date night 🤭

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Hello besties.

You shall be happy to hear I will most likely never talk about Clay again.

Also until the wedding (which I also talk about way too much) as you know, I need fillers.

I'm just going to do cute random little things like dates and family activities, all that good shit

Today will be *insert drum roll*

✨KarAoKE✨ because I'm basic and love karaoke so yeah, slay me 💪

Anyway if you have a random little activity I could make a chapter about please tell me cause I'm just milking my brain for things now

Boom anyway,

"...and you need the theater for that, why?" I asked Porsha while crossing my arms.

"Look, I'm just saying, like, think of how fun it would be! Me and her together with a whole building to ourselves! I promise we won't screw anything up!" She pleaded to let me approve of her and her friend spending a night at the theater.

"Mm, and what does Buster think about this?" I asked her.

"He said I needed to ask you.." she trailed off. "So?"

I tapped my foot on the ground, thinking over it. "Eh, fine. But you better not get into trouble. Capiche?"

"Haha! Woo!" She celebrated and ran into her room grabbing a bag.

"What? You already packed? Are you leaving right now?"

"Yeah! I'll take a bus, don't worry!" He slung her backpack on and waved to, me speed walking to the door.

"Oh, you sure you don't just want me to drive you?" I asked.

"No I'm fine!" She looked like she was about to jump out of her skin, impatiently waiting for me to finish so she could open the door.

"Oh, uh, ok. You know the rules. No unprotected sex, no drugs, no-"

"No alcohol. If a bitch tries to mess with me use my mace. Yeah I know." She recited the rules I set out for her. "Bye now, love you." She concluded and stepped out and shut the door behind her.

"You raised her well." Buster chuckled from the hallway.

"And I'm not even the one who raised her." I let my arms fall from their crossed position. "How are you?"

"Good, good." Buster smiled and made his way to me. "And you?"

"Fine, though I'm wandering why you sent Porsha to me so she could ask for that. It's your theater."

"Oh well," he shrugged. "I don't know. You're better at dadding I guess."

"Pfft, dadding?" I laughed. "Ok Buster."

"Heh, good thing you said yes anyway." He stepped back and eagerly fidgeted with his hands.

I raised a brow at his words, "oh? And why is that, dear husband of mine?" (This is a direct quote for my mum btw 💪) I joked and looked down to him.

Buster moon x Masc ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now