something- no, someone else, for the second time in five minutes. He bounced back against his own door, at the very least thankful that he'd managed to (hopefully) shut it before Ochako could peek inside.

"S-Sorry!" He stammered, embarrassment flushing through him. "Ah, I didn't think you were right there, my bad..."

But to his surprise, Ochako just looked at him and laughed.

"You're all good, Izuku. Aha, I'm just glad to see you again!" She smiled, and Izuku swore the brightness in her face could've illuminated a city block. "I know this isn't downstairs, but I just wanted to be the first to see you. It's been too long, you know?"

Izuku found himself smiling a little too, though unable to shake that ever-present guilt. "I... yeah. It has been too long. I saw you on patrol last week, but..."

"Oh, that was still on duty, though." She grabbed his arm. "Come on, we can catch up on the way there. It's been like, what, a month since we hung out?"

Almost one and a half, but... "Yeah, too long." He mumbled, realizing that the last time they had hung out had been after that fateful day of training with U.A., right after his fight against Katsuki, which then had led to-

Nope! Nope, we are absolutely not doing this right now, brain!

If this was already so hard, he was having a hard time imagining how difficult it would be to watch Katsuki perform.

It was a short trip down the stairs from his third-floor apartment, and as soon as he made it to the bottom, found himself greeted with a suffocating hug from his other best friend.

"Midoriya!" Kirishima grinned. "Good to see you, dude! How've you been?"

The crushing force of the hug was nearly enough to knock the wind out of him, but did give him some source of familiar comfort he hadn't felt in too long. "Good, good!" He managed, though the words were a bit choked through his friend's unyielding grip.

He could admit to himself here that yeah, maybe his friends' presence did help chase off his weighted sadness, if only a little.

"You ready for the Sports Fest?" Kirishima released him, settling to just pat his shoulder instead. "Man, I'm ready to see these first years for myself. You two are so lucky that you got to go help out with training! I mean, Inasa's great, but... I dunno, man. I think I'd be a harder opponent to beat."

Izuku couldn't hold back a snort at his friend's god-awful pun, but... there was no doubt he felt a little more at home now.

"Well, maybe Aizawa will invite you to come the next time we go over to help out." Izuku reminded him. "It's in like a month, right?"

"Oh, it's only a few weeks away!" Ochako butted in herself. "Ooh, and I'm ready! Last time he had me go up against the team with Endeavor's kid. Man, I wanna help him improve that teamwork of his. If he had been more considerate of the people he was with, I might've actually had some trouble dealing with them!" She laughed a little, and god, if it wasn't the most refreshing thing Izuku had heard in weeks. "You shoulda seen the looks on their faces when he froze the whole field, though. They all got stuck in the ice!"

"That's right, you told me!" Kirishima cackled, nearly doubling over. "Oh, geez... man, today is gonna be fun. Wasn't there one kid you did a number to during the training, Midoriya? Broke both his arms or something?"

Izuku flushed. "I didn't break anything! I- I just dislocated it. It wasn't that bad."

I know I fucked up, don't worry, everyone's made me well aware. I know I should have been more mindful, I know. I'm sorry. I swear. Aizawa told me enough as it is.

"Pfft." Ochako rolled her eyes. "Yeah, didn't he nearly black out from the pain, and you had to carry him back? I could've sworn you broke a rib or two of his, too! Ooh, I remember how hard Aizawa chewed you out after that. What- uh, what was his name again? Um... Buka, no, Baka–"

"Bakugou." He supplied, not meeting her eyes for fear she'd see too much hiding in them. "Bakugou Katsuki. He's strong."

You're so strong. I want to see your fire again.

"Ah, so I guess you're looking forward to watching him compete today, then?" Kirishima asked.

God, you don't know the half of it.

"Yeah." He mumbled instead. "Yeah, he'll be... fun to watch."

Please, please, just make these dreams go away. I need them to go away. Let me see him in a different light. I can't live like this much longer, Kacchan.

"Well, then we should probably get going." Ochako nudged him. "The next train leaves in five! We need to get to the station, guys."

Izuku resolved to shove the remainder of those thoughts out of his head, and nodded. "Right. Yeah, let's go."

"Alright!" Kirishima fist-pumped. "Hell yeah, I'm ready."

I'm ready, too. Izuku thought as he left his apartment complex to dash back down towards the station. I'm ready to fix this problem. And I'm ready to fix myself, too.

Kacchan, I swear I'll change this. I can't afford to see you like this any longer.

He boarded the train, smushed in between friends and gasps of exclamation from nearby onlookers.

For the good of us both, I'll shut whatever this is away.

Ochako was smiling, laughing at his side, and Kirishima's ever-present toothy grin held fast and strong at his other.

He swallowed.

I promise.

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