HighSchool DxD: My Neko Wife

By RedHood129

50.3K 898 363

DxD Wife Series Volume 1 Issei never understood Koneko or how she was very close with a boy her age, Tadashi... More

Chapter 1: Awkward Discovery
Chapter 2: Concentration
Chapter 4: Wifey Cuddles are LIFE
Chapter 5: House Hosting
Chapter 6: Family

Chapter 3: I'll Always Love You

6.7K 121 70
By RedHood129

Toujou/Shirogane Apartment
3rd Person POV

Tadashi: Boom! Welcome to what I like to call, Casa de Shirogane!

Issei looked at Tadashi with a confused look on his face as he soon coughed.

Tadashi: Oh...A-A-Ahem! And Toujou.

Issei: Is that what we're going with?

Tadashi: Meh. Close enough right?

Issei: Eeeeh I don't know. But will Koneko even mind if I'm here? She really seems to just flat out hate my guts.

Tadashi: Oh no she's fine! There's nothing you need to worry about! Just give her a chocolate bar and you're fine!

Issei: Is that how it works for you?

Tadashi: Meh. Kinda, sorta, not really. But as far as you best should know, chocolate is a way to help her change her mind on MOST things.

Issei: Ooookay? Actually now that I think about her.

Issei looked around the apartment while he was sitting on the couch.

Issei: Where is Koneko?

Tadashi: Oh she took a bath after a contract and went to bed. She told me she's not feeling well and wants to be alone for a bit.

Issei leaned in towards Tadashi, who looked surprised for a moment.

Issei: But you said something about her taking a bath?!

Issei was soon smacked across the head and karate chopped by Tadashi. He began to rub his head while he was being lectured or berated.

Tadashi: Hey! I brought you over here to talk about guy stuff and maybe show you around the place! Not to sit here and wonder what my wife's bath water tastes like! That is my job!

Issei: Um...okay. Not what I was thinking, but okay. I guess we're going there.

Tadashi: Cause I can.

Tadashi then clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes.

Tadashi: But yeah, like I said earlier, Koneko's not feeling great after her recent contract. So she's just going to bed right now. Plus, I'm not that tired yet and I'm a bit bored!

Issei: Alright then. I should have some time. Maybe.

Tadashi: Cool! Wanna game?

Issei: Alright. Let's go a couple rounds.

For approximately an hour or two, Tadashi and Issei spent the time playing a small variety of video games, which most to all in which Tadashi had destroyed Issei.

However, as fun as it was for the two of them, Issei eventually had to leave and go home. Once he was gone, Tadashi sighed and cleaned up the room. Once done, he walked to his bedroom and entered the room. He looked to see Koneko still awake, but she seemed to be saddened. Her ears and tail were out and exposed as she sat on their bed.

Tadashi: Koneko?

Koneko looked up to see Tadashi with a concerned look on his face. She looked down again. Tadashi walked closer to her.

Tadashi: Hey, what's wrong? What's got your ears and tail out?

Koneko's ears lowered, she didn't give a response. Tadashi only raised his head up, not in a way he was disappointed, but more so of that he could understand his wife's feelings.

Tadashi: It's the senjutsu, isn't it?

Koneko raised her head up again, but more of being somewhat surprised. She still didn't say a word, but Tadashi backed away to close the door and shut off the lights in the room. Once completely in private, the two sat in the bed together.

Koneko: I...I want to try and use it again...but the change...I don't want...to become like...her.

Tadashi looked saddened for Koneko. He pulled her close to him, burying his face in her snow white hair.

Tadashi: That doesn't matter to me. Even if you finally break free of this bind, you'll never be like her.

Koneko: But...

Tadashi: No buts love.

Tadashi moving Koneko's face to make her look at him by using on finger to hook her chin.

Tadashi: Just look at me okay?

Koneko said nothing but gave a small nod.

Tadashi: The world is cruel, but through that nasty darker side, it's still beautiful. And through everything this world has, I still love you out of all of it. Even if I come to sacrifice, I'll do it to protect everyone, but most importantly, you. Even if this marriage we're is in its low points, I have no regrets. Because in the end, I'll still be the one who will hold you in my arms.

Koneko: Tadashi...

Tadashi; Might've been a little too much. But what I'm trying to say is that it doesn't matter to me if you finally use your power again. Because in the end, you're still the most beautiful girl I married in the end.

Tadashi soon locked his hand with Koneko's.

Tadashi: Whether you are Koneko, or Shirone. You'll always be my wife.

Koneko had no words to say, but her breathing began to grow heavy and heavier. She grabbed her chest as her face turned red. Tadashi looked a bit confused.

Tadashi: Koneko?

Koneko: T-Tadashi...

Koneko looked up to her husband. Her gold pupils had grown larger than they were.

Koneko: I want you...to kiss me.

Tadashi: Alright.

Tadashi leaned in towards her, ignoring the idea of questioning and rather understanding his wife's wishes.

The two connected their lips soon. The touch was cold, while at the same time, it was soft. Tadashi could feel the heat coming from Koneko's mouth as it began to warm their lips. When they separated, Koneko still had the same look on her face before that moment.

Koneko: More...can we do more?

Tadashi nodded.

Tadashi: Of course, there's no need to ask.

With his face now glowing the same matching red as his wife's was, Tadashi still leaned in towards Koneko again but with her this time leaning in and upwards as well.

They kissed multiple times, separating and connecting over and over again for some time. From each bit of separation and reconnection, each kiss they shared grew to be more and more passionate with one another.

After their last kiss, Tadashi and Koneko separated to form the unbreakable line of saliva. Soon, their line broke as they continued to back away from each other.

Tadashi looked at his wife to see Koneko still with a deep red face and large pupils. She looked up from her heavy breathing and began to reach for her husband with both of her arms.

Koneko: Tadashi, can you hug me? Really...really tight?

Tadashi: Of course.

Tadashi quickly moved towards Koneko and wrapped his arms around her. They fell back into the mattress as they ignored their surroundings.

Tadashi wrapped his right arm around her waist, while his left arm went under her right arm and over to her left shoulder. He buried his neck into her right shoulder. Koneko's breathing was still quite heavy. Her arms went under Tadashi's to hold him by his back.

After some time passed, they two began to fall asleep in this embrace. Koneko's breathing at the time now had gotten easier, but her face was still the same. She gave a smile as she was still being held by a sleeping Tadashi. In the final minutes before she fell asleep too, Koneko only spoke a few words.

Koneko: Tadashi...I love you.

Brought you by this art!

You're welcome


The Next Day
Occult Research Club
The next morning, all members of the Occult Research Club were called for an important meeting. When everyone arrived, a fiery orange magic circle appeared. Out arrived a tall blonde man in a red suit.

Tadashi: Oh great. This guy again.

Issei: Who the hell is that.

Grayfia: This is Riser Phenex, the 3rd son of the House of Phenex.

Issei: Okay? But what does he have to do wi-

Tadashi: He's also Rias's fiancé.

Issei: WHAT?!

Tadashi: Just try and shut it and play nice.

The meeting began with Akeno giving Riser a cup of tea that she made. It was clear that Akeno did not enjoy the presence of the man either. Riser began to play with Rias's hair and rub his hand on her thigh. Rias pushed him off her.

Rias: Riser! For the last time! I don't want to marry you!

Riser: Rias, for the sake of the pure blood devils around, this marriage must happen.

Rias: My brother and father are rushing things! The person I will marry will be the one I'm in love with!

Tadashi: I'm sorry to bug in the conversation, but I second this decision. Being a married man myself, marriage should be of two who lover each other, rather than for political gain.

Tadashi glared at Riser as Riser rolled his eyes. Issei grew upset as will and activated his Boosted Gear.

Tadashi: Whoops.

???: That is enough from both sides. I am here to assure that this meeting does not escalate.

Riser, Issei and Tadashi turned to a beautiful silver haired woman in a maid outfit.

Riser soon sighed and chose to calm down.

Riser: Riser will keep in recognition and respect of the Strongest Queen.

Issei: Strongest Queen?

Tadashi: You don't know Grayfia? She's serves as Rias's brother's queen. She's amazing, I like her.

Tadashi soon waved to Grayfia.

Tadashi: Hi Grayfia!

Grayfia: Hello Tadashi.

Grayfia then turned to both Rias and Riser.

Grayfia: I feared that this could happen. One way to handle this is that Rias will have to face Riser in a Rating Game.

Asia: A Rating Game?!

Riser turned Rias.

Riser: Rias, is this all the servants you have?

Rias: So what if it is?

Issei: Wait, am I missing something? Or is Tadashi a devil too?

Koneko: He's not.

Kiba: Rias offered, but his mother said no. Since then, he's remained how he is now.

Riser smirked and snapped his fingers. A massive orange magic circle appeared to have summoned a variety of 15 girls, which Riser walked next to them.

Riser: Riser has 15 pieces, or in this case a full set!

Issei began to cry and whine about the women in Riser's peerage or harem. Riser began to look confused.

Riser: Rias, why is your servant crying in the floor?

Rias: His dream is to become the Harem King.

Tadashi: Nerd.

Tadashi sighed and sat down on the couch.

Tadashi: Seeing your peerage again is a headache. You already have your damn little sister in it like it's okay.

The young girl, whom which happened to be Ravel Phenex, walked towards Tadashi with a smirk on her face.

Ravel: Then you should note that if we win, you'll have to become my dog. Bowing on the ground and licking my feet for all-

Tadashi: I forfeit!

Ravel then closed her eyes and smirked widely.

Ravel: Ha! You're that hopeless in the end-

Ravel then realized what Tadashi said and looked at him.

Ravel: Wait. What?

Tadashi: Shall I get to licking?

Ravel began to look nervous and slowly back away.

Ravel: You we're actually being serious on that? Cause I wasn't necessarily being tha-

Tadashi: Step on me.

Ravel: What the hell is wrong with you?!

Tadashi: STEP ON ME!

Riser grew frustrated with Tadashi's actions and snapped his fingers.

Riser: Mira!

A small blue haired girl with a kendo stick began to run towards Tadashi. She began to raise her kendo stick to attack him but, as soon as she had reached Tadashi...

...she was slapped across the face by him. Hard.

When Mira looked back up, she gritted her teeth and covered the cheek that was snow stained with Tadashi's hand print. Tadashi glared at her.

Tadashi: Get lost, twerp.

Mira slowly backed away from Tadashi, he soon turned back to Riser.

Tadashi: It's bold of you to presume that making an attack on by snapping your fingers and calling a servant to do the dirty work would hurt right? WRONG! If a hoe tries to hit a bro, then the hoe gets slapped!

Riser clicked his tongue and glared. Tadashi then pointed at Ravel.

Tadashi: And you're bold to offer me the change to lick your feet. But you don't understand that I won't lick like a dog for those who are fried chicken!

Ravel: Hey!


After Tadashi finished shouting his statement, Koneko looked at him with a cup of tea in her hand. She looked completely unimpressed.

Koneko: Can I go one day in which you don't shout something crazy off the top of your lungs?

Tadashi: That'll most likely be the day you step on me!

Grayfia: Now now. Let's get back on track here.

Grayfia turned to Rias.

Grayfia: Rias, due to the disadvantage of numbers, you'll be offered a 10 day handicap.

Rias: Is my brother assuming that I can't win without any hel-

Tadashi: Rias, be logical here. You are at a massive and embarrassing disadvantage. You are outnumbered 16-6 against Riser, who is well experienced in rating games while you haven't competed in one rating game at all. Not to mention that half of your peerage has sacred gears, which is good. But NONE of them have peaked. You're best off to take the handicap here.

Rias was silent for a moment but she soon sighed.

Rias: Alright, you...have made really good points.

Rias turned to Grayfia.

Rias: Tell my brother I'll take the handicap.

Grayfia: Very well. We shall meet again in 10 days.

Soon, Riser and his peerage left the room. Meanwhile Grayfia took the time to speak a bit and then left. A few minutes later, Rias made an announcement.

Rias: Let's get packing everyone! We have a rating game to train for!

Rias's Peerage: Yes Miss President.

Rias: Oh, and Tadashi.

Tadashi: What's up Rias?

Rias: You're coming with us too. We could use as much help as we can get.

Tadashi: Sweet! Don't know how much I'll be but I'll be something!

Rias: Thank you. Now then, let's train for a rating game. Shall we?

Rias's Peerage and Tadashi agreed and continued to finish classes and pack, where they would leave to train for the upcoming rating game between Rias and Riser.


Alright! That ends the chapter everyone!

Hope you all continue to enjoy this project. Now like I said, don't expect quick and immediate updates. I'll be updating it whenever I have something in mind and when I'm in the mood.

Now for the time being, here's this photo.

Peace out peeps, see you later.

Now go on and be safe.

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