The Story of Us • Riven

By swiftielvrrr

220K 4.6K 319

Briar Dowling was beautiful, young and cunning. In many ways she was like her mother, Farah Dowling. From a y... More

Ch 1: Never Grow Up
Ch 2: The Best Day
Ch 3: You All Over Me
Ch 5: Today Was A Fairytale
Ch 6: It's Nice To Have A Friend
Ch 7: Fearless
Ch 8: Cardigan
Ch 9: You Belong With Me
Ch 10: Daylight
Ch 11: Cornelia Street
Ch 12: This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things
Ch 13: ...Ready For It?
Added Cast
Ch 14: I Think He Knows
Ch 15: Lover
Ch 16: Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince
Ch 17: Last Kiss
Ch 18: Mr. Perfectly Fine
Ch 19: I Almost Do
Ch 20: Begin Again
Ch 21: The Way I Loved You
Ch 22: I Wish You Would
Ch 23: Look What You Made Me Do
Ch 24: Mean
Ch 25: Enchanted
Ch 26: You Need To Calm Down
Ch 27: Innocent
Ch 28: Babe
Ch 29: Dancing With Our Hands Tied
Ch 30: False God
Ch 31: Afterglow
Ch 32: Call It What You Want
Ch 33: Better Than Revenge
Ch 34: Delicate
Ch 35: Only The Young
Ch 36: I Don't Wanna Live Forever
Ch 37: The Archer
Ch 38: Safe & Sound
Ch 39: Paper Rings
On Hold
Hello Again
Ch 40: Haunted
Ch 41: Labyrinth
Ch 42: Long Live
Ch 43: Bad Blood
Ch 44: The Very First Night
Ch 45: Vigilante Shit
Ch 46: The Great War
Ch 47: Don't Blame Me
Ch 48: My Tears Ricochet
Ch 49: Anti-Hero
Ch 50: Dear Reader
Thank You

Ch 4: The Man

7.2K 159 5
By swiftielvrrr

"I'm so sick of running as fast as I can, wondering if I'd get there quicker if I was a man"

I scrolled through Riven's profile as my door swung open causing me to drop my phone.

"Can you knock!" I said.

"Your mum is looking for you" Gwen smiled.

"Great" I said.

I jumped off my bed, walking towards the door. I walked out of the suite and made my way to my mother's office. I looked at her assistant, smiling before walking to her door. I knocked before entering, hearing an 'enter'. I flattened out my skirt upon entering, I always made sure I looked presentable in my mothers presence.

"Mum" I said.

"My darling" she smiled.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" I asked.

"Silva is requesting your presence with the Specialists" she said.

"Really?" I smiled.

"It is the first day of classes, as you know, so you're first class of the day will be spent as Silva's assistant" she said.

I jumped with excitement as she honed her eyes on me.

"You are still a fairy, don't forget that" she said.

"I'm well aware" I said. "It's kind of hard to forget."

I walked over to her desk, kissing her cheek before walking out. I walked out to the bastion with a huge smile on my face as Silva sighed.

"You're late" he snapped.

"From the looks of it you haven't started class yet" I said.

"Because you're late" he said.

I punched his arm, lightly before smiling.

"Oh, lighten up" I said.

"Twenty minutes late" Sky chimed in.

"Whatever" I said.

"Alright, class, many of you have probably heard of these two beside me" Silva said. "This is Briar Dowling, considered to be one of the most powerful fairies of this generation, if not the most powerful."

I looked at all the faces of the Specialists, when my eyes landed on Riven. My chest tightened as he winked. I looked away not giving any indication that I cared.

"The class will be split and half will be training with each of them" he continued.

"Isn't she just a fairy?" One of them asked.

I laughed as I looked at the tall ginger boy who said that.

"I want him to be in my half" I said.

"I don't think that's a good idea" Sky whispered.

Silva ignored Sky's words, nodding. I smiled as Silva then split up the students. I tried not to smile when I realized Riven was put onto my team. I clasped my hands, smiling at all the students that were in my half.

"You, Red" I said, pointing to the boy. "Step onto the platform."

He chuckled as we both stepped onto the platform.

"No offense, fairy, but I don't want to hurt you" he said.

I looked in his mind, smiling.

"You won't" I said. "Riv, get us each two sticks."

Riven shook his head as he did as I asked, or told. I twisted the sticks in my hand as I nodded for him to come at me. He truly was taller than I realized. He had about seven or eight inches inches on me.

I dodged his swipe, hitting his leg as he stepped back. His emotions were all over the place, but mostly anger. He ran towards me as I knocked one of the sticks out of his hand. He tried to kick underneath my feet as I jumped. In a split second, he threw his other stick as I held my hand up, levitating it in the air. I flicked my hand, throwing it back to him. It hit him square in the face as he fell to the ground.

"Anybody else think I'm just a puny little fairy?" I asked.

I looked around as nobody said a word. The boy stood up, holding his face which showed a bruise forming on his cheek.

"What was your name?" I asked.

"David" she said.

"Well, David, I'd choose my words carefully next time you speak to me" I said. "Riven, you're up and.. you."

I pointed to an average sized boy who had tanned skin. We all watched as they fought for some time until Riven hit the ground. He groaned when he stood up, clutching his stomach. He stumbled off the platform as a blonde girl asked how he was. I felt my throat close in as I turned away.

Soon the class was over and my day was pretty much over. I hadn't realized I was tapping my pen until Millie nudged me. I sat up and looked around to see the classroom empty. I began to put my things away when she spoke.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

I thought about the pretty blonde that was talking to Riven. I nodded my head as she squinted her eyes.

"You're lying" she said. "Spill."

"Everything is fine" I said.

"I've been saying your name for the past five minutes, I'd beg a differ" she said.

"My mind is just one big race track. It's all over the place" I said.

"Maybe talk to your mum about it? If somethings going on" she said.

"She's got far too much to be worried about during the school year" I said. "In fact I rarely see her."

"I know but still" she said.

"I understand your concern but I am fine" I said.

She rolled her eyes as we walked out of the classroom. Once we got to the suite, we both slouched onto the couch.

"Do we have any ice cream left?" Millie asked.

"You're lactose intolerant, should you really be eating ice cream?" I said.

"I ate it all" Gwen said as she walked through the door.

"Ugh!" Millie yelled.

After a little argument between Gwen and Millie over ice cream, I sat at my desk reading. I reread the same page about four times before setting the book down. I took my phone out to text Sky as I impatiently waited for a response. I decided to just go to his room, figuring he's there studying.

I walked into Sky's room to find his desk and bed empty. I dropped my head in defeat, about to turn around and leave when I noticed Riven laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling.

"Was that jealousy I saw earlier?" He asked.

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I said.

He sat up as I noticed a bruise forming underneath his eye. I closed the door, walking towards his bed.

"You got pretty beat up" I said.

"Don't mention it to anybody" he said.

"It's kind of hard when a handful of Specialists saw" I laughed. "But in all seriousness, are you okay?"

He tugged on my hand so I was now sitting on his bed opposite to him. I put my hand to his face, grazing my thumb over the bruise.

"I could heal it, if you want" I said.

I looked up from the bruise to his eyes. I pulled my hand away, looking to the wall.

"Doesn't really matter, Sky won't shut the hell up about it" he said.

I put my hand back on his face, focusing on the bruise as it slowly began to disappear. I could feel myself being pulled into his body as he leaned forward. The door swung open as I jumped off his bed. Sky walked in confused, seeing as I was on Riven's side of the room.

"Mind telling me what's going on" he said.

He was only joking, Sky may have been my best friend all these years but there was no way in hell I was telling him about my attractiveness to Riven.

"Came looking for you and I saw Riven had a bruise so I healed it. Nothing happened more than that" I said.

I wasn't lying, though I wish I was. He shook his head as if he was trying to get something physically out of his head.

"What'd you need, Bri" he said.

"You know I actually forgot" I laughed. "I'm supposed to be having dinner with my mum, so I should get to that."

I walked out of the room not paying either of them a second glance. I took deep breaths as I walked to my mothers office. I glanced at her assistant, paying him no mind as I entered her office as I did earlier in the day. There was two plates set up on the small coffee table with food already on them and drinks. I sat down on one of the chairs as I smiled.

"How were your classes?" She asked.

"Fine" I responded.

"Just fine?" She questioned.

"They're just classes. What do you want me to say?" I said. "I'm sorry, that came out wrong."

We ate in mostly silence with small conversation here and there. After finishing my food, I gave her a quick kiss on her cheek before leaving. I scrolled through instagram as I walked back to the Fairy Tower. I rolled my eyes at a photo Stella posted of her and Sky. I didn't want to like it but I did anyway. I stopped scrolling to see that Riven posted a picture he had taken with me at the orientation party. I quickly liked the picture before going to the comments. Of course, they were filled with girls commenting how good he looked. My phone buzzed as I glanced at the banner the top.

  I see you liked the photo

  It was cute

I bit my lip, trying to contain the smile forming.

  Goodnight, Riv

  Night, Bee

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