Buster moon x Masc Reader

By waffleh03

27.4K 478 5K

(edited): So you and ash were best friends and you supported her all up to the final show. You go to the moon... More

you can skip if you want idc
What a Gift ~ Chap 1
The audition ~ Chap 2
idk honestly ~ Chap 3
idk what to title it :') ~ chap4
Song selection ~ Chap. 5
Dance ~ Chap 6
Dance pt. 2 ~ chap 7
[cool title] ~ Chapter 8
piano ~ chap 9
Making Plans ~ chap 10
chap 11
A Night to remember ~ chap 12
aftermath ~ chapter 13
tlitlek ~ chapter 14
Sing ~ chapter 15
love like no other ~ chapter 16
competitions ~ chapter 17
I Need More of That ~ Chap 18 (+13)
mmm fruit salad *lip bite* ~ chap 19
practice makes perfect
drama pt. 2 💅
Make Up?
date pt. 1🍴
semi important announcement
date pt. 2
Almost time~
totally not a grownups-only chapter
Stop putting off
Ash (😒) +fun time stuff
Auditions (movie start)
Working with what we have
yay thrown off a roof 💅✨
final part - {of movie chapters}
man boobs • chap 37 (18+)
threesome time (ft. slay Calloway)
parents 2
I'm going to eat the lion frfr
slay soul sisters
date night 🤭
Minion Facebook mom - pt.1
minion Facebook mom - pt.2
Wedding (kinda) - pt. 1
wedding pt 2
Wedding (end book)

The show must go on

265 4 201
By waffleh03

I hate my life.

"You guys. Listen." She waved us to come out, which we did in a heartbeat. "You guys need to get out of this city, and never, I mean NEVER come back. Do you understand? Never."

"Yes- we understand." Buster let out as I nodded.

"I told you, you were not cut out for this!"

"He tried to kill me."

"Yeah, and when he finds out you're gone, you'll have his thugs looking all over for you."

"Ok. Thank you Suki." I gulp back.

"I'm so, so.." Buster started

"Get out of here!" She waved her paw.

He tightened his grip on my wrist as we started to sprint out of the building. He called up miss Crawley to tell her and the others to meet him at our room.

"M- miss Crawley! Get everybody in the room, now! We need to leave, right now!"

"Uh, what did you say, Mr Moon?" She asked not hearing through his panting.

"Get out! All of you! Get out of there right now! There's not time to explain. Just get the cast and meet me back at the hotel-"

Just then he ran into a rino standing on the side walk making him drop his phone in the street. Of course it just had to get ran over and break at the most inconvenient time.

"Shit! Y/n come on!" He continued running, me following behind.


As soon as we get back we pack up all of our things in a hurry, the TV was on showing Jimmy Crystal, at least we knew we had some time..

I fold my clothes sloppy, throwing them to buster to put them away before we heard a knock on the door.

"Oh no.." I turn my head. "W- what do we do!?" I whisper shout.

"Uh-" he looked down into the suitcase we were packing. "Get in here! Hide!"


"Just do it!" He pushed me in, getting in on top of me zipping it up.

"Ouch! Hey" I squish down as far as I could letting Buster lay down between my legs so he had more room.

"Now quiet..." He whispered shushing us.

I take a deep breath and hold it when I heard the door unlock.

"Buster?" Ash's voice called. "Uh y/n? Moon? You guys in here?"

Buster gasped. "Ash?"

"Ash!" I yelled to get her attention, banging my fist on the inside of the suitcase. "Ash! We're in here!"

"Ack!" We hit the ground. "Help!"

"Y/n? Buster?" She asked running over.

"Help! We're stuck!" I attempted to kick open the case confining us.

"You gotta be kidding me." Clay let out, very unimpressed.

"Hold still." Ash started to unzip the case "what are you doing in there?"

"Ash, the show's off. Crystal got mad and tried to kill us!"

"What!?" She unzipped us, making us fall to the ground on top of each other.

"Ugh!" I let out as we hit the ground.

Buster shook his head sitting up. "I thought you were his thugs coming to finish us off!"

The doorbell rang once again making buster whimper in fear. "Oh, no. It's them. Shhh! Pretend we're not here." He said stepping back into the suitcase.

I move behind Ash hiding myself.

Clay turned around heading for the door. "The first time I leave home in 15 years, and what do I find? The show's off, and these guys are hiding in a suitcase."

"Clay, please don't get that." I begged lowering myself behind Ash even more.

He ignored me going to open the door. When he did, to my relief it was just our friends. "Clay Calloway...." The all said in unison.

Bending down at the waist, he scared down Miss Crawley. "I remember you."

Her response was fainting.

"Aw come on! We don't have time for this, we need to leave!" I run to the door dragging miss Crawley's (dead) body. "Come on come on!" I continued trying to drag her as my body shook uncontrollably in fear.

"Y/n honey, what's the matter!?" Rosita ran up to me, removing my hands from Miss Crawley's body.

"Crystal! He tri- he took bust- balcony-" I stuttered out grabbing my spinning head.

"What?" Rosita pulled me close to her to comfort me, looking at Buster getting out of his suitcase for an answer.

"Guys, we need to leave immediately! Crystal got mad at us and tried to kill me! We gotta go before his goons finish us!"

"What!?" Johnny asked with wide eyes.

"I knew this place was suspicious!" Nooshy leaned up to Johnny peering around.

"Miss Crawley. Miss Crawley, wake up. Wake up! We got to get out of here." Buster went over to her peeking her eyes.

"The coast is clear. Let's go." Johnny peeked through the door, shutting it.

"Come on, Miss Crawley. Come on." Meena waved her hand.

"Come on, We'll feel better when we're safe at home." Buster healthiest Crawley up swinging her arm around his shoulder.

"You sure about that? Cuz I could tell you, running and hiding away is not all it's cracked up to be." Clay shifted, shaking his head.

"Clay, our situation is different." I breathe out stroking my ears to calm my down. (I guess like the equivalent of brushing your hair if that makes you confused)

"Yeah, we don't really have a choice." Buster continued walking with Miss Crawley.

"Yeah well all these years I thought the same, but then I found out, there's always a choice." Clay strolled to the back of the room looking out the window. "Just never had the guts to make the right one. You know what I mean?"

Buster slowly turned around, raising his head.

"Right? A victim." Crystal's voice caught our attention on the TV.

"I shut down my show because of a talentless little twerp called Buster Moon. Seriously, you should have seen this teeny tiny loser."

We all gather in front of the TV. "Oh, and it's pathetic amateur friends let's just say whatever Podunk town, that's where they belong. Cuz it sure ain't this great City."

I breathe out sharply, dropping my head at his words. Heh, the worst part was, he was right.

We didn't do it. We didn't do what we came here to do.

Buster grabbed the remote, powering down the TV.

I turn to walk to the door, "come on guys, it's over." I say, though it was closer to a whisper.

They all followed behind me, all but Buster.

I turn my head to see his eyes were still glued to the black TV screen. "Buster, love, let's go."

He started to shake his head, looking up at the spot Crystal was in on the screen.


"What?" I turn all the way.

"I see. Clay's right." He spoke to himself. "What we're trying to do here takes guts."

"..what are you saying?" I stepped closer to him before he talked to the full group.

"Guys wait. We and not let.. tha- that bully steal our hopes and dreams!"

"Oh no no, we're way past singing and dancing now." Rosita turned around.

"Look I.. I know this might sound crazy. If we get the theater back--"

"Buster. No." I firmly said, not up for discussion. "That Wolf just attempted to murder you buster. MURDER."

"Yes, but hear me out! We just get in there and perfor-"

"Oh come on! Seriously? It's not like we could just sneak in there and put the show on behind Crystal's back." Johnny shook his head at Buster's crazy idea.

He looked up with a small smile on his face. "That's exactly what we're going to do"

"Yes!" Nooshy celebrated punching Johnny's arm.

Certainly the doorbell rang making us all gasp. "Oh god-"

"Maybe it's, like, room service?" GuntHer shrugged.

"OPEN UP OR YOU'RE DEAD, MOON." one of Jimmy's bodyguards yelled from behind the door.

"Okay.. it's not room service" Gunther retracted his previous statement.

"You and your dumb Friends better not be hiding in there!" The guard yelled again. Trying to get the door open.

"What are we going to do?" Meena stepped back in fear.

"Guys, we just got to be brave now." Buster told them putting his fists to his side.

"Are you saying we should fight these thugs?" Johnny asked, concerned.

"No. No, they'll beat us to a pulp."

"Yeah then how do you suggest we get out then?" I throw my arms in the air.

Buster look at me acknowledging my question. ".. we're going to put the show on weather Crystal likes it or not. But first," he turned around pointing outside. "We're going to jump out that window."

I side and facepalmed at buster. "You are going to be the death of us." I mumble at his idea.

"Heh. I'm beginning to like this guy." Clay turned positioning himself by the window.

They all run, piling onto the balcony. I stood in my spot shaking my head.

"Y/n we need t-" buster started before I interrupted him.

"Yeah, yeah, you're lucky I love you, idiot." I smiled running to the railing.

"Ready?" Clay asked scooping up Miss Crawley in his arms.

"Just hurry!" I yelled pointing to the door as the thugs broke it down.

"Now or never!" Buster grabbed my hand as we both jump.

"AHH!" we all yell falling through the air.

We all fall into the pool below, floating along the River Ride.

"Hang on everybody!" Buster yelled clinging onto his satchel.

Before we got to a big slide we hopped out heading into the trees, two of the pool security spot us as we run.

"Go go go go!" Buster yelled leading us.

"Oh I wish I didn't have such teeny tiny legs!" Gunther continued running closer to the back of the pack.

He run out, heading onto the street.

We all Sprint to the crystal entertainment building, for Buster use the key card he still had to open the door.

We crowded in to the dark space that was no longer being used. Mina turned on the light revealing hundreds of aye ayes.

"No one is supposed to be in here." One said from the back of the room.

"Uh, who are you?" Buster walked up to them.

"Where the night cleaners"

"Oh I see, well we don't need any cleaning right now. It would be better if you didn't leave, so, I don't suppose any of you can tap dance, huh?"

They are likely looked at him, when clearing their throat. "Eh- let's get the show on the road folks!" He clapped waking away.

We all step away to do our own things, will except for me. I stood close to Buster the entire time.

He grabbed a helmet off the counter, handing it to Rosita. "Here, Rosita. it's your role."

She guest smiling widely, and hugging the helmet.

"Miss Crawley, let's see if you could get us a new green alien."

She stood up straight and put her hand to her forehead. "Yes sir, Mr moon, sir."

We all continue to getting ready waiting for Miss Crowley to bring back somebody. When Porsha walked through the door we all gasped it's supposed to ran up to her. "Hey! You made it!" He hugged her, though wasn't really a hug cuz he was barely taller than her knees.

"Oh, well, yeah, um.. maybe I overreacted a little bit before." She scratch the back of her neck, embarrassed.

"You think?" I sarcastically ask shaking my head, eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, little? You were like, a total drama queen back there!" Gunther dramatically posed with the back of his hand on his forehead.

"Yeah okay, but we're all good now."

"Well, my dad's going to slip when he finds out about us." She peered around the room.

"Well we're safe for now, but listen-"

"Safe? Uh, no. None of us are safe." She lowered her tone to talk more seriously.

"Well that's relieving." I breathe out beginning to walk away. 

"Mr moon, I know who could protect us" Johnny said catching my attention.

He explained how his dad and his friends could come be bodyguards for the show.


We work into the night, sneaking the extras we originally had in, getting on our costumes, setting up the stage, everything.

"All right, time to get an audience." Buster Walk down with Rosita, Porsha, Ash, and I.

"Wait, babe, as soon as you start inviting folks in here, hotel security will just shut us down, right?" I questioned confused at how we were going to pull this off.

"Oh it's okay, Rosita's got that covered." He pointed back to her with a smirk.

"Norman," she spok in to her phone. "Release the piglets."

Ash's mouth hung open as me and her made eye contact. "You didn't..?" I start to ask Rosita.

"Oh, I just released all the piglets into a room full of desserts." She smiled hanging up the phone, placing her hand on her hip.

"Okay guys come on!" Porsha kneel down to us, "use my phone to live broadcast to the floors of the hotel!"

"Yes, perfect Porsha." Buster grabbed the phone trying to figure it out.

"Hmm," he pressed a button starting the session.

"Ok go." I whisper to him.

"Now?" He backed up. "Oh, yes, yes."

He cleared his throat, spreading his arms. "Good evening. My name is Buster Moon, and it is my great pleasure to present to you, for one night only at the Crystal Tower theater, a brand new show called out of this world. A musical space Odyssey featuring the return of the legendary clay Calloway. That's right, play Callaway. And what's more, this show is completely free, so step right up folks, and take your seats. The journey of a lifetime is about to begin."

Porsha quickly reached over to stop the recording, buster turned to me, "all right, y/n get in costume." He turned to face everybody else. "All right folks are we all set back here?"

He ran off, I start to walk when the door is busted open, it was Johnny's dad and his friends.

"Here he is!"

"Dad!" Johnny spun around to hug him. "What are you wearing?"

"Ah well, we're still doing our community service, aren't we lads?"

He friend shook their heads yes as I chuckled.


After getting my costume and makeup on (oh snap I need to figure out a costume real quick)

(Alright after a very quick decision we should wear this >:} )

(Tell me if the pic didn't go through)


After getting my costume on, I meet the others.

"Buster!" I called out from behind me.

"Yes?" He asked while tuning around. Once he saw me his eyes opened wide, "oh.. wow."

I spin around displaying my costume to him. "I think it's pretty cool"

"Cool doesn't even begin to describe it." He shook his head keeping his eyes on my body before making eye contact with me. "Oh, I've never seen you in makeup before."

I put my paw under my chin and wiggled my eyebrows, "did it myself. You like it?"

"Oh boy do I" buster smiled studying my face.

I giggled at his love struck words pulling him into a hug. "I can't believe this is happening." When I let go something popped up in my mind.

"Oh! And I always wanted to do this!" I quickly leaned in giving Buster a kiss, leaving a red lipstick smudge on his lips. "Heh, never kissed anybody with this stuff on before." I pointed to my lips.

His face grew red. He was unable to respond.

"I think you broke him, y/n." Ash laughed from behind me taking her guitar out of her case.

"Well I hope not, we still have a show to put on."

"Woo! Everyone huddle time!" Gunther called as everyone joined the circle, starting at work bester was standing.

"O- ok." Buster cleared his throat. "This is it guys, we really?"

"Oh my gosh, are we really doing this!?" Rosita joined, stunned that this was happening.

"You better believe it!" Johnny answered.

"Yeah! Big time baby!" Gunther smiled pumping his first in the air.

"And remember there's only," buster started letting the rest of us join in. "Only one way left to go, and that's up!"

We all dispersed at the end word cheering (or chewing on Rosita. Either way.)

"Gunther robot, activating piggy power!"

"Woo yeah!"

"Let's go!"

"Playback!" Buster nodded to Miss Crawley, allowing her to press buttons on the tech board.

"All creatures Great and Small," Buster spoken to the microphone, starting the show. "Welcome to outer space."

He pressed a button his left to turn on the screen behind the stage, making it go galaxy colors, and lights looking like stars raining down on the audience.

"My name is Captain Rosita. My mission, to find and rescue a space explorer who mysteriously went missing long ago."


Blehhh sorry for ending it right when it got exciting lol

Oh my gosh I really hope there isn't as many mistakes in this chapter. 0-0

Anyway uhhhhsjs hope you enjoyed lol. IDK why I got like no comments last chapter 😭 sad days.

See you next update. 💥👊🐺

Extra: you already know I was gonna draw them


#(1/2) (Some of you might remember this pic of you follow my tt *cough cough*)

#(2/2) And (my version) of y/n in the outfit lol

Again tell me if the pics didn't go through so I can fix them


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