mmm fruit salad *lip bite* ~ chap 19

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Content warning,  18+ 😀 (don't mind that I'm not over 18 yet...) But yeah

But strangely enough it's less intense than the last chapter sooo... Yeah..

You know the drill: ⚠️

I slowly open my eyes and stretch in my bed. When I did so my arm hit something soft.

I remembered Buster was over and that's what my harm hit. My eyes fluttered open to a more aware state and I looked over to see him sleeping peacefully.

He's a gorgeous sleeper.

I rubbed his cheek with my thumb and kissed his forehead.

I wasn't quite ready to get up yet so I laid back down and played with the little tuft of fur on his chest.

While doing so I thought about how amazing yesterday was. I'm one step away from winning the whole Singing competition, I went out with all of my friends, I took Buster to my most favorite spot in the world, and-

I felt my face heat up recalling that last event. And now I like that spot a whole lot more.

I this time I was a bit more awake so I gently climbed over buster and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and said my morning 'confidence booster' to myself.

Then I headed out to make breakfast. I was thinking something normal like bagels at first but decided on making a better one since Buster was over.

I grabbed a cup of vanilla yogurt and one of every fruit I had in my fridge.

With that I whipped up a fruit salad and separated it into two bowls. I brought them both to my little kitchen island and started to eat. Along with some orange juice I quickly poured.

Almost as if on cue Buster emerge from the hallway with his arms up to stretch his back.

He clearly didn't care to fix him self up at all judging on his ruffled fur and undone pants. It was somewhat endearing.

I cracked a smile at his appearance. "Well good morning sleeping beauty"

Buster opened his eyes and glared at me, but not in a mean way.

He started to walk over. "Yeah morning." He tiredly let out in a deeper then normal rough voice.

My ears perked up and my face lit red. Because.. well you know. My God that was hot as hell.

He clearly noticed and smiled, "what?"

"Uh.. I um- nothing. I made breakfast salad. Fruit. Yeah." I stuttered out pointing to the dish I made for him.

"Mmm," he stepped over grabbing my face and kissing the top of my twitching nose. "Thank you darling." He smiled and took his seat.

"Heh yeah.. so uh do you have anything to do today?" I ask hoping he'll say no.

"Eh not really, since the round was yesterday you and Ash don't need to go to practice today, so I don't need to supervise that. I also need a shower for sure, but usually I go to Eddie's for that so I don't know" he took a sip of the orange juice I got him.

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